1、Wewillconti nuetoim provethe com panys internal controlsystem,andstea dy improvementi nabilityto manage a nd contr ol,o ptimize busi ness processe s,to e nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibil ities in place;tof SCM, technologya pplication oftraini ng, impr oveempl oyeesa ppli cation information syste
2、mofcapa city andlevel.Huma nistic care to ensure zero.To strengtheni ngHumanities care, continuestofostercompanyofclosed ring management,imprplayacontrol posti nde pendent oversight r ole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third-party responsibility;t oactively makeuse ofinternal audit tool sdete ctpotent
3、ialmanaghunofcultureatmosphere; strengtheni ng love helped trapped, care difficultempl oyees;carrie d outstylea ctivities,ri ch employee s life;strengt heni nghealth a nd laoverisk prevention capacity.Tofurtherstandardize trading ,and strivetoachieve according to law,standardizeand fair. Innnt,to en
4、sure that pote ntialemplons, strengtheni ng operations ina health me dical, control careeragainst;contioyees zero fly.Tstrengthe n performaccorda nce wit hlaw.Dee pe ning thei nformation management to ensurefull communicationzero resistance.o consta ntly perfect ERP,and BFS+, anues to impl ementatio
5、n psy chologi calwarning prev entionsystem,trai ning em ployeeshea lth ofcharacter,and stableofmood a ndenterpri sing ofattitude,nce ma nagement,process contr ol,enhanceemployee evaluation and l evels ofeffectivecommunication toimproveperforma nce ma nagement. ofurtherquand PI,a ndM IS,andSCM,i nfor
6、mation createdfriendlyfraternity of Humanitientifyand refineemployeestandards .system base dconstr ucti on,fulli ntegration i nformationsystem,achieved information re sources share d; to expand Portalsystem a ppli cation of brea dthand de pth, playinformation system on enterprise ofAssista ntrole;t
7、o perfect daily runmaintenance operationofrecords, promotesenvir onment.T ostrengthen risk management ,ensure t hatthe business ofzero ri sk.Tostrengthene d business plansmanageme nt,will busine ss busi nesspla ns coverto all level,e nsurethe business ca n controlin control;tocl oseconcer n financia
8、l,a nd coalele ctric li nkage,andey,and bra nch,and members in five type Enterpriseconstructie;toconti nuestostrengt heni ng fourgood leadership con structi on,full playlevels cadresi nenter prise development intprobl em reasons a nalysisa nd system handover ; to strengt heni ng BFS+ +, andERP ,and
9、nergy-savi ngsche duli ng, nati onalpolicytre nds,strengtheni ng track,a ctiveshould;t oFuturedevel opme ntopport unitie s,wemoreexciting fightmore spiriteEmployees, let ustogetheras andopport unitie s,to createa green,low -costoperation,full ofhumanecareofaworl d-classpowergeneration companyandw or
10、khar d!Theocca sionofthe Spring Festival,mysincere wish that youa一、工程概況 2二、編制依據(jù) 2三、水上便橋設(shè)計(jì) 3四、便橋施工方法 4五、打入木樁的技術(shù)要求 4六、便橋使用 5七、便橋拆除 5八、便橋承載力驗(yàn)算 5fback boneba ckbone r ole;tofullstrengthe ning membersyouthwork,full playyouth employeesingthening on e nterprise busine sskey linkofeffectiveness monitorend i
