已閱讀5頁,還剩7頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、英語節(jié)主持稿尊敬的各位領(lǐng)導,老師親愛的同學們?。篖adies and Gentlemen , boys and girls.合:大家好!王:又是一個陽光燦爛的五月,又是一個鮮花盛開的五月,?。何逶率敲利惖募竟?jié);五月是歡樂的時光王:青春是美好的,青春也是短暫的,?。呵啻簳r光,色彩斑斕,青春的時光使我們擁有最多最美的夢想,王:校園文化節(jié)是屬于青春夢想的盛會。讓我們在這夢想的盛會盡情地揮灑快樂,收獲精彩吧!?。篍nglish is becoming more and more important in our daily life. In our school , all the teachers

2、and students love English very much .Today , well show you our enthusiasm and interest for English . I hope youll enjoy it . (英語在我們的日常生活中正變得越來越重要。在我們學校,所有師生都非常熱愛英語。今天,我們將向你們展示我們對于英語的熱情和興趣。希望大家喜歡。)合:洪澤外國語中學首屆英語節(jié)文藝晚會現(xiàn)在開始!?。合旅?,有請洪澤外國語中學校長孫欣宣布首屆校園英語節(jié)開幕。(孫校長宣布開幕)(鼓掌)男:快樂的時光總是那么短暫 女:團聚的日子特別讓人感動 男:今天我們歡歌笑語

3、 女:今天我們暢想未來 男:讓我們記住今天 女:讓我們期待明天 男:*集團慶元旦聯(lián)歡會到此結(jié)束 女:讓我們明年再相會 合:恭祝大家元旦快樂,合家幸福! Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! 尊敬的女士們先生們,Good afternoon, my dearest teachers and friends敬愛的老師們,朋友們,(合)大家下午好Dancing snow flies in the sky and brings the warm winter飛舞的雪花帶來冬日的溫情,At this moment, we have felt the breath o

4、f joy在這一刻,我們已經(jīng)感受到了歡樂的氣息Today, we meet here and enjoy this wonderful time;今天,我們相約在這里,享受緣分帶給我們的歡樂,享受這段美好時光;Today we gather here  with love against the cold;今天,我們相聚在這里,一起用心來感受真情,用愛來抵御寒冷;Today we gather here, open our hearts, release our passion;今天,我們相聚在這里,敞開我們的心扉,釋放我們的激情;Today we gather here to we

5、lcome the coming of the New year.今天,我們相聚在這里,共同迎接新年的到來!讓新年的快樂響徹云霄!第二屆藝術(shù)節(jié)即將拉下帷幕,她將成為我校歷史的一頁。However, beautiful memories will be alive forever, many moving songs will keep in our mind.然而,許多精彩的片段猶然歷歷在目;許多動人歌樂依舊余音繞梁。the Festival time is short, but the art space is unlimited.藝術(shù)節(jié)的時間雖然短暫,但藝術(shù)的空間卻是無限的。Lets pu

6、t our enthusiasm into motivation of learning, open the door to the ideal with our knowledge, create our art lives with our ability讓我們將參加藝術(shù)節(jié)的熱情轉(zhuǎn)化為學習的動力,用知識開啟理想之門,用才干塑造藝術(shù)人生by the steps of Youth, we come to 2011, singing all the way, laughing all the way踏著青春的節(jié)拍,我們向溫暖的2011年走來,一路歡歌,一路笑語By the vigorous yo

7、uth, we walk towards 2011, laughing all the way, singing all the way.激揚著青春的風采,我們走向2011,一路笑語,一路歡歌。Walk Into the New Year, walk into the brilliant and fashion world走進新年,走進蓬勃的希望,每一顆青春的心都煥發(fā)出繽紛的色彩  walk into the new year, walk into the vibrant hope, the world is spreading the bright future.走進新年

8、,走進時尚的動感地帶,世界在我們眼前燦爛地展開   Now our dearest teachers and friends, lets fire all the sincerity, wisdom and hard work to create a more brilliant future!同學們,朋友們,讓我們將所有的赤誠、智慧和勤奮重新集結(jié),再去創(chuàng)建一個更加輝煌的未來!Thanks to the parents. Thanks to the teachers. Thanks to the schoolmates. Thanks to all the peo

