1、Unit1Part IBSpeaker 1 not remember very much about childhood / not very close / not talk very muchSpeaker 2 get on very well with mum / talk very openlySpeaker 3 (mum) always tell me to do this and do that / (father) let me do what I wantSpeaker 4- fond memories of childhood / seemingly spoil usTape
2、 script:1. I dont remember very much about my childhood, actually. My wifes always asking me When you were a boy, did you use to. and I reply I dont know, I cant remember. We didnt . we didnt use to talk very much, we werent very close, or if we were, we didnt show it. I remember I used to have my h
3、air cut every Friday. My father and I would go together. I had the shortest hair in the school. When theyd finished cutting it, theyd burn the ends with a sort of candle. Oh Ill never forget that smell.2. I got on very well with my mother. I used to tell her everything- or nearly everything - and sh
4、ed talk to me very openly too. Sometimes shed say to me Dont go to school today. Stay with me. And wed go out shopping or something like that.3. Im not a very tidy person, but my mothers very house-proud, so shes always telling me to pick things up and put them away, and do this and do that. She goe
5、s on for hours about Cleanliness is next to godliness. My father isnt like that at all. He lets me do what I want. I think hes learned not to pay attention.4. I have very fond memories of my childhood. To me it represented security. We used to do a lot together as a family. I remember walks, and pic
6、nics, and going for rides on a Sunday afternoon. Every Friday, when my father came home from work, he had a treat for each of us. My mother used to say he was spoiling us, but why not? It didnt do us any harm.Part III FamilyA.The FamilyI. Functions of familyA. Providing necessities of lifeB. Offerin
7、g affectionate joysC. Raising children to adulthoodD. Giving protection in times of emergencyII Patterns of familyA. Extended family - uncles, aunts, cousins and in-lawsB. Nuclear family - a husband, wife and their childrenC. Polygamous household- a husband, several wives and their childrenD. Divide
8、d residence - husband and wife living separately with children raised by mothers brotherE. Nayar way of living - brothers and sisters and sisters childrenF. Communal living group- persons not biologically relatedIII Factors influencing family structureA. Economic conditionse.g. No aid from society o
9、r state - extended familyB. Industrialization and urbanizatione.g. Creation of many specialized jobs - nuclear familyC. Inheritance customse.g. 1. Property inherited by eldest son2. Property inherited by all of sonsTapescript:Throughout history the basic unit of almost every human society has been t
10、he family. The members of the family live together under the same roof, they share the economic burdens of life as well as its affectionate joys, and it is the family which has primary responsibility for the important task of raising children to adulthood.The family is not a uniform concept in all s
11、ocieties. In many places it is an extended group which includes uncles, aunts, cousins and in-laws. The family head usually has considerable influence in arranging marriages, selecting careers and determining all important moves and purchases by any member of the family. Particularly in conditions w
12、here society or the state does not give aid and where consequently the responsibilities of the family are greater, this larger group provides better protection in times of economic or other emergency.In many other societies, including most industrialized ones, the nuclear family is the basic social
13、unit. This term refers to a husband and wife united through marriage and their dependent children, whether natural or adopted. Industrialization and urbanization create many specialized jobs which tend to scatter family members among different employers and thus to separate residences as soon as the
14、y become wage earners. The small family, which has only one - or if the wife works also, two -employed members, is better able to adapt to rapid change and to move when the job moves.The nuclear family is almost universal and the nuclear group of father, mother and their children is recognized even
15、when it is part of an extended family. There are cases, however, which strain the definition. Polygamy, for example, brings several wives and their children into the picture. But polygamous households are not common in any society. More difficult to explain are the cases of divided residence. Among
16、the Ashanti people of Africa, where the wife and husband do not reside together, the child gets training and affection from the mothers brother and learns that his mothers husband is not his family. An even stranger situation existed with the Nayar of India before being changed by outside influence.
