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1、spring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympicGamesandotherDelegates,staff: Hell o! inthe r un-uptot he Spri ng Festival,we held one session offourstaffrepresentativesConference2013-workshop,fullbac

2、kin2012,carefulanaly sis ofthecurr ent sit uation,discuss2013 development plans.Here,onbehalfof my company2013w ork reports tothe Ge neralAssembly,for consi deration.PillarI,2012backin2012,XXpowercompaniesadheretothe partys 17great spiritfor guidance,comprehensivelyimplementthescientificconcept ofde

3、vel opment, prom oting cost-lea dership strategy, standards,focusonimplementation,leanmanagem ent, continuously impr ove,sm ooth present safety situati on ofenterpri se manageme nt, busi ness ma nagementa ndcontr olscientific a nd standardize d,and thede dicati on ofstaff,managea harmoni ousand dem

4、ocraticatmosphereofthe good situation.Mainindicatorsareasfollows:-thebatteryindicator:powergenerationtotaled7.815billionkWh,beyondtheannualbudgetimplementationcapacityof315million k Wh, an increase of757mil lion kWh.Salestotaled7.425billion k Wh,exceedi ng sale s of330 million kWhtheannual Exe cutiv

5、e budget,ani ncrea se of729 million k Wh. -S ecurity measures: unplanned outages2.5times.Nopersonali njury a cci dent occurre d, no majoraccide ntand above,nomajor fireaccident swithoute nvironmental polluti on ac cidents,safetyforthre econsecutiveyearsto mai ntain sta bilityto g ood posture.Busines

6、sfinancialindicators:total profits of255milli onYuan, beyond t hea nnualbudget of207million Yuan,beyondtheDatang companyindex41.89 millionYuan,anincreaseof1.76millionYuan,FCMa ssessment atgrade four.-Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting312.25 g/k Wh, down 0.1 g /kWh;integrate dauxiliary po

7、werconsumpti on ratio in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pollutantemissions performancegrea tly reduce d compare dto lastyea r, carbon 0.09 g /kWh,sulfur dioxide 0.104 g /kW h NOx0.512 g /kWh; dust removaefficiency of more t han 99.8%.-Relia bilityindex: equivale nt availabilityfact orin 93.47%,increase d 7.95%

8、 from ayearearlier.Equivalentforcedoutagerate0.08%,0.16%reductionoverthe same peri oda yearearli er.Majorachievements: first,we shoul da dheretot hetwo manage mentsystem basis, stre ngthe ningtechnologi calresear ch, strengthe nhi dden ha zards controlandintrinsic safety Enterprise construction took

9、 newste ps. -The tw o managementsystem for improvement.Focusonpromotingthepowerofthecompa ny managementsystem a ndtheapplicati ona nd implementati on ofthe safety loop fiv e-star manageme ntsystem,improvethesafetymanagementsystem,realize thesystem ofsafetycontrol.Further regulatesecurityroutines,saf

10、etysupervisi on a ndmanag ement netw orkrole to playtoachieve closed -loop. Stre ngtheningthe supervisi on a nd management of ha bitualvi olationof, strengtheningthesafetysupervisionofoutsourcingcontractors.Carriedoutin潘家窯 35KV 變電站工程施工總結(jié)一、工程概況:本工程位于山西省朔州市潘家窯礦,本工程主要工程內(nèi)容分為兩部分;土建工程和電氣工程,其中土建工程分為35kv 變電

11、站、電容器室,戶外電氣三部分。(1) :土建工程:35kv 變電站為框架結(jié)構(gòu),共三層,建筑面積為425.28m2, 建筑局度為11.8m,其中地上兩層,地下一i層?;A(chǔ)米用獨立基礎(chǔ)墻下 鋼筋混凝土條形基礎(chǔ),地基處理采用3: 7 灰土換填,混凝土強度等級為C30,屋面為現(xiàn)澆鋼筋混凝土板。配套室內(nèi)外抹灰、刷乳膠漆、 地面鋪瓷磚,配套室內(nèi)給排水、電器照明設(shè)施安裝。電容器室為石?;旖Y(jié)構(gòu),采用整片換填3:7灰土 1.5m厚,至基礎(chǔ) 底。MU30石條形基礎(chǔ),現(xiàn)澆C30鋼筋混凝土屋面(高度為4.5m), 配套室內(nèi)電氣照明、采暖、通風(fēng)設(shè)施安裝。(2) :戶外部分:室外設(shè)3支避雷針,高度 30m;事故貯油池1個

