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1、毛額市鵪鶉陽光實驗學校2016 高考英語完形填空一輪精品練習( 8)【二中 2014 高考英語模擬試題】完型填空。閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從3655 各題所給的四個選項( A、B、C 和 D)中,選出最佳選項。I always remembered the first time I took part in an Englishcomposition competition. “ Right! Dean would be the 16 of our class to participate in the English composition competition, ” my clas

2、smates said. (Applauding)I was too 17to speak when I heard what my classmates said. In order not to 18short of my classmates 19 , I trained myself very hard for the hope of being the20of the competition, whichwould take place a month later. I 21a lot of vocabulary, sentence structures and22rules and

3、 read many good or renowned articles.Not having I 23prettywell,the day came. Every candidate24melooked so well prepared and25 .“ Only 1.5 hours. Start,” a supervisor suddenly said. Seeing the26“ What do most teenagers concernnowadays?” I was nervousand got27block.Whats worse, other candidates had be

4、gun writing. Moments later, I28myself,took a deep breath, and began brainstorming ideas29the topic. I quickly wrote down the composition structure, central theme, and30 necessary elements. As the finishing time was31 , I tried my bestto accelerate my writing. Unfortunately,32my failure of timemanage

5、ment, I leftmy compositionincomplete.My finaldraftlooked like a robot33legs were broken.The resultcameout two weeks later.To my surprise,I got the second prize!Allmy classmatescheered forme. Thisencouraged me a lot.34I was not the firstprizewinner,I could still35thescentof pride and happiness spread

6、ing around me.16. A playerB choiceC representativeD person17. A proudB delighted C nervousD surprised18. A getB beC loseD fall19. A promises B expectationsC dreams D words20. A successB beaterC winnerD victory21. A memorizedB copiedC read D wrote22. A grammarB phraseC patternD term23. A rememberedB

7、preparedC startedD completed24. A besidesB exceptC except forD as well as25. A easyB nervousC interestedD unconfident26. A problemB ideaC topicD theme27. A writer sB teacher s C thinker sD composer s28. A persuadedB toldC encouraged D calmed29. A withB towardsC atD for30 A another Bthe other C other

8、D others31 A approachingB accessing C finishing D ending“ Well , I'lltryit;ifI don'tlikeitI can always go back to my8 position.” But I was with the same company for the past 28 years,32 A thanks forB due toC as a resultD onand I've9 every career change I've made.I've discovered I

9、account33 A of which BwhichC whoseD thatpossess a large number of different talents(才能 )and skills that Inever would have thought were within me had it not been for my being34 A HoweverBAs a resultC Worse stillDAlthough 10 11 trying new opportunities.I've also discovered that if I what I'm d

10、oing and work hard at achieving my goal, I will35 A smellBtouchC senseD realisesucceed.That's why I'm so excited to be a part of CareerF.I【參考答案】完形填空think12 hascome and I am determinedtomake ita success.16 20 CDDBC21 25 AABBA26 30 CADDC31 35 ABCDC記敘文型完形填空One ofmy father'sfavouritesayingsa

11、s I was growingup was “ Try it !” I couldn't say I didn't like everything, whatever it might be, until after I tried it.Over the years I've come to1how much of mysuccess I owe to my acceptance of those words as one of my values.My first job was just one I decided to try for a couple of y

12、ears until I1. A consider B argueC include D realize2. A determined B examinedC experienced D introduced3. A Actually B GraduallyC Finally D Usually4. A helped B required 2 whatI want to do as a career(職業(yè)) 3 IbelievedI wouldC expressed D matteredwork for a few years, get married, stay home and raise

13、 a family, so I5. A careful B mistakendidn't think the job I took4 that much.I couldn't have beenC interested D preparedmore5 I mastered the skills of that beginning level positions6. A look up B take upand I was giventhe opportunity(機會 )to6 throughthe company intoC move up D put updifferent

14、 positions.I accepted each new opportunity with the7,7. A thought B replyC action D advice8. A easier B newerC earlier D higher9. A permitted B countedC organized D enjoyed10. A lucky for B slow atC open to D afraid of11. A think of B give awayC believe in D turn into12. A dream B timeC power D hono

15、ur ( 二)【要點綜述】本文是一篇勵志記敘文,描述了父親最喜愛的“Try it!”對作者選擇職業(yè)、工作目標和生活斗志方面的影響。1. D這么多年來,“我”開始意識到“我”很多的成功都歸功于父親的那些話。2. A通過下文可以看出,作者在從事第一項工作的時候,只是想先試試看,如果遇到熱衷的想當成自己固定職業(yè)的工作的話,還是會離開的。 determine確定,決心。3. A這里作者在表明自己的態(tài)度。事實上,“我”自認為“我”會工作幾年, 之后結(jié)婚4. D根據(jù)前一句可知,作者并沒有把這項工作看得特別重要。matter在這里作動詞,意為“有關(guān)系,要緊” 。5. B根據(jù)下文可知, 作者本不具有的一些生活

