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1、液壓系統(tǒng)安裝、調(diào)試及保養(yǎng)液壓系統(tǒng)安裝、調(diào)試及保養(yǎng) All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.2液壓缸的安裝、調(diào)試與維護保養(yǎng)液壓泵和液壓馬達的安裝、調(diào)試與維護保養(yǎng)管路的安裝與維護保養(yǎng)液壓油的選擇、使用與污染度控制油箱與過濾器的使用與維護保養(yǎng)蓄能器的安裝與充放氣液壓系統(tǒng)的調(diào)試與日常維護 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A

2、G, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.3液壓缸對所用油液要求液壓缸對所用油液要求對礦物油基的液壓油 溫度:推薦用于長期運行 +25 . +55 C 最低 / 最高的允許值 0 . +80 C 粘度 推薦用于長期運行 20 . 100 mm2/s 最高的允許值 12 . 500 mm2/s在所有工作中都要保持高度的潔凈性,因為污染會導致故障和影響元件的安全功能。在松開管接頭和元件之前,要對其外部周圍進行清潔。所有的開口都必須用保護

3、蓋封閉,以使污染物不能侵入系統(tǒng)。在安裝前要保持管道和所有連接面的清潔,無污物,軋屑,切屑等。特別是焊接管道的內(nèi)部必須是光裸面和沖洗干凈。不許使用清潔棉紗頭進行清潔。在動力站沖洗時,不許將液壓缸接在液壓動力站上。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.4液壓缸的存儲液壓缸的存儲 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG

4、, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.5液壓缸的存儲液壓缸的存儲在長期庫存之后,必須將液壓缸拆開,并且用合適的清洗液清除殘留的保護劑。因為不能肯定密封沒有變形,所以在需要時,更換密封件。必須每年對液壓缸進行一次徹底的檢查。檢查中必須注意下列事項: 防腐保護;檢查是否有損壞和是否有銹蝕生成 液壓液體;檢查是否氧化或酸化 對非免保養(yǎng)的鉸接軸承進行檢查和潤滑 對配合面或機械連接點進行檢查和加保護劑必須每年一次使液壓缸駛?cè)牖蝰偝鋈舾衫迕祝?/p>

5、以避免密封粘住。為了避免密封的損壞,我們建議每六周將液壓缸轉(zhuǎn)動 90 。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.6液壓缸的泄漏1。內(nèi)泄漏影響技術(shù)性能、出力不足、速度減慢、工作不平穩(wěn)2。外泄漏污染環(huán)境,能源浪費液壓缸的泄漏故障液壓缸的泄漏故障 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases

6、 of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.7液壓缸的泄漏故障液壓缸的泄漏故障泄漏的原因1。 密封件的結(jié)構(gòu)形式與材質(zhì) 如材質(zhì)太軟,則易擠入間隙而損傷2。密封槽與密封接觸表面的質(zhì)量 密封槽的尺寸精度較低,表面粗糙度及形位公差較低將導致密封件的損傷產(chǎn)生泄漏3。密封件磨損與安裝 密封件要求具有較高的尺寸精度與形狀位置精度,密封件的磨損和在密封件裝配過程中造成的損傷是液壓缸泄漏的主要原因4。密封件的工作環(huán)境 在高溫、粉塵及高水份的環(huán)境下將加速密封件老化,失效從而導致泄漏5。液壓系

7、統(tǒng)的污染 如果液壓系統(tǒng)受到污染,含有顆粒物的液壓油作用在密封件的表面產(chǎn)生研磨作用,從而導致密封失效而泄漏 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.8液壓缸的泄漏故障液壓缸的泄漏故障一般診斷方法 “問”向操作人員詢問故障機械的基本情況,故障是突發(fā)的,還是漸發(fā)的,突發(fā)的故障大多是因液壓系統(tǒng)受到污染或意外載荷造成閥或密封件失效引起的,漸發(fā)性故障,多數(shù)是因密封件磨

