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1、leave1/liv,liv/v.S1W1英livpp:leftpt:leftMEANINGS 義項1.GO AWAY離開I,Tto go away from a place or a person出發(fā);離開My baby gets upset when I leave the room. 我一離開房間寶寶就會不安。Before leaving the train, make sure you have all your belongings with you. 下火車前一定要帶好隨身物品。Leave the motorway at Junction 7. 請在七號交叉路口駛離高速公路。My

2、youngest boy hasnot leftmyside(=has stayed near me) since his daddy was killed. 我最小的兒子自從他爸爸死后就沒有離開過我的身邊。+ atThe plane leaves at 12.30. 飛機于12點30分起飛。+ forI tried calling him, but hed already left for work. 我試著打電話給他,可他已經(jīng)去上班了。leave (sth/sb) soon/now/later etcIf he left immediately, hed catch the 7.30 tr

3、ain. 他要是馬上出發(fā),就能趕上7點30分的火車。leave (sth/sb) to do sthFrances left work early to meet her mother. 弗朗西絲提前下班去接她母親。leave sb doing sthNever leave children playing near water unattended. 千萬不能讓兒童在水邊獨自玩耍。leave sb to sthIllleaveyouto it(=go away and let you continue with what you are doing). 這事我就留給你做了。leave sb

4、in peace(=go away from someone so that they can think, work etc alone)讓某人清靜,不打擾某人Just a few more questions, then well leave you in peace. 再問幾個問題我們就不打擾你了。2.STOP停止I,Tif you leave your job, home, school etc, you permanently stop doing that job, living at home etc離職;離開家、學校等Over the past two years, 20 st

5、affers have left. 在過去兩年里,有20名員工離職。My daughter got a job after she left school. 我女兒畢業(yè)后找了一份工作。The lawsuit will be postponed until the presidentleaves office. 這場訴訟要推遲到總統(tǒng)離任以后。It seems that Tony hasleftthe bandfor good(=permanently). 看來托尼是永遠離開這個樂隊了。leave home/school/college etcHow old were you when you l

6、eft home (=your parents home)? 你是多大的時候從家里搬出來的?leave a job/country/Spain etcMany missionaries were forced to leave the country. 許多傳教士被迫離開這個國家。leave (sb/sth) to do sthLaura left her native England to live in France. 勞拉離開她的家鄉(xiāng)英格蘭,移居法國了。3.leave sb/sth aloneto stop annoying or upsetting someone不去打擾某人,讓某人獨

7、自待著Oh, just leave me alone, will you? 噢,你就別來煩我了好不好?Leave the boy alone, he can make up his own mind. 不要去打擾這孩子,他會自己作決定的。to go away from someone so that they are on their own留下某人獨自一人Six-year-old Gemma had been left alone in the house. 六歲的杰瑪被單獨留在了屋子里。to stop touching something不碰某物Leave that alone. Youl

8、l break it. 別碰,你會把它打碎的。to stop being involved in or trying to change a situation不管,不過問Why cant they just leave well alone and let us concentrate on teaching? 他們?yōu)槭裁淳筒荒懿辉俨迨郑屛覀儗P慕陶n呢?4.LET STH/SB STAY讓某物/某人留在某處T always + adv/prepto make or allow something or someone to stay in a place when you go away把

9、某物或某人留在某處Shelefther sonin the care ofa friend. 她把兒子留給一個朋友照顧。Students wereleft totheirown devices(=left alone and allowed to do whatever they wanted) for long periods. 學生們有很長時間沒人管,想干什么就干什么。leave sth/sb in/with/behind etcAre you leaving the kids with Grandma on Saturday? 你打算星期六把孩子們留在奶奶那里嗎?As soon as I

