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1、Part2 考點8Part2 語法專題語法專題考點考點8 非謂語動詞非謂語動詞 對非謂語動詞的考查在湖南高考中主要出現(xiàn)在單項填空部分。1.主要考查的知識點:(1)非謂語動詞的基本用法及句法功能;不同的非謂語動詞的用法區(qū)別。(2)非謂語動詞在一些特定的結構,如with復合結構等的用法。復習重點:復習重點:(1)分詞、不定式作定語、狀語、補語的用法(2)動名詞作主語、賓語的用法(3)現(xiàn)在分詞、過去分詞、動名詞及不定式的用法區(qū)別 2.如何應對非謂語動詞的考查 解題時,首先認真分析題干句的句子結構,結合4個選項,比較每個選項的非謂語動詞或短語的意義及用法區(qū)別,再判斷該選用哪一個。 (2010湖南)So

2、 far nobody has claimed the money _ in the library. discovered B. to be discovered C. discovering D. having discovered 思路點撥:思路點撥:選項所提供的為非謂語動詞的不同形式,分析題干句可知空格處應為money的定語,money與discover有被動關系,故該處應用表被動的過去分詞;B項表示的是“將要被發(fā)現(xiàn)”的意思,根據(jù)句意“到目前為止還沒有人來認領在圖書館被發(fā)現(xiàn)的錢”可判斷選A項。7非謂語動詞題目三步走:n謂語動詞/句型的要求n主被動關系n時間先后順序判定題目是否考察非謂語

3、 u 作定語完成式禁用u 作狀語to do在句末不能用逗號隔開 only to表出乎意料結果除外熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思1. 不定式和動名詞作主語不定式和動名詞作主語(1)Smoking(抽煙) is prohibited(禁止)here. (2)Having studied computer is an important qualification for the job. (3)Jacks_suddenly_disappearing(杰克的突然失蹤) made them worried. (4)I found it impossible for him to do the job alon

4、e. (5)It is no use/good crying(哭). 歸歸 納納 總總 結結 非謂語動詞包括不定式(to do)、動名詞(ing)、現(xiàn)在分詞(ing)與過去分詞(ed)。 它們不受主語人稱和數(shù)的限制,在句子中不能充當謂語,但可以充當句子的其他成分,并且有時態(tài)和語態(tài)的變化。所以,要正確使用非謂語形式,一定要充分理解不同形式所表現(xiàn)的意義,要明確非謂語動詞與邏輯主語之間是“主動”還是“被動(或狀態(tài))”,所表示的動作是“過去”、“現(xiàn)在”還是“將來”,以及和謂語動詞所表示的動作是同步發(fā)生還是有先后之分。歸歸 納納 總總 結結規(guī)則規(guī)則1:動名詞作主語通常表示抽象動作, 而不定式作主語表示具

5、體動作,如:(1)。規(guī)則規(guī)則2:動名詞和不定式的完成式表示該動作比謂語動詞動作先發(fā)生,如:(2)。規(guī)則規(guī)則3:動名詞的獨立主格結構:當動名詞帶邏輯主語時,只可在其前加上物主代詞或名詞的所有格,如:(3)。規(guī)則規(guī)則4:不定式及動名詞短語作主語時可轉換成it作形式主語,如:(4)、(5)。熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思2. 不定式和動名詞作賓語不定式和動名詞作賓語(1)Do you mind my/me reading your paper? (2)I regretted _not_having_taken_(沒有采取) her advice.(3)I appreciate having been giv

6、en the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.(4)You would be well advised _to_stay_(stay) indoors.The teacher advised _taking_(take) a different approach.熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思(5)The road is covered with some fallen trees and they need removing/to be removed immediately.(6) Dont you remember seeing the man

7、 before? You must remember to leave tomorrow. (7) I should like to see him tomorrow.(8) There is no use crying over spilt milk.(9) He had a good time in travelling abroad this summer vacation.(10) They cant lose time playing computer games as usual.熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思(11)There is no telling what he is going

8、 to do.(12)Last night I did nothing but watch(watch) TV.The doctor told him nothing but to_stop(stop) smoking.(13)When I consider how talented he is as a painter, I cannot help but believe that the public will appreciate his gift. 熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思(14)We dont want there to be any comrades lagging behind.(

