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1、Traditional Chinese Bridges中國傳統(tǒng)橋梁目錄1The origin of the bridges2The categories of the bridges 3The development of the bridges4 Chinas four famous ancient bridgesThe origin of the traditional chinese bridgesChina is the hometown of the bridge. The traditional chinese bridges had been developed in Sui D

2、ynasty, and flourished in the Song Dynasty. Throughout history, the Chinese people have built thousands of bridges, which have earned high reputation all over the world. Ancient bridges are crystallization of our ancestors wisdom and besides their practical functions, they also have great artistic v

3、alue.中國是橋的故鄉(xiāng)。中國的傳統(tǒng)橋梁發(fā)展于隋,興盛于宋。在歷史上,中國人民建立了數(shù)以千計的橋梁,在世界上贏得了較高的聲譽。古橋是我們祖先的智慧結(jié)晶,除了實用功能之外,還具有很高的藝術(shù)價值。The categories of the bridges Bridges in ancient China can be divided into four categories, namely the arch(拱橋) , beam(梁橋), cable suspension(索橋) and floating bridges(浮橋). 1、arch bridge (拱橋) 中國的拱橋始建于東漢中后期,

4、已有一千八百余年的歷史。它是由伸臂木石梁橋、撐架橋等逐步發(fā)展而成的。在形成和發(fā)展過程的外形都是曲的,所以古時常稱為曲橋。在古文獻中,還用“囷(qn)”、“窌(jio) ”、“竇”、“甕”等字來表示拱。拱橋。造型優(yōu)美,曲線圓潤,富有動態(tài)感。單拱的如北京頤和園玉帶橋,拱券呈拋物線形,橋身用漢白玉,橋形如垂虹臥波。多孔拱橋適于跨度較大的寬廣水面,常見的多為三、五、七孔,著名的頤和園十七孔橋,長約150米,寬約6.6米,連接南湖島,豐富了昆明湖的層次,成為萬壽山的對景。河北趙州橋的“敞肩拱”是中國首創(chuàng),在園林中仿此形式的很多,如蘇州東園中的一座。 2、 beam bridge (梁橋)梁橋是我國古代最

5、普遍、最早出現(xiàn)的橋梁,古時稱作平橋。它的結(jié)構(gòu)簡單,外形平直,比較容易建造。把木頭或石梁架設(shè)在溝谷河流的兩岸,就成了梁橋。早在原始社會時,我國就有了獨木橋和數(shù)根圓木排拼而成的木梁橋。宋朝,我國在福建泉州建成了第一座瀕臨海灣的大石梁橋萬安橋,即洛陽橋。3、cable suspension bridge (索橋)索橋,也稱吊橋、繩橋、懸索橋等,是用竹索或藤索、鐵索等為骨干相拼懸吊起的大橋。古書上稱為絙 gng 橋、笮(zh)橋、繩橋。多建于水流急不易做橋墩的陡岸險谷,主要見于西南地區(qū)。4、floating bridge(浮橋)浮橋,指用船或浮箱代替橋墩,浮在水面的橋梁。軍隊采用制式器材拼組的軍用浮橋

6、,則稱舟橋。浮橋的歷史記載以中國為早。詩經(jīng)大雅大明記載:“親迎于渭,造舟為梁”,記載周文王姬昌于公元前1184年在渭河架浮橋。The development of the bridges1.The bud stage of the traditional chinese bridges 古橋的萌芽階段(以西周、春秋為主,包括此前的歷史時代) 2.Traditional chinese bridge s preliminary stage of development 古代橋梁的初步發(fā)展階段(以秦、漢為主,包括戰(zhàn)國和三國) 3.The brilliant development stage of

7、 the traditional chinese bridges 古代橋梁發(fā)展的輝煌階段(以唐宋為主,包括兩晉、南北朝和隋、 五代時期) 4.The saturation stage of the traditional chinese bridges 橋梁發(fā)展的飽和階段(元、明、清三朝)Chinas four famous ancient bridges Chinas four famous ancient bridges, namely Zhaozhou Bridge, Luoyang Bridge, Guangji Bridge and Lugou Bridge. Then lets t