17、 There the household consisted of brothers and sisters and the sisters children. The sisters were not married and the brothers simply took care of whatever children their sisters had.Inheritance customs also have an influence on the structure of the family. In England the farm was passed on to the e
18、ldest son in order to keep the family land intact. Younger sons had to go out and start a new farm or join the army or move to town and take up a trade. They provided a large part of the labor supply during Englands industrialization process. In many areas of the European continent all of the sons s
19、hared equally in the inheritance and more extended households were common.Although the exact form varies from place to place and time to time, we can say that the family is the original and the most natural social group. The ties we develop by long intimate association with the small group of person
20、s who are biologically related to us cannot be matched in any of the forms of communal living which are tried every now and then.Unit 2 Part I Warming upA.Tapescript:1. Organized activity on behalf of womens rights began in the mid 1800s, when both by law and by custom, women were considered non-per
21、sons.2. In the early tg00s, important changes occurred in the social and political climate in America as a result of World War I.3. In 1920 after World War t, American women gained the right to vote.4. During World War II, large numbers of women entered the job market to do the jobs of the men who h
22、ad been drafted into military service.5. Today, women make up 1.5% of the 200,000 professional firefighters in the U. S., and they make up 4% of airline pilots and navigators.6. The Small Business Administration predicts that women will own nearly 40% (others Say half) of all small businesses in the
23、 U.S. by the year 2000.7. From 1980 to 1988, the number of business men and women- entrepreneurs - increased 56% overall, but during that period, the number of female entrepreneurs grew 82%.8. In 1969 in the U. S., only 4% of the state lawmakers were women. By 1993, this number had grown by 500%, an
24、d 20.4% of state legislators were women.9. Today, only 10% of American families have the traditional working father and the mother who stays home to take care of the children.10. The rate of womens participation in the workforce rose from 27% in 1940 to 44% in 1985.B.Speakers Key wordsLynne friends
25、/ child-free / respect for their choice / not myopinion / had to have children / dont know whyIrene daughter the same / eager / get married / have children/ thinking about / 8 or 9 years old / observe me as amother / other mothersBarbara Yes, thats how I was.Tapescript.L- Lynne I- Irene B-BarbaraL.
26、I have many, many friends who have opted for a child-free life. I have a great deal of respect for their choice. But therein lies the key. It was their choice. Infertility was not my choice. Is a woman less of a woman without children? Absolutely not in my opinion, but I had to have children. I dont
27、 know why. People have asked us, yknow, Well what was that just made you so obsessed and compelled and driven? I dont know. I dont. I dont know that Ill ever know. All I know is I had to have children.I. Well, my daughter, interestingly enough, is the same way. Shes very eager as soon as she finishe
28、s law school to get married and have children. And we talked about this and she said, Mom, you dont understand. Ive been thinking about having children since I was eight or nine years old.C1. The difference between men and women when they surf the Internet according to the study conducted by Media M
29、atricks and Jupiter Communications:Women: as a toolMen: tend to spend more time playing around2. The different reasons why women use the web:check email / chat / look for information / resources / studying searchTapescript:For the first time ever the number of women on the web has surpassed the numb
30、er of men, pushing the huge growth of females between the ages of 12 and 17.Music websites like are attracting teen girls and so are sites focused on fashion and shopping. An unscientific survey of teens, mostly girls attending Oakland Technical High School in Oakland, California, shows teens are us
31、ing the World Wide Web for many reasons.F. My name is Fi and Im 16. I check my email on the net and I chat sometimes. Thats all I did.P: My name is Sonia Fay Phillips. Im 17 years old. Mostly I use the Internet for, uh, look(ing) up for my college information or check my email or chat. I use., mostl
32、y use it for resources and studying because I dont have time for play and stuff.M: My name is Lucien Morrison. Im 17. And I use the Internet to chat on, to get codes for play station games, to check my email and to play games on.M: Im Meesha. Im 14 years old. I usually just search on the web, just a
33、nything Im looking for or just search because Im bored or anything like that.Summer school students attending Oakland Technical High School in Oakland, California.The Internet study released today conducted by Media Matricks and Jupiter Communications shows that men and women use the web differently
34、. Women use it as a tool. Men tend to spend more time online playing around.Among the other most popular sites reported for women on the web? for ages 35 to 44: market- and ; for ages 55 and up theyve been posting the second biggest jump in usage: and genealogy, com.Part II Working mothersB
35、1. According to Beth, which do more and more women choose, to work or to have a child? both / not be superwoman2. According to some research, how important is a mothers role?more important in some regards than we had thought / bonding process / lasts longer3. What happens to children if they are sep
36、arated too early from their parents? often go into shock4. Why do people need concrete support of community? parents not close by / brothers and sisters in another state or country5. Does Beth think its necessary for a mother to stay home full time to be together with her children? important but not
37、 necessary / if not inclined6. What is the wonderful trait that some working mothers have?a. the ability to be attentive to multiple demandsb. the ability to think about more than one thing at a timeTapescript:B - Beth I - IreneB. Its a big challenge for mothers today, because oftentimes mothers fee