8、損嚴重而出現(xiàn)的。 “檢”主要是維修人員親自檢查系統(tǒng)的工作情況,使液壓缸運動到極限位置,觀測液壓系統(tǒng)的工作壓力,一旦工作壓力達不到規(guī)定值,而通過調(diào)節(jié)安全閥,壓力仍不發(fā)生變化時,則可能因液壓缸內(nèi)泄造成。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.9拆檢與維修拆檢與維修一旦液壓缸出現(xiàn)泄漏,就必須拆檢,針對故障產(chǎn)生的原因,采取相應(yīng)的維修方法。1。密封件的檢查與維修

9、活塞密封是防止內(nèi)泄的主要元件,對于唇形密封件應(yīng)重點檢查唇邊有無傷痕和磨損情況,對于組合密封應(yīng)重點檢查密封面的磨損量及是否有傷痕,判定密封件是否可用。 另外還需檢查活塞與活塞桿之間的靜密封有無擠傷情況。 活塞桿密封應(yīng)重點檢查密封件和支承環(huán)的磨損情況。 一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)密封件和導向支承環(huán)存在缺陷,應(yīng)根據(jù)被修液壓缸的密封形式,選用相同結(jié)構(gòu)和適宜材質(zhì)的密封件進行更換。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as cop

10、y of passing by us.10拆檢與維修拆檢與維修2。缸筒的檢查與維修 液壓缸缸筒內(nèi)表面與活塞密封是引起液壓缸內(nèi)泄的主要因素,如果缸筒內(nèi)產(chǎn)生縱向拉痕,即使更換新的活塞密封,也不能有效地排除故障,缸筒內(nèi)表面主要檢查尺寸公差和形位公差是否滿足技術(shù)要求,有無縱向拉痕,并測量縱向拉痕地深度,以便采取相應(yīng)的解決方法。(1)缸筒存在微量變形和淺狀拉痕時 采用強力珩磨修復(fù)缸筒,但缸筒的尺寸公差、形位公差和粗糙度必須符合所選密封件的要求。(2)缸筒內(nèi)表面磨損嚴重、存在較深縱向拉痕 2。1 按照實物重新制造 2。2 如能修補則 修補后珩磨,使缸筒的尺寸公差、形位公差和粗糙度達到符合所選密封件的要求。

11、 2。3 對一些特殊的,特大的非標缸在用戶的同意下也可把內(nèi)表面的缺陷珩磨掉后配活塞和密封件 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.11拆檢與維修拆檢與維修 3。 活塞桿、導向套的檢查與維修 活塞桿與導向套間的相對運動是引起外泄的主要原因。 1: 如果活塞桿表面鍍層因磨損而剝落或產(chǎn)生縱向拉痕,將直接導致密封件的失效。因此,應(yīng)重點檢查活塞桿表面粗糙度和形位公

12、差是否滿足技術(shù)要求,如果活塞桿彎曲應(yīng)校直達到要求或按實物重新制造。 如果活塞桿表面鍍層磨損、滑傷、局部剝落不是很嚴重,則把鍍層去掉后,磨光再鍍,后再磨光達到要求。如果局部很嚴重但能修補則修補后達到要求。不能修復(fù)則重新制造。 2:檢查導向套是否磨損,如果導向套磨損將引起活塞桿密封件的損傷或活塞桿表面拉傷,從而引起液壓缸泄漏。因此如果導向套損傷則需要更換導向套。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as

13、copy of passing by us.12拆檢與維修拆檢與維修4。其他 如缸頭與缸筒,缸底與缸筒等地方的靜密封也要檢查是否損傷。 活塞與活塞桿是否有松動。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.13Contents液壓缸的安裝、調(diào)試與維護保養(yǎng)液壓泵和液壓馬達的安裝、調(diào)試與維護保養(yǎng)管路的安裝與維護保養(yǎng)液壓油的選擇、使用與污染度控制油箱與過濾器的使用與