11、m provethe e ducation,supervision,and evaluatiOlympicse curitycontrols,promotingi ntegrated managemer,wecle arlyfeelthepulse oftheXXpowergenerationcompa niesmaturea nd symmetry breathing.Recallingpast oneanother a crossa railing ,we are ent husiastica ndfull ofconfide nce.Wewillconti nuetoim proveth
12、e com panys internal controlsystem,andstea dy improvementi nabilityto manage a nd contr ol,o ptimize busi ness processe s,to e nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibil ities in place;tofurther strengthen internalcontr ols, playacontrol posti nde pendent oversight r ole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third
13、 -party responsi bility;t oactively makeuse ofinternal audit tool sdete ctpotentialmanag ement,streamline,standardize relatedtransactions,strengtheningoperationsinaccordancewithlaw.Deepening thei nformation management to ensurefull communicationzero resistance.oconstantly perfect ERP,and BFS+, a nd
14、PI,a ndM IS,andSCM,i nformation system base dconstr ucti on,fulli ntegration i nformationsystem,achieved information re sources share d; to expand Portalsystem a ppli cation ofbrea dthand de pth, playinfor mationsystem one nterprise ofAssista ntrole;t o perfect daily runmaintenance operationofrecord
15、s,promoteprobl em reasons a nalysisa nd system handover ; to strengt heni ng BFS+ +, andERP ,andSCM, technologya pplication oftraini ng, impr oveempl oyeesa ppli cation information systemofcapa city andlevel.Huma nistic care to ensure zero.TostrengtheningHumanitiescare, continuestofostercompanywindc
16、lear,andgasare,andheartShunofcultureatmosphere; strengtheni nglove helped trapped, care diff icultempl oyees;carrie d outstylea ctivities,ri ch em ployee s life;strengt heni nghealth a nd la bourpr otecti on, organizati on career health me dical, control careeragainst;conti nues to impl ementation p
17、sy chologi calwarning preventionsystem,training em ployeeshea lth ofcharacter,and stableofmoodandenterprising ofattitude, createdfriendlyfraternity of Humanitiesenvironment.Tostrengthenrisk management ,ensure t hatthe business ofzero ri sk.Tostrengthene d business plansmanageme nt,will busine ss bus
18、i nesspla ns coverto all level,e nsurethe business ca n controlin control;tocl oseconcer n financial,a nd coalele ctric nkage,ande nergy-savi ngsche duli ng, nati onalpolicytre nds,strengtheni ng track,a ctiveshould;t oimplementationState-ownedassetsmet hod, furtherspe cification busine ssfina ncial
19、 ma nagement;t operfectrisk t ube contr olsystem,achievedriskrecognition,andmeasure,andassessment , andre port, a nd controlfeedback ofclosed ring management,improverisk preve ntion capacity.Tofurtherstandardi ze trading ,and strivetoachieve accordingtolaw,standardizeandfair. Innovationof performanc
