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1、 必修三Unit1 Festivals around the world基礎詞匯鞏固一、詞性轉(zhuǎn)換1. beauty n._ adj. _adv._v.2. religion n. _ adj.3. arrive vi. _n. 到達,到來,到達者/物4.satisfaction n. _ vt. _adj.(令人滿意的)_(感到滿意的)5. dependent adj._ vi. _ n.依賴 _ n. 獨立_adj(獨立的)6. energy n._adj. _ adv. 7. apologize vi _adv. _ n.二、單詞填空1. 根據(jù)所給單詞的首字母或漢語提示完成下列單詞。1)

2、He was attracted by her . 他被她的美吸引。 2) Christmas is a _ festival. 圣誕節(jié)是一個宗教節(jié)日。3) He likes to be _獨立。4) _ 農(nóng)業(yè)in this country has developed greatly after liberation.5) She has been _ 授予 a scholarship to study at Harvard. 6) I _ you for your bravery. 我欽佩你的勇敢7) He is an _ 精力旺盛的boy. He enjoys sport.8) I mus

3、t _ for not being able to meet you. 我必須向你道歉,我不能見你。 9) It is _明顯的 that she is very clever. 10) This story _ me of my childhood. 這個故事使我想起我的童年。 11) I hope youll _ 原諒 me. 12) He has _ 獲得rich experience these years. 2. 根據(jù)提示完成下面的短語take _ 發(fā)生 _ memory of 紀念; 追念dress _ 打扮, 裝飾 look forward _ 期望,盼望have _ with

4、sb. 玩的開心 turn _ 出現(xiàn)hold ones _ 屏息 _ ones word 守信用_ and _ 日夜, 整天 _ though 好像_sb_ (dong)sth 為(做了)某事向某人道歉 3. 短語配對,從B組中找出與A組中意思相同的短語Alead toin the shape of look forward to stop sb from doing sthremind sb of sthbe covered withplay a trickin memory of take placedo harm to B以某種形式導致傷害紀念盼望提醒某人某事阻止某人干某事被.所覆蓋開玩

5、笑發(fā)生4. 從下列方框中選出正確的短語并用其適當形式填空,使表達完整take place, lead to , dress up, turn up, have fun, apologize to, remind, a couple of , in memory of 1) We walked _ miles. 2) I want to _ you that we have a meeting next Monday. 3) I _ her for stepping on her foot.4) I cant hear anything; please _ the radio a little.

6、5) We _ at fair today. 6) All roads _ Rome7) When does the ceremony _?8) She likes to _ for a party.三、單項選擇Part11.The government tried its best to _ the peoples needs, but the people were still not_. In fact, what the government did was not_.A. satisfy; satisfied; satisfying B. satisfy; satisfying; s

7、atisfiedC. satisfied; satisfied; satisfying D. satisfying; satisfied; satisfied2. This memorial was built_ those heroes who laid down their lives for the liberation of the poor people. A. in memory of B. to remember C. for the memory of D. to the memory 3. -I need some fresh air, so Im going out for

8、 a walk. -_.A. Have fun B. With pleasure C. Youd better not D. Its none of my business4. The storm left, _ a lot of damage to this area.A. caused B. to have caused C. to cause D. having caused5. -Do you know where David is ? I couldnt find him anywhere. -Well. He _have gone far-his coats still here.

9、A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. cant D. wouldnt6. -Ill tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.- You_ her last week. A. ought to tell B. would have told C. must tell D. should have told7. How _ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?A. canB. must C. nee

10、dD. may8. The room is so dirty. _ we clean it? Of course.A. WillB. Shall C. WouldD. Do9. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who _ have taken it?A. shouldB. must C. couldD. would10. He is looking forward _his father.A. of receiving B. of hearing from C. to hearing from D. to hear from11.M

11、issing the flight means _ for another three hours.A.waitingB.to waitC.waitD.to be waiting12.Were going to _ with some friends for a picnic. Would you like to join us ?A.get in B.get over C.get along D.get together13. - Its a pity that Mr. Smith died last night. - Really? The police may never discove

