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1、基礎義務教育資料歡迎使用本資料,才版身體演、萬事如意,閡彖歡樂,同學們僮鼾夬樂的成長。早m為祖國的崇榮昌奉獻自己的力*。10Unit 4 Our World Topic 1 Plants and animals are important to us.I .詞性變化sheep- sheep(pl.卜important (adj.) - importance(n.) danger(n.) dangerous(adj.) beautiful (adj.) - beauty ( n.)thin - thick / fat (反義詞)wood(木材)-woods(樹木,森林)n .重點詞組1 .thi

2、nk about 思考2 .enjoy the beauty of nature 欣賞自然美景3 .the life in the countryside 鄉(xiāng)村生活4 .much/ a little /a lot/even/a bit/far/still smaller更小得多 /一點兒(表程度)而 very/so/quite/as as/more /too 后力口原級5 .give us happiness 給我們幸福6 .talk about the photos 談論照片7 .share the same world with them 與他們分享同一個世界8.be important

3、to對重要9.keep a pet dog養(yǎng)寵物狗10.sing to us 對我們唱歌sing for us 為我們唱歌11 .feed(fed) on 以為食eg: Horse feed on grass. We live on rice.(講人日用 live on)12 .help to make the air fresher幫助使得空氣更新鮮13 .control(controlled)the climate調(diào)節(jié)氣候14 .become smaller and smaller變得越來越小15 .the importance of 的重要性1.1 in fact實際上17 .cover

4、with. 用覆蓋18 .thousands of 幾千 hundreds of 幾百five hundred/ thousand trees 五百 /千棵樹19.living things 生物20.less and less land to live on越來越少可生存的陸地fewer and fewer books 越來越少的書21.in danger 處于危險中22.in the south of China = in South China 華南23.kill them for their fur and bones為了它們的皮毛與骨頭而捕殺它們24.in the ocean 在大洋

5、25.as we know據(jù)我們所知26.live a better / happy life 過著更好/幸福的生活27.run (ran) after追逐/追趕28.on the earth = on Earth 在地球上on earth究竟(用于問句中,強調(diào))29.in the sky 在空中 in / onthe river在河里/在水面上 m .重點句型1 .Which do you like better , animals or plants ? 動物和植物,你更喜歡哪個?I like plants better.我更喜歡植物.Which do you like best , Ch

6、inese, math or English ?語數(shù)英,你最喜歡哪科? I like English best.我最喜歡英語.2 .Roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers. 玫瑰是所有花中最漂亮=Roses are more beautiful than the other flowers.=Roses are more beautiful than any other flower.( 單數(shù))3 .Rainforests cover 6%(6 percent) of the earth' s surface.雨林覆蓋著地球百分之

7、六的面積4 .They provide places to live for thousands of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth.他們?yōu)槌汕先f的動植物提供生存場所,它們是在地球上其他地方找不到.Many of them live in the trees over (more than)30 meters from the ground.許多動物生活在離地面30多米高的樹上.6 .Rainforests play an important part in controlling the climate.雨林在調(diào)節(jié)氣候方面起著

8、重要的作用7 .Without rainforests, many beautiful plants and animals would die out.沒有雨林許多美麗的動植物都將滅絕8 .Water is important to all living things.水對所有生物都重要.9 .Water is necessary for all plants.水對所有植物都必要 .10 .They are the oldest type of tigers living in the world.它們是世界上最古老的虎種11 .What should we do to protect th

9、em?我們該做什么來保護他們 ?12 .Pandas are becoming fewer and fewer in number. 熊貓在數(shù)量上變得越來越少.The number of the pandas is becoming smaller and smaller.熊貓的數(shù)量上變得越來越少.13 .We must save every drop of water。我們必須節(jié)約每一滴水.14.The air in the countryside is fresher than that inthe city.鄉(xiāng)村的空氣比城里的空氣新鮮.IV .Grammar-形容詞的比較級和最高級1 .