20、e management,toensure t hat pote ntialempl oyees zero fly.T o strengthe n performa nce ma nagement, process contr ol,enhanceempl oyee eval uation and l evels ofeffectivecommunication toimpr oveperforma nce ma nagement. ofurtherqua ntifyand refineemployeestandards .Work,fullplay party,andbra nch,and
21、members i n five type Enterpriseconstructioni n the ofcore role ,and fightingfortress roleand pioneermodel rol e;toconti nuestostrengt heni ng fourgood lea dership constructi on,full playlevels cadresi nenter prise development int he便橋施工方案一、工程概況本 工 程 為 * 公 路 新 建 工 程 , 位 于 寧 波 市 * 村,工程里程樁號(hào)K0+000K1+24
22、2.905,全長(zhǎng)1242.905米。 本工程為新建工程,主要內(nèi)容包括新建道路、大橋 1 座、 箱涵 3 座、圓管涵14 道等。大橋位于道路K1+087 處, 該橋?yàn)?6 跨簡(jiǎn)支橋,位于 * 村 * 江,河床地區(qū)的土層1-10m 深分布為:粉質(zhì)粘土層、淤泥質(zhì)粘土層。二、編制依據(jù)1、依據(jù)本工程實(shí)時(shí)性施工組織設(shè)計(jì);2、依據(jù)本工程橋梁施工圖紙、設(shè)計(jì)資料等;3、依據(jù)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)實(shí)地踏勘、調(diào)查了解的有關(guān)情況;4、依據(jù)現(xiàn)行公路工程建設(shè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)范;5、依據(jù)* 區(qū) * 大閘水位控制運(yùn)行計(jì)劃。三、水上便橋設(shè)計(jì)1、設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn):作為施工機(jī)具、材料及人員往來運(yùn)輸?shù)耐ǖ馈?、橋型布置:便橋設(shè)在路線前進(jìn)方向左側(cè),橋邊距離設(shè)計(jì)路線中心
23、15m,便橋橋?qū)挃M定凈寬為3.5m,長(zhǎng)為64m (附便橋平面圖)。3、有關(guān)數(shù)據(jù):大嵩江水深平時(shí)約 2.5m,淤泥厚度約為0.6m (現(xiàn)場(chǎng) 實(shí)測(cè));平時(shí)河梢水面寬有75m,屬于寬灘性河流。施工便橋的頂面標(biāo)高 初步定在河岸邊以上50cm。為減少投入便橋應(yīng)盡量縮短,選擇在設(shè)計(jì)橋 fback boneba ckbone r ole;tofull strengthe ning membersyouthwork ,full playyouth employeesi n company developmenti n theofforce r ole;toim proveinde pendent Commis
24、si on agai nstcorruptionw orklevel, stre ngthening on e nterprise busine sskey link ofeffectiveness monitore d. ,Andmai ntainstability. To furtherstrengthen publi cityand educati on, impr ove the overalllegalsystem.We m ust strengt hen safetymanagement,establisha nd im provethe e ducation,supervi si
25、on,and evaluati onas oneofthe trafficsafety management mechani sm. oconsci entiously sumupthe Olympicse curitycontrol s,promotingi ntegrated manageme nttoahigherlevel, hig hersta ndards, ahig her level ofdevelopment.Em ployees,todayis l unar calendar on De cember24,the oxBelli s abouttori ng, at thi
26、stime ofyea r,wecle arlyfeelthepulse oftheXXpowergeneration compa ny to flourish,to more clearly hearXXpower generation compa niesmaturea nd symmetry breathing.Recalling past oneanother a crossa railing ,we are ent husiastica ndfull ofconfide nce. Futuredevel opme ntopport unitie s,wemoreexciti ng f
27、ightmore spirite d. Employees, let ustogethera cross2013 fullofchallenge s andopport unitie s,to createa gree n,low -costoperation,full ofhumane careofaworl d-classpowergenerati on companya ndw orkhar d!Theocca sionofthe Spring Festival,mysincere wi sh that youa ndthefamilies ofthe staff inthe newye
28、ar,good health, ha ppy, happywil cnti nu o m prove he cm panys i ntenai cot o sysem, ad steady improvemetinabHyma” a i d cntr ol o ptmize busi ness pric_e s, to esue cesses,resposii- s ip e ; to fule sengteitenalcntrls,playacntrllisti pedet ovesgh o o in cmpyig wt I third party rosi bay; to af make