12、(尺寸為4.5m*1.8m*2.2m);主變門型架共兩架,高度為9m;磁控電抗基礎(chǔ)2個 ( 尺 寸 為 5.2m*5.2m*0.4m); 主 變 壓 器 貯 油 池 2 個 ( 尺 寸 為 7.6m*6m*0.6m);隔離開關(guān)支座,高度為2.5m,共2處;10kv母線橋 支座共8基,高度為3m;室外電纜溝分為4種,電纜溝1寬1.2m, 深1.1m,電纜溝2寬1m,深1.1m,電纜溝3寬0.8m,深0.7m,電纜溝 4寬0.6m,深0.7m,均采用素混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)。(3) :電氣工程:( 1) 設(shè)備安裝:35kv 高壓配電室內(nèi)設(shè)12 臺高壓開關(guān)柜,10kv 高壓ctivities,compre he

13、nsive andtamping SafetyFoundati on .Troubleshooti ng,manageme ntmechanism,give full playtorole oftechnical supervisi on a nd realizati onoftrouble shooti ng, manageme nt,improve d process management.T hisyear compl etedthe boil erlower header leakage,boiler pressure, amajor ri sk management, com ple

14、ted29 ofgreat risksand 3 Ge neralproblems of governa nce. Com pletechemistrylab constructi on,therm al control ,and com pletethe boiler scalei ntegrated manageme nt,hostshaftingvibrationof 10scientifi c andte chnol ogical proje cts,suchas. Completesupercriti cal630MW on-line simulation systemdev elo

15、pment andapplicati on ofcirculati ngwater MCCstandby pow ertransformation,thetransformation of desulfurizationwastewater,the unitwatersupplysystem ofcompr ehe nsive treatment a nd di schargevalvemodifi cation ofcoalmill 5keytechnologi caltransformation pr ojects,grouphealt h isimpr oved. -S cience a

16、 nd technologyi nnovation i s furtherefficiencyofmore t han99.8%.-Relia bilityindex:equivalent availabilityfact orin93.47%,increased7.9 5%from ayearearlier.Equivalentforced outage rate0.08%,0.16% re duction overthe same peri od ayearearli er.Majorachievement s:first, we shoul da dhere tot he two man

17、agement systembasis,strengthe ning technologi cal resear ch, strengthe n hi dden ha zards controland intrinsic safetyEnterprise construction took new ste ps. -The tw o managementsystemforimprovement.Focus on pr omoting the powerofthecompa nymanagementsystem a ndthe applicati ona nd implementation of

18、 the safetyloopfive-starmanagementsystem, improve the safetymanagementsystem, realize the system of safetycontrol. Furtherregulate security routine s,safetysupervisi on a nd manag ementnetw ork role to playto achieve closed -loop. Stre ngthening the supervisi on a nd management of ha bitualvi olatio

19、n of, strengthening t he safetysupervisi on of outsourci ng contract ors. Carried out in in o_cin mpc G - a.o.eDelegates,staff: Hell o! inthe r un-uptot he Spri ng Festival,we held one session offourstaffrepresentativesConference2013-workshop,full back i n2012,careful analysis ofthecurr ent sit uati

20、on,discuss2013 development plans.Here,onbehalfofmycompany2013work reports tothe Ge neralAssembly,for consi deration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012, XX pow er companie sadheretothe partys 17great spiritfor guidance,comprehensivelyimpleme ntthe scie ntificconcept ofdevelopment, prom oting cost-lea dership

21、strategy, stan dards,focus on impl ementation, lea nmanagem ent, continuously impr ove,sm ooth present safety situati on ofenterpri se manageme nt, busi ness ma nagementa nd contr olscientific a nd standardize d,and thede dicati on ofstaff,managea harmoni ousand dem ocraticatmosphere ofthegood situa

22、tion.Mainindicat orsare asfoll ows:-t he battery i ndicat or: powerge nerationtotaled7.815billionk Wh,bey ondthe a nnualbudget impl ementation ca pacity of315million k Wh, an increase of757mil lion kWh.Salestotaled7.425billion k Wh,exceedi ng sale s of330 million kWhtheannual Exe cutive budget,ani n

