



1、52006 年北京市海淀區(qū)初三模擬練習(一)聽力部分(共 25 分).聽對話,選擇與對話內(nèi)容相符的圖片,將代表圖片的字母填在相應的序號后。(共(共 5 分,每小題 1 分)6. They are going to a party.7. There will be many people there.8. The two speakers met last Mon day.9. The lady rested at home in the morni ng.10. Both the man and the woma n got hurt.三.聽短文,選擇最佳選項。(共5 分,每小題 1分)11.

2、 What does the speaker want to know?A. Weather in China.B. Information about vacations.C. Suggestio ns for sports.12. When will the speaker go there?13. Where is the speaker going to stay?A. I n a hotel.B. On a farm.C. At a friend s.1.() 2.() 3.() 4.()5.(二.聽對話,根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容判斷 610 小題所給句子的正誤。正確的寫A,錯誤的寫 B。A.

3、I n winter.B. Next month.C. This summer.分,每小題 1 分)CABDEF14. What does the speaker want to do there?A. Do some housework.B. Do some homework.C. Do some exercise.15. How many people are going with the speaker?A. On e.B. Two.C. Three.四.聽短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,完成表格。(只寫關鍵信息)(共10 分,每小題 2 分)注釋:ambulanee 救護車;bruise 擦傷Th

4、e timeThe placeWho saved him?The resultWhere is Bobnow?16.17. Highway18. A pass ing19. He broke his20. .基礎知識運用(共 30 分,每小題 1 分)五.單項填空(共 15 分,每小題 1 分)從下列各句所給的 A、B C D 四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。21. Whose pen is this?It is_ . My friend gave it to me as a gift.A. mineB. myC. herD. his22. What do you think of

5、the two ears?This one is_tha n that one.A. fastB. more fastC. fasterD. the fastest23. BE careful. Is it low eno ugh_ you to be able to step over it?Sure. Thank you.A. toB. forC. ofD. with24. Where can I see Tom?I don t know where he is. He hasn t arrived_ .25.Must I take my umbrella?. Its not going

6、to rain.26.Have you ever been to France?27.How is Emmy?29.Have you seen Mr. Smith?breakfast when the phone rang.at your house and go to school together?33.As soon as I shut the front door, I realized that I the house.34.Could you please tell meIts next to the post office.A. where was the supermarket

7、B. where the supermarket wasA. stillB. alreadyC. yetD. sinceA. had leftB. had forgottenC. had putD. had placedNo, youA. mustntB. needntC. havent toD. cantYes,Ithere last August.A. have goneB. wentC. have beenD. wereIhavewe met last time.A. sinceB. whileC. asD.before28. Im late, but Ion time tomorrow

8、.A. cameB. comeC. will comeD. have comeHe arrivedyou were asleep.A. sinceB. whileC. beforeD. until30. IA. haveB. hadC. am havingD. was having31. Can weA. comeB. seeC. meetD. find32. I usedto the cinema a lot, but now I dont have that time.A. to goB. goC. to goingD. goingmy key inC. where is the supe

9、rmarketD. where the supermarket is35. We had tried everythi ng, but it made no_ .A. useB. goodC. resultD. differe nee六.完形填空(共 15 分,每小題 1 分)閱讀下面兩篇短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從第3650 小題所給的 A B、C D 四個選項中,選擇最佳選項。ADear Gran dma,How s it going? I hope that Grandpa is well now. I was sorry to36 thathe had a cold last week. I

10、 37 you are in good health.Things are fine here. I finished my end-of-year exams last week, and got my 38 card today. I alwaysget nervous 39 I see the envelope from school in the mail, but luckily I 40 OK this time. I had a reallyhard time with scienee this semester, and I wasn t surprised to find t

11、hat my 41 report was from myscienee teacher. She said I was lazy, which isn t true. It s just that I find scienee really 42 . The goodnews is that my math teacher said I was hard working. And mySpanish teacher said my liste ning wasgood.Well, that s about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad sen

12、d their love.Love,Alan36. A. seeB.hearC. liste nD. no tice37. A. likeB.wishC. wantD. hope38. A. postB.stude ntC. reportD. teacher39. A. whe nB.whileC. si neeD. un til40. A. wasB.didC. gotD. made41. A. worstB.bestC. Ion gestD. shortest42. A. excit ingB.easyC. in terest ingD. difficultBI don t know if