38、l like its an either / or proposition that they have to work or have a child. And the reality is more and more women are choosing to do both, and also not be superwomen, so its a tricky., its a tricky line to balance. But I do have a quote that says, To choose to have a child is to choose forever to
39、 have your heart walk outside of your body, which means, just as weve been talking about, that you are constantly attached to your child, no matter how old they get, but you will learn to walk those lines. And you will learn to create balance and harmony in your life, and youll realize that not ever
40、ything you do is going to send your child to a therapist. And thats wonderful.I. Yes, yes. Ive just always felt that if you loved them hard enough, and that you had . your heart kind of in the right place, which obviously is outside your own body, that there was very little that . that you could do
41、wrong. I mean you .B. Yes. I think thats true. I think if you build a solid foundation with your child, especially in the early years, and.I. How early are we talking early years? I mean, by what point is the childs personality formed already?B. Well, you know theres a lot of information on that tha
42、t definitely is conflicting. But there are new studies coming out that are just fascinating about how important, extremely important it is for a child to be with his / her mother until theyre close to four years old. Now, that doesnt mean consistently. Im not advocating that a mother stay home full
43、time if shes not so inclined. But theres definite research thats coming out saying that, yknow, a mothers role is more important in some regards than we had thought, and that the bonding process lasts quite a bit longer. In fact, children go into shock oftentimes if they are separated too early. And
44、 thats why I think a lot of us are fighting for parental leave and family leave, that allows both mother and father to have time with their children hopefully within the first two years, not just the first few months.People need concrete support, and especially nowadays, I did write another meditati
45、on about people needing the support of community because nowadays we oftentimes dont have our parents close by, or brothers and sisters live in another state or even in another country. And so especially when you come home for the first few months or the first few years, you may feel extremely isola
46、ted if you cant hook up with a co-op, a babysitting co-op, or a mothers group . And this is just a wonderful way to remind mothers that we have what Mary Catherine Bateson calls peripheral vision: the ability to be attentive to multiple demands and to think about more than one thing at a time. And I
47、 think thats a very valuable trait that mothers do have. And sometimes we think of ourselves as being scattered and airheads because of it, and thats been oftentimes how weve been portrayed, but this is a wonderful, wonderful trait that mothers develop especially in the first few years.I: Well, we h
48、ave eyes in the backs of our heads, right?B. Exactly.I. But we are also able to keep lots of balloons in the air, which means that what we do is, you get up in the morning and you say, I need to do this, this, this, this, and I need to go to work, and whats for dinner besides.”B. Exactly.I, You get
49、it all in order before you leave the house in the morning.B. Right, and you can take your needs into account as well as the needs of many other individuals, which is extremely important in this day and age. I mean we no longer can afford ecologically to have a one-track mind. We can no longer afford
50、 it in the family, in the work place, and I think thats something that women very much have to offer.I. I think that the me generation is over.Unit 3Part I Warming up AJob Key wordsSpeaker 1 Psychologist listening / talk / problems / patients/ progress / turn life aroundSpeaker 2 Camp counselor kids
51、 / problems / win trust / open up /develop confidence & self-worth / summerSpeaker 3 Firefighter burning / smoke / get people out /dangerousTapescript:1. PsychologistMaybe the biggest challenge for me is listening to people talk about all their problems. At the end of the day, Im usually pretty worn
52、 out. At times, it can be depressing as well. On the other hand, I do see patients making real progress. Its great to see someone really turn their life around and get on top of a problem that they thought they never could deal with.2. Camp counselorAs a camp counselor, its difficult to find a way t
53、o get through to kids with problems and win their trust. Sometimes kids are very suspicious and find it hard to trust an adult - even a young adult. So getting them to open up is the hardest part. Once youve done that, they almost become different people. One of the things I find most rewarding is s
54、eeing kids develop confidence and a sense of self-worth. Its especially great to see that happen in a kid who started out the summer with low self-esteem.3. FirefighterIt sounds pretty obvious, but in my job, the biggest challenge is going into a burning building thats full of smoke when you can bar
55、ely see a few inches in front of you. Its really difficult - especially when you know there are people in there, and its your job to get them out. Once you do get someone out safely, then you feel really great and you forget about how dangerous the work is.BSpeaker 1 (Justin)forming his own music gr
56、ouprecording album / making music videobreaking into music scene in a big waySpeaker 2(Sophia) being a doctorworking first overseas then back homein a hospitalSpeaker 3 (Rachel)being a modelstarting her own modeling agencyTapescript:1. JustinWhat do I hope Ill have achieved by the time Im 30? Well,
57、I hope Ill have made a successful career in the music industry. Right now, I play in a band and Id love to be able to do that professionally. I plan to form a group of my own in a few years. Once we get known, well record an album- and make music videos, of course- and try to break into the music sc
58、ene in a big way.2. SophiaI plan to be a doctor. When Ive graduated from med school and finished with my interning, I want to work overseas for a few years. Ill probably work in a developing country with an organization like UNICEF. After that, Ill come back home and work in a hospital. I dont really care if I make a lot of money or not, but I do want to work somewhere where I feel I ca
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