10、d shut the door, I realized Id left the keys inside. 我剛關(guān)上門,就想起鑰匙留在里面了。Did anybody leave a jacket behind last night? 昨天晚上有哪位忘記拿夾克衫了嗎?leave sb to do sthHe left Ruth to find her own way home. 他讓露絲自己回家去。leave sb for deadThe girl had been attacked and left for dead. 那女孩遭到襲擊,襲擊者認為女孩已死,逃離了現(xiàn)場。5.NOT CHANGE/M

11、OVE STH不改變/不移動某物Tto let something remain in a particular state, position, or condition使保持某種狀態(tài)或在某個位置leave sth on/off/out etcYouve left your lights on. 你忘了關(guān)燈。She must have left the phone off the hook. 她一定是沒掛好電話。leave sth open/empty/untidy etcI wish youd stop leaving the door open. 我希望你別老開著門。The trial

12、left many questions unanswered. 這次試驗留下了許多未解決的問題。leave a space/gap etcLeave the next two lines blank for the tutors comments. 下面兩行空出來讓老師寫評語。Drivers should alwaysleave roomfor cyclists. 駕駛員應該始終給騎車人留出地方。leave sth doing sthIll just leave the engine running while I go in. 我進去時不會關(guān)閉引擎。Dontleavetoolslying a

13、bout. 工具不要到處亂放。leave sth to do sthLeave the pots to soak overnight. 把鍋泡一個晚上。6.RESULT OF ACCIDENT/ILLNESS/EVENT事故/疾病/事件的后果Tif an event, accident, illness etc leaves you in a particular condition, you are in that condition because of it造成,使留下某種后果An explosion at a chemical plant has left one worker dea

14、d and four injured. 一家化工廠爆炸造成一名工人死亡,四人受傷。leave sb with sthAlthough the infection cleared up, he was left with a persistent cough. 盡管感染治愈了,可是給他留下了一直咳嗽的毛病。leave sb doing sthThe incident left her feeling confused and hurt. 這件事讓她感到困惑和受傷。The announcement has left shareholders nursing huge losses. 這則公告令股民

15、蒙受巨大損失。7.be leftif something is left, it remains after everything else has gone, been taken away, or used剩下,剩余;留下來Ive only got a few dollars left. 我身上只剩幾美元了。There were a couple of seats left at the back. 后面還剩幾個位子。We dont have much time left. 我們沒有多少時間了。He pointed towhat was left ofthe house (=used wh

16、en very little is left). 他指著房子的殘骸。All thatwasleftwas a pile of bones. 剩下的只是一堆骨頭。+ overAfter weve paid the bills, theres never much left over. 我們付完賬單總是所剩無幾。They ate some bread rolls left over from the night before. 他們吃了前一天晚上剩下的幾個小圓面包。8.LETTER/MESSAGE/THING信件/口信/東西Tto deliver a message, note, package

17、etc for someone or put it somewhere so that they will get it later給某人留下口信、便條、包裹等She left a message on his answerphone. 她在他的電話答錄機上留了言。leave sb sthCan you leave me some money for the bus? 你能給我留點錢乘公共汽車嗎?leave sth with sbIan left this note with me. 伊恩留了這張字條給我。leave sth for sbA guy left these flowers for

18、 you. 這些花是一個男的留下給你的。9.DELAY推遲Tto not do something or to do it later than you intended留下不做Leave the dishes. Ill do them later. 碟子放著吧,過會兒我來洗。So much had beenleft undone. 有這么多事情還沒做。I want to think about it. Can Ileaveitfor now? 我想考慮考慮,可以暫時留著嗎?Im afraid youveleft it too lateto change your ticket. 恐怕你到現(xiàn)在

19、來換票太晚了。leave sth until the last minute/until lastIf youleaveyour preparationuntil the last minute, youll reduce your chances of passing. 如果你到最后一刻才去準備,合格的可能性就減少了。I left the best bit until last. 我把最好的留到最后。leave it at that(=used to say that you will not do any more of something, because you have done e

