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1、 2014 GRE點(diǎn)詞班O陳琦GRE團(tuán)隊(duì)disingenuousbeliedpenalty balanced re5lectionsecondhand testimony anecdotebe wary of containeluded moreover exhaustiverespite reliefobscure opaqueunconventional quirkya rant against a diatribe ondisingenuousDisingenuous:not truly honest or sincere : giving the false appearance of

2、 being honestor sincere<Her recent expressions ofconcern are self-­serving and disingenuous.>不:insincere, affected, artful, assuming,dishonest, dissembling, guileful, uncandid, duplicitousdisingenuousThe charlatan s seemingly frank and open demeanor was actually ameans of enlisting his pa

3、tients con5idence.A. disingenuousB. debilitatingC. uncandidD. catharticE. deleteriousF. diminutivedisingenuousOnly after the campaign volunteers became aware of their candidates questionable motives could they recognize the (i) statements made in his seemingly(ii) speeches.Blank (i)A. partisanB. cor

4、dialC. duplicitousBlank (ii)D. candidE. surreptitiousF. astutedisingenuousThe senator's attempt to convince the public that he is not interested in running for a second term isgiven theextremelyfund-­raising activities of hiscampaign committee.A. futile.clandestineB. sincere.visibleC. speci

5、ous.apatheticD. disingenuous.publicE. straightforward. dubiousbelieBelie:1.to keep secret or shut off from view <the security council issued false assurances that belied the true gravity of the situation>掩蓋:belie, conceal, curtain, disguise, mask,veil2. to show (something) to be false or wrong

6、證明為假: debunk, discredit, refute, shoot downbelieAlthough Mount Saint Helens has been more during the last 4,500 years than any other volcano in the coterminous United States, its long dormancy before its recent eruptionits violent nature.(A) awe-­inspiring. restrained(B) gaseous. con5irmed(C) e

7、xplosive. belied(D) familiar. moderated(E) volatile. suggestedbelieThe studys warning that monkey populations were declining in Guatemala and Mexico was by new evidence that nearby populations along the Belize River were prospering.A. corroboratedB. temperedC. beliedD. con5irmedE. invigoratedF. waxe

8、dbelieCarruthers' latest literary criticismher reputation for trenchant commentary; despite its intriguing title and the fulsome praise on its dust jacket, it is nothing more than a collection of.Blank (i)A. reinforcesB. beliesC. transformsBlank (ii)D. insightsE. pronouncementsF. platitudesbelie

9、The astronomer and feminist Maria Mitchell's own prodigious activity and the vigor of the Association for the Advancement of Women during the 1870'sany assertion that feminism wasin that period.A. exclude. thrivingB. contradict. prosperingC. pervade. remoteD. buttress. dormantE. belie. quies

10、centbelieThe beauty of Mount McKinley is usually cloaked: cloudsthe summit nine days out of ten.A. releaseB. unleashC. entangleD. shroudE. attainF. veilpenalty & balanced re7lectionpenalty : A penalty is a punishment that someone is given for doing something which is against a law or rule.penalt

11、y & balanced re7lectionA major goal of law, to deter potential criminals by punishing wrongdoers, is not served when the penalty is so seldom invoked that itto be athreat.(A) tends. serious(B) appears. real(C) ceases. credible(D) fails. deceptive(E) seems. coercivesecondhand testimony & anec

12、dotetestimony :If you say that one thing is testimony to another, you mean that it shows clearly that the second thing has aparticular quality.<The jury heard 10 days of testimony. >: attestation, con5irmation,documentation, substantiation, testament, validation Firsthand backhanded Underhande

13、d Heavy-­handed Ham-­handedsecondhand testimony & anecdoteThe, who began systematicastronomical and weather observations shortly after the ancient Egyptians, were assiduous record-­keepers, and because of this, can claimhuma's longest continuousofnatural events.(A) de5iance(B)

14、 documentation(C) maintenance(D) theory(E) dominationsecondhand testimony & anecdoteThough many medieval women possessed devotional books that had belonged to their mothers, formal written evidence of women bequeathing books to their daughters is scarce, which suggests that such bequests wereand