9、15)I dont mind there being(be) a chair here. (16)There being nobody else at hand, I had to do by myself.(17)John didnt pass his driving test, but I expected him to.規(guī)則規(guī)則1:動名詞作賓語時,其邏輯主語既可以是物主代詞或名詞的所有格,也可以是人稱代詞賓格和名詞的普通格,如:(1)。規(guī)則規(guī)則2:作賓語的動名詞和不定式,完成式表示該動作在謂語動詞動作之前發(fā)生,如:(2)。歸歸 納納 總總 結結規(guī)則規(guī)則3:介詞以及少數(shù)動詞和詞組后只能用動

10、名詞作賓語,如:admit, dislike, appreciate, avoid, enjoy, bear(忍受), envy, cant help(不禁), delay, escape, cant stand(受不了), deny, excuse(借口), consider(考慮), fancy, mind, miss(錯過), mention, finish, pardon, resist, forgive, imagine, risk, practice, suggest(建議), keep, quit, put off, give up, feel like, be worth, s

11、et about, burst out, be/get/become used to(習慣于), look forward to, pay attention to, devoteto, lead to, stick to, get close to, object to, contribute to, get down to, be equal to(能勝任), turn to(求助于)等,如:(3)。歸歸 納納 總總 結結規(guī)則規(guī)則4:動詞advise / allow / permit / forbid后既可跟doing sth.作賓語,又可跟to do(不定式作賓補),如:(4)。規(guī)則規(guī)則

12、5:need, require, want, deserve doing 動名詞的主動形式表被動意義,相當于to be done,如:(5)。規(guī)則規(guī)則6:有些動詞后使用動名詞和動詞不定式作賓語有差別,如:(6)。常用的還有:(1)forget to do 忘記要去做某事(此事未做) forget doing忘記做過某事(此事已做過或已發(fā)生) (2)stop to do 停止、中斷(某件事),目的是去做另一件事 stop doing 停止正在或經(jīng)常做的事 歸歸 納納 總總 結結(3)remember to do 記住去做某事(未做) remember doing記得做過某事(已做) (4)reg

13、ret to do對要做的事遺憾(后常跟動詞say, tell, inform等) regret doing對做過的事后悔 (5)try to do努力、企圖做某事 try doing試驗、試一試某種辦法 (6) mean to do打算,有意要 mean doing意味著 (7)go on to do 繼而(去做另外一件事情) go on doing 繼續(xù)(原先沒有做完的事情) 歸歸 納納 總總 結結(8)propose to do 打算(要做某事) proposing doing建議(做某事)(9) like /love/hate/ prefer to do 表示具體行為; doing s

14、th.表示抽象、傾向概念?!咀⒁狻?如果like/love/hate/prefer這幾個動詞前有should/would,其后賓語只跟不定式,不能跟動名詞,如:(7)。歸歸 納納 總總 結結規(guī)則規(guī)則7:常見的帶不定式作賓語的動詞(口訣助記)如下: 想要干want, wish, hope, expect, seek, attempt, aim, claim,would like/love, desire, swear 早打算plan, prepare, mean, arrange 同意否agree, promise, undertake, offer, choose, refuse, affor

15、d 問問看ask(ask to do 要求做), beg 決定了decide, determine, make up ones mind, be determined歸歸 納納 總總 結結 盡力干try, manage(反義詞fail), struggle, strive, attempt 不愿意care 別裝蒜pretend【注意】口訣內(nèi)的動詞后跟動詞不定式,幾乎都有將來意味。規(guī)則規(guī)則8:固定句型(1)There is no good/point/sense/harmdoing sth. 做某事沒用(不好/沒意義/沒有害處),如:(8)。(2)have difficulty /trouble

16、/problem/a hard time/a good time/fun (in)doing,如:(9)。歸歸 納納 總總 結結(3)spend/waste/lose time(in) doing sth.,如:(10)。 (4)There is no doing sth. (there is no 表“不可能”),如:(11)。 (5)come/become/grow/gettolike/love/realize /understand /know等表示心理活動的過程,意為“漸漸地喜歡上/意識到/懂了/知道了”。(6)do/did/does nothing/anything/everythi

17、ng but (except) 動詞原形;如果謂語動詞不是do/did/does, but (except)所跟的不定式須帶to,如:(12)。歸歸 納納 總總 結結(7)can not (help/choose) but do, can do nothing but do, have no choice/alternative to do表示“不得不”,如:(13)。(8)“Why not 動詞原形”表達向某人提出建議,意為:“為什么不?”,“干嘛不?”(9)“would rather/had better(not)動詞原形”意為“寧愿/最好(不)做某事”。歸歸 納納 總總 結結(10)th

