四年級上冊英語試題Module 1 Unit 3 howdo you feel 練習(xí)題上海牛津無答案_第1頁
四年級上冊英語試題Module 1 Unit 3 howdo you feel 練習(xí)題上海牛津無答案_第2頁
四年級上冊英語試題Module 1 Unit 3 howdo you feel 練習(xí)題上海牛津無答案_第3頁
四年級上冊英語試題Module 1 Unit 3 howdo you feel 練習(xí)題上海牛津無答案_第4頁
四年級上冊英語試題Module 1 Unit 3 howdo you feel 練習(xí)題上海牛津無答案_第5頁
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1、.4AM1U3 EX1 班級_ 姓名_ 學(xué)號_. 根據(jù)要求改寫單詞。1. peach復(fù)數(shù)_ 2. sad 反義詞_ 3. her 主格_4. young反義詞_ 5. right同音詞_ 6. I 賓格_7. hungry反義詞_ 8. cannot縮寫_ 9. bike同義詞_. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Lets _listen to Alice.2. Have some _biscuit. 3. Dont _touch the hot cup.4. How _do the lime taste? Its sweet. 5. What _have his classmate got?

2、. 選擇適宜的單詞填空,不可重復(fù)。happy sad full hungry thirsty1. I feel very hot. Please give me some water. Im _. 2. I cant ride the bicycle. Im _. 3. I have got a present. Im _. 4. Mum, Im _. I want to eat bread. 5. I cant eat this cake. I eat too much. I feel very _. . 句子配對。 Can you swim, Kitty? A. Yes, please.

3、Are you hungry? B. Shes sad. A Coke, Kitty? C. Kitty. What does Kitty feel? D. Yes, I can. Whos the girl in red? E. Yes, I am. V. 改寫句子。1. Mary can make some strawberry cakes.否認(rèn)句Mary _ make _ strawberry cakes. 2. Has her deskmate got a blue skateboard? 肯定句Her _ _ got a blue skateboard. 3. Grandma is

4、fine. 劃線提問_ _ grandma? 4. Sam is on the sofa. 劃線提問_ _ Sam? 5. Im sad. 劃線提問How _ you _? 6. I have got a new colour ball. 一般疑問句_ you _ a new colour ball? VI. 判斷。T/FDanny has got a little sister. She is Mary. She is four years old. She likes dolls. She has got a toy car. Its red. She doesnt like it. Sh

5、e can sing an English song. Danny and May are deskmates. May is nine years old. She has got long hair. She likes to play with dolls, too. She can ride the bicycle. 1. Mays Dannys little sister. 2. Mary likes toy cars. 3. Dannys little sister can sing an English song. 4. Marys Dannys deskmate. 5. May

6、s hair is long. 4AM1U3 EX2 班級_ 姓名_ 學(xué)號_I. 正確抄寫以下單詞和句子。but its gingers water hello ben come in please II. 按要求寫單詞。1. teeth單數(shù)_ 2. his主格_ 3. jump同類詞_4. watch復(fù)數(shù)_ 5. happy反義詞_ 6. doesnt完好形式_7. I同音詞_ 8. have三單_ 9. hungry反義詞_用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. - How _ do his sisters feel? Theyre _tired. 2. Can she _have some mil

7、k?3. Your _hair is black. 4. Let him _play with the ball. 5. Where are the _mouse? Theyre under the bed. 6. Im tired. Im on _I bed. 7. Those are _Betty red coats. 8. How _do Jill _? Shes happy. III. 改寫句子。1. Sam is hungry. 劃線提問How _Sam _? 2. Ginger likes to eat fish. 否認(rèn)句 Ginger _ _ to eat fish. 3. Th

8、ere is a bottle under the tree.劃線提問How _ _ _ there under the tree? 4. The crow can drink the water at last.否認(rèn)句The crow _ _ the water at last. IV. 辨音。 1.A. comeB. someC. home 2.A. sadB. appleC. cake 3.A. teacherB. ideaC. meat 4.A. catB. niceC. rice 5.A. crowB. blowC. cow 6.A. theseB. thinC. withV. 閱讀

9、并完成對話。A: Hello, Mary. What do you like to do? B: I _. And you? A: I dont like to fly the kite. I _. B: Oh, I cant ride the bicycle. A: Lets _ together. B: OK. I like to play football. VI. 閱讀短文,選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~。 My _is Mark. He is sitting next to me. He likes to _ football. He can run very _. Mark and I _ to

10、 sing songs. We often _to KFC. We like to _ hamburgers. We are _ every day. 4AM1U3 EX3 班級_ 姓名_ 學(xué)號_I. 正確抄寫下面句子。now i can drink the water im so happyII. 寫出與劃線部分同類的單詞。1. That is an orange orange. _ _2. The bottle is full of milk. _ _3. He is my little brother. _ _4. I dont like my toy robots. _ _III. 辨

11、音。 1.A. putB. butC. duck 2.A. postmanB. noC. bottle 3.A. howB. brownC. crow 4.A. sheB. bedC. berry 5.A. hungryB. fullC. butIV. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. The monkey _like to eat bananas. 2. _ she grandma has got a basketball. 3. -_have some juice, please. No, thanks. I _ _ be thirsty. 4. _have his friend got a

