



1、精品文檔 歸化1. spri ng up like mushrooms雨后春筍2. every dog has his day凡人皆有得意日3. to keep one'shead above water 奮力圖存4. 過著牛馬不如的日子To live a dog ' life5. 窮的像叫花子as poor as church mouse1. Good to the last drop .滴滴香濃,意猶未盡。(麥斯威爾咖啡)2. The taste is great.味道好極了。(雀巢咖啡)3. You name it, weve got it! 一應俱全(美國某超級市場)4

2、. 賓至如歸。Guests Feel at home.保一酒店廣告語)5. 城市,讓生活更美麗。Better City, Better life.(上海申辦2010年世界博覽會)6. 要想體力好,常飲健力寶A Jian Libao a day keeps the doctor away7. lucky dog只能譯為 幸運兒”8. Kill two birds with one stone譯為 一石二鳥”豆腐西施 Bea ncurd queen歸化紅樓夢 A Dream of Red Mansions" 歸化財神爺the God of Wealth歸化拆了東墻補西墻:To rob P

3、eter to pay Paul1 to take French leave.不辭而另 U2 to seek a hare in a hen ' s nest.緣木求魚3 to have an old head on young shoulder 少年老成4 Justice has long arms天網恢恢,疏而不漏5 You can ' t teach an old do年逾花甲不堪教6 Rome was not built in a day.冰凍三尺非一日之寒7 He that lives with cripples learns to limp. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑8

4、Everybody ' s bus in ess is no body' s三個和尚沒水喝1. talk horse 吹牛2. as stupid as a goose 蠢得像豬3. as a stone ' s throw 一箭之遙4. new booms sweep clea n 新官上任三把火5. When in Rome, do as the Roma ns do.入國問禁,入鄉(xiāng)隨俗6. Self do, self have 自作自受1. An hour in the morni ng is worth two in the evening .譯為 "

5、一日之計在于晨?!?. Love me, love my dog .譯為 "愛屋及烏” 。3. One boy is a boy , two boys half a boy , three boys noboy .譯為"一個和尚挑水吃,兩個 和尚抬水吃,三個和尚沒水吃。”精品文檔 異化1. 鐵飯碗iron rice bowl2. 紙老虎paper tiger3. 天有不測風云,人有旦夕禍福(異)Truly storms gather without warm ing in n ature, and bad luck befalls men over ni ght.(歸)I

6、know the weather and huma n life are both un predictable.4. 謀事在人,成事在天Man proposes, heaven disposes (heaven-god)1. 城鄉(xiāng)路萬千,路路有航天。East, west, Hangtian is the best.(航天牌汽車廣告)(類似于英語諺語: East or west,home is the best.)2. 失敗是成功之母 "譯為 “ Failure is the mother of success.”3. 禍不單行 ” 譯為 “ Misfortunes never co

7、me singly.”4. 顧客是我們的皇帝We take customers as our God.(某百貨公司廣告)(在英語文化里God是最崇高的。)5. Better late than the late.遲到總比喪命好。(某交通公益廣告)(此廣告語源于 Better late than never晚來總比不來好。)6. 三個臭皮匠,頂個諸葛亮 "譯為:“ Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the master mind.7. “ He is a millionaire. To give him

8、money is simply carrying coals to Newcastle. 可譯為 他是個百萬富翁,給他錢簡直是往紐卡斯爾運煤一一多此一舉。”紐(卡斯爾是英國的煤炭重鎮(zhèn),故往那里運煤無疑是多此一舉”。)紅樓夢 The Story of the Stone 異化王昭君 Oriental Best Beauties in china 異化宮保雞?。?Ko ng Pao chicke n1 a castle in the air 空中樓閣2 A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滾石不生苔3 Blood is thicker than water.血濃于水4

9、 打破鐵飯碗to break the 'Iron rice bowl"1. armed to teeth 武裝到牙齒2. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth 以眼還眼,以牙還牙3.3. all roads lead to Rome條條道路通羅馬4. show one 'cards 攤牌5. paper tiger 紙老虎6. to weep crocodile's tear 流鱷魚眼淚8.7. sandwich 三明治10.精品文檔8. hot dog 熱狗9. hamburger 漢堡包1.2. 計算機用語e-mai

10、l被翻譯為伊妹兒3. 生物學用語clone被翻譯成克隆4.4. 醫(yī)藥用語vitamin被翻譯成維他命1 異化可以在語音層上出現。如ballet譯作"芭蕾舞”,cigar譯作"雪茄”,laser過去譯成“萊塞”,現譯作“鐳射”、“激光”,以至于目前大街小巷都風行的“卡拉0K”等。2.異化可以在詞語層出現。如"crocodile tears”譯作“鱷魚的眼淚”,“an olive branch”譯作“橄欖枝”,“ sour grapes”譯作“酸葡萄” ,“the cold war ”譯作“冷戰(zhàn)”等等。3異化可以在句子結構層次出現。朱生豪翻譯的莎士比亞戲劇是公認的佳譯,其中就運用 了不少“歐化句式”如在哈姆雷特第一幕第三場中,波洛涅斯告誡女兒不要輕信哈姆雷特時說:“ You speak like a gree n girl . Un sifted in such perilous circumsta nee .” 朱生豪將其譯 為:“你講的話完全像是一個不曾經歷過這種危險的不懂事的女孩子?!敝酥娌恢漠惢?You can know a man and his face but not his heart.歸化: Appearances certainly a


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