18、ere be的非謂語形式 作動詞expect,like,mean,intend,want,prefer,hate賓語時,通常用there to be結構,在mind, object to等后面用there being,如:(14)、(15)。作狀語多用there being結構,如:(16)。(11)為避免重復,在hope, expect, wish, want, like, love, decide, plan, need, mean, forget, refuse, tell, know, have to, be going to, used to, ought to等動詞后面再次出現(xiàn)相同

19、的不定式作賓語時,常出現(xiàn)單獨使用的to,而把曾出現(xiàn)過的動詞省略掉。但是,如果在省略的不定式結構中含有be, have, have been時,要保留這些詞,如:(17)。歸歸 納納 總總 結結熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思3. 不定式、動名詞和分詞作表語不定式、動名詞和分詞作表語(1) What I would suggest is to start work at once.(2) His hobby is collecting stamps.(3) Travelling is interesting but tiring. (4) The pupils will get confused if t

20、hey are made to learn too much.(5) What the workers have been told is that they get paid by the hour. 歸歸 納納 總總 結結規(guī)則規(guī)則1:不定式作表語一般表示具體動作,特別是表示將來的動作。動名詞作表語,表示抽象的一般性的行為,如:(1)、(2)。 規(guī)則規(guī)則2:表心理狀態(tài)的interesting, exciting, delighting, disappointing, encouraging, worrying, puzzling, satisfying, surprising, pleasi

21、ng等形容詞轉為分詞作表語時,表示客觀“令人的”;interested, excited, delighted, disappointed, encouraged, pleased, puzzled, worried, surprised等表示主觀“感到”,如:(3)、(4)。歸歸 納納 總總 結結規(guī)則規(guī)則3:get, become, look, seem, appear, remain等系動詞后都可跟done,表示被動或主語的狀態(tài)。如remain seated/hidden,get paid/dressed/changed /stuck/hurt/injured/burnt等,如:(5)。常

22、用be done介詞短語表示所處的狀態(tài),如下:be addicted to沉迷于be absorbed in全神貫注于be aimed at旨在/意圖be armed with有裝備be buried in埋葬在歸歸 納納 總總 結結be based on/upon以 為基礎be born出生于be burdened with擔負著be crowded with擠滿了be covered with/by覆蓋著be coated with涂抹了be combined with與聯(lián)合be compared with與相比較be caught in陷入 be lost in沉迷于be concern

23、ed about關心be dressed in穿著歸歸 納納 總總 結結be devoted to專心致志于be divided into分成(幾份/幾組)be designed/meant/intended for專為而設計be engaged in忙于be engaged to sb.與訂婚be fixed on專注于 be faced with面臨著be filled with裝滿了be greeted with受到了問候be grown up 已經(jīng)長大了 be hidden in躲在be linked to與有關歸歸 納納 總總 結結be connected with與相連/有關be

24、made of/from/up of 由制成/由組成be known as/for/to以著稱/因著名be recovered from從中康復be loaded with載有be located in/on/at位于be married(to sb.)與某人結婚了 be matched 很般配 be mistaken 弄錯了 be paved with鋪著歸歸 納納 總總 結結be replaced with更換為be related to/with與有關be separated from與隔開be shouldered with肩負著be stationed in駐扎在 be seated

25、 坐著be surrounded with/by四周環(huán)繞著be supposed to do應該做熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思4. 不定式、動名詞和分詞作定語不定式、動名詞和分詞作定語 (1) The water polluted by the factory should be to blame. (2) Wed better find some work for the children to do. (3) He is the first one to_help(help) me with computer.(4) Your ability to analyze the problem rea

26、lly surprised us.(5) Do you have anything to send?(是主語you送)(6) Do you have anything to_be_sent(send)?(不是主語you送,是別人送) 熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思(7)Barking dogs seldom bite.(8)The plan to_be_made(make) is of vital importance.(9)The building being constructed will be used as a library.(現(xiàn)在正在進行的被動)(10)The suggestion se

27、nt to the committee was adopted.(過去的被動)(11)The teacher is satisfied with our satisfying performance in class, which can be seen from her satisfied expression on her face. 歸歸 納納 總總 結結規(guī)則規(guī)則1:單個非謂語動詞作定語一般在名詞前,如:(7);但修飾不定代詞時在代詞后,如:(5)、(6);非謂語動詞短語作定語一般要跟在名詞后,如:(1)。規(guī)則規(guī)則2:不定式、動名詞和分詞作定語的區(qū)別:歸歸 納納 總總 結結名詞to do