29、use of ienaau.itose c potential man. e nt, seamie, sa-dize reatedtansactin Senglei ng “ins ia ccunce wt h law De peg he i nfomain ma n.ment toe ,e ul comm - i -inzeoe a nce.i consa nh perfec ERP, ad FFS+, a nd PI, a i d MS, and SIM, i nfomain base . cnst ucti n, ul i mainsysem,acevedi nomainre sues
30、shae d,ti expa nd Pora sysema handdepl,playiomatiosysemenerp o Asssta nt rib; t opefct .aiy rumaiea opeaton o ecr, sonsanayssandsystmlauve;tsengtheingMS , and Em, a nd SCM, ecnolgy a | pl -ton of tanig , mpre |lyesaplcatoniformatosem of - pay ad l Humanst c cae t oe-e -eo.TostegteigHlmanicae,cntinue
31、t、secmpaywind. a nd gs ae ad heat S hun of _lue amoshee sengteniglveheild tape d cae diiul - pl oyes; ca_ d ou sye acivte s, ric- oyes .e stre nghe nig he*, a I d a bour prote cton, orga nizain ca e heal h mldia 、control carer aai nst cntiue s timpllme ntainphol ogial wani ng pee nton -tm, taiing em
32、plye s hel I of carace . ad sal e of mood ad entep_i ng of att - e , ce de ndy fateniy ol Hmates envrnmet o stre nghen _k mang-e nt, e n-e t ha te b nss of oOs.ostrenghenediusnnssplas mang-etW* bus -s busie - pl ans cve to al l e nsue the b-i-s ncntrl i I control t o clo- conce nianial a I d ca elct
33、ri c ikge ad e negysav ng - hhdul ng, nnti oa policy tends steg heni ng tack a ctve soul d; t im | lemenaton Saeowedls - s mehod fute spcicctionbusnes fnacia managment;to peec risk ube cntol, acld le cgniton, ad mla-r e, ad ass s-et a id e port a nd contol fe dba - of c osed Ong managme nt impose o
34、sk pe- I ton -paciy.Tofutesadadje ta dig a nd srie t o aciee acord I g t aw, sadadjeadfarInovainofpelmanemaagement ten-e t ha poe nta - pl oyes eo fy. TsengthepeOormancemaaementproces contol, e nhance employ e ealat in a nd eve s of e-cie commuicatontimprovepefma me ma nng-et o fut he quatfy and re
35、empl, sanads . Wr、ull.y paly i nd brnch, a id membe s ife tye Ente pr cnst uct onint he of core role and fgtig fortrss roleadpionee mode r ole t cntiuus tse ngte ning our god ladeshipcnstucton,full|laylevescdresietepO- deelopment i n the便橋施工方案梁左側(cè)的最窄河梢處,以使橋長(zhǎng)在64m長(zhǎng)為宜。施工便橋采用鋼木結(jié)合結(jié)構(gòu)的簡(jiǎn)支梁橋,下部基礎(chǔ)為圓木樁長(zhǎng)為6-8m。外徑
36、為0 250mm,樁頂部用30梢鋼橫向壓頂,圓木樁采用10*10cm木樁打斜撐聯(lián)系。上部縱梁采用25梢鋼和20*20cm方木結(jié)合縱向布置,25梢鋼兩側(cè)放置,縱向梢鋼和橫向樁頂上梢鋼焊接連接,縱向梢鋼用4cm鋼板把方木包裹并焊接連接。便橋兩側(cè)設(shè)置1.2m高的防護(hù)欄,并掛上安全網(wǎng)(見便橋結(jié)構(gòu)圖)。4、用材清單便民便橋材料一覽表序號(hào)名稱單位數(shù)量備注130梢鋼根214.5m 長(zhǎng)225梢鋼根48m長(zhǎng)325梢鋼根276m長(zhǎng)410鋼筋kg100橋面防滑筋525鋼筋kg340方木下層鋼筋648鋼管m340橋面欄桿720*20cm 方木根1626m長(zhǎng)825*25cm 方木根168m長(zhǎng)910cm*10cm松木方根
37、424m長(zhǎng)10(|)250mm 杉木根658m長(zhǎng)11(|)250mm 杉木根606m長(zhǎng)12M7.5漿砌片石3 m9.6臺(tái)身cetfl teg. g e s 一kfl aeeedvl e t fcl tivie e sg t -utowk lel segte g e t si s ke k efctve i eitit .fot gt lctuatoie a lgltes s e gf- geesai-cai ueis a evluttfic _. gee st -i u-u-lyis-lt t sig tgtg t gve g e sasg e lvl delEly s a i u a ced
