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1、網(wǎng)絡(luò)故事書(shū)( web storybook service )readi ng網(wǎng)絡(luò)故事書(shū)的好處1. 可以教小朋友讀書(shū)2. 經(jīng)濟(jì)實(shí)惠,家長(zhǎng)不需要為孩子買(mǎi)書(shū)了3. 可以代替父母陪伴孩子,為家長(zhǎng)節(jié)省時(shí)間lecture反駁1. 使用時(shí)不能和小朋友互動(dòng)( ask question and get feedback)2. 網(wǎng)絡(luò)上的故事都是過(guò)時(shí)的,要想讀新故事還是要買(mǎi)書(shū)(不足)3. 父母與孩子一起讀書(shū)可以增進(jìn)感情例文: The speaker rebuts the readi ng's argume nt by poin ti ng outthe in adequacy of the web-stor

2、ybook services' in teractio n with childre n, the in complete ness of the data pool, and by un derm ining the assumptio n that savi ng pare nts' readi ng time is a ben efit.The speaker beg ins by stating that merely pronouncing the words and story for the children will not provide adequate l

3、earning experiences. Despite the timesaved and pronun ciati on utilities laid out in the readi ng, the web services can on ly resp ond with "correct" or " not correct". The lack of feedback to childre n's questio ns will not create an effective learning process.Then the speak

4、er goes on to argue that the curre nt web-storybook services have a very limited collectio n of books, thus not being able to save parents the cost of new books as the read ing states, because the pare nts still have to buy many books that the web services do not provide.Lastly, the speaker challeng

5、es the validity of the assumption of savingparents' time to read stories to children. The reading argues that saving the time is a ben efit for the pare nts, but the speaker maintains that the whole point of readi ng stories is far bey ond readi ng stories alone. In con trast, it is anesse ntial

6、 way of com muni cati ng and buildi ng relati on ship betwee n pare nts and childre n.2:藥品廣告(drug advertisement)提出命題:藥品廣告所提供的信息都是客觀全面的,且病人對(duì)藥物了解得越多越好1. 病人可以更多了解處方藥的相關(guān)信息(information)2. 醫(yī)生開(kāi)藥時(shí),病人可以與廣告上進(jìn)行比較,有利于選藥3. 通過(guò)廣告,病人可以了解到新藥的發(fā)展,提醒醫(yī)生挑戰(zhàn)命題:病人不需要對(duì)藥物了解太多,因?yàn)橛袝r(shí)候了解得太多會(huì)對(duì)非專(zhuān)業(yè)的病人產(chǎn)生困擾,而且廣告所提供的信息也不完整全面1. 廣告通常只有宣傳

7、好處,對(duì)副作用( side effects)一筆帶過(guò),病人很難判斷2. 病人對(duì)藥物的準(zhǔn)確用法用量不了解,可能會(huì)用錯(cuò)3. 廣告只宣傳新藥,對(duì)舊藥沒(méi)有宣傳,但是針對(duì)不同的病情,也許舊藥更為合適The speaker raises serious coun terargume nts aga inst the readi ng paragraphsby providi ng drastically differe nt evide nces regard ingthe effects of the advertiseme nt, the impact of self-select ing medic

8、ati on, andthe impact of trends in the pharmaceutical in dustry.Firstly, knowing more in formatio n from the ads will not n ecessarily help thepatie nts make better-i nformed decisi ons, as the reading argues. On thecontrary, patie nts, without professi onal training and kno wledge, will be more sus

9、ceptible to misun dersta nding in formatio n. For example, they would focus only on the positive sides of a certain medicine while ignoring the serious side effects.In addition, if thepatients bear the responsibility of prescribing their own medicati on, they assume more resp on sibility to their ow

10、n health. This makesdoctors less liable for potential risks and undesirable consequences.Lastly, as for the new tren ds' ben efits to the patie nts, the speaker does not challe nge the readi ng directly. In stead, he argues that the new medi cine, which will count for most of the ads may not n e

11、cessarily be the best medici ne, even though the patie nts can inform their doctors about the new products. 三:網(wǎng)絡(luò)問(wèn)卷( web based survey ) readi ng網(wǎng)絡(luò)問(wèn)卷相對(duì)傳統(tǒng)問(wèn)卷的優(yōu)勢(shì)4參加人多并不代表范圍廣,也不能1. 調(diào)查范圍更廣,所以調(diào)查結(jié)果就更為準(zhǔn)確(邏輯錯(cuò)誤:保證效果好)2. 發(fā)放,填寫(xiě)和收集問(wèn)卷更加方便簡(jiǎn)單3. 成本低lecture反駁網(wǎng)絡(luò)問(wèn)卷的優(yōu)勢(shì)1. 所取得的調(diào)查結(jié)果不全面(biased ),因?yàn)椴皇撬腥硕紩?huì)上網(wǎng),中老年人上網(wǎng)會(huì)比較少,而年輕人上網(wǎng)比