10、定義:形容詞比較級:當我們對兩個事物作比較時,其中一個“更”的時候,我們就用比較級。最高級:我們對三個或三個以上的事物作比較時,其中一個“最一”的時候我們用最高級。2 .變化規(guī)則: (1)規(guī)則變化:A .大多數(shù)單音節(jié)形容詞的比較級和最高級是在其原級后面加上-er和-est :small-smaller smallestB.許多單音節(jié)形容詞只有一個元音字母,其末尾為一輔音字母,且是重讀閉音節(jié)。在比較級和最高級形式中,這個輔音字母要雙寫:big-bigger biggestC.許多單音節(jié)形容詞以-e結尾,如nice。這些形容詞只需在原級形式后加-r和-st:large-larger-largest

11、 nice-nicer nicestD.形容詞以輔音字母+y結尾,變?yōu)楸容^級和最高級時,-去y改-i力口-er和-est:easy-easier-easiest heavy heavier heaviestE.部分雙音節(jié)和多音節(jié)的形容詞(可與more連用構成其比較級形式,與 most連用構成其最高級形式。beautiful more beautiful - most beautiful(2)不規(guī)則變化:有少數(shù)形容詞的比較級和最高級是不規(guī)則的,必須熟記,如:good/ well-better-best much/ many more most little less least old olde

12、r / elder oldest / eldest bad (ill)/badly-worseworstfarfarther/further farthest/furthest3用法比較級用法:(1) be+比較級+than結構可以表示一方超過或不如另一方的情況。He is taller than I.他比我高。形容詞比較級之所指如果很清楚,它也可獨立存在:This coat is longer.這件外衣較長。(2)比較級前面不能用very,so,too, quite等作修飾詞,但為了表示比較級的程度,可以用much,a lot,a little,a bit,even,still 等作修飾詞。

13、例如:This box is much heavier than that one.這只箱子比那只箱子重得多。(3)”比較級+ and +比較級"結構,意為"越來越"。例如:The weather is getting warmer and warmer. 天氣越來越暖和 了。Our city becomes more and more beautiful.* (4)"the +比較級(主語+謂語),the+比較級(主語+謂語結構,意為"越,越"。例如:The busier he is,thehappier he feels.他越忙,

14、越高興。* (5)當比較雙方只出現(xiàn)一方(沒有than及其后面的部分),且句中含有 of the two時,比較級前要加the。例如:He is the taller of the two boys.他是兩個男孩中較高的一個。(6)從范圍上看,如果在同一范圍內(nèi),形容詞的比較級必須把自己排除掉,即自己不能與自己相比,而最高級必 須包含自己。例如:他比他班的任何一個學生都高。誤: He is taller than any student in his class.(he 包括在 any student 里面)正 :He is taller than any other student/ the o

15、ther students in his class.(any otherstudent 里面已排除了 he) =He is the tallest student in his class.注意:如果不在同一范圍內(nèi),比較級就不必把前面的主語排除掉。例如:Shanghai is larger than any city in Australia.上海比澳大利亞任何城市都大。(上海不屬于澳大利亞,所以 city前不必加 other)試比較:Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.上海比中國任何一座城市都大。最高級用法:(1) .最高級用于三

16、者或三者以上的人或事物之間的比較,表示在眾多人或事物中,其中一個"最"。例如:Thatgirl is the tallest student in our class.那位姑娘是班上個子最高的學生。The red sweater is the cheapest of all the sweaters.在所有的毛衣中,那件紅毛衣最便宜。(2) .形容詞的最高級在使用日必須加定冠詞the,并常伴有一個表示范圍的介詞(in, of,among)短語或從句.of短語所指的范圍通常是一群人或一些事物,而不是一個場所;如果指一個場所,則用介詞in。例 He is the stronge

17、st of the three.他是三個人中身體最強壯的。He is the strongest in our class.他是我們班里身體最強壯的。(2)當形容詞最高級前有物主代詞、指示代詞、名詞所有格等限定詞修飾時,最高級前不加the。如:The Chang jiang River is the longest river in China.長江是中國第一大河。He is our best teacher他是我們最好的老師。(4)而形容詞的最高級若在句中作表語,且又不與其它事物作比較時,前面不加the。例如:We are busiest on Monday.我們星期一最忙。one of+最

18、高級+名詞復數(shù),意思是 "最 之一",如:He is one of the tallest boys in our class.他在我們班是最高的男孩之一。(6)序數(shù)詞可以修飾形容詞的最高級。如:The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黃河在中國是第二長河。Unit4 Topic2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?重點詞組fall down 倒塌another two terrible earthquakes 還有兩個嚴重的地震anothe

19、r +大于1的數(shù)詞.+可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)=大于1的數(shù)詞+ more +可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)lose one' s life失去某人的生命protect sb. from sth./ doing sth保護。免受。的傷害ways to do sth.做某事的方法the missing people 失蹤人口ask sb. for help向某人求助the number of 。 的數(shù)量a number of 許多9 .hear about 聽說10 .a level 7.1 earthquake 一場 7.1 級的地震11 .hurt more people使更多的人受傷12 .lose one