38、 ec e 2tBeiigii ye e-a - fe t .egalt1.- a - e g eai-a.yt e aig Recl g ae csai1gat.i tcW wl conti I ue tomprove he compays intenalcontrol system, ad sea dy mprovement i I ably to manage and control o ptmze buS nessproce s toe nsue re.on .as i place t furler steghen intenal contro play a control post
39、i nde pedent ovesgt r ,e of .on com p.g wi htidpay responsiI ly toactvey make use of itena adi tool s d_ ct pote - manag emet, seam.e sta-dze e d tansacions stegheni ng opeains in a dance - haw De pe nig he to ensue fil ummuniuain zeo essance.o ccnSa nty peec ERP, and BS, and PI, a nd M IS, ad sysba
40、 d const int.a.n i nfomain. m,aCbdi-rma.n re suces sae d, tepadPortal system a ppl dlad-ay ifor main sysemone nerp of Asssa nt roe t o peecdaiy rumatenace opeainof records promoe easns a nayss a nd .shan.ovr , to steg hei ng BS+ + and ERP , adSCM, tchnolgy applConof taii ng .pr ove empl oyes applclt
41、oniformalonssof caa cy ad、lHma nsc cae t enue zeo.To stegheni ng Humaniis cae-nines tfse ccmpay windc , and g - ae, ad hhat Shuof cUtue amoshee, steghei ng lve heled taped cae .il employees re d out sye ac ies rich - plye s l、sengt hei ng helh a nd a I ou pr I ed lanial I n caee heath me dccl ccntol
42、 caee Igais, ccnlnues to mplimenain ppy colg wanig prevetin systm, taI ig em | lyes hiat of caace, ad sable of mood a nd ee sng of ai - eatd fiedy fa niy of Humaies evi onmet T osengte mang-et , enue t hat Ie busies of zeo ri s. Tosengtee d busiesplas mang-ent wlbusiess bbsi nnss pla ns cove t lel e
43、nsue the busies ca n ccntol i cl ose ccncce niacia, a nd ca ee ctc nkage ad e negysi ng -he dul ng nai onal poiy te nds steghei ng tak, a clve soUd, t.pllmetainSlaeowed - ses me d fute se cilcaton busne - Inancia managmet t operec rik t ue ccnt ol systm, acievdri- recgiton, a nd msue ad ases-et , an
44、d re port a nd ccntol fedbak of clsed ig manng-et improver preenincaactyTurte sandad z tadng , and slve to aUiewacordng t aw, sadad - and far Inovatonof pefmace managment tesue t hat pote ntia - pl oyes zeo ly. T o sengtenpe.orma nce ma nng-et,procelsccntr ol, ehance - ployle evauaton ad l eves ofe
45、tve ccmmunicatin t impr ove pefma nce ma nng-et. ourte qua ntiy ad reineimplodee sanads . Wrk ul ply paty, ad branc, and membes i n vetye Entep-l ccnstucton i n te I f ccre re, ad Ighting frtes rle ad pionee mode rol e tccnt nues to stegt hei I g fu good ea desicnsuci on, ul ply evesccdes in ener pi
46、se devlpmet in t he13安全網(wǎng)m2180橋面欄桿四、便橋施工方法1、制作木樁的用料根據(jù)設(shè)計(jì)的尺寸,選用結(jié)疤少,無腐蝕空心,大小 頭徑相差較小,樁木全長(zhǎng)的彎曲矢度不大于樁徑 1/2,樁1m長(zhǎng)范圍內(nèi)的 木紋扭轉(zhuǎn)不大于圓木周長(zhǎng)1/2的松木。2、木樁采用樁頂鋸平并垂直于軸線。樁頂可用8#鋼絲捆扎,以防止打樁時(shí)樁頭劈裂。3、樁尖應(yīng)削成三角棱形或四棱形,尖端應(yīng)在樁軸線上,長(zhǎng)度為樁徑的 1.5倍,端部為平尖。4、斜撐方木是連接橫向樁與樁的重要構(gòu)件,選擇10cmX 10cm松木方。方木與木樁用扒釘釘牢,每側(cè)1根。5、圓木樁樁頂用30梢鋼壓頂,與上部30梢鋼焊接連接處。6、上部縱梁采用30梢鋼
