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1、小學(xué) 六年級上學(xué)期英語教學(xué)設(shè)計小學(xué)英語六年級(上學(xué)期)全冊備課對新課標理解:現(xiàn)在的社會是向著全球化,社會化發(fā)展的,將來的地球不管是哪一個角落都是一我們地球林的一個村民,那么語言就成了一個統(tǒng)一交流的媒介,尤其是英語的重要性在這一進程中日益突出。本次對于課程標準的重新更定是一次符合社會發(fā)展進程和基礎(chǔ)教育進程的改革。重點是要改革英語課程的教學(xué),過分重視語法和詞匯知識的講解與傳授,忽視對學(xué)生實際語言運用能力的培養(yǎng)傾向,強調(diào)課程應(yīng)從學(xué)生的學(xué)習興趣、生活體驗和認知水平出, 倡導(dǎo)學(xué)生體驗、實踐、 參與、 合作與交流的學(xué)習方式和任務(wù)型的必學(xué)途徑,發(fā)展學(xué)生的綜合語言運用能力,使語言學(xué)習的過程成為學(xué)生形成積極的情

2、感態(tài)度,主動思維和大膽實踐,提高跨文化意識和形成自主學(xué)習能力的過程。做到這些要求,首先需要的就是學(xué)生濃厚的對英語學(xué)習的興趣,那怎么樣培養(yǎng)學(xué)生學(xué)習興趣就成了一個基礎(chǔ)話題,這一問題要面向全體學(xué)生,特別是要關(guān)注學(xué)生的個別差異引起的情感問題。幫助學(xué)生建立成就感和自信心。在教學(xué)中注意創(chuàng)設(shè)能引導(dǎo)學(xué)生主動參與的教學(xué)環(huán)境,激發(fā)學(xué)生的學(xué)習積極性。使每個學(xué)生都能得到充分的發(fā)展。在這一過程中教學(xué)模式的轉(zhuǎn)變起到了一定的作用,一定要從以老師為中心的教學(xué)模式身以學(xué)生為中心的教學(xué)模式轉(zhuǎn)變。強調(diào)學(xué)生的參與和體驗, 強調(diào)采用多種形式的教學(xué)活動。比如可以利用我們學(xué)校已有的良好電教資源, 聽原版錄音帶練習發(fā)音,也可以利用網(wǎng)絡(luò)找一些

3、貼近課堂學(xué)習的情境對話或小動畫,以更直接的方式引導(dǎo)學(xué)生學(xué)習英語,對英語產(chǎn)生濃厚的興趣。利用聽、說促進學(xué)生寫單詞,寫短語,寫句子,寫對話,不能反其道而行,又造成以往我們說的“啞吧英語”??偟膩碚f,新課標對發(fā)展學(xué)生自我主觀能動性起到了很積極的作用。素質(zhì)教育在其中深有體現(xiàn)。并且由升學(xué)教育向終身教育的轉(zhuǎn)變等等都是很好的突破。在這一新課標的指導(dǎo)下,希望在英語教學(xué)中可以達到更好的效果。Teaching contents:本冊書共六個單元,其中五個單元是精讀課文,一個復(fù)習單元, 而且每個單元都有聽、說、讀、寫等多項練習。書后有分類清晰的詞匯表,更有利于教師的教和學(xué)生的學(xué)。Teaching Aims:知識技能

4、:1、 Listening:充分利用學(xué)校的電教資源,在發(fā)展學(xué)生自主學(xué)習的基調(diào)上,讓學(xué)生可以接觸到更多的可能更直觀的學(xué)習方式。掌握部分常用的日常用語,如: 能夠運用一般過去時和一般將來時詢問一些事情,能夠用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來時來表達一些事情,能夠用情態(tài)動詞表達自己的想法。2、 、 Speaking:根據(jù)冊書的教學(xué)要求,作為一個主導(dǎo)方向,指導(dǎo)學(xué)生在一定的教學(xué)情境中,能夠正確用過去式講發(fā)生過的事情,用將來時表達將來的事情以及能用進行時表達將來發(fā)生的事情。3、 Reading:正確, 流利的朗讀課文對話及功能操練中的對話,正確讀出與課文相關(guān)的單詞,認讀感帶有字母組合的單詞和一些帶有輔音字母的單詞。4、