15、 required no.(A) unsel5ish. rationalization(B) tangential. approval(C) customary. documentation(D) covert. discretion(E) spurious. recordsecondhand testimony & anecdoteAlthough Georgia O'Keeffe is best known forher af5iwith the desert landscape, herpaintings of urban subjectsherlongtime resi

16、dency in New York City.A. condemnB. obfuscateC. attest toD. con5lict withE. contend withsecondhand testimony & anecdoteanecdote :a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident . <He told us all sorts of humorous anecdotes about his childhood. >secondhand tes

17、timony & anecdoteBecause it has no distinct and recognizable typographical form and few recurring narrative conventions, the novel is of all literary genres, the least susceptible to.A misuseB imprecision C inquiryD de5initionE innovationsecondhand testimony & anecdoteBecause the high seriou

18、sness of their narratives resulted in part from their metaphysics, Southern writers were praised for theirbent.A. technicalB. discursiveC. hedonisticD. philosophicalE. scienti5icbe wary of & containwary:marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness<kept a wary eye out for signs of the ene

19、my>小心的,機(jī)警的,謹(jǐn)慎的: alert, cautious, chary, circumspect, conservative, guarded, heedful, vigilant, watchfulbe wary of & containNot wishing to incur the disapproval of her teachers, who were generally, Helen wasattempting radical new artistic styles in her paintings.Blank (i)A. conservativeB. bene

20、volentC. complimentaryBlank (ii)D. delighted aboutE. wary ofF. criticized forbe wary of & containSerlings account of his employers reckless decision makingthat companys image asbureaucracy full of wary managers.Blank (i) A beliesB exposesC overshadowsBlank (ii)D an injudicious E a disorganized F

21、 a cautiousbe wary of & containEven though political editorializing was not under the new regime, journalists still experienced, though perceptible, governmental pressure to limit dissent.(A) restricted. clear(B) encouraged. strong(C) forbidden. discreet(D) commended. overt(E) permitted. regular

22、contain If you contain something, you control it and prevent it from spreading or increasing.; 阻止 More than a hundred 5iremen are still trying to contain the 5ire at the plant.。be wary of & containThe attempts of epidemiologists tothe infectious disease ultimately proved futile: as soon as they

23、managed toit in onecommu else.Blank (i)A. containB. replicateC. defend, it would emerge somewhereBlank (ii)D. extendE. checkF. unleasheluded & moreover & exhaustiveElude : 1. to avoid adroitly<managed to elude capture>躲閃,躲避:avoid, dodge, duck, eschew, evade, 5inesse, scape, shirk, shun

24、, sidestep, weasel2. to escape the perception, understanding, or grasp of<a metaphor that eluded them>使無法理解:baf5le, befog, befuddle, bewilder, confound, discombobulate, disorient, maze, mystify, perplex, puzzle, vexeluded & moreover & exhaustiveMany of our memories are, escaping our co

25、nsciousness just as we strain to recall a face or a name.A. elusiveB. pervasiveC. unvariedD. insensitiveE. unaffectedF. slipperyeluded & moreover & exhaustiveThe hesitancy of many countries to embrace market reform is unfortunate, because many national success stories suggest that far fromsu

26、ch reform, countries should be eager toits bene5its.A. implementing.documentB. pursuingseekC. eschewingreapD. needingrealizeE. understandingquestioneluded & moreover & exhaustiveIn winning the Man Booker Prize, novelist Kiran Desai an honor that had her mother, Anita Desai, who was a runner-

27、­up three times but never won.Blank (i)A. covetedB. achievedC. avoidedBlank (ii)D. distinguishedE. eludedF. overwhelmedeluded & moreover & exhaustiveExhaustive :testing all possibilities;thorough;complete<conduct an exhaustive investigation 做詳盡的>徹底的,完整的,詳盡的:complete, comprehensive

28、, full-­scale, out-­and-­out, thorough, thoroughgoing, totaleluded & moreover & exhaustiveThe archaeologists examination of the evidence was remarkably careful andthorough: .A. exhaustiveB. nominalC. tri5lingD. combativeE. vicariousF. comprehensive, it was nothing short ofelud