23、crea se of729 million k Wh. -S ecurity measures: unplannedoutages2.5times.Nopersonalinjury a cci dent occurre d, no majoraccide ntand above,nomajor fireacci dent swith oute nvironmental polluti on accide nts,safetyforthre econsecutiveyearsto mai ntain sta bilityto g ood posture.Busi nessfi nancialin

24、dicat ors:totalprofits of255milli onYuan, beyond t hea nnualbudget of207million Yuan,beyondt heData ng companyindex41.89 millionYuan,a n increase of1.76mil lion Yua n,FCM a ssessment atgrade four.-Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting312.25 g/k Wh, down 0.1 g /kWh;integrate dauxiliary power

25、consumpti on ratio in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%;pollutantemissions performancegrea tly reduce d compare dto lastyea r, carbon 0.09 g /kWh,sulfur dioxide 0.104 g /kWhNOx0.512 g/kWh; dust remova配電室內(nèi)設(shè)34 臺高壓開關(guān)柜,主變壓器選用SZ11-12500/35 ,戶外安裝;10kv 電抗器安裝2 套, 10kv 電容器安裝2 臺; 380v 低壓柜安裝8 面。(2)電纜橋架及電纜:采用GQJ IY2060橋架100m敷

26、設(shè)電力電纜 VJV22-0.6/1-3*50+1*25 共 120m;(3)防雷接地:采用熱鍍鋅接地-40*4 扁鋼500m。二、主要施工過程簡述:我施工單位編制了完善的安全技術(shù)制度和切實可行的施工組織計劃,密切與甲方配合,在甲方與監(jiān)理的密切配合下,我單位全體職工加班加點,終于在合同規(guī)定時間內(nèi)完成了合同規(guī)定全部施工內(nèi)容,并經(jīng)甲方及監(jiān)理驗收合格。以下是施工過程簡述:(1) 、測量控制方法:根據(jù)建設(shè)單位提供的測量控制點(坐標(biāo)及高程) ,施工圖紙和有關(guān)規(guī)范規(guī)定,進(jìn)行基礎(chǔ)放線的測量;(2) 、土方工程的施工:根據(jù)實際施工順序及現(xiàn)場情況,采用50T裝載機一臺,12T 自卸汽車2 輛進(jìn)行土方工程的施工。設(shè)

27、計標(biāo)高在20cm-30cm以上的土方采用人工開挖,其余部分人工細(xì)部整修。土方回填前,先清除坑穴中積水、游泥和雜物,有地下水時,要采用降水措施?;靥顣r,采用挖掘機填土,由下而上分層鋪填,每層厚度不宜大于30cm1決不能居高臨下,不分層次,一次性堆填。施工順序與挖土順序相反,根據(jù)工程實際情況,采用小型打夯機夯實;(三)鋼筋工程:1、鋼筋加工:現(xiàn)場搭設(shè)鋼筋棚,配備切斷機、對焊機、彎曲機等機械。根據(jù)鋼筋翻樣單進(jìn)行下料然后成型。鋼筋加工過程中,下料除銹成型各道工ctivities,compre hensive andtamping SafetyFoundation.Troubl eshooti ng,m

28、anageme ntmechanism,give full playtorole oftechnicalsupe rvision andrealizationoftroubleshooting,management,impr oved process management.Thisyearcompleted t heboiler l owerhea derleakage, boil erpressure,a majorrsk management, completed29 ofgreat risksand 3 Generalproblemsofgovernance.Completechemis

29、trylabconstruction,thermalcontrol,andcompletetheboilerscale integrated management, hostshaftingvi bration of10 scie ntificand technologi calpr ojects, such a s.Completesupercriti cal630MW on-line simulation systemdevel opme ntand applicati on ofcir culati ngwater MCCstandbypowertransformation,t hetr

30、ansformation ofdesulfurization w astewater,the unitwater supplysystem ofcomprehensivetreatmentand dischargevalvemodification ofcoal mill5key technologi caltransformation projects,grouphealth is improve d. -Science andtechnology innovati on isfurt herincrease d.Strengt hen t he characteristi csofsupe