9、ple whod helped me. Have a heart of feel grateful. The world will be more beautiful.感謝父母,感謝老師,感謝同學們,感謝所有給予過我們幫助的人們.懷有感激之心,這個世界將更美好.在此,我們向所有參加本次英語藝術(shù)節(jié)及所有熱愛英語藝術(shù)的老師、同學獻上最衷心的感謝和最真摯的祝福。 Thats all for the closing ceremony of English and Art Festival of No8 Middle School.Thank you for being with us. 臨沂

10、八中第二屆英語藝術(shù)節(jié)到此結(jié)束! 一 開場白周:Good afternoon,Ladies and Gentlemen , boys and girls.女:女士們,先生們,親愛的小朋友們下午好!周:Were so excited to welcome all the honoured guests . Theyre Thank you for join us .女:歡迎各位來賓與我們共聚紅梅新村小學,他們是請允許我們代表所有師生對于你們的到來表示熱烈歡迎。(鼓掌)周:Your coming will give us more encouragement and confidence.女:你們的

11、到來給我們送來一份鼓勵,一份信心。周:English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. In our school , all the teachers and students love English very much .Today , well show you our enthusiasm and interest for English . I hope youll enjoy it . 女:英語在我們的日常生活中正變得越來越重要。在我們學校,所有師生都非常熱愛英語。今天,我們將向你們展示我們對于英語的熱情

12、和興趣。希望大家喜歡。周:As you know , our life cannot be happy without lovely cartoons . Now , lets begin the 12th English Festival of our school with the lovely cartoons.女:眾所周知,我們的生活離不開可愛的卡通?,F(xiàn)在讓我們在可愛的卡通的伴隨下,開始第十二屆英語節(jié)演出。二、 校長致辭周:First of all , welcome Miss Wu to give an opening speech.女:首先 ,歡迎吳校長致開幕辭。(校長說英文,女主

13、持翻譯) 三、校合唱隊演唱周:Our school is famous for the outstanding chorus . They mix the harmonioustones and graceful dance with English. Lets earnestly appreciate their wonderful performance:Suzana女:我們學校有一支出色的合唱隊。他們以和諧的音色及優(yōu)美的動作把英語與音樂完美地結(jié)合。讓我們用心聆聽這天籟之音: 蘇珊娜 四、領(lǐng)導致辭周: Today, some leaders of come here too. Lets w

14、armly welcome to give us a speech. 女 :今天, 也來到了我們學校。讓我們用熱烈的掌聲歡迎 為我們講話。五、 兒童劇表演周:The English Short Play which is full of delight can rise childrens interest.Lets enjoy the performance played by pupils from Grade Two.女:充滿童趣的兒童劇可以提高孩子們學習英語的興趣。請欣賞由二年級同學表演的兒童劇小熊請客。六、chant 大串聯(lián)周:English chants are popular i

15、n our school and in our life. Today, pupils from Grade One want to show their chants to all the guests. Lets enjoy it .女:英語童謠來到了我們的學校更是融入了我們的生活。今天,一年級的小朋友們要為我們“秀”一段童謠大串聯(lián)。請大家欣賞。七 舞蹈小斑馬周:Do you like animals ? And I like zebras very much . Look , many lovely zebras are running to us . 小朋友們,你們喜歡小動物嗎?我非常

16、喜歡斑馬!看,一群可愛的斑馬正飛奔而來。八、童話劇灰姑娘周:Do you like fairy tales? And do you know whos the writer of Cinderella?(停頓,互動)Yes, hes Mr Grimm. Students of Grade 6 will show us the story.女:你們喜歡童話故事嗎?你們又知道灰姑娘的作者是誰嗎?答對了,他就是格林兄弟。 六年級的同學們將為我們演繹經(jīng)典童話劇灰姑娘。九、歌舞劇音樂之聲 周: Well, were all familiar with the American film Sound of