12、toy car? 5. What can his brother _do? He can draw well. 6. Here _be some pebbles. 7. Here is _a old woman. 8. What _have your son got? 9. There are three _knife in my box. 10. How _do your grandmother _? Shes fine. 11. Sam likes _make the snowman. 12. Teddy can _swim in the sea. 13. _ they _like to

13、eat chicken? 14. There _is any water in the bottle. “教書先生恐怕是市井百姓最為熟悉的一種稱呼,從最初的門館、私塾到晚清的學(xué)堂,“教書先生那一行當(dāng)怎么說也算是讓國人景仰甚或敬畏的一種社會職業(yè)。只是更早的“先生概念并非源于教書,最初出現(xiàn)的“先生一詞也并非有傳授知識那般的含義。?孟子?中的“先生何為出此言也?;?論語?中的“有酒食,先生饌;?國策?中的“先生坐,何至于此?等等,均指“先生為父兄或有學(xué)問、有德行的長輩。其實(shí)?國策?中本身就有“先生長者,有德之稱的說法??梢姟跋壬夥钦嬲摹袄蠋熤猓故桥c當(dāng)今“先生的稱呼更接近。看來,“先生之根

14、源含義在于禮貌和尊稱,并非具學(xué)問者的專稱。稱“老師為“先生的記載,首見于?禮記?曲禮?,有“從于先生,不越禮而與人言,其中之“先生意為“年長、資深之傳授知識者,與老師、老師之意根本一致。V. 閱讀短文,選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢浮S^察內(nèi)容的選擇,我本著先靜后動,由近及遠(yuǎn)的原那么,有目的、有方案的先安排與幼兒生活接近的,能理解的觀察內(nèi)容。隨機(jī)觀察也是不可少的,是相當(dāng)有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛蟲等,孩子一邊觀察,一邊提問,興趣很濃。我提供的觀察對象,注意形象逼真,色彩鮮明,大小適中,引導(dǎo)幼兒多角度多層面地進(jìn)展觀察,保證每個幼兒看得到,看得清。看得清才能說得正確。在觀察過程中指導(dǎo)。我注意幫助幼兒學(xué)習(xí)正確的觀察


16、景生情,幼兒不僅印象深化,對雷雨前后氣象變化的詞語學(xué)得快,記得牢,而且會應(yīng)用。我還在觀察的根底上,引導(dǎo)幼兒聯(lián)想,讓他們與以往學(xué)的詞語、生活經(jīng)歷聯(lián)絡(luò)起來,在開展想象力中開展語言。如啄木鳥的嘴是長長的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像醫(yī)生用的手術(shù)刀樣,給大樹開刀治病。通過聯(lián)想,幼兒可以生動形象地描繪觀察對象。 Danny is Mikes little brother. He is five years old. He likes to play toys. His favourite toy is Teddy Bear. He cant run fast. He likes to draw monkeys.

17、Mike is eleven years old. Mike is in Grade Five. He can play basketball very well. They have only one bedroom. They are happy. 要練說,得練看??磁c說是統(tǒng)一的,看不準(zhǔn)就難以說得好。練看,就是訓(xùn)練幼兒的觀察才能,擴(kuò)大幼兒的認(rèn)知范圍,讓幼兒在觀察事物、觀察生活、觀察自然的活動中,積累詞匯、理解詞義、開展語言。在運(yùn)用觀察法組織活動時,我著眼觀察于觀察對象的選擇,著力于觀察過程的指導(dǎo),著重于幼兒觀察才能和語言表達(dá)才能的進(jìn)步。 1. _ is five years old. A.

18、 Danny B. Mike C. Tom 2. Danny likes _best. A. toys cars B. Teddy Bear C. basketball 3. Mike is _. A. five B. eleven C. ten 4. Mike is in _. A. Grade Four B. Grade Five C. Grade One 5. They have _. A. two bedrooms B. no bedroom C. one bedroom4AM1U3 EX4 班級_ 姓名_ 學(xué)號_I. 選擇題。 1. -_ are these boys? Theyre

19、 eight.A. How B. How old C. What 2. Come and _ the watermelon. Its very sweet. A. touch B. taste C. feel 3. My father cant dance, _ he can cook. A. but B. and C. or 4. So many _ are in the post office. A. student B. students C. students 5. Listen _ the bird. It can sing. A. of B. to C. at 6. The box

20、 is full _ chocolates and sweets. A. of B. for C. to 7. Come _ and sit down, please. A. out B. on C. in 8. We can eat much ice cream in _. A. winter B. morning C. summer 9. May I have _ pizzas? Yes, here you are. A. any B. a C. some 10. Tim is tired _ hot dogs. A. with B. of C. toII. 按要求改寫句子。1. My friend can play with the ball.否認(rèn)句My friend _ play with the ball. 2. My pencil is yellow and red.劃線提問_ _ is your pencil? 3. Her father is thirty-eight.劃線提問_ _is her father? 4. There are some pebbles in the


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