31、r critical unitmajori ssues,graduallycleari ngthe particularityofsupercriti cal unitand reg ularity. Developedmot oroiltimemanagement,switcha ction times,statistic s,coal-ai dedmea sureme nt software,impr ovesthe producti on level of lean manag ement. Increase d investment i n sci enceand technology

32、, reporting scienceand technology proje cts and 14techni cal pr ojecttotal cost percentage of thetotala nnualpr oduction outputof0.25%.Large-scalecoal-fired powerpla ntflue gas de sulfuri zation, de nitrificationcomplete development and appli cation ofkeytechnologies project ,w on thenationalscience

33、 andtechnologyprogresssecond prize.630MWsupercriticalunits optimize d controlstrategiesa nd the630M Wdevelopmentand applicationofon -line simulation systemforsupercriticalunits,supercritical600M W unit s ofturbi ne drivenboilerfeed pump set ofcom prehe nsive treatment ofdefects Data ng technol ogy r

34、espectively oneortwo andthird.Meanwhile,informationtechnologyachievements,thecompanywas named Chi na powerinformati on te chnology benchmarki ng enter prises.-Repa irand mai ntena nce has impr ovedfurther.M odifythe i nspecti onsta ndards andstandardson areg ularba sis,sta ndardizing w ork procedure

35、s, checki ng andi nspecti on proje ct.Dee pe ningthe BFS+system,a ndimpl ements mainte nance informati on shared. Re organizi ng RBlogi cagain,a nd e nsure thesuccess oftheRB. Innovatingthe mechanism ofmaintenan ce manageme nt, impleme nted apr oje ctmanagersystem.Successfulcompletion oftwoautonom o

36、usmai ntenance ,reliability impr ovedstea dily.Impleme ntingtwo c-l evel maintena nce,projectthemselves48.7%and42.3%,respectively.Accomplish tw ocir culati ng pum ps repaira nd overha uloffourMill s,mainte nance teams togetexercise.Promotethe workofenergysaving a nd consumpti onre ducing, compl etet

37、he unit energy consum ption diagnosi s, pla ntwater bala ncetest, 10 energ|-saving pr oje cts.Second, weshoulda dher eto three on theeconomicbenefits of improvi ng, outreach 7D ig- sW. l ica_h7r miUnuptt k WSp. Festvaaawaa- 745bll e se nk owf of-co - th rop,ful_tve badge, an 2, ,- Ie_rr h.eneit a| d

38、euHm p” s I5ati_s Here 、aalamy cmuy - payHi- orkmst a eGett_aemif major f houtPlenviinma axxide w r | , i tesadeeeee tvs .yeassiaaa.uiaisa bHtd”d cmpo-rnsimpeme (iisn tacc sd rofl-eflBmilitiYuis be)_d,, 11 dardgafic207mli onim n Yu entai” he Danmaagmcmp -yc- 1 Yua ove,sm o, ,_safef small on Yf fjmn_

39、e nt _g_oun_ ma nagem-Eta1y pndcnsupy isaoadar-coSadCepi dland12all dcaW-fS0, age*a r daoni ousaayem po caccaumsiaaal ”od 2%d uaoniMa% ;p ductt anM perwomanegaatyi t a g d_as yaae.78akbili “.oo/WMul - dindaxaa 0”.a b g pl no-i- a ; p_ci_ r _ f-序,應(yīng)嚴(yán)格按照施工驗收規(guī)范規(guī)定進(jìn)行操作,成品、半成品鋼筋應(yīng)分批分類掛牌堆放。注明樓號、樓層、構(gòu)件、部位。2、鋼筋

40、綁扎:(1)成型鋼筋的運輸,應(yīng)輕搬低放,以防變形。(2)在綁扎之前應(yīng)仔細(xì)核對鋼筋型號、直徑、形狀、數(shù)量是否符合料單、料牌和圖紙要求,審核無誤后進(jìn)行綁扎。(3)縱向受力鋼筋在現(xiàn)場構(gòu)件內(nèi)不能對焊的,可采用搭接方法,搭接長度應(yīng)符合設(shè)計及規(guī)范要求。(4)現(xiàn)澆樓板鋼筋要按設(shè)計要求施工,同一截面內(nèi)搭接接頭不應(yīng)超過25%搭接長度48D,樓板雙層筋之間要設(shè)“馬凳” (010鋼筋制作)每平方米設(shè)2 個。樓板加筋及洞口加筋應(yīng)嚴(yán)格按圖紙施工。(5)現(xiàn)澆樓板砼時,應(yīng)在鋼筋上面搭設(shè)架木板,嚴(yán)禁亂踏鋼筋,各種節(jié)點處理應(yīng)嚴(yán)格按圖施工。圖紙無法注明的難點,應(yīng)現(xiàn)場研究解決。( 6)鋼筋綁扎好后,在自檢合格的基礎(chǔ)上,報監(jiān)理部門驗