16、技能居然在通過各種經(jīng)歷后具有了,也就是說作者開始的想法是錯誤的。6. Cmove up 上升,這里指工作上取得了提升。7. Awith the thought帶著這種想法。作者每一次得到一個新機會,總有那種“如果我不喜歡這個新的機會,我就會回到原來的那個職位”的想法。8. C根據(jù)上題解析可知 C 項正確。 earlier早些時候的。9. D 通過“ But ”可以看出作者的態(tài)度發(fā)生了變化,在過去的 28 年中,作者一直待在同一個公司,并且很享受每次的工作變化。 count 重要,認為 重要。10. C 要不是作者愿意嘗試新的機會,就不會擁有這么多的才能。 be open to對開放。 Had

17、it not been for If it had not been for要不是11. C作者還發(fā)現(xiàn)如果相信自己并且一直努力去做,就一定能夠達到目標、取得成功。 believe in相信,信任。12. B 作者認為時機 (time) 已到,決心一定要取得成功。完形填空。The young womanenteredthe poolwhere an injureddolphin(海豚) was swimming.Despite her fear, she felt strong wearing her new leg.In her second grade, Maja1her cousin, J

18、asmina.AfterJasmina's death, Maja swore she would honor the little girl by2 with a dolphin, an animal that both girls3. “Jasmina never gotthe chanceto do it.”saysMaja, now 32,“ so I4thatsomeday I'd do it for her.”In high school, Maja was5about sports.She even planned toapproached19 , then sw

19、amaway.Aftera few minutes , the dolophinlet Maja20its back.Finally, the two began to swim around the pool together.become an athlete.6 country ,a bomb7 ,in 1993 , during the civil war in her home her left leg.本文描述了一位失去腿的女人和一位失去尾巴的海豚;相似的困境, 讓兩位走到了一起,也讓這位女人實現(xiàn)了先前的諾言:一定要和海豚一起游泳。After two years'8in t

20、he U S. , Maja received her firstartificial( 人造的 )leg , but9itdidn'tfitwell , walkingforMaja1. A.lostB visitedC rescuedD leftwas very painful.10 ,she managed to graduate from a local high答案: A。根據(jù)本句中的“ after Jasmina's death”可以斷定Maja 是失school.Then after receiving a11from Saint Francis Universi

21、ty,she got a job at an insurance firm and12started her own company.To relax,Maja13often watchthe dolphinsplay atan aquarium( 水族館 )near her home.A young dolphin, Winter , who had lost its tail, caughther14.One day, Maja happened to see trainers15Winter with a high-tech tail.When they were done, Winte

22、r swam freely in the water.Maja was16.She managed to find inventors of Winter'stail.Withinten days , she had anew leg which freedher the17that had troubled her for almost 16 years.Now Maja, was ready to keep her18.She went to the aquarium,lowered herself into the pool and held out a hand to Wint

23、er, who去了 Jasmina ,故選 A:失去。2. A.talkingB livingC swimmingD surfing答案: C。從第一段中的提示句“ enter the pool ”可以推斷出: Maja 跳進水池就是為了和海豚一起游泳。 正好與“ an injured dophin was swimming” 以及文章最后一句話都保持語境的一致。3. A.adoredB adoptedC possessedD purchased答案: A。根據(jù)下文的故事情節(jié),尤其是Maja 與海豚的相同的境遇,會有跟好的互相愛憐,故選A:喜愛。而其它選項則與語境相差太遠。4. A.prete

24、ndedB decidedC perferredD agreed答案: B。根據(jù)文章的第一段的語境, 可以斷定本句中的 it以及上句中的it指的都是“與海豚一起游泳”一事,而根據(jù)最后一段的描述,可以清楚:Maja 是早有決心去做這件事的,故選: decide “決定”。5. A.positiveB enthusiasticC particularD curious答案: B。be enthusiastic about sth.是指:對某事有激情,熱情。而根據(jù)下句“ planned to become an athlete”便可以斷定是喜愛體育運動。6. A.UndoubtedlyB Surpr

25、isinglyC StrangelyD Unfortunately答案: D。從下文中的信息詞: civil war以及 artificial leg自然給人不幸的預感。而答案D:“不幸的是”。7. A.took awayB took overC cut downD cut out答案: A。take away 意為“奪走, 搶走”; 而 take over 接管; cutdown砍倒: cut out剪下來。根據(jù)語境,炸彈奪走了她的左腿。8. A.studyB operationC treatmentD experiment答案: C。從“ twoyears ”一詞的信息提示,排除B“手術(shù)”