12、r what _ that night, for he was the only eyewitness (目擊者).A. happened B. took place C. was happened D. was taken place14. - Do you know Tom, _ father is an engineer? - Yes, quite well. He _ always be the first to offer me help when I meet with prolems.A. the; would B. which; used to C. that; used to

13、 D. whose; would15. We arranged to meet at 8:00, but she never _.A. turn down B. turn off C. turn over D. turn upPart21. Being short of food, many people _ to death.A. hungered B. starved C. sentenced D. brought2. No matter how hard she worked, she couldnt _ her boss.-Isnt that the reason why she de

14、cided to resign?A. satisfy B. meet C. suit D. adapt3. She is _ her daughters progress in her study.A. satisfying with B. satisfied with C. satisfied at D. satisfying at4. After moving into the town, my wife did some washing for the rich so that we had just enough to _ our expenses.A. serve B. suppor

15、t C. satisfy D. cover5. You have _ time to get to the station.A. a plenty of B. plenty of C. a number of D. a great deal6. What a hard life they _! You should have helped him.A. had B. led C. played D. made7. Have you found the path _ to the forest?A. leading B. lead C. led D. is led8. For what reas

16、on did you build that monument? -In _ of the peoples heroes. A. memory B. hope C. praise D. favour9. You can turn to the manager who is _ the company for help.A. in the charge of B. in charge C. in charge of D. under charge of10. _ in her best clothes, the girl tried to make herself _ at the party.A

17、. Dressed; noticed B. Dressing; to be noticed C. Get dressed; noticed D. Dressing; noticing11. You will have nothing to _, if you refuse to listen to our advice.A. gain B. grasp C. seize D. earn12. People generally think that smoking is a bad _.A. custom B. habit C. behavior D. action13. Three unive

18、rsity departments have been _ $600,000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning.A. promoted B. included C. secured d. awarded14. It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because acts lead to _.A. rewards B. prize C. awards D. results15. The old man got nothing _ for his ki

19、ndness.A. in prize B. for award C. in reward D. due to16. She always wears beautiful _.A. clothes B. cloth C. dress D. clothing17. An enemy in disguise is a wolf in sheeps _.A. dress B. clothing C. clothes D. cloth18. What _ fun it is to jump into a river in hot summer.A. a B. an C. the D. /19. As s

20、tudents you should _ of each other and never _ of others while theyre in trouble. A. think good; laugh B. bring well; make a fun C. get on well; play a joke D. think well; make fun20. There is no _ of his coming back this week.A. possibilities B. a possibility C. possibility D. possible21. He promis

21、ed to come, but he hasnt _ yet.A. turned up B. turned over C. turned out D. turned back22. So how is your new roommate?-She really _. Shes always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks.A. turn me over B. turns me off C. turns me down D. turns me out23. Th

22、e actor whom I admired very much _ to be a great disappointment.A. turned down B. turned in C. turned out D. turned up24. For a long time they walked without saying _ word. Jim was the first to break _ silence.A. the; a B. a; the C. a; / D. the; /25. How is Tom getting along with his new job?-Perhap

23、s he is very busy. _has come from him all the week. A. A word B. No a word C. No word D. No words26. The child was told to _ for being rude to his uncle.A. excuse B. apologize C. pardon D. forgive27. The headmaster told the boy to make an _ the angry teacher, but he refused to.A. apologize to B. apo

24、logy for C. apology to D. apologize for28. He was _ while trying to save the _ girl in the river.A. drowned; drowning B. drowned; drownedC. drowning; drowning D. drowning; drowned29. I had to _ my sorrows in work.A. leave B. let C. drown D. give30. She did some things about me, but I have _ her for

25、traffic.A. regretted B. freed C. relaxed D. ForgivenPart331. My advice is that its best to _. In this way it is easier to get along with others.A. reason and effect B. forget and forgiveC. forgive and blame D. pardon and excuse32. The film reminds me _ my old days in the country.A. of B. on C. at D.