5、 Writing:以聽、說、讀的基礎(chǔ)上,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生寫的能力。正確使用英語中的標點符號。正確對所學(xué)句子進行排序。過程方法:1、 發(fā)揮老師的指導(dǎo)做用的同時,充分發(fā)揮學(xué)生的自我主觀調(diào)動意識,且提高他們自主學(xué)習的能力,但要注意教師在教的過程中,對學(xué)生思想的指導(dǎo)方向,不能一味的任學(xué)生自己發(fā)展。2、充分運用學(xué)校已有資源,如:電子媒體進行多方位教學(xué),網(wǎng)絡(luò)教學(xué)等。這樣不但可以提高學(xué)生的學(xué)習興趣,又可以豐富學(xué)生對新事物的接觸機會,從而更直觀方便的教和學(xué),在潛移默化中培養(yǎng)學(xué)生學(xué)習英語的興趣。3、在英語的教學(xué)過程中,加入適當?shù)膶τⅰ⒚赖葒乙恍╋L俗習慣在日常生活中的應(yīng)用。 主要采取同學(xué)之間互相幫助的方法,可以形成一幫

6、一小組等方式。使學(xué)生可以在一起分享學(xué)習英語給大家?guī)淼臉啡?。鼓勵學(xué)生多說,多練, 尤其注意日??谡Z在生活中的應(yīng)用。情感態(tài)度與價值觀:1、在英語教學(xué)的過程中注意培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的學(xué)習興趣是一個老生常談的問題,因此更應(yīng)引起我們的重視。于此教師可以采取多種方式,比如: 多采納、 聽取學(xué)生的意見,抵制學(xué)英語給學(xué)生帶來的負面壓力,努力創(chuàng)設(shè)一個輕松的學(xué)習環(huán)境。2、在英語教學(xué)中也應(yīng)時刻滲透思想道德教育的重要性。確立良好的價值觀和積極向上的人生觀,形成同樣積極的學(xué)習態(tài)度。3、對于申奧成功,無疑是北京對世界張開懷抱的一個機會,學(xué)生作為未來世界的主動力, 在學(xué)習中提倡培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的創(chuàng)新意識。這樣才能在競爭如些激烈的社會中立足

7、,做一個社會主義新人。Teaching Emphasis :1、對于一些日常用語的應(yīng)用。2、理解用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來時的用法。3、一些情態(tài)動詞的用法。4、一些頻度副詞的用法。5、一些詞的特殊用法。6、重點提高學(xué)生對單詞的掌握。Teaching Difficulty:1、對日常用語的應(yīng)用和學(xué)生聽力的培養(yǎng)。2、現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來時的用法。3、學(xué)生對課文的理解及自己閱讀課文的能力4、學(xué)生對單詞的理解和運用。Teaching planning:六年級內(nèi)容課時Unit1 Meeting the BINGO Kids3Unit1 Meeting the BINGO Kids3Unit2 Charlie &

8、#39; s chores3Unit2 Charlie ' s chores33復(fù)習(月考)3Unit3 Redrock Bay Health Club3Unit3 Redrock Bay Health Club3Unit4 Choosing a gift3Unit4 Choosing a gift3復(fù)習3(期中考試)Unit5 The broken computer3Unit5 The broken computer3Unit6 Review 33復(fù)習(月考)3Unit6 Review 33Review (復(fù)習考試)學(xué)困生名單UNIT OneMeeting the BINGO Kid

9、s新課標體現(xiàn):本單元主要是要求學(xué)生能夠用一般過去時和將來時描述學(xué)校與日常生活中的事情,并能與同學(xué)進行簡單的交流。并能激發(fā)學(xué)生進一步了解其他國家同齡孩子學(xué)習和生活情況,并嘗試通過多種途徑或交流自己學(xué)習和生活的情況,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的國際意識。Teaching Aims:知識技能:1、 Listening:能夠理解本單元的故事。2、 Speaking:能夠運用一般過去時和將來時描述學(xué)校與日常生活中的事情,并能與同學(xué)進行簡單的交流。 能夠運用形容詞的比較級、最高級形式談?wù)搶W(xué)校學(xué)習的科目、任課教師等并進一步說明原因。能夠談?wù)撟约合矚g的課外活動。3、 Reading:能正確、流利的朗讀課文。4、 Writing