13、 the world is really more dangerous now than it was 30 years ago. But I m surethat it seems that way. The world is a dangerous place. We want our children to know it, 43they will stay safe. But we don t want them to beafraid all of the time. Fear is a 44 feeling.Weneed fear to keep us from doingstup

14、id thin gs. But freque nt fear is more likely to come dow n with ill ness.So, what can you do to keep your child safe, without fear?First, make your home a safe place. Make it a rule that n obody 45 an ybodyelse in your home, neither by deed nor by word. Whenyou have to 46 a scary world, it helps to

15、 have afear-free home base.Let your kids know that most 47 are well-mannered people. It s possibleto be 48 without putt ing yourself in dan ger. I think that the“ n ever talk tostrangers ” rule often does more harm than good.Take steps to help those 49 , an d let your childre n help beside you. Byhe

16、lping others, they ll come to expect that others will help them if they ever need it.As parents, we can t make sure that our children will never come to harm. Butwe will always do everything we can to keep them safe, and to make the world saferfor allchildre nand people. The experie nee of being wit

17、h othersin a n eighborhoodof 50 and the safety of a peaceful homeis what children need to be able to live without fear in a dangerous world.43. A. so thatB. even ifC. beforeD. after44. A. terribleB. stra ngeC. possibleD. useful45. A. helpsB. tellsC. hurtsD. warns46. A. meetB. faceC.keepD. make47. A.

18、 pare ntsB. teachersC. friendsD. stra ngers48. A. frien dlyB. lovelyC. safeD. afraid49. A. for moneyB. in n eedC. with fearD. on time50. A. hop ingB knowingC. cari ngD. fighting閱讀部分(共 30 分) 七閱讀理解(共 22 分,每小題 2 分)閱讀下面圖表和兩篇短文,根據(jù)圖表和短文內(nèi)容,從 四個選項中,選擇最佳選項。AHealthful diets are habits abroadHere s a look at h

19、ow the people of the world stay healthy and slim withsimple less ons you can easily make a part of your life.Coun triesMEXICOINDIAKOREASWEDENITALYWay of lifeFour orfiveVegetablesGrai nsandPotatoes Freshandeati ng meals aday; and ple nty ofVegetablesthe main partseas onalhabitsfreshfruitrice or bread

20、 oneof ofmost thi ngsas thefastathemeals;without muchfoodvegetaria nhealthiestswimmi ng& fat; fruit ascook ingcook ingin skii ngdessertall of Asia51. In Mexico, people have_ meals a day.A. three or fourD. two or three52. Accord ing to the chart above, a usual In dia n diet_ .A. relies heavily on bee

21、fB. includes a balaneed meal with potatoesC. is mostly vegetaria nD. uses cheese and cream as main dish53. What is the usual desert in Italy?A. Potatoes.B. Fruit.C. Seas onin gs.D. Vegetable.54. Besides a healthy diet. Swedish people_a lot.Every year, more and more students become volunteers. The pr

22、ojects may be with their school,neighborhood, or town, but the work of all volunteers is important.5161 小題所給的 A、B C、DB. four or fiveC. one or twoA. exerciseB. sleepC. practiseD. drinkStudents find that there are many advantages to volunteering.First, volunteering helps others. Many people complain a

23、bout problems in our society. Volunteersare part of the solution to the problems! While it is easy to complain about things that are not right, thevolunteer takes action rather than complaining. Whena student spends time working at a retirement(退休) home, cleaning up a park, or teaching a younger stu

24、dent, the volunteer makes the world abetter place.Second, being a volunteer makes students feel good about themselves. When a student volunteerknows that his or her efforts have made someone else s life better, the volunteer feels great. Studentsalways hear people saying that everyone should care ab

25、out other people. Volunteers make it happen.Although some volunteer work is long or tiring, student volunteers end the day knowing they did theright thing. Their parents, teachers, and the public are proud of them. Knowing they did the right thingmakes them feel better, even if they are tired.Finall