26、 for33. Why is he always forcing his daughter to practise playing the piano if she is not _ for a pianist?A. intended B. meant C. trained D. asked34. Kate really upset Granny. Im sure she didnt _. A. want so B. mean to C. have to D. hope so35. I shall never forget those years _I lived in the country

27、 with the farmers, _ has a great effect on my life.A. that; which B. when; which C. which; that D. when; who36. Mary had to go to Beijing on June 15, _ happened to be her only sons birthday.A. which B. when C. then D. it37. The company has a free long-distance telephone number _customers may call if

28、 they have any questions about its products.A. so that B. although C. as D. even if38. John shut everybody out of the kitchen _ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.A. which B. when C. so that D. as if39. We kept milk in a refrigerator _ it will not spoil.A. in order B. in case C. so th

29、at D. lest40. Mary is _ clever _ she understands everything.A. such a; that B. such an; that C. so; that D. so; as41. _ is true that English is being accepted as an international langrage.A. There B. This C. That D. It42. Its strange that they _ nothing about this matter.A. know B. would know C. kno

30、ws D. knew43. The Foreign Minister said, “_ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”A. This is B. There is C. That is D. It is44. Can you wait for me _ the work?A. finish B. finished C. finishing D. to finish45. Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage _ the girl and took her away

31、, _ into the woods.A. seizing; disappeared B. seized; disappearedC. seizing; disappearing D. seized; disappearing46. She looked _ she was very interested in what she was reading.A. even if B. as if C. though D. as47. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _.A. breaks B. has b

32、roken C. were broken D. had been broken48. You must be tired now since you _ for five hours.A. have been worked B. have been working C. worked D. would work49. Even though they _ for twenty hours, the two neighbors are not on good terms.A. have been lived side by side B. had been living side by side

33、C. have been side by side living D. have been living side by side50. The pupils here _ all kinds of exercises every day in the past four weeks.A. kept busy doing B. keep on doingC. have kept busy doing D. have been kept busy doing51. The crazy fans _ patiently for two hours and they would wait till

34、the movie star arrival.A. were waiting B. had been waiting C. had waited D. would wait52. Great changes _ in the rural areas in the last two decades.A. have taken place B. took place C. have been taken place D. are happening53. When John woke up he found he was in the hospital, but he didnt know how

35、 that had _.A. been happened B. come about C. been come out D. been taken place54. -_both Ann and I going to the party? -No, neither you nor Ann _ going. A. Are; are B. Is; is C. Are; is D. Is; are55. Either you or the headmaster _ the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.A. is handing out

36、 B. are to had out C. are handing out D. is to hand out56. Which would you like to have, tea or coffee? -Ive _coffee. Let me have some tea.A. gone for B. gone off C. felt like D. looked like57. the day I was looking forward to _ at last.A. coming B. come C. came D. comes58. The pupil, who comes from

37、 the country, is starving _ the friendship from _ who come from the city.A. for; others B. about; some C. for; those D. about; the ones59. _ at the airport, he was arrested by the police.A. When arrived B. On his arrival C. At arriving D. As arrived60. Will you take part in the party tomorrow evenin

38、g? -_. A. It is known B. As is known C. It depends D. It depends on61. The captain _ all the soldiers before him, telling them to get ready for the fight.A. collected B. selected C. gathered D. elected62. It is the _ for Westerners to celebrate Christmas.A. way B. habit C. manner D. custom63. After

39、she made herself up, she _ herself in the mirror.A. found B. admired C. showed D. enjoyed64. Ha! You _ by a _. How _ of you.A. is fooled; fool; foolish B. were fooled; fool; foolishC. are fooled; foolish; foolish D. were fooled; foolish; fool65. He has lost all in the flood. Youd better _ him the de

40、bt.A. give up B. throw away C. forgive D. put up66. Its known that taking exercise _ your health.A. do good to B. does good to C. is good to D. are good for67. When _ help, one often says “Thank you.” or “its kind of you.”A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered68. The discovery of new evidence led to _.A. the thief having caught B. catch the thiefC. the thief being caught


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