14、維護保養(yǎng)蓄能器的安裝與充放氣液壓系統(tǒng)的調(diào)試與日常維護 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.14調(diào)調(diào)試的注意事項試的注意事項Important commissioning instructions All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights

15、applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.15APU液壓泵的安裝液壓泵的安裝液壓泵的安裝位置可以有多種選擇。但前提條件是保證泵的殼體內(nèi)充滿液壓油。長期停用后不得無潤滑運轉(zhuǎn)。如果液壓泵安裝在油箱內(nèi),為保證吸油效果,吸油口S要安裝一吸油管。液壓泵在油箱內(nèi)不能保證自動充油,打開泄油口R,而U口用一根油管引出油箱,試運轉(zhuǎn)時可以通過U口排氣。正常工作時U口需封死。為防止殼體泄漏油直接被吸入吸油口,在T或L口需接另一根管子,把吸油口與泄油口分隔開。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth A

16、G, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.16Fill the pump with oil before starting APU泵在第一次啟動前,或在更換備件時,要向泵的殼體中灌滿干凈的液壓油。這樣在泵啟動時很快在各有相互運動配合面上形成支撐油膜,不會產(chǎn)生磨損。同時,泵體軸承可以得到有效潤滑,延長泵的使用壽命。特例:A8泵的吸油口與泄油口在設(shè)計上相通,不用在殼體中加油,但在打開吸油閥后要從泄油口放氣。Oilplugged All

17、rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.17泵的不同安裝位置泵的不同安裝位置a: 安裝在油箱液面之上b: 安裝位置在油箱最低液面之下,位置可能在油箱內(nèi)或油箱外。c: 安裝在油箱內(nèi)最低液面之下 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applicat

18、ions. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.18泵的不同安裝方向泵的不同安裝方向1) 泵軸水平安裝2) 泵軸垂直向上安裝3) 泵軸垂直向下安裝4) 泵軸水平側(cè)向安裝 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.19泄油管上安裝止回閥泄油管上安裝止回閥彎軸泵水平安裝在油箱外部液壓之上時,為保證殼體油

19、液漏空,必要時加一單向閥。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.20泄油管向上彎曲一定長度泄油管向上彎曲一定長度泵安裝在油箱外,位置有可能高于最低液面時,可以把泄油管向上彎曲一段,再接回油箱。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights a

20、pplications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.21保證油箱的最低液位保證油箱的最低液位泵安裝在油箱內(nèi)時,注意最低液位不能低于最高的泄油口。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.22檢查泵的旋向檢查泵的旋向首次啟動液壓泵時,從電機后風扇位置正對泵軸,檢查泵的旋向是否正確。如不正確

21、可以對掉動力線的兩個接線頭。泵長時間反轉(zhuǎn)會導致?lián)p壞。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.23泵軸的軸向力限制泵軸的軸向力限制在泵的安裝過程中不可使用蠻力(用錘砸)。也不可產(chǎn)生頂軸現(xiàn)象,否則會破壞泵內(nèi)各部件的預(yù)緊力,加大磨損或影響軸承壽命。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in case

22、s of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.24用萬向軸驅(qū)動液壓泵用萬向軸驅(qū)動液壓泵安裝時萬向軸的兩端必須保持等角度。軸兩端連接處應(yīng)對稱,轉(zhuǎn)動接頭應(yīng)在同一平面內(nèi),無明顯安裝偏差。連接不對稱 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.2

23、5泵的安裝是否符合要求泵的安裝是否符合要求: : (以(以A10VSOA10VSO為例)為例)垂直安裝,油箱之內(nèi)。L1口需要一根油管,防止泄漏油直接被吸入S口。兩管間距最小200mm.垂直安裝,油箱之外。為使軸承得到有效沖洗,L1管需要向上折彎,高出軸端面。吸油管在液面之上距離最高hmax=800mm. 浸入液面最小長度hmin=200mm. 保證最小吸油壓力0.8 bar. All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of dis