17、 Musicand the melody of Do Re Mi .So lets sing and dance with the lively melody .Come and enjoy the musical comedy Do Re Mi. 女:我們大家都對美國電影音樂之聲和Do Re Mi 優(yōu)美的旋律耳熟能詳。讓我們隨著這輕快的音樂唱起來,跳起來吧!請欣賞音樂劇 Do re mi 。十、舞:(When the angles sing)周:青春是道亮麗的風景線,我們學校的年輕教師們將伴隨著當天使在唱歌 這一曲輕快的音樂秀出活力,秀出風采!女:Youth is a beautiful s

18、cene in the life. Our young teachers will fully show their vigor and their charm by the lively songWhen the angles sing 十一、謝幕辭 女:Today, we receive applause , receive happiness and good wishes. The new campus is the best place for us to learn and grow . Well try hard,(話筒對著學生,示意互動)Well succeed. 今天,我們獲

19、得了掌聲,獲得了快樂和幸福。這嶄新的校園是我們成長的沃土,是我們騰飛的舞臺。我們會努力,我們會成功。十二、Now , the curtain of the 12th English Festival is falling .Thank you for your coming and best wishes to you and your family . 第十二屆英語節(jié)表演即將落下帷幕。感謝你們的到來并向您和您的家人致以最美好的祝愿。第四屆校園英語節(jié)主持稿周:Good afternoon, teachers and friends. Welcome to our English Show. I

20、m very glad to see you again.親愛的老師們、同學們,大家好,歡迎來到我們的英語盛會。很高興又和大家見面了。This month is Christmas seasons, and New Years Day is coming too. Im so excited.在這兩個歡快的節(jié)日氛圍下,我的心情真的是無比興奮。下面就讓我們一起來慶祝圣誕,預祝新年吧。大家請跟我一起呼喊:Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 真高興呀!Next lets enjoy the rhymes and songs, welcome the childre

21、n from Grade 3. 歡迎三年級同學帶來的歌謠!rhymes and songs 三年級宣布書簽、手抄報結(jié)果周:Its Christmas now. We always buy something to make our house beautiful and we often buy some presents. OK. Lets go shopping now.請欣賞四年級帶來的Lets go shopping.Lets go shopping 四年級 宣布黑板報評比結(jié)果周:In the forest, there is a fox and a tiger. Look, here

22、 they are!請欣賞五年級同學帶來的狐假虎威。the fox and the tiger 五年級宣布朗讀檢測結(jié)果周:The students read English so well, I think we must thank our English teachers. They work so hard for us. 同學們,我們在英語上能取得這么多榮譽,可別忘了還有英語老師們的默默付出呢。在此,我代表所有學生向老師們說一聲 Thank you! Boys and girls,其實老師們也舉行了朗誦比賽,下面我們就來一睹他們的風采吧,讓我們以熱烈的掌聲歡迎一等獎的獲得者Miss Z

23、hang上臺,三等獎 Miss Huang周:Do you know angles? 你們知道天使嗎?Theyre white,kind and beautiful . Welcome our friends from Grade 6. 請大家欣賞六年級的節(jié)目a little angle。宣布聽力,抄寫比賽結(jié)果周:OK, everybody, do you like candies? 你們喜歡吃糖嗎?Yes,and at Christmas there are a lot of candies. Actually theyre very enticing in'taisi. Also

24、candies need a lot of pocket money. Now lets enjoy the story “pocket money”. 讓我們起來欣賞河湘小學的話劇“零花錢”。河湘小學 話劇“零花錢”宣布家校聯(lián)動結(jié)果周:Pride goes before,and shame comes after. 虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落后。當我們?nèi)〉贸晒Φ臅r候,不應(yīng)沾沾自喜,而是把成功的喜悅放在心里,繼續(xù)努力。Next, lets enjoy the pround peacock. 讓我們欣賞王家莊小學的“驕傲的孔雀”。周:Ok, everybody. Right now, its ne

25、ar the end of the show. Lets wait for the results.宣布本次表演結(jié)果女:Now the most exciting moment is coming. It is my great honor to announce the result. The Best Creative Award is The Best Effect Award is The Best Performance Award is. The Excellence Awards are Congratulations!男:Well, lets welcome reward fo