28、 sth. 表示:與被修飾的名詞有:動賓關系,如:(2);名詞前有序數(shù)詞或最高級,如:(3)。主謂關系。不定式修飾一些表示方向、原因、時間、機會、權利等抽象名詞to be done 表示將要被做,如:(8)。done表示已經(jīng)完成的或表被動的動作(having been done不可作定語),如:(1)、(10)。being done 表示被修飾詞正在做,如:(9)。doing sth.表示:正在進行的動作經(jīng)常性動作或現(xiàn)在(或當時)的狀態(tài)即將發(fā)生的動作歸歸 納納 總總 結結【注意】 不及物動詞構成的不定式作定語,要加上適當?shù)慕樵~且介詞不能省。規(guī)則規(guī)則3:一些形容詞化的過去分詞表示已完成的動作或所

29、處的狀態(tài),意為“已經(jīng)的”。 a fallen leaf落葉(已經(jīng)落在地上)a falling leaf 飄零的落葉,尚在空中 a developed country 發(fā)達國家a developing country 發(fā)展中國家 a risen sun 升起的太陽a rising sun 冉冉升起的太陽歸歸 納納 總總 結結a returned student 歸國學生a retired worker 退休工人an advanced worker 先進工作者boiled water 開水boiling water 沸水a(chǎn) bent branch 彎曲的樹枝determined oppositio

30、n 強烈的反對a devoted soldier 忠誠的士兵a wellinformed professor 見多識廣的教授歸歸 納納 總總 結結【注意】1. 有些表示“使”的動詞,其ing形式,意為“令人的”,表示事物的性質(zhì)、特征,強調(diào)給他人的印象;其ed形式,意為“感到的”,表示人的心理、狀態(tài),強調(diào)主語內(nèi)心的感受,也可修飾look, expression, tears, smile, voice等名詞。如:(11)。2. 不宜用現(xiàn)在分詞短語作定語的情況:(1)The man who came this morning is our legal adviser. () The man com

31、ing this morning is our legal adviser. ()不能用doing表達過去動作歸歸 納納 總總 結結(2)Is there anyone who can answer this question? () Is there anyone answering this question? () 用answering表達can answer的意思是錯的(3)Those who have finished their work can go home now. () Those having finished their work can go home now. ()

32、歸歸 納納 總總 結結完成式不能作定語3. drink, learn, sink, light都有兩種形式的過去分詞,但作定語時,只能用拼寫較長的過去分詞。 a drunken driver 喝醉酒的司機;a learned lawyer 博學的律師;a sunken ship 沉船;a lighted candle 點著的蠟燭熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思5. 不定式和分詞作狀語不定式和分詞作狀語 (1) He made a long speech, only to_show(show) his ignorance of the subject. (2) Being_watched(watch) b

33、y the audience, the young speaker felt very nervous. (3) Encouraged(encourage) by these successes, they decided to expand the business. (4) When leaving the airport, they waved again and again to us. (5) Not_having_received(not receive) an answer, he decided to write another letter to them. 熟熟 讀讀 深深

34、 思思(6) Having been criticized by the teacher, Li Ming gave up smoking. (7) He worked deep into the night, preparing(prepare) a speech for the president. (8) I got up very early this morning to prepare breakfast for my family. (9) She is so kind as to help me.She is so kind that she helps me.(10) She

35、 is such a kind girl as to help me.She is such a kind girl that she helps me.熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思(11) Im only too pleased to help you. (12) One is never too old to learn. (13) Seating himself/Seated (Sitting) in the room, he is absorbed in reading.(14) It being Sunday, we neednt go to school. Because it is S

36、unday, we neednt go to school.(15) All the work done, you can have a rest. If all the work is done, you can have a rest.(16) While waiting there, he saw two pretty girls come out of the building. 歸歸 納納 總總 結結規(guī)則規(guī)則1:不定式和分詞作狀語,有一般式和完成式,也有主動和被動。完成式表示該動作比謂語動詞動作先發(fā)生。當前后主語一致時,可以按照下列形式選擇使用:歸歸 納納 總總 結結(not) to