24、posal as copy of passing by us.26泵的安裝是否符合要求泵的安裝是否符合要求: : (以(以A10VSOA10VSO為例)為例)水平安裝,油箱之內(nèi)。L1口需要一根油管,防止泄漏油直接被吸入S口。兩管間距最小200mm.吸油口最小液面深度hmin=200 mm.水平安裝,油箱之上。泄漏油口接上面的L口。吸油管在液面之上距離最高hmax=800mm. 浸入液面最小長度hmin=200mm. 保證最小吸油壓力0.8 bar.隔板 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark

25、 rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.27泵的安裝是否符合要求泵的安裝是否符合要求: : (以(以A10VSOA10VSO為例)為例)水平安裝,油箱之下。接上面的L1口。L口堵住。吸油管浸入液面最小長度hmin=200mm. 保證最小吸油壓力0.8 bar. All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as

26、copy of passing by us.28泵的安裝是否符合要求泵的安裝是否符合要求: : (以(以A10VSOA10VSO為例)為例)吸油壓力:最小絕對壓力0.8bar.泄油壓力:不能高于吸油壓力0.5 bar,最高不能超過2 bar (絕對壓力) All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.29油油泵浸在油液中泵浸在油液中Oil immersed必必須

27、使用吸油及回油管須使用吸油及回油管 隔隔板板baffle儘儘可能將距離增加可能將距離增加keep distance as wide as possibleeven under oil level always use suction- and return line 建建議裝置議裝置 recommendation All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.3

28、0穩(wěn)穩(wěn)固的底架固的底架Stiff frame for power units使使用用L或或U型鋼材以增加穩(wěn)固性型鋼材以增加穩(wěn)固性L- or U-beams for frame stiffness動動力單元的最佳設(shè)計:適用於小型動力單元力單元的最佳設(shè)計:適用於小型動力單元optimal design for small power units possible安安裝底架裝底架mounting base Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch fr den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Verfgungsbefu

29、gnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.31“Slightly out of balance”重心失衡重心失衡Pulling forceforce of pressureGMGP1GP2base frame All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.32穩(wěn)固的底架承托穩(wěn)固的底架承托Strength fra

30、me for power unitsS使使用足夠重量的墊軌用足夠重量的墊軌Use heavy base rail (5dB(A) less把負載平均分佈在避震腳上把負載平均分佈在避震腳上Damping elements are optimally arranged with even load distribution All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by u

31、s.33Contents液壓缸的安裝、調(diào)試與維護保養(yǎng)液壓泵和液壓馬達的安裝、調(diào)試與維護保養(yǎng)管路的安裝與維護保養(yǎng)液壓油的選擇、使用與污染度控制油箱與過濾器的使用與維護保養(yǎng)蓄能器的安裝與充放氣液壓系統(tǒng)的調(diào)試與日常維護 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.34管子的選用準則管子的選用準則管子的選擇先要根據(jù)對流速匹配來選擇,一般原則是:油液在管子中流動時,管子

32、內(nèi)徑能夠容納液壓站的最大供油量時的穩(wěn)定流動。不能出現(xiàn)空腔和紊流,也不能有太大的壓力損失。 對吸油管:0.50.8 m/s,以吸油壓力不低于絕對值0.8bar為準則; 對回油管:24 m/s 對壓力油管:100 bar以下24 m/s,315 bar 等級312 m/s安全起見,壓力管路所能承受系統(tǒng)壓力的1.5-2倍。管子內(nèi)壁一定要光滑,減小油液流動時的阻力。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as

33、copy of passing by us.35管路安裝過程的實施管路安裝過程的實施 管道的敷設(shè)排列和走向應(yīng)整齊一致,層次分明,盡量采用水平或垂直布管,水平管道的不平行度應(yīng)2/1000,垂直管道的不垂直度應(yīng)2/400,用水平儀檢測。一列平行布置的管道,各管道之間的平行度允差為2/1000。平行或交叉的管道之間應(yīng)有10mm以上的空隙。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passi