29、ed & moreover & exhaustiveIt is disappointing to note that the latest edition of the bibliography belies its long-­standing reputation forbysome signi5icant references to recent publications.A. imprecision. appropriatingB. relevance. addingC. timeliness. updatingD. meticulousness. revis

30、ingE. exhaustiveness. omittingeluded & moreover & exhaustivey+Randall,+Broadside+Press,+and+the+Blac k+Arts+Movement+in.-­a067413424題源:Fifty pages of footnotes, some of them presenting quite lengthy bibliographies, suggest that very few pertinent sources haveeluded Thompson's search

31、. Moreover, the text makes it clear that his examination of these sources has been exhaustive.eluded & moreover & exhaustive+Press,+and+the+Black+Arts+Movement+in.-­a067413424respite & reliefRespite :an interval of rest or relief <to toil without respite>Relief :release from a

32、 post or from the performance of duty間歇,休息:break, lull, intermission, recess, pause, restrespite & reliefThe onlyon the 5lat desert landscape was the occasional rock outcrop jutting skyward.A. regularityB. reliefC. symmetryD. comfortE. depressionF. melancholyrespite & reliefCommercial trade

33、in endangered species of whales was suspended globally in 1986, but thismay end for some species.A. restitutionB. proliferationC. 5luctuationD. boomE. moratoriumF. respiterespite & relief 題源:/12305845 GORDON BROWN'Sship,seemingly cast-­iron a year ago, is now so vulnerable that even a g

34、ood day at the of5ice does no more than buy him a few weeks of respite from Labour Party rebels.respite & reliefobscure & opaqueObscure: not clearly understood or expressed; having an often intentionally veiled or uncertain meaningOpaque : so obscure as to be unintelligible含義模糊的: ambiguous,

35、arcane, enigmatic, equivocal, fuliginous, inscrutable, opaqueobscure & opaqueExposure to sustained noise has been claimed toblood pressure regulation in human beings and, particularly, to increase hypertension, even though some researchers have obtained inconclusive results thatthe relationship.

36、(A) sharpen. con5late(B) increase. diminish(C) aggravate. buttress(D) disrupt. neutralize(E) impair. obscureobscure & opaqueThere has been much hand-­wringing about how unprepared American students are for college. Graff reverses this perspective, suggesting that colleges are unprepared for

37、 students. In his analysis, the university culture is largelyentering students because academic culture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments and cultural references that students grasp. Understandably, many students view academic life asritual.Blank (i)A primed for B opaque toC essent

38、ial forBlank (ii)D an arcane E a laudableF a painstakingunconventional & quirkyUnconventional: not bound by or inaccordance with convention : being out of the ordinary <an unconventional out5it><an unconventional thinker>Quirky :a peculiar trait ; idiosyncrasy非傳統(tǒng)的,古怪的: heterodox, non

39、conformist, unorthodox, strange, bizarre, erratic, idiosyncratic, odd, of5beat, outlandish, quaint, weirdunconventional & quirkyExperienced and pro5icient, Susan is a good, trumpeter her music is often more satisfying than Carol's brilliant but playing.(A) virtuoso. inimitable(B) mediocre. e

40、ccentric(C) competent. in5luential(D) amateur. renowned(E) reliable. erraticunconventional & quirkyBecause his themes and use of imagery are highly eccentric, painter Sigmar Polke is said to havestyle.A. an idiosyncraticB. an erraticC. a vapidD. an archaicE. an insipidF. a plangentunconventional

41、 & quirkyThe Gibsons were little given toin any form; not one of them was afraid of, of being and seeming unlike their neighbors.(A) humility. absurdity(B) excellence. mediocrity(C) anger. confrontation(D) conformism. singularity(E) ostentation. eccentricitya rant against & a diatribe onRant

42、 : a long angry speech or scolding<After complaining about the hotels lousy service, the woman went off on another rant about the condition of her room. >Diatribe : a bitter and abusive speech or writing, a prolonged discourse長篇性:castigation, harangue,lambasting, philippic, reprimand, reproach