8、o study something about them respectively. 趙州橋,又名安濟橋,全長50.82米,寬9.6米,跨度為37.37米,是一座由28道獨立拱券組成的單孔弧形大橋。在大橋洞頂左右兩邊拱肩里,各砌有兩個圓形小拱,用以加速排洪,減少橋身重量,節(jié)省石料,這是建橋史上的創(chuàng)舉。橋面兩邊的欄板望柱,雕有各種精美圖案,刀法蒼勁,造型生動。在結(jié)構(gòu)上,弧形平拱和敞肩小拱給人一種巨身輕靈、躍躍欲飛的動感。線條剛勁之中見柔和,穩(wěn)重之中顯輕靈,雄偉之中含雋永。在主拱頂上雕有龍頭的龍問石一塊,八瓣蓮花的仰天石點綴于橋側(cè)。這些雕像,寄寓著大橋不受水害,長存永安的愿望。 Zhaozhou

9、bridge, also known as the AnJi Zhaozhou bridge, also known as the AnJi bridge.It bridge.It is 50.82 meters long is 50.82 meters long and 9.6 meters wide, with a Span of 37.37 meter. It is and 9.6 meters wide, with a Span of 37.37 meter. It is an an arch bridge arch bridge consisting of 28 independen

10、t arches. At each shoulder of the big arc there consisting of 28 independent arches. At each shoulder of the big arc there are two small round arcs used to help drain flood water, reduce the weight are two small round arcs used to help drain flood water, reduce the weight of the bridge and save some

11、 stone. It is a pioneering work in the history of the bridge and save some stone. It is a pioneering work in the history of bridge construction. On the parapet of the bridge, there are various of bridge construction. On the parapet of the bridge, there are various delicate and vivid pictures and des

12、igns. Structurally speaking, the bow-delicate and vivid pictures and designs. Structurally speaking, the bow-shape big arc and the small round arcs on the shoulder make the bridge shape big arc and the small round arcs on the shoulder make the bridge look light despite its bulk body and give you the

13、 feeling that it is about look light despite its bulk body and give you the feeling that it is about to fly away. Its outline is very strong but gentle, stable but vivid, to fly away. Its outline is very strong but gentle, stable but vivid, magnificent and meaningful. The sculpture of a dragon head

14、on the top of magnificent and meaningful. The sculpture of a dragon head on the top of the main arc and the Yangtianshi at the side of the bridge in the shape of the main arc and the Yangtianshi at the side of the bridge in the shape of a nine-petal lily expresses the wish that the bridge will be sp

15、are from a nine-petal lily expresses the wish that the bridge will be spare from the damage of floods and lasting forever safely.the damage of floods and lasting forever safely.1、Zhaozhou Bridge(趙州橋)2、Luoyang Bridge(洛陽橋)洛陽橋在今惠安、洛江分界的洛陽江入???,又名“萬安橋”。于北宋皇祐五年至嘉祐四年(10531059年)由郡守蔡襄主持建造,歷六年竣工,是我國古代著名的梁式石橋。

16、洛陽橋最初建造是十分困難的。這里瀕臨海灣,河道寬闊,水流湍急,時有風(fēng)潮,“西有滾滾萬壑流波之傾注,東有澒hng訌灝澎湃潮汐之奔馳”(泉州府志洛陽橋),水勢險惡。在建橋之前,人們經(jīng)此來往靠的是渡船,經(jīng)常發(fā)生翻船事故。為了祈求過渡平安,這里渡口便取名為萬安渡,故橋建成以后也命名為萬安橋,它之所以另外起名洛陽橋,則是因為架在洛陽江上。3、, Guangji Bridge (廣濟橋)廣濟橋,俗稱湘子橋,在潮州城東門外,橫臥在滾滾的韓江之上,東臨筆架山,西接?xùn)|門鬧市,南眺鳳凰洲,北仰金城山,景色壯麗迷人。民謠唱曰:“到廣不到潮,枉費走一遭;到潮不到橋,白白走一場”。宋乾道七年(1171年)太守曾江創(chuàng)建,初為浮橋,由八十六只巨船連結(jié)而成始名“康濟橋”。淳熙元年間(1174年)浮橋被洪水沖垮,太守常煒重修之,并創(chuàng)杰閣于西岸,開始了西岸橋墩的建筑,至紹定元年(1194年)歷五十四年間,朱江、王正功、丁允元、孫叔謹(jǐn)?shù)忍叵嗬^增筑,完成了十個橋墩的建造。其中又以淳熙十六年(1189年)太守了允元建造的規(guī)模最大、功績最著而改稱西橋為“丁公橋”。4、Lugou Bridge(盧溝橋)盧溝橋位于北京城西南13公里、豐臺區(qū)宛平縣城西門外,跨永定河之上,它是北京最古老的石造多孔聯(lián)拱橋。始建于金大定二十九年(1189年),成于明昌


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