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1、人教版2022年六年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語(yǔ)按要求寫(xiě)句子專項(xiàng)競(jìng)賽題班級(jí):_ 姓名:_1. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1.I know. (改為否定句)2. The post office is near the bookstore. (就主題意思提問(wèn))_  _  the post office?3. There is a hospital near the cinema. (改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_  _  a hospital near the cinema?4. What do you want to buy? (根據(jù)提示回答問(wèn)題)  

2、明信片5. Its near the museum. (寫(xiě)出同義句)2. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1. 用he改寫(xiě)句子。I will use computers in my lessons.2. 變成否定句。We will grow flowers next week.3. 按要求寫(xiě)句子。1We shouldnt waste water.(改為同義句)We _ _ water.2We use wood to make tables.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ _we use to make tables?3Wood comes f

3、rom trees.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_ wood _ from trees?4much, many, is, places, not, water, in, there (.)(連詞成句)5plastic, dont, much, use, too (.)(連詞成句)4. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1. 變成一般疑問(wèn)句。The bee works hard.2. 變成否定句。I can find my dog.5. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1. Her hair was short.變成一般疑問(wèn)句。2. Im your mum.變成否定句。6. 按要求完成句子。1They

4、 are going to make jiaozi. (畫(huà)線部分提問(wèn))_ _ they going to _?2Im going to buy some flowers.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_ _ going to buy _ flowers.3They are very nice fireworks. (改為感嘆句)_ _ _ they are!= _ _ the _ _!4我不知道怎么寫(xiě)英文郵件。(翻譯句子)I dont know h

5、ow _ _ _ English email.5下周二是教師節(jié)! (翻譯句子)Its going _ _ _ _ next Tuesday.7. 根據(jù)要求完成句子,每空一詞。1. Finally, the lion let the mouse go.(改成否定句)Finally, the lion _  _ the mouse go.2. Nancy does well at home. (改成一般疑問(wèn)句)_ Nancy _ 

6、well at home ?3. My brother has a little sweet food every day . (對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_  _  sweet food does your brother have every day ?4. Mike had some bread and milk for breakfast. (對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_  _ Mike have for breakfast?5. He never does his homework la

7、te. (改成同義句)He _ does his homework _.8. 將下列句子改成一般疑問(wèn)句。(1)It is a lovely dog.(2)She is a lovely girl.(3)It is a big horse.(4)You are a singer(5)He is my father.9. 根據(jù)要求改寫(xiě)句子,每空一詞。1His favourite subject is math.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ his favourite subject?2He likes art because its fun.

8、(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ _ he like art?3My English teacher is Miss Liu.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ _ your English teacher?4My favourite colour is blue.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ _ favourite colour?5I like PE best.(改為同義句)_ _ _ is PE.10. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1You must not go at a red light. (寫(xiě)出同義句)2She

9、often gets up at six every day. (對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))3I am feeling well today.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))4Tom stayed at home and slept yesterday.(變?yōu)橐话阋蓡?wèn)句)5I have some interesting books. (變?yōu)榉穸ň?11. 按要求完成句子。1He put rubbish in the bin .(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_ _ put _in the bin ?2She is a pretty girl.(

10、改為感嘆句)3I saw many interesting parrots yesterday.(把“yesterday”改為“now”)I _ _ many interesting parrots now.4I got some presents from my parents.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_ you _ _ presents from your parents?5I''d like some chocolates as my birthday present.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn)

11、)_ _you like as _ birthday present?6Kitty read a lot of books yesterday evening.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ _Kitty read a lot of books?12. 按要求完成句子。1Smoke makes the air dirty. (對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ makes the air dirty?2Did you do shopping? (作否定回答)3We went to Shanghai and visited the S

12、hanghai. (改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_ you _ to Shanghai and _ the Shanghai.4This is my brother''s bedroom.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ bedroom _ this?5They went to the farm last Saturday.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_they _ to the farm last Saturday?6My holiday was great

13、 fun. (對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))13. 按要求完成句子。1. Sunny will go to the Summer Palace this holiday.(改為否定句)Sunny _ _ to the Summer Palace this holiday.2. She is a lovely girl.(改為感嘆句)_ _ lovely girl she is!3. Mrs Smith will stay in Wuxi for two months.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ _ will Mrs

14、Smith stay in Wuxi?4. How is the weather today?(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)_ the weather _ today?5. The children are cleaning the windows now.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ _ the children _ now?6. Li Mei does well in Chinese.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)Li Mei _ _ _ Chinese.14. 讀一讀, 按要求改寫(xiě)句子

15、。1He is doing the dishes now.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn)) _ _he _now?2I am going to buy an English book.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn)) _ _you going to _?3I teach Chinese in a school.(用she替換I)_ _Chinese in a school.4He likes doing morning exercises.(用I替換he)_ _doing morning exercise

16、s.5He watches TV at night.(改為否定句)He _TV at night.15. 按要求寫(xiě)句子。1Sometimes we take a bus to school.(改為同義句)Sometimes we _ to school _ bus.2You can put the clothes away to keep your room clean.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ can you _ to keep your room clean?3Eddie goes to s

17、leep after breakfast.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_ Eddie _ to sleep after breakfast?4dirty, what, air, makes, the (?)(連詞成句)5school, we, to, can, walk (.)(連詞成句)16. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1Is Mr Chart very helpful? (作否定回答)2It''s a super car.(改為感嘆句)3They work hard in the factory. (改為否定句)4We went to the Shanghai

18、 Museum.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))5I am at school.(變?yōu)橐话阋蓡?wèn)句)_ _ at school?6Her mother can help her swim.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))17. 按要求改寫(xiě)句子。1My uncle walks to the supermarket.(用be going to結(jié)構(gòu)改寫(xiě)句子)My uncle _ _ _ _ to the supermarket.2We are going to visit the Great Wall next Saturday.(改為否定句

19、)We _ _ to visit the Great Wall next Saturday.3Linda is going to dance at Mikes party.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ _ Linda _ _ _ at Mikes party?4Were going to have a party at five.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ _ you _ _ have a party?5He is going to go fishing.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_ he _ _ go fishing?18. 根據(jù)所給要求完成句子。1.She would rather wear a woolen sweater. (改為否定句)She wo


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