10、:能正確、 規(guī)范地拼寫本單元要求掌握的生詞和短語;能聽寫本單元功能句,并做出應(yīng)答。過程方法:1、 利用現(xiàn)有的教設(shè)備資源,使學(xué)生可以更加直觀的對所要學(xué)習的內(nèi)容有整體了解,并且可以培養(yǎng)學(xué)生良好的發(fā)音習慣,為以后的學(xué)習打下基礎(chǔ)。2、在教授對話的同時,把單詞或重點句型出示給學(xué)生,這樣可以使學(xué)生更方便于學(xué)習,掌握,和運用。3、在教學(xué)時多采取同學(xué)之間互相幫助的功能,可以加深同學(xué)之間的感情,還可以幫助班主任更好的完成思想道德教育工作。Teaching Emphasis:1 復(fù)習一般過去時和將來時的用法。2 復(fù)習比較級和最高級的用法。Teaching Difficulty:1能夠理解課文的大意,回答一些關(guān)于課

11、文的問題。2能夠運用一般過去時和將來時描述學(xué)校與日常生活中的事情,并能與同學(xué)進行簡單的交流。能夠運用形容詞的比較級、最高級形式談?wù)搶W(xué)校學(xué)習的科目、任課教師等并進一步說明原因。能夠談?wù)撟约合矚g的課外活動。3 一些單詞的記憶。Teaching Aims:1. The students can describe the picture.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can be writing and reading.Teaching Emphasis:a) How can use past tense.b) How ca

12、n use “ will ” to describe some matters.Teaching Difficulty1. How to use past tense.2. How to understand the story and read the story.Teaching process:Step1:ReviewT: Prepare one songs and have the children settle down from their exciting vacation experiences and get ready for the new term. Have the

13、children try to talk about their experiences of summer vacation.S: Try to talk about it.Step2:To review what has been learned last semester.Step3:Set the sceneT: Ask the children if they can tell you the names of any school subjectsin English.S: Try to talk about.T: Have the children look at the pic

14、tures for the story.S: Look at the pictures.Step4:Pre-story activityT: Have the children look at the pictures and read dialogues on the pagesand have the children talk about what they can see in each picture and what they think is happening.S: Try to talk about.T: Play the tape of the story for a fe

15、w times. Have the children listen tothe tape. Ask some questions.S: Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions.Step5:Tell the storyT: Have the children look at the pictures .The teacher tells the story to the children.S: Listen and look at the picture.T: Have the children read the text by th

16、emselves.S: Read the text.Step6:Homework: Tell the story to their parents.Teaching Aims:1. The students can describe the picture.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can be writing and reading.Teaching Emphasis:1. Learn the new words.2. Try to review the story.Teaching Difficulty1.

17、How review the story.2. Emphasis new words.Teaching process:Step1:Review :( plays a game)Step2:Learn the new words.T: Have the children open their books at page4. Draw their attention to the top half of the page. Point to the picture and ask:“ What can you see inthe picture? ”S: Open the book and an

18、swer the question.T: Model the word and have the children repeat. Use the sameprocedure with the other words in the picture.S: Read the words after the teacher.T: Let student read the words again.S: read the words.T: Let students listen to the tape and point the new wordsS: listen and point. Repeat

19、after the tape.Step3:Listen to this.T: Have the children look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Explain that each of the picturesS: Look at the picture.T: Play the tape and have the children match the pictures.S: Listen to the tape and match.T: Play the tape again. Have the children repeat

20、after the tape.S: listen and repeat.Step4:Talk togetherT: Have the children open the books at page 5 and look at the picture on top of the page.S: Open the books look at the picture.T: Read the text and ask the children repeat.Step5:Words you knowU: Point to each drawing and orally elicit the subjec

21、t name and have the students write.S: Write the words.T: Check the answer by having students volunteer to write the answer on the board.S: Check the answer.Step6:Homework: Read the story.Copy the new words four times.重點課時備課The 3rd perTeaching Aims:1. The students can tell the story.2. The students l

22、ike to learn English.3. The students can be writing and speaking.Teaching Emphasis:1. Review the words and the story.2. Do some reading.Teaching Difficulty1. How to use the words .2. How to tell the story.Teaching process:Step1:Review the story.T: Point to each picture, elicit the story from the chi

23、ldren.S: Follow the teacher and retell the story.T: write the sentences on the blackboard and let the children read each sentences.S: Read the sentences after the teacher.Step2:Read and find outT: Have the children read the text and try to find the answer “ Do you know what activities American child

24、ren do after school?”S: Read the text and find the answer.T: Have the children read the text again more carefully and then work in pairs to check the answer.S: Read the text again work in pairs.T: Ask students to work in pairs and discuss the activities they do after school.S: Work in pairs.Step3:Li

25、sten and matchT: Have the children open their books at page7. Have the children understand the phrases.S: Look at the pictures and read the phrases.T: Play the tape and have the children try to match.S: Listen the tape and try to match.T: Check the answer by calling out the sentences number and choo