26、r them. Thanks,.女:Now, the fourth English Festival of Wen Lin Primary School is end completely. :隨著歡快的歌聲,文林中心小學第四屆英語節(jié)已正式落幕了。讓我們銘記這難忘的時刻,把滿腔的熱情化作深深的祝福祝愿我們文小明天更美好,祝愿大家圣誕快樂,新年快樂!Good bye! 長江小學第九屆英語節(jié)英語一臺戲主持人臺詞主持人:沈鑫薇 張芷悅 俞介廷胡昊澤(英文歌曲鋪墊)1:Good afternoon , everyone!合:Happy English Festival ! Happy New Year

27、 !2:新年的鐘聲敲響不久,在這個幸福洋溢的日子里,我們迎來了長江小學第九屆英語節(jié)的閉幕式。3:今天,我們聚集在此,美好的祝愿是我們共同的心聲,更是我們校長的期望。首先讓我們一起傾聽校長的祝詞吧。4:Welcome our headmaster to give us a wonderful speech .1:校長每一句誠懇的話語蕩漾在我們的廣場,更激起我們心中陣陣的漣漪,我們每前進一步,每取得一個成績都離不開學校,離不開老師們的培養(yǎng)和督促。穎:讓我們代表全校同學向所有的老師表示衷心的感謝。合:Thank you.2:此次英語節(jié),同學們都人人參與,積極動腦,出現(xiàn)了不少英語小巧手和英語小能手。3

28、:是啊,我都迫不及待地想知道是那些同學呢。4:那就讓我們有請吳老師宣布英語節(jié)的各個獎項,welcome?。C獎音樂)(讓我們掌聲鼓勵這些獲獎的同學))(把熱情的掌聲送給這些同學)(響起你手中的掌聲,祝賀我們的同學)1: More English, more passion.2: 更多英語、更多熱情!1、2:讓我們宣布長江小學第九屆英語節(jié)英語一臺戲現(xiàn)在開始。3:Lets listen, lets watch.4: Lets sing, lets enjoy.3、4合:Wish you have a good time today! Wish you happy everyday!1:讓我們聆聽,

29、祝福因為英語而更加真摯!2:讓我們歌唱,生活因為英語而更加精彩!3:讓我們起舞, 愿我們校園之花越開越艷!4:讓我們祈禱,讓新年因為英語變得更加喜氣洋洋!合:Show your English, fly your dreams.讓我們伴著動感的韻律,一起動起來,展示我們每個年級的英語風采吧?。ǜ髂昙夛L采展示)(放音樂)(3、4退場)1:同學們的熱情點燃了英語節(jié)的激情,下面就讓我們懷著快樂的心情去欣賞接下來的節(jié)目吧。2:First, lets welcome the pupils from Grade 3 to give us a perform: “Billy Boy”1:請聽三年級帶來的歌曲

30、::“Billy Boy”,welcome。3:聽了三年級的同學帶給大家的動聽歌曲,接下來又會有什么精彩的節(jié)目在等著我們呢?4:Look, theyre coming! Please enjoy the play “The little tadpoles look for mummy.” from the Grade 2.3:請欣賞二年級小朋友獻給我們的英語小短?。骸靶◎蝌秸覌寢尅?:Welcome!1:親愛的同學們,除了精彩的節(jié)目外,今天我們還有幸邀請了一些貴賓來到現(xiàn)場,他們是2:來自沃爾得的老師們。讓我們一起說:Welcome, teachers!1:下面讓我們把舞臺留給沃爾得的老師們,共

31、同參與有趣的英語游戲吧!3:Thank you, teachers. We really have fun today.剛才的游戲趣味橫生,英文詩歌朗誦大概同學們以前都沒有聽過吧?4:是啊,我就沒有。下面就讓我們有請五年級的詩朗誦:“Bring it all back ”Welcome.1:謝謝五年級帶來的朗誦找回自己。下面我也想當小老師,考考你學英語學得怎么樣?2:沒問題。1:英語兔子怎么說?2:rabbit.1:那烏龜呢?2:tortoise。1:哇,真聰明,合起來怎么說?2:rabbit and tortoise。1:太棒了,完全正確,那就讓我們請四年級上臺為我們表演英語短劇龜兔賽跑吧。2:Ok,welcome。3:有趣的童話劇結(jié)束后,又到了游戲時間了,GAME TIME。4:是啊,讓我們再次掌聲請出沃爾得的老師,大家歡迎


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