34、ng by us.36管路安裝過程的實施管路安裝過程的實施液壓系統(tǒng)管子應(yīng)用彎管機進行冷彎,較大直徑的管子采用彎頭配焊。嚴禁采用火焰熱彎,或其他強行拼接方式。所有彎管其彎曲曲率半徑3倍管徑。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.37管路安裝過程的實施管路安裝過程的實施與管接頭或法蘭連接的管子必須是一段直管,此段直管的軸心線與管接頭或法蘭的軸心線應(yīng)重合,且

35、長度要大于或等于2倍管徑。 檢查不到的彎管處可將其分做兩部分,方便在管路堵塞時檢查和排故。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.38管路安裝過程的實施管路安裝過程的實施管子安裝間斷期間,各管口應(yīng)嚴格密封。管路系統(tǒng)安裝時,不得有沙子、氧化鐵皮、鐵屑等污物進入管道。 安裝前不得預(yù)先把所有的管路保護清除,否則會污染管路。 All rights reserve

36、d by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.39管接頭的使用管接頭的使用在液壓系統(tǒng)中常用的幾種管接頭:Walform. 用于中高壓系統(tǒng),采用24度錐密封。適用于5-32的管徑。碳鋼與不銹鋼均適用。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rig

37、hts of disposal as copy of passing by us.40管接頭的使用管接頭的使用在液壓系統(tǒng)中常用的幾種管接頭:SAE法蘭。適用于35-125管徑的密封,通過四個緊固螺栓和O圈形成可靠的密封。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.41管接頭的使用管接頭的使用在液壓系統(tǒng)中常用的幾種管接頭:方形或圓形法蘭。適用于50管徑的密封,

38、通過四個緊固螺栓和O圈形成可靠的密封。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.42管夾的使用管夾的使用我們利用管夾來固定液壓管路,使用液壓系統(tǒng)工作更穩(wěn)定。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rig

39、hts of disposal as copy of passing by us.43管夾的使用管夾的使用關(guān)于管夾在安裝時的間隔,一般來講,從遵從如下的基本準則:8D20L1000 mm20 D 48,3L1500 mmD48,3L2000 mm All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.44管路的焊接管路的焊接管子的焊接最好采用氬弧焊,氬氣是惰氣中較多的,

40、相比成本低一點,焊接時熔化的焊劑與母材熔合時,為防止超高溫狀態(tài)下熔劑被氧化,采用惰氣(氬氣)進行隔離空氣,保護焊點,保持化學成分,從而保護其機械性能。這樣可以最大限度的減小焊渣的產(chǎn)生。1-鎢極;2-導電嘴;3-絕緣套;4-噴嘴;5-氬氣流;6-焊絲;7-焊縫;8-工件;9-進氣管 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.45正確布置軟管正確布置軟管軟件的布

41、置的原則之一是平滑彎曲,不允許出現(xiàn)更彎和彎曲半徑過小的情況。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.46正確布置軟管正確布置軟管保證最小的彎曲半徑,必要時使用90度彎曲管接頭。軟管連接時,軟管長度要保證大于連接距離,注意軟管主要是用來連接有相對運動的部件的,要留有足夠的變形空間。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth

42、AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.47正確布置軟管正確布置軟管軟管連接不能扭勁,這樣工作一段時間后容易漏油。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.48正確布置軟管正確布置軟管任何連

43、接形式均要考慮最小的彎曲半徑,防止軟管在工作過程中由于疲勞效應(yīng)發(fā)生斷裂。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.49最少有最少有1.5倍油管直徑的距離倍油管直徑的距離at least 1.5 pipe i.d.minimal distance隔板必須安裝隔板必須安裝baffle absolutelynecessary吸油區(qū)內(nèi)油液不可急速流動吸油區(qū)內(nèi)油液不