43、, vituperation, tirade, jeremiad, rail againsta rant against & a diatribe onThe politicians speech to the crowd was composed of nothing but, a bitter railing against the partys opponents.A. panegyricB. diatribesC. philippicD. machinationsE. acctionsF. platitudesa rant against & a diatribe on

44、Thewith which the politician peppers her speeches are so memorable that many people think of her as being far more than she in fact is.A. superlatives egalitarianB. pejoratives optimisticC. examples sopori5icD. diatribes censoriousE. malapropisms straightforwarddisingenuousbeliedpenalty balanced re5

45、lectionsecondhand testimony anecdotebe wary of containeluded moreover exhaustiverespite reliefobscure opaqueunconventional quirkya rant against a diatribe onimplausible5loutancestry obviousaccuracy biasimplemented can grow uncheckeddoomedatypical weakened counterforcesproclaimed professedlimiting co

46、n5iningcontentious controversialpaltry meagerimplausibleImplausible: provoking disbeliefPlausible: super5icially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious不的: improbable, incredible, unbelievable,unlikelyimplausibleThe experts could not believe that a beginner had created such an accomplished

47、work: they found the idea.A. capriciousB. implausibleC. coincidentalD. arbitraryE. circumstantialF. incredibleimplausibleAlthough the bystanders account of the caraccident at 5irst seemed, theof5icerwas surprised, on further investigation, to 5ind that it was, defended by the alibi of an important w

48、itness.Blank (i)A. probableB. implausibleC. logicalBlank (ii)D. inconsistentE. correctF. erroneous7loutFlout:to treat with contemptuous disregard<5lout the academic norm byplagiarizing>嘲弄性不理會,蔑視:despise, disregard, gibe, sneer, taunt7loutAs a child, Maryher stringent upbringing; however, as sh

49、e grew older she began to appreciate her grandmothers strict .Blank (i)A. embracedB. despisedC. tolerateBlank (ii)D. autonomyE. disciplineF. abstinence7loutThe blueprints for the new automobile were at 5irst glance, but the designer had been basically too conservative toprevious standards of beauty.

50、A. striking. 5loutB. impractical. ignoreC. impeccable. dispelD. in5luential .assessE. confusing. incorporateancestry & obviousancestry :s initiating or comprising aline of descent : ANCESTORS ;line of descent : LINEAGE血統(tǒng),: bloodline, breeding, descent,genealogy, lineage, origin, family tree, ext

51、ractionancestry & obviousobvious:easily discovered, seen, orunderstood明顯的:apparent, blatant, conspicuous, evident, 5lagrant, manifest, obvious, plainancestry & obviousIt would be a waste of time for any reviewer to bother a book whose utter worthlessness is to even the least discerning reade

52、r.Blank (i)A. promotingB. enjoyingC. assessingBlank (ii)D. doubtfulE. obviousF. 5igurativeancestry & obviousIt seems obvious thatDavistheJuilliard School, which resulted in his decision to drop out, was based on the schools training of musicians for a kind of music that he did not want to play.A

53、 disaffection with B dislocation ofC disentanglement from D subversion ofE displacement ofF estrangement fromancestry & obviousIt is puzzling to observe that Jones's novel has recently been criticized for itsstructure, since commentators have traditionally argued that its most obviousis its

54、relentlesslyrigid,schematic, framework.A attention to. preoccupationB speculation about. characteristic C parody of. disparityD violation of. contradictionE lack of. 5lawancestry & obvious題源:/science/25creature.htmlBut despite its abundance and importance, the biological origin of maize has been

55、 a long-­running. The bright yellow, mouth-­watering treat we know so well does not grow in the wild anywhere on the planet, so its ancestry was not at all obvious.ancestry & obviousaccuracy & biasAccuracy: freedom from mistake or error : CORRECTNESS準(zhǔn)確,精確:delicacy, exactness, 5ineness, precision, veracityaccuracy & biasFor centuries, Mars has been called the “Red Planet,” but the designation is, because Mars is not precisely red.A. a technicalityB. a misnomerC. an inaccuracyD. an understatementE.


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