20、nough)到此為止Lets leave it at that for today. 我們今天就到此為止吧。10.LET SB DECIDE/BE RESPONSIBLE讓某人決定/負責Tto let someone else decide something or be responsible for something把留交某人決定或負責;委托;交由Hes not the sort toleavethingsto chance(=take no action and just wait to see what happens). 他不是那種心存僥幸的人。leave sth to sbLea

21、ve it tome. Ill make sure it gets posted. 把它交給我吧,我保證把它寄出去。The choice of specialist subject is left entirely to the students. 專業(yè)課的選擇完全由學生自己做主。leave it (up) to sb to do sthIll leave it up to you to decide. 我把這件事交給你決定。She leaves it to the reader to draw their own conclusions. 她讓讀者自己去下結(jié)論。leave doing sth

22、 to sbIs it okay if I leave writing the results to you? 我讓你來寫結(jié)果行嗎?leave sth with sbLeave it with me, Ill fix it for you. 把它交給我吧,我會幫你修好的。leave sb with no choice/option(=force someone to take a particular action)讓某人別無選擇You leave me with no choice but to fire you. 你讓我別無選擇,只有辭退你。leave sb to do sthClive

23、moved to London, leaving Edward to run the Manchester office. 克萊夫搬到倫敦去了,曼徹斯特辦事處就交給愛德華來管。11.HUSBAND/WIFE ETC丈夫/妻子等I,Tto stop living with or having a relationship with your husband, partner etc離開丈夫、伴侶等Martha was always threatening to leave, but I never believed her. 瑪莎動不動就威脅要走,但我從來都不相信。leave sb for sb

24、Mr Rushworth left her for a younger woman. 拉什沃思先生離開她,找了一個更年輕的女人。12.WHEN YOU DIE臨死Tto arrange for someone to receive your money, property etc after you die遺贈;遺留Aunt Alice died, leaving almost 5 million. 艾麗斯姑媽死了,留下近五百萬美元。leave sb sthHugo left me his mothers ring. 雨果把他母親的戒指留給了我。In his will, he had left

25、 all his children a small sum of money. 他在遺囑中給每個孩子留了一小筆錢。leave sth to sb/sthHave you thought ofleavinga giftto charityafter you die? 你有沒有想過死后給慈善機構(gòu)捐贈一筆錢?used when someone dies before their wife, children etc遺下妻子/兒女等PC Davis leaves a wife and three small children. 警員戴維斯死后撇下了妻子和三個年幼的孩子。13.MARK記號Tto mak

26、e a mark that remains afterwards留下痕跡等leave a mark/stain/scar etcThe wine had left a permanent mark on the tablecloth. 葡萄酒在臺布上留下了洗不掉的痕跡。He staggered to the door,leaving a trailof blood. 他踉踉蹌蹌地走向門口,留下一行血跡。Make sure that you dont leave any footprints. 千萬不能留下腳印。14.NOT EAT/DRINK不吃/不喝Tif you leave food or

27、 drink that you have been given, you do not eat or drink it剩下食物或飲料Im really hungry now. Thats because you left half your lunch. “我現(xiàn)在餓壞了?!?“那是因為你午飯剩下一半沒吃。”He rose from the table,leavinghis brandyuntouched. 他從餐桌旁站起來,白蘭地一口也沒喝。15.leave sb/sth standinginformalto be much better, quicker, more successful e

28、tc than someone or something else遠遠勝過某人/某物,讓某人/某物望塵莫及In terms of fitness, he discovered that Kate left him standing. 從健康這方面來說,他發(fā)現(xiàn)凱特令他望塵莫及。16.leave a lot/sth/much to be desiredto be very unsatisfactory還有許多需要改進的地方Inspectors say health and safety procedures at the factory leave a lot to be desired. 稽查員

29、說工廠的衛(wèi)生和安全措施還有許多需要改進的地方。17.MATHEMATICS數(shù)學Tin a sum, to have a particular amount remaining剩下,余Three from seven leaves four. 七減三余四。18.leave sth aside/to one sideto not think about or consider one part of something for a time, so that you can consider another part of it把某事暫時擱在一邊,暫時不考慮某事Leaving asidefor a

