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1、機智警告牌 專治各種熊孩子There's nothing quite like a child's shrill scream to ruin the atmosphere when you're enjoying a relaxing restaurant meal.當(dāng)你正在餐廳悠閑地享受美食時,沒有比小孩的尖叫聲更加破壞氣氛的了。Conscious of the needs of their child-free customers, staff at these establishments have put up spoof signs warning pare

2、nts of dire consequences if they fail to keep their kids in check.考慮到?jīng)]有小孩的客人們的需求,一些場所的工作人員掛出惡搞標(biāo)語,以警告父母不看管好自己小孩的可怕后果。From threatening to give noisy little ones coffee or teaching them to swear to selling them to the circus, the tongue in cheek posters are a reminder that diners prefer children to be

3、seen, and not heard.這些威脅包括給吵鬧的孩子咖啡或教他們罵人、把他們賣給馬戲團,滑稽的標(biāo)語提醒著人們用餐者并不希望未見其人便聞童音A restaurant sign, left outside, warns customers that unattended children will be given coffee and taught to swear.一家餐廳外擺放的標(biāo)示告誡顧客,無人看管的孩子將得到咖啡并學(xué)習(xí)罵人。A warning sign says that children not kept in check will in fact be sold to t

4、he circus一則警示標(biāo)志寫道真的會將無人看管的孩子賣給馬戲團。A lot of parents might just be tempted to take this establishment up on their offer to trade in children for tasty donuts.很多父母可能都想在這里把孩子換成美味的甜甜圈。If your child disappears from view then they might just be turned into a pie at this restaurant.如果你的孩子從你的視線中消失了,那么他們可能變成了

5、這家餐廳的餡餅。Parents brave enough to take noisy kids along to a restaurant could end up going home without them.敢把吵鬧的孩子帶到這間飯店的父母可以不用帶著孩子回家啦。A notice to all children makes it clear that there will be no crying or screaming in their establishment at any time - and that goes for the grown ups too.這張警示明確告訴所有

6、小朋友,此地任何時候都禁止哭喊吵鬧,而這一點對成年人同樣適用。A grill house says that naughty children will be turned into burgers while another says that unattended children will be given wild promises about what Santa Claus will bring them一家燒烤店揚言熊孩子會被做成漢堡,而另一間店鋪稱,他們將對無人看管的孩子胡亂許諾圣誕老人會帶給他們的禮物。A lot of children might start running

7、 away from their parents if they realise that they might be given a free kitten as a result.如果意識到自己可能會得到一只小貓,那么很多孩子可能會從父母身邊溜走。Do you want your children to be served as sausage? Don't let them out of your sight in this establishment if not.你希望自己的孩子被做成香腸嗎?如果不想,那就不要讓他們離開你的視線。Oaklands welcomes customers but warns that naugh


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