37、 do表示目的或結果(to do in order to do / so as to do 其中so as to do不能放在句首)only to do表示意想不到的結果。如:(1)。to dodoing sth.與謂語動詞同時發(fā)生的動作(主動關 系)如:(4)。being adj./n.常表示原因being p.p.強調(diào)與謂語動詞同時發(fā)生的被動 動作(“因為正在被”)如:(2)。done 已經(jīng)發(fā)生的被動動作,如:(3)。歸歸 納納 總總 結結(not)having done 先于謂語動詞發(fā)生的動作(主動關系)如:(5)。having been done先于謂語動詞發(fā)生的動作(被動關系),如:

38、(6)。歸歸 納納 總總 結結規(guī)則規(guī)則2:不定式“to do sth.”作目的和結果狀語時總是在謂語動詞后發(fā)生,如:(8)。而分詞一般式 “doing sth.”作狀語時總是與謂語動詞同時或幾乎同時發(fā)生,如:(7)。規(guī)則規(guī)則3:so adj./ adv. as to do 或such(a/an) adj.n. as to do,可以轉化為sothat 或suchthat 引導的結果狀語從句,如:(9)、(10)。 歸歸 納納 總總 結結【注意】1. tooto do表示肯定的情況 當only too和 all too與動詞不定式連用時,表示肯定意義。如:(11)。 too ready/apt/

39、anxious/eager/glad/willing(表示心情或情緒)to do,其后的動詞不定式具有肯定意義,這時too相當于very。 never (not) tooto句型為“不會太所以能”之意。如:(12)。歸歸 納納 總總 結結2. devote, absorb, lose, seat, dress, hide等動詞的非謂語形式作狀語和定語時,可以用它們的ed形式(devoted, absorbed, lost, seated, dressed, hidden)或ingoneself形式(devoting/ absorbing/ losing/ seating/ dressing /

40、hiding oneself)。如:(13)。3. 有些非謂語動詞短語已經(jīng)游離出來,成為固定短語,當作插入語使用。此時,句子的主語與它們不存在邏輯上的一致關系,如:歸歸 納納 總總 結結 to tell you the truth實話說, needless to say不用說, to be honest/ frank老實說,坦白說, to be more exact更確切地說, to make things worse更糟的是,say that假設,not to mention更不用說 Generally / Frankly / Roughly speaking一般說來/坦白說/粗略地說,co

41、nsidering 鑒于/考慮到,judging by/from從來看,依據(jù)來判斷,supposing /suppose that假定,providing that 假定,according to依據(jù),including包括,owing to 由于,talking/speaking of談及歸歸 納納 總總 結結 given考慮到, provided that如果4獨立主格結構:n./pron.doing/done/to do/adj./adv./prep.短語 前后主語不一致時,作狀語的非謂語動詞需有自己的邏輯主語,此時的“n./pron.doing/done/to do/adj./adv.

42、/prep.短語”,就是“獨立主格結構”。如:(14)、(15)。歸歸 納納 總總 結結獨立主格結構的特點: 獨立主格結構的邏輯主語與句子的主語不同,它獨立存在。 n/pron.與后面的doing/done/to do/adj./adv./prep.短語是主謂關系。 獨立主格結構一般有逗號與主句分開。5. 連詞分詞(短語) 有時,為了使非謂語動詞短語與主句的邏輯關系更清楚,可在非謂語動詞前加連詞。連詞有when,while,if,unless,though,after, before, as等。但分詞的主語和主句的主語必須一致,如:(16)。熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思6. 不定式和分詞作賓語補足語

43、不定式和分詞作賓語補足語 (1) My father permits me to_surf(surf) the Internet at the weekend.(2) The children were last seen playing(play) by the river.(3) She saw the old man cross the road. The old man was seen to cross the road.(4) Finally I got my car running.(5) The teacher often gets us to recite texts.(6)

44、 Id like to get my car cleaned before the New Year. 熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思(7) I made my little brother cry. My little brother was made to cry.(8) I spoke clearly and slowly to make myself heard (hear) and understood. (9) The teacher often has us debate(debate) in class.(10) They had the lights burning(burn) wh

45、ile working. (11) Nancy will have her house painted.熟熟 讀讀 深深 思思(12)I am going to the supermarket and have many things to buy. Do you have anything to be bought?(13)They went home, leaving much work unfinished (unfinish)(14) I have once seen the child caught stealing money.(15)I found the little boy lying(lie) under the tree when I passed by. (16)The teacher wanted the paper (to be) finished in an hour. 歸歸 納納 總總 結結 究竟用何種形式充當賓補,取決于帶復合賓語的動詞的特征。常作賓補的有do sth.(用于let, make, have以及感官動詞后)to do sth.(主動) / to be done(被


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