26、y, students learn that volunteering is fun. A group of students might volunteer to clean up ariverbed in early spring. It is fun to be with their friends, to enjoy the weather, and to picnic later in abeautiful, clean area. Other students might read to young children in a playgroup. It is fun to spe

27、nd timewith children and to have them smile and laugh. No matter what their ages or talents are, every studentcan be a volunteer. The work of student volunteers is a powerful force that makes the world a betterplace.55. The title of this passage is _ .A. Free-time Jobs B. Daily ActivitiesC. School L

28、ife D. Volunteer Work56. The writer really wants to say that _ .A. volunteering helps society as well as volunteers themselvesB. it is fun to spend time volunteering in a pre-schoolC. some people complain instead of taking actionD. some volunteer work is long and tiring57. Accord ing to the passage,

29、 how are volun teers differe nt from other people?Birds Journ eysThe Arctic ternThe wish that shows birds to begin their journeys,and the highly exact feelingof direct ion show n by traveli ng birds, stay among the most puzzli ng mysteries of _scienee. The Arctic tern and the golden plover are two e

30、xamples of these unusual birds.In the north duri ng the spri ngtime, traveli ng birds retur n to the Arctic(北極)from southern areas. The Iongest journey is madeby the unbelievable Arctic tern. This amazing birdis no larger than a crow( a kind of bird ) , but its body surface(outside ) is more updated

31、. The tern is called the Iong-distanee champion of thebird world,often traveling 23,000 miles a year between West Africa and the Arctic.Such journ eys take weeks, with stops for food and rest.Pacific Golden PloverThere are no rests, however, for the golden plover, a non-stop flyer amongArctic birds.

32、 The plover sjourney is like that of a land plane over water, since the plover cannot land on the water to rest. Withoutstopp ing, the golde n plover flies 2,000 miles from Hawaii to Alaska or from South America to NovaA. They n ever complain.C. They take action.B. They always feel great.D. They enj

33、oy teach ing.CScotia and northern Canada.(only eleven inches ) is fat and strong when traveling north, but is thin and weak when it arrivesafter fighting ocean winds for sixty or more hours.58. Look at the first paragraph. What does the underlined word“ mysteries ” mean?A. 秘密B.神秘C.機密 D.隱秘59. What do

34、 the tern and the plover have in com mon?A. Their bodies are updated.B. Their bodies are fat and strong.C. They travel great dista nces.D. They travel the same amount of time.60. From the sec ond paragraph, we get to know that the tern_ .A. is as big as a crowB. is an Arctic birdC. travels a long di

35、sta neeD. travels to ano ther land61. After traveling north, why does the golden plover become thin?A. It stops once for food.B. It can fly better and faster.C. It is no bigger tha n a crow.D. It has to fly against the ocean wind.八.任務型閱讀(共 8 分,每小題 2 分)閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,完成表格。(請?zhí)顚戧P鍵信息)A spoke n Ian guage

36、is like a pers on: it grows and cha nges. One way it cha ngesis by addi ng new words and phrases, usually through borrow ing. Just as some oneborrows a pencil from a classmate in order to fin ish work, la nguages borrow wordsfrom other Ianguages in order to fill what is called a “word gap” . A word

37、gap happens when aIanguage has no term, synonym, or easy translation for an object or activity. One way a Ianguage findssomething to fill a word gap is to borrow a word from another Ian guage. Un like a pers on, Ian guage never really retur ns words to their start ingThis little birdplace. In stead,

38、 the words remai n and become part of the borrowi ngIan guage. We seethis borrowing course at work in English in different ways and for different reasons.English, like any other Ianguage, will probably continue to borrow words fromother Ianguages as long as it continues to change-in other words, for

39、 as longas people continue to speak.A spokenIanguagechangesIn order to fillaword gapUn like a pers onEn glish62.newwords and phrases.Ian guages63.from otherthe words become 64.thecon ti nues to cha nge65.Ian guages.borrow ing Ian guage.people speak.綜合語言運用(共 35 分)九.詞匯(共 10 分,每空 1 分)中考過后,你和父母準備外出旅游。請根據(jù)提示做出你們的出游計劃。(只填寫字母代碼)A. excit ingB. tak ing photosC. peacefulD. pa


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