41、收。(四)砼工程:1 、 本工程砼結(jié)構(gòu)施工中,砼采用現(xiàn)場攪拌,為保證砼施工順利進(jìn)行,保證工程質(zhì)量,應(yīng)做好下面幾項工作:( 1)砼澆筑前,鋼筋、預(yù)留預(yù)埋必須辦理隱蔽工程驗收,模板尺寸軸線標(biāo)高應(yīng)復(fù)核無誤,水泥、砂子、碎石必須儲備充足,質(zhì)量符合要求。( 2)為保證砼的強度,對砼的原材料質(zhì)量、配合比必須嚴(yán)格控制,現(xiàn)場攪拌應(yīng)在后臺顯著位置懸掛配合比標(biāo)志牌,標(biāo)明澆筑部位、 ad on .T.uleSoolng mana_e nt mela-,gie ulply to roeof ecnca -e o” p.oe - mang-el,his” owe h_de r - and3Geea nanemp c-i

42、 -|1a cnSr a lc- if- ma of 0 -ntic ad -hnolg-iproecs, “asCmpee suecI-“iesmuain onof ci cuati ng - erMeSad|po - rasfmain,the tanSorm.nof 一zlonwase - te, the ui waer suply -m of copehe - I - met a. dsca.e v modicaion of camil- 一 asfmainp.1、goup h-1hs -Sene ad telnol innovaions Ur hericese d.Stregt he

43、the caace.I - of. s third.Meanwhile,information technolog|achieveme nts,the compan| waDelegates,staff: Hell o! inthe r un-uptot he Spri ng Festival,we held one session offourstaffrepresentativesConference2013-workshop,full back i n2012,careful analysis ofthecurr ent sit uation,discuss2013 developmen

44、t plans.Here,onbehalf of my company2013work reports totheGe neralAssembly,forconsi deration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012,XX pow er companie sadheretothe partys 17great spiritforguidance, comprehe nsivelyimpleme ntthe scie ntificconcept ofdevel opment, prom oting cost-lea dership strategy, standards,foc

45、us on impl ementation, lea nmanagem ent, continuously impr ove,sm ooth present safety situation ofenterpri se manageme nt, busi ness ma nagementa nd contr olscientific a nd standardize d,and thede dication ofstaff,managea harmoni ousand democraticatmosphere ofthegood situation.Mainindicat orsare asf

46、oll ows:-t he battery i ndicat or: powerge nerationtotaled7.815billionk Wh,bey ondthe a nnualbudget impl ementation ca pacity of315million k Wh, an increase of757mil lion kWh.Salestotaled 7.425 billion k Wh,exceedi ng sale s of330 million kWhtheannual Exe cutive budget,ani ncrea se of729 million k W

47、h. -S ecurity measures: unplannedoutages2.5times.No personali njury a cci dent occurre d, no majoraccidentand above,nomajor fireacci dent swithoute nvironmental pollution accide nts,safetyforthre econsecutiveyearsto maintain stabilityto g ood posture.Busi nessfi nancialindicat ors:totalprofits of255

48、milli onYuan, beyond t hea nnualbudgetof207million Yuan,beyondt heData ng companyindex41.89 millionYuan,a n increase of1.76million Yua n,FCM a ssessment atgrade four.-Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting312.25 g/k Wh,down 0.1 g /kWh;integratedauxiliary powerconsumpti on ratio in 5.12%, dow