26、sing individual students to provide the answers.S: Check the answer.Step4:Find the antonymsT: Have the children pay attention the words and tell them how to do this exercise.S: Look at the words and try to do it.T: Check the answer. Have the children read these words.S: Read these words loudly.T: Ha

27、ve the children make some sentences use these words.S: Write the sentences.Step5:HomeworkWrite more sentences use these words .The 4th perTeaching Aims:1. The students can understand the grammar and use them.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can read the story and do some exercis

28、e.Teaching Emphasis:4. Review the grammar.5. Do some reading and do some exercise.Teaching Difficulty1. How understand the grammar and how to use them .2. How to read the story and do some exercise.Teaching process:Step1:Review the words.T: Ask a question “ What s your favorite subject ” have the ch

29、ildren answer the question.S: Try to answer the question.T: Ask another question “ Why do you like it? ” Have the children answer the question.S: Try to answer the question and review the words.Step2:Focus the grammarT: Tell the students how to use the grammar and have them do some exercise.S: Try t

30、o understand and do them.T: Have the children check the answer with the partner.S: Talk about the answer.T: Ask some students speak out their answers and check them.S: Check the answer correctly.T: Have the children read them loudly.S: Read the sentences.Step3:Read and answerT: Have the children loo

31、k at the picture and ask them“ What are they? ”S: Try to answer the question in Chinese.T: Ask another question “ Where can you see pyramids? ”S: Read the text and try to find the answer.T: Have the children read the text again and do the exercise.S: Read the story and do exercise.T: Check the answe

32、r, ask some students answer the question.S: Check the answer.T: Have the children read the text again and find somewords that they don t understand.S: Read again and find them.T: Explain these words.Step4:Complete the dialogT: Tell the children they will complete the dialog use the correct form.S: T

33、ry to complete the dialog.T: Check the answer and have the children do a pair work.S: Check the answer and do pair work.Homework:Have the children read the text again and tell their friends what they know.The5th perTeaching Aims:1. The students can understand the pronunciation and read them correctl

34、y.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can do some listening practice.Teaching Emphasis:5. Learn the pronunciation.6. Do some listening practice.Teaching Difficulty1. How to understand the pronunciation and read them correctly.2. How to do the listening practice.Teaching process:Ste

35、p1Review the storyT: Ask them some questions about the story.S: Try to read the questions.T: Retell the story for the children and have the children try to retell the story.S: Listen the story and try to retell the story.Step2:PronunciationT: Have the children look at the pictures and try to read th

36、ese words.S: Try to read these words.T: Ask the question “ Are they same pronunciation? ”S: Answer the question.T: Play the tape and have the children repeat.S: Repeat the words.T: Explain the different pronunciation and have the children read these words.S: Read these words many times.Step3:Perfect

37、 your pronunciationT: Tell the students they will listen the words and find the different one. Play the tape and have the children do the exercise.S: Listen to the tape and try to do exercise.T: Play the tape again and have the children cross the word that is different.S: Listen and do them.T: Have

38、the children check the answer in pairs.S: Check the answer.T: Play the tape again and have the children repeat.S: Repeat the words.Step4:Chant and singT: Play the tape and have the children just listen to the song.S: Just listen.T: Play the tape again and have the children try to sing it.S: Try to s

39、ing. (two times)Step5:BINGO Kids quizT: Have the children read them and try to choose the correct answer.S: Read them and try to do them.T: Check the correct answer.Homework:Have the children listen to the song and try to sing it after class.The6th perTeaching Aims:1. The students can do some exerci

40、se by themselves.2. The students like to learn English.Teaching Emphasis:1. Review this unit and do some exercise.2. Evaluate their learning.Teaching Difficulty1. How to do these exercise.Teaching process:Step1Review the story, words and grammar.T: Have the children try to retell the story.S: Try to

41、 retell it.T: Dictation. Have the children try to write these words in the dictionary book.S: Listen and write these words.T: Review the grammar and have the children do some exercise.S: Try to do these exercises.Step2:Do some exercise.T: Play the tape and have the children try to complete the blank

42、s.S: Listen and try to do them.T: Play the tape again and have the children check the answer.S: Listen again and check the answer.T: Have somestudents speak out their answers and have the children correct the answer.U: Have the children do exercise3 by themselves.S: Try to do it.T: Check the answer.