26、;對于失去腿的 Maja 來說,只有在醫(yī)院“治療”treatment才是最合當時的語境的。9. A.untilB becauseC althoughD if答案: B。本句前后的信息自然表示出了因果的關(guān)系:假腿不合適,所以才會感到痛苦。10. A.OtherwiseB ThereforeC BesidesD However答案: D。根據(jù)本句中的“ manage ”一詞可以斷定痛苦沒有阻礙Maja 的學業(yè),故具有轉(zhuǎn)折的關(guān)系。11. A.scholarshipB degreeC prizeD notice答案: B。根據(jù)下文找到了工作,排除A:獎學金;因為只有拿到學位, 從大學畢業(yè),才會去找到自

27、己想要的工作。12. A.graduallyB actuallyC eventuallyD naturally答案:C。gradually慢慢地;actually事實上;eventually最后;naturally 自然地。本句話雖然短暫,但卻概況了Maja 奮斗與成功的生活歷程,即:開始于最后的變化。故選eventually。13. A.mightB shouldC couldD would答案: D。英語中表達“過去常常做某事”常用would ,意為:總會。14 A.eyeB legC noseD hand答案: A。catch one's eye同 catch one's

28、 attention,意為:引起某人的注意。與“ often ”一詞保持語境的一致。15 A.decoratingB guidingC markingD fitting答案: D。fit在本句中有“安裝”之意,即:給Winter安裝了高科技的尾巴。16 A.inspiredB puzzledC shockedD amused答案: A。根據(jù)下文中的信息: Maja 去找這種高科技尾巴的發(fā)明者,自然C recordD habit答案: B。keep one'spromise 意為“遵守諾言”;這與上文的“ I'lldo it for her”語境一致。19. A.blindlyB

29、 angrilyC gratefullyD cautiously答案: D。從 “then swamaway”一詞可以推段出: 海豚還是比較警惕的, 故選 D:警惕地。20. A.strikeB coverC touchD wipe答案: C。根據(jù)最后的的情景可以理解為:Maja 與海豚慢慢地走進了,故“觸摸”一下海豚的背部是可以的,故選C“觸摸,觸動”。 說明文型完形填空 Almost everyonearound us uses a phone. Phones providea simpleand是因為 Winter的尾巴而得到了啟發(fā),故選A“啟發(fā),鼓勵”。17 A.worryB sadn

30、essefficientmeansto conduct work or1 to day.socialarrangementsfrom dayC painD fearSeveral timesincourseofa work day,you may be2 with colleagues, students, lab assistants, secretaries or others onbyphone答案: C。根據(jù)第四段地“ walking for Maja was painful”可以斷定,3matters. If you want an appointment with your dep

31、artment head,現(xiàn)在有了新的腿,她不再那么痛苦了。18 A.appointmentB promiseyou would4 unableto5 call him and arrange a time with him. If you wereyourappointment,orifyou found you had tobe lateforit,you would phone and change the6.In thisway, no one7 timewaitingforsomeone who isnot coming.Ifyou want to buy something,C p

32、ublic D workrelated4. A carefully B finallyyou would “l(fā)etyour 8dothe walking ”. That is,you call9 C normally D secretlyto make sure the store has what you need. If it is an expensive item,5. A make B keepyou might call several stores to10 prices. If you want to takeC break D remembera train or plane

33、, after finding out11 and prices, you can call6. A mind B subjectto make a12; ifyou want to shop forclothesafterwork,you mightC plan Dideacallto ask how late thestoreisopen13 youtravelalltheway7. A arranges B takesthere.Phones are easily14. In streets, you can see public phonesC kills D wastes8. A f

34、ingers B feetin which you15 coins to make a call. Phones have16 C head D legsanswering services; if you are not at home or in the office, or don't9. A off B inwish to be17 , you switchon a machine,which willanswer the callC out D aheadforyou.A prerecorded18 willsay to the caller,“I'm 19.10.

35、A bargain B compareI'm not in at the moment. Please leave your name and number and I willC pay D cutcall you back as20 as possible.” It's more efficient to leave11. A destination B routeone'sname and number than towaste theirtime callingagainand again.1. A handle B attendC offer D match2

36、. A conveyed B consultedC interrupted D advised3. A private B selfrelatedC schedule D course12. A reservation B choiceC decision D study13. A until B unlessC after D before14. A accessible B acceptableC portable D suitable15. A deliver B feedC change D use16. A proper B artificialC automatic D free17. A worried B upsetC disturbed D woken18. A speech B messag


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