12、較多2. 成本并不會(huì)低,因?yàn)橐粋€(gè)好的網(wǎng)絡(luò)問(wèn)卷需要一個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì)的大量工作(提出新的證據(jù):網(wǎng)絡(luò)問(wèn)卷也需要成本和人力資源)3. 大多數(shù)人對(duì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)問(wèn)卷都不嚴(yán)肅,會(huì)得到不正確的信息,容易混淆視聽(tīng)。例文:The speaker questi ons the effective ness of web based surveys byprovidi ng evide nces con tradictory to the readi ng.Firstly, he ide ntified the readi ng's logical flaw in assu ming that an in creasein

13、the scope and qua ntity of the survey will automatically tran slate to greaterprecisi on of the surveys. However, if surveys aim to questi on people over 60 years old, how can these old people con duct surveys on li ne since this group seldom surf the Intern et? The web surveys are effective in reac

14、hi ng mainly the young gen erati on. Thus the results cannot be exte nded to dem on strate the views of the whole populati on.Secon dly, although the web-based surveys will lower paper cost, they willin evitably in cur new costs in web desig ning, flashy features, and other eleme nts,which will requ

15、ire more costly team work. This evidencreadi ng's argume nt that web surveys will certa inly reduce the cost of the survey.In the end, many web desig ners tend to overdo in the webpage and addfancy and flashy features. As a result, many people perceive the web-basedsurveys as not serious and are

16、 thus not willi ng to resp ond to the surveys. Un likephysical surveys that draw atte nti on effectively, many web based surveys aresimply ignored or even deleted.四:打分偏高(in flation of marks )readi ng老師給學(xué)生打的分?jǐn)?shù)越來(lái)越高1. 分?jǐn)?shù)打得低會(huì)減低學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)意志2. 會(huì)影響教師自己的測(cè)評(píng)結(jié)果3. 因?yàn)閯e的老師給的成績(jī)高,如果不跟著給高分,學(xué)生出去找工作會(huì)吃虧lecture解決方案1. 應(yīng)從小灌輸正確

17、的學(xué)習(xí)觀念,不應(yīng)因一次小失利而喪失信心2. 教師的評(píng)測(cè)可以改在學(xué)期結(jié)束前進(jìn)行,這樣學(xué)生的成績(jī)就不會(huì)影響到評(píng)測(cè)結(jié)果3. 企業(yè)在選拔人才時(shí)可以看學(xué)生在班級(jí)中的排名而不是單純的成績(jī)例文:The speaker challenges the reasoning that supports the current inflation in college gradi ng system, provides very specific alter natives to teacher evaluation timing and employer methodology in judging a stude

18、nt.The speaker firstly argues that the inflated grades will not enable students to truly know their weakness, not to mention improve upon them. According to the readi ng, low grades will discourage stude nts. The speaker rebuts this point and argues that the true meaning of educati on is not just to

19、 satisfy stude nts. Letti ng the stude nts make progress is the purpose and in flated grades will not help stude nts in this way.As for the reading's concerns that low grades will adversely affect teachers' evaluation, the speaker offers a solution. By finishing the teachers' evaluation

20、before the end of the semester, we can sever the connections betwee n the stude nts' grades and teachers' evaluati ons.Lastly, the speaker argues that the school does not have to follow the trend of in flated grades in variably. The readi ng argues that if the school does not follow the tren

21、d, their stude nts will be discrim in ated, the lecture says that this problem can be solved by providi ng a weighted relative score. This score will pinpoint a stude nt's perce ntile in the whole stude nt body and show the other stude nts'6scores, thus allow ing employers to clearly positi

22、on the stude nt among the en tire stude nt body.五:加氟自來(lái)水( addi ng fluoride in public water)readi ng在自來(lái)水中加氟的好處1. 防止蛀牙2. 殺死細(xì)菌3. 對(duì)骨骼有好處( decrease bone diseases )lecture反駁1. 自來(lái)水并不會(huì)留在口中,對(duì)防止蛀牙沒(méi)有幫助2. 氟會(huì)與輸水管(water pipe )中的化學(xué)物質(zhì)反應(yīng),產(chǎn)生有毒物質(zhì),其危害大于細(xì)菌3. 過(guò)量的氟會(huì)使骨骼變脆例文: The speaker refutes the readi ng's argume nt

23、about the ben efits of add ing fluoride to pipe water by providi ng con tradictory evide nee aboutpipe water's fluoride's effectiveness in preventing cavities in teeth, killing bacteria, and decreas ing bone diseases.Firstly, the speaker points out that the short con tact of fluoride with te

24、eth willnot enable the fluoride to preve nt cavities, as the reading argues. Instead, thewater will pass the mouth and teeth quickly and go directly to the stomach.Another argument raised in the lecture is that fluoride could undergo chemicalreacti ons with heavy metals in the pipe, such as lead. Th

25、is will create toxicsubstances which will pose serious health threat. In this way fluoride could beeven more deadly tha n bacteria. Although the fluoride, as the reading says, willkill some bacteria, the cure here is worse than the disease.In the end, the speaker maintains that overdose of fluoride

26、will backfire to human bones. Although the reading illustrates that fluoride will improve bone stre ngth, the lecture says overdose will cause serious damage to huma n bon es.六、倫勃朗的油畫(huà)The lecture revises the idea presented in the text, that Rembrandt was not the artist who painted the famous painting "Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet ”.The inconsistency between the white cap, which identifies the woman as a servant, and the expensive fur collar she wears dissolves as the Professor explains that the fur collar was apparently painted ove


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