30、 moment the question of expense, what would your view be of the suggested changes? 暫時不說費用的問題,你對修改建議有什么看法?19.leave sb/sth beold-fashionedto not upset, speak to, or annoy someone or to not touch something不去打擾某人,不去管某人;不去動某物20.leave go/hold of sthspoken,informalto stop holding something放開某物;放掉某物21.leave

31、 it to sb (to do sth)spoken,informalused to say that no one should be surprised that someone does something, because it is typical or expected of them當然是某人(做某事)Leave it to you to have the whole day planned out! 當然是你來安排這一整天的事!22.Elvis/sb/sth has left the buildinginformalused humorously to emphasize t

32、hat something is definitely over or that someone has gone and will not return某人已經(jīng)一去不復返;某事已經(jīng)徹底結(jié)束幽默用法收起at 見takesb can take it or leave itat 見take21at 見holdbe left holding the baby/bagat 見hold26PHRVB 短語動詞leavesb/sth behindphr v1.to not take someone or something with you when you leave a place忘記帶走,留下I t

33、hink I might have left my wallet behind. 我想我可能把皮夾子忘在哪兒了。He departed for Washington, leaving the children behind with their mother. 他動身前往華盛頓,把幾個孩子留給了他們的母親。2.if a person, country, or organization is left behind, they do not develop as quickly or make as much progress as other people, countries etc落后In

34、 class, a child with poor eyesight can soon get left behind. 在課堂上,視力不好的孩子很快就會落在別人的后面。a fear of being left behind by better-organized rivals 對落后于組織更有序的競爭對手的擔心3.to permanently stop being involved with a person, place or situation永久地離開,中斷與的聯(lián)系Its time toleave the past behind. 是時候該告別過去了。Although Armstron

35、g overcame the circumstances of his birth, he never really left New Orleans behind. 阿姆斯特朗雖然擺脫了他出生時的境遇,但他從沒有真正割斷與新奧爾良的聯(lián)系。4.to move away from someone or something將拋在后面They had left the city behind and were heading into open country. 他們離開城市,奔向廣闊的鄉(xiāng)村。Sarah, with her long legs, soonleftthe rest of usfar b

36、ehind. 薩拉腿長,很快就把我們其他人遠遠地拋在了后面。5.to produce a thing or situation that remains after you have gone遺留,留下He drove off, leaving behind him a trail of blue smoke. 他開車走了,身后留下一股青煙。the mess the previous government left behind 上屆政府留下的爛攤子leave offphr v1.to stop doing something停止take up/pick up/continue (sth) e

37、tc where sb left offBarry took up the story where Justine had left off.巴里從賈斯廷停下的地方接著把故事講下去。leave off doing sthWill you leave off nagging? he snarled.“你別嘮叨了好不好?” 他咆哮道。2.leave sb/sth off (sth)to not include something such as someones name in a list or other document沒有把某人/某物包括進(某物),不把某人/某物列入(某物)Why was

38、 her name left off the list? 名單上為什么漏了她的名字?leavesb/sth outphr v1.to not include someone or something遺漏,不包括She outlined the case to him, being careful not to leave anything out. 她向他概述了情況,注意不遺漏任何一件事情。leave sb/sth out of sthKidd has been left out of the team.基德未能入選球隊。2.be/feel left outto feel that you a

39、re not accepted or welcome in a situation被忽視冷落/覺得被忽視冷落New fathers often feel left out when baby arrives. 有了小寶寶以后,初為人父者往往有一種被冷落的感覺。3.leave it out!used to tell someone to stop lying, pretending, or being annoying得啦! 算啦!用于叫某人不要撒謊、假裝、煩人等leave2n.S3W2英MEANINGS 義項1.HOLIDAY假期Utime that you are allowed to spend


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