20、9; s home失去某人的家園13.get the news得到這條消息14.run out of the door 跑出門15.stay calm 保持鎮(zhèn)定16 .the level of the earthquake 地震的等級17 .forest fire 森林大火18 .take a lift 乘坐電梯19 .keep you safe保證你的安全20.1 n the middle of a room 在房間的中間21.close to 靠近22.remember to do sth 記得去做某事23.stay / keep away from 遠離24 .try to do sth

21、盡力去做某事25 .get away from遠離26 .be careful of fallen power lines 小心掉下來的電線27 .feel afraid 感到害怕28 .move around四處走動29 .call sb. for help 打電話求助30 .turn off/on the gas關掉 /打開煤氣31 .jump off a window 從窗口跳出去32 .cover your face 遮住你的臉33 .with the help of the whole nation在全國人民的幫助下34 .return to normal life 回到正常的生活3

22、5 .be able to do能做某事36 .start one' s life over again 再次開始生活37 .send the army to help派遣部隊去幫忙38 .go downstairs 下樓39 .sth happen to sb.某人發(fā)生了某事二.重點句子。1.A terrible earthquake struck Qinghai. 一場嚴重的地震襲擊了 青海2.Some people died and many people are missing. 一些人死了, 很多人失蹤3.I' m very sorry to hear that. 聽

23、到那個消息我很難過4.How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake.我們怎樣能保護我們自己免受地震的危害?5.I think the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 was more serious than this one, but the Tangshan earthquake in 1976 was the most serious.我認為2008年的汶川地震比這次更嚴重,但是1976年的唐山地震是最嚴重的。1.1 t killed more than two thousand people and hurt

24、more.它殺死了兩千多人并且使更多人受傷。7 .Running out of the door can be dangerous.跑出門是很危險的8 .Remember, the most important thing is to stay calm.記住最重要的事情是保持鎮(zhèn)定9 .Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in the earthquake.知道一些保護你自己的方法將在地震中幫助保證你的安全10 .Remember to protect your head and neck with

25、your arms.記住用你的胳膊保護你的頭和脖子。11 .Here is the news from Wenchuan in Sichuan Province.這是一條來自四川汶川的新聞12 .At 2:28 in the afternoon, on May 12,2008, a terrible earthquake happened here. 在2008年5月12號下午2點28分,一場嚴重的地震在這里發(fā)生13 .With the help of the whole nation, people in Wenchuan are rebuilding their homes now and

26、 they are returning to normal life.在全國人名的幫助下,汶川人民正在重建他們的家園并且他們正回到正常的生活中。三.重點語法1 .形容詞比較級和最高級。多音節(jié)和部分雙音節(jié)在詞前加more或most e.g. The telephone is useful. The mobile phone is more useful than the telephone.The computer is the most useful of the three.2 2) English is important. Math is more important than Engl

27、ish. Chinese is the most important of the three.3 .the number of 和 a number of 的 區(qū) 別The number of the students in our class is 50.我們班學生的總數(shù)是50 人。A number of the students are playing sports on the playground.許多學生正在操場上做運動。Unit4 Topic3 The Internet makes the world smaller.一.重要詞組1 .do some shopping 購物2 .

28、a little +比較級 有點3 .and so on 等等4 .chat with sb.與聊天5 .face to face 面對面6 .find out the information online 上線查找信息7 .five minutes later (adv.)五分鐘后8 .each other 互相9 .come into being 形成10.in the 1960s 在 20 世紀 60 年代11.make sth. into use投入使用12.through the Internet 通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)13.look like 看起來像14.putinto把.放進15.make

29、 sth. adj. 使某物1.1 I' m not sure if/whether+ 句子我不確定是否 I' m (quiet) sure (that) + 句子我相當確信17 .all kinds of各種各樣的18 .share sth. with sb.與某人分享某物19 .help (to) do sth.幫忙做某事20 .not all 并非所有21 .hurt others 傷害別人22 .try to do 盡力做某事23 .spend- - .on sth./(in)doing 花做某事24.for the better向著較好的情況轉(zhuǎn)變25.at the s

30、ame time 同時26.some advice about 一些關于的建議27.changeinto 把變成1.1 It' s adj. (for sb.) to do sth.做某事對某人來說還1.100 ok sth. up in a dictionary 在字典里查找30 .be different from 與 不同31 .go to sp. for holidays去某處度假二、重點句子1 .The Internet makes the world smaller.互聯(lián)網(wǎng)讓世界變得更小。1.1 ' m sure the Internet will become more and more important to us.我確信互聯(lián)網(wǎng)?各對我們越來越重要。3.Guess what!你猜怎么著!4.I' m not sur


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