44、可急速流動calm oil in suction chamber紊流區(qū)紊流區(qū)turbulent zone長而平放的吸長而平放的吸油管油管long horizontal suction line平切口的油管平切口的油管straight cut of pipe產(chǎn)生氣泡產(chǎn)生氣泡creationof air pocketAllg. 090.9 VST1/VST6 06.AAP suctionBad suction line in tank All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights app

45、lications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.50Bad suction line in tankP suction吸油區(qū)內(nèi)油液不可吸油區(qū)內(nèi)油液不可急速流動急速流動 calm oil in suction chamber紊流區(qū)紊流區(qū)turbulent zone必須安裝隔板必須安裝隔板baffle absolutelynecessary最少有最少有1.5倍油管直徑倍油管直徑的距離的距離at least 1.5 pipe i.d.minimal distance All rights reserved by Bosch Rex

46、roth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.51Contents液壓缸的安裝、調(diào)試與維護保養(yǎng)液壓泵和液壓馬達的安裝、調(diào)試與維護保養(yǎng)管路的安裝與維護保養(yǎng)液壓油的選擇、使用與污染度控制油箱與過濾器的使用與維護保養(yǎng)蓄能器的安裝與充放氣液壓系統(tǒng)的調(diào)試與日常維護 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applica

47、tions. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.52Temperature range at pump inlet for VG46 Oil71 41 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.53 液壓油的清潔液壓油的清潔注意油液的污染度及濕度, 避免任何污物進入油箱! 加油時必須經(jīng)過過濾器,

48、最好是經(jīng)過液壓系統(tǒng)自身的過濾器進行加油, 或利用移動式, 帶有精密過濾器的濾油小車.油箱內(nèi)部如果涂有涂層的話, 必須與所使用的油液相容!嚴防假油! All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.54新新 液液 壓壓 油油 2 33,121 5 7,820ISO 4406 - 22/20/18 10 5,010 ( NAS 12 ) 15 2,440新新 液液 壓

49、壓 系系 本本 身身 的的 污污 染染 物物 2 79,854 5 21,070 ISO 4406 - 23/22/20 10 12,320 ( NAS 12 ) 15 8,228Contamination level comparison All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.55按按 裝裝 有有 基基 本本 液液 壓壓 過過 濾濾 的的 系系 統(tǒng)統(tǒng)

50、2 9,870 5 2.400ISO 4406 - 20/18/16 10 1,800 ( NAS 9 ) 15 540按按 裝裝 有有 過過 濾濾 x 200 的的 液液 壓壓 系系 統(tǒng)統(tǒng) 2 80 5 41ISO 4406 - 14/13/11 10 20 ( NAS 4 ) 15 12只只 有有 使使 用用 高高 過過 濾濾 比比 值值 的的 濾濾 芯芯 才才 能能 有有 效效 控控 制制 有有 害害 的的 間間 隙隙 體體 積積 粒粒 子子Contamination level comparison All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as

51、 well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.56人頭人頭 髮髮 粗粗 75um,10um 微微 粒粒 放放 大大 100 倍倍The Micrometer um All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.57

52、Determination of x value All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.58清潔度顆粒尺寸 單位:NAS1638標準標準在在100 ml100 ml 液體中液體中雜質(zhì)顆粒雜質(zhì)顆粒的最多數(shù)量的最多數(shù)量 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mar

53、k rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.59單獨沖洗泵系統(tǒng)單獨沖洗泵系統(tǒng)一般情況下,需要用獨立的沖洗泵站對液壓系統(tǒng)的所有管路進行沖洗。這種沖洗泵站一般配備有多級壓油過濾器或回油過濾器,可以達到較好的沖洗效果。極小液壓站在設(shè)計時也可以做沖洗泵站使用。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy

54、of passing by us.60關(guān)于液壓系統(tǒng)的沖洗要求關(guān)于液壓系統(tǒng)的沖洗要求盡量使用與工作液壓站同樣的液壓油作為沖洗介質(zhì),沖洗完成的油液可以作為干凈的介質(zhì)使用到液壓系統(tǒng)中。如介質(zhì)不同,在沖洗完成后要用清潔的壓縮空氣吹干所有管路系統(tǒng)介質(zhì)。沖洗油液的溫度一般要求在50度以上,降低油液的粘度可以提高沖洗過程中對管壁的沖刷效果。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing

55、by us.61關(guān)于液壓系統(tǒng)的沖洗要求關(guān)于液壓系統(tǒng)的沖洗要求沖洗的流速應(yīng)盡可能的高,高流速可以在管路中形成紊流,有利于對管壁上附著雜質(zhì)的清除。所以沖洗泵站所有的液壓泵的流量要足夠的大(一般要有工作油泵總流量的兩倍)。一般要求,壓油管路中的流速要達到8-12 m/s以上,吸油和回油管路中的流速要達到3-5m/s以上。沖洗過程中可采用改變液流方向或?qū)附犹庉p輕敲打、振動等方法加強沖洗效果。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights o

56、f disposal as copy of passing by us.62關(guān)于液壓系統(tǒng)的沖洗要求關(guān)于液壓系統(tǒng)的沖洗要求沖洗方案中,要求液壓系統(tǒng)中所有的管路都要得到有效的沖洗。首先把液壓系統(tǒng)中的管路按壓油管、工作油管和回油管分類,把管路中管徑相同或差不大的管子連接成一個環(huán)路,進行沖洗。沖洗過程盡可能使用多級過濾裝置,并時刻注意過濾器的堵塞報警裝置,及時更換新的濾芯。必要時可進行反向沖洗,效果更好。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All ri

57、ghts of disposal as copy of passing by us.63關(guān)于液壓系統(tǒng)的沖洗要求關(guān)于液壓系統(tǒng)的沖洗要求沖洗一段時間后(最小沖洗時間為6個小時)可以用污染度測量儀在線通過測壓點對系統(tǒng)的污染度進行測量,直到達到污染度控制要求。亦可提取油樣送有資質(zhì)的部門檢驗。一般來講,對系統(tǒng)油液污染度的要求: 普通傳動系統(tǒng):要求NAS 8級或更高 比例控制系統(tǒng)(含比例泵或比例閥),要求NAS7級或更高 伺服系統(tǒng),要求NAS5級或更高 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark right

58、s applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.64管路的耐壓試驗管路的耐壓試驗安裝完成后,應(yīng)對管道進行10min耐壓試驗,試驗壓力1.5倍工作壓力,試驗不允許有滲漏現(xiàn)象。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.65Contents液壓缸的安裝、調(diào)試與維護保養(yǎng)液壓泵和液壓馬達

59、的安裝、調(diào)試與維護保養(yǎng)管路的安裝與維護保養(yǎng)液壓油的選擇、使用與污染度控制油箱與過濾器的使用與維護保養(yǎng)蓄能器的安裝與充放氣液壓系統(tǒng)的調(diào)試與日常維護 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.66油箱油箱空氣濾清器的功能是過濾進入油箱內(nèi)的空氣,并在液位變化實現(xiàn)空氣交換??諡V的精度應(yīng)與系統(tǒng)過濾器相同,尺寸選擇應(yīng)考慮總的流量(泵的流量+系統(tǒng)回油流量)。液位指示器應(yīng)設(shè)

60、在油箱的顯眼處,漏出的油已經(jīng)受到污染,切不可倒回油箱。 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.67加熱器與冷卻器加熱器與冷卻器冷卻器:系統(tǒng)散發(fā)的熱量取決于液壓回路的類型和結(jié)構(gòu)。一般來講,冷卻功率一般為裝機功率的15%-20%足夠。 空冷:應(yīng)保證有良好的通風。 水冷:為了保證冷卻器,應(yīng)在旁路設(shè)置一旁通閥,2-5 bar的壓力。加熱器:電加熱器的功率不易過大


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