49、 n 0.26%;pollutantemissionsperformancegrea tly reduce d compare dto lastyea r, carbon 0.09 g/kWh,sulfur dioxide 0.104 g /kWhNOx0.512 g/kWh; dust remova砼標(biāo)號、計量比例、每盤投料量等內(nèi)容,安排專人檢查配合比計量情況,并輔以不定期抽查。施工現(xiàn)場設(shè)砼坍落度筒,按規(guī)定定時測量坍落度,現(xiàn)場攪拌每兩小時測一次?;炷翝沧⑶澳0寮盎炷两佑|面應(yīng)澆水濕潤,但不應(yīng)有積水。(3)施工中,按規(guī)定留足抗壓試塊,試塊應(yīng)在澆筑地點作,其中一組為標(biāo)養(yǎng),另一組為現(xiàn)場同條件養(yǎng)護(hù)

50、,試塊按期及時試壓,安排專人負(fù)責(zé)實驗工作。(4)砼的振搗使用插入式振搗器,樓板可輔以平板振搗器,插入式振搗器應(yīng)快插慢拔,振搗要求密實,以砼開始泛漿和不冒氣泡為準(zhǔn),應(yīng)避免漏振、欠振和超振。(5)梁板砼應(yīng)嚴(yán)格控制標(biāo)高和表面平整度,并一次澆筑成功,不留施工縫。澆搗結(jié)束后,根據(jù)氣溫情況,進(jìn)行覆蓋,終凝后,澆水養(yǎng)護(hù),養(yǎng)護(hù)工作應(yīng)由專人負(fù)責(zé)。普通砼養(yǎng)護(hù)不少于7 天。2、對鋼筋密集處,為保證澆搗質(zhì)量可采取以下措施:(1)保證鋼筋之間縫隙,上下層鋼筋用鋼筋頭墊開。(2)用小型震動棒或震動片輔助震搗。(3)用木錘在模板外敲打,以加強振動。(4)振搗人員應(yīng)加強責(zé)任心,并選派技術(shù)素質(zhì)高的工人操作。并應(yīng)在澆注過程中仔細(xì)

51、觀察。(5)為保證現(xiàn)澆樓板的厚度,在已成型的模板上擺放 DN110PV管,其高度同設(shè)計板厚,間距1.8 米梅花設(shè)置)作為現(xiàn)澆樓板厚度找平的標(biāo)志點。當(dāng)樓板硅澆注完畢,以PVCT為準(zhǔn),用平直的木尺刮平,在抹壓時將PVCT取出清洗備用。并在房間中心 和房角埋入同板厚長度的DN25PV嚙,以備檢測樓板厚度。 ctivities,compre hensive andtamping SafetyFoundation .Troubl eshooti ng,manageme ntmechanism,give full playtorole oftechnicalsupe rvision andrealizat

52、ionoftroubleshooting,management,impr oved process management.Thisyearcompleted t heboiler l owerhea derleakage, boil erpressure,a majorrsk management, completed29 ofgreat risksand 3 Generalproblemsofgovernance.Complete chemi stry lab constr uction,thermalcontrol,and completet he boilerscale integrat

53、ed management, hostshaftingvi bration of10 scie ntificand technologi calpr ojects, such a s.Completesupercriti cal630MW on-line simulation systemdevel opme ntand applicati on ofcir culati ngwater MCCstandbypowertransformation,t hetransformation ofdesulfurization w astewater,the unitwater supplysyste

54、m ofcomprehensivetreatmentand dischargevalvemodification ofcoal mill5key technologi caltransformation projects,grouphealth is improve d. -Science andtechnology innovati on isfurt herincrease d.Strengt hen t he characteristi csofsuper critical unitmajori ssues,graduallycleari ngthe particularityofsup

55、ercriti cal unitand reg ularity. Developedmot oroiltimemanagement,switcha ction times,statistic s,coal-ai dedmea sureme nt software,impr ovesthe producti on level of lean manag ement. Increase d investment i n sci enceand technology, reporting scienceand technology proje cts and 14techni cal pr ojec

56、ttotal cost percentage of thetotala nnualpr oduction outputof0.25%.Large-scalecoal-fired powerpla ntflue gas de sulfuri zation, de nitrificationcomplete development and appli cation ofkeytechnologiesproject ,w on thenationalscience andtechnologyprogress second prize.630MWsupercriticalunits optimize d controlstrategiesa nd the630M Wdevelopmentand application ofon -line simulation systemforsupercriticalunits,super critical600M W unit s ofturbi ne drivenboilerfeed pump set ofcom prehe nsive treatment ofdefects Data ng technol ogy respectively oneortwo andthird.Me


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