43、U: Have the children try to write a paragraph.S: Try to write.T: Give an example.Step3:Evaluate your learningT: Have the children evaluate themselves.5: Do them.Homework:Review this unit.Unit2 Charlie ' s choresUnit2 Charlie ' s choresTeaching aims : 技能 目標:1、學(xué)生通過課文及句型的學(xué)習,可以用 have/has to描述自己或

44、者他人生活中不 得不做的某些事。2、學(xué)生通過課文及句型的學(xué)習,能夠使用 every week,twice a week,usually ,hardly ever表示頻率的副詞描述自己或者他人。3、學(xué)生在課文的學(xué)習中,能夠?qū)W會針對自己承擔的家務(wù)活動并進行簡單的交流。知識目標:Pronunciation : the letter"y”Words:1、 Read and speaking every week , twice a week, usually ,hardly ever 、 hardly 、 once a week2、 writing : chore 、 trash 、 fee

45、d 、 polish 、 makemybed 、 walk the dog 、 take out the trash 、 polish my shoes 、 feed the fish 、 have todo3、 sentences : I have to water the plants once a week情感態(tài)度目標:1、學(xué)生在學(xué)習故事過程中,初步了解他國少年承擔家務(wù)的情況,學(xué)生從中樹立自己承擔家務(wù)的意識。2、學(xué)生通過頻率副詞的出現(xiàn)養(yǎng)成有規(guī)律生活學(xué)習的習慣。Teaching focus and diffculty :1、 Use have/has to described 。2、使用e

46、very week , twice a week, usually ,hardly ever 表示頻率的副詞描述自己或者他人。3、掌握教材中出現(xiàn)的動詞詞組及短語的習慣用語。4、 Words : hardly every , never 的區(qū)分及運用。Teaching aims :Student use the picture and listen to the tape learn the story , understand the story .Teaching focus:The story meaningTeaching diffculty:Have to do sth.Teachin

47、g process:Step11. TPR: look at the picture and read the words2. Have a talk : ask question3. use picture show new wordsStep2Write the new words on the blackboardAsk what s housework do you do at homeStep3Ask question and listen storyListen again and understand this story.Listen and read the story.St

48、ep4 home workListen to the tape .Key lessonTeaching aims : the student look at the picture learn the sentence and knowed what chores do they do ?Teaching emphasis: some choresTeaching diffculty: Walk the dog Water the flower Do homeworkfeed the fish make the bed take out the trash .Teaching process:

49、Step1:oral exercise1. talk about chores yesterday : I did some chores yesterday ,can you guess what I did ?teacher do action and student guess2. write the words on the blackboardStep2Retell the story1. ask : what chores does Charlie have to do?2. listen to the radio and then answer this.3. another p

50、eople have to do something .4. show the key words use the picture5. look at the words and then talk the storyStep31. Give them a message and then ask what chores do you have to do?2. show picture or draw a picture of the sentence eg: I have to make my bed .3. like this ask other student and shoe new

51、 words .4. make dialogues in pairs like this5. act this dialoguesstep3 make a listening1. please turn to page 162. first look at the picture3. then listen 1sttime4. the 2 nd time ,make this5. the 3 rd time and check answer Step 4 lesson ' s worksLook at the picture and what do they doWrite you a

52、nswer Teacher teach them Check this answer. Blackboard writing :Walk the dogWater the flowerDo homeworkFeed the fishMake the bedTake out the trashPolish the shoesWash the dishesClean the roomCut the grassThe 3 rd per.Teaching aims : the student look at the picture and listen to the tape andthen prac

53、tice the dialogues “what chores do you have to do” ,to know use it .Teaching emphasis: the student use the sentences make dialogues by themselves.Teaching difficulty: make dialoguesTeaching process:Step1: ReviewUse the picture review the words and the sentenceStep2:Warm up1. give them a model yester

54、day I washedthe dishes ,but I wash the dishes every day/evening2. ask the student did you do chores at home ?3. ask what chores do you have to do?Step3:pair workl.teacher to ask the student2.student to ask student3 .make in pairs4 . make in groupsstep4:show the dialoguesstep5: home work: writing a d

55、ialoguesThe 4 th per.Teaching aims :Teaching Aims:1. The students can understand the grammar and use them.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can read the story and do some exercise.Teaching Emphasis:7. Review the grammar.8. Do some reading and do some exercise.Teaching Difficulty1. How understand the grammar and how to use them .2. How to read the story and do some exercise.Teaching process:Step1:Review the words.T: Ask a question “what chores do you have to do?” have the children answer the question.S: Try to answer the question.T: Ask another question“why do you have t


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