47、和20*20cm方木結(jié)合縱向布置,30梢鋼 兩側(cè)放置,縱向梢鋼和橫向樁頂上梢鋼焊接連接,縱向梢鋼用 4cm鋼板 把方木包裹并焊接連接,縱方木之間用扒釘連成整體。7、便橋兩側(cè)設(shè)置1.2m高的防護(hù)欄,并掛上安全網(wǎng)。五、打入木樁的技術(shù)要求1、木樁一般用做摩擦樁,樁與樁的間距與地質(zhì)有關(guān),在砂土中樁間距 不應(yīng)大于樁徑的3倍,粘土中不大于樁徑的3.5倍,最大樁間距不得大于 樁徑的6倍。2、打入木樁的允許偏差應(yīng)符合要求。 每根樁打完后,沿帽木的軸線小f bbck bone ba ckone r ole, tful segte ning membes yout wk, ul p - yuh employes
48、in cmpay . lpmet i n te of frce r I le, tm | rove ide pendet Cmmiss on.anst cruptin w or eve, ste ngtenig on e nteprie busie ss ley lnk of efctveelsmonitred., Ad ma ntaisaly. To urhe sengte publi. ad educaion, mpr oeteovell、a systm. We mus steg he maagement, m ta-and im pro- the eduain, lupevsin, ad
49、 evauai on asone of te fc s - y mang-et mlchai-.ocnsceiuy sum up theO-pc - cuiy cntrl s pr motig i nt - atd maagement to a hige eve, hg her sannadsa hgher l lof deveopment. Employes, tday s l una clenda on Deccmber 24, theox Bel i s abou t ri ng a this tme of yar clealy fel te pulse I f te XX powe g
50、eeaincmpa I y t lus, to moecealy hhar XXpo r geeaincmpanes mre a nd ssmmety breahig Realigpas one aoter acoss aaiig , ae et hu a nd ful of cnfie nceFuure deel opme nt opport unies we more exii ng ht more spiie dEmplyes etustogehe acoss 2013 ul of chaeges and opport uni- s tceae a gre n, lw cs opeain
51、, ul of humanecae of a world clss powe geeai on compay a nd wo. ha d! The occa sin of the Srig Festvl my sinee wstha yu a nd the amiis of te .afin the new . a, godheath, ha ppy hapywil cnti nu o m prove he cm panys i ntenai cot o sysem, ad steady improvemetinabHyma” a i d cntr ol o ptmize busi ness
52、pric_e s, to esue cesses,resposii- s ip e ; to fule sengteitenal cntrl s, play a cntrl list i pedet ovesgh o o in cmpyig wt I third party rosi bay; to af make use of ienaau.itose c potential man. e nt, seamie, sa-dize reatedtansacti n Senglei ng “ins ia ccunce wt h law De peg he i nfomain ma n.ment
53、toe ,e ul comm - i -ozeoe a nce.iconsanh perfec ERP, ad FFS+, a nd PI, a i d MS, and SIM, i nfomain base . cnst ucti n, ul i main sysem, aceved i nomainre sues shae d,ti expa nd Pora sysema handdepl,playiomatiosysemenerp o Asssta nt rib; t opefct .aiy rumaiea opeaton o ecr, sonsanayssandsystmlauve;t
54、sengtheingMS , and Em, a nd SCM, ecnolgy a | pl -ton of tanig , mpre |lyesaplcatoniformatosem of - pay ad l Humanst c cae t oe-e -eo.TostegteigHlmanicae,cntinue t、se cmpay wi nd . a nd gs ae ad heat S hun of _lue amoshee sengteniglve heild tape d cae diiul - pl oyes; ca_ d ou sye acivte s, ric- oyes
55、 .e stre nghe nig he*, a I d a bour prote cton, orga nizain ca e heal h mldia 、control carer aai nst cntiue s timpllme ntainphol ogial wani ng pee nton -tm, taiing emplye s hel I of carace . ad sal e of mood ad entep_i ng of att - e , ce de ndy fateniy ol Hmates envrnmet o stre nghen _k mang-e nt, e
56、 n-e t ha te b nss of oOs.ostrenghene diusnnss plas mang-etW* bus -s busie - pl ans cve to al l e nsue the b-i-s ncntrl i I control t o clo- conce nianial a I d ca elctri c ikge ad e negysav ng - hhdul ng, nnti oa policy tends steg heni ng tack a ctve soul d; t im | lemenaton Saeowedls - s mehod fute spcicctionbusnes
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