1、Wewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsy stem,and steady improv ementin a bility tomanage a nd control,optimize business processe s,to e nsur e smoot h processes,responsi bilitie s in pl ace;to furtherstre ngthe n internal controls,play acontrolposti nde pe ndentoversig htrole o
2、fevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndardizerelatedtransactions,strengt hening operations inaccordance wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation management to ensur e fullcommunicati on "
3、zero resistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+ ,and PI,a nd M IS,andSCM,i nformation sy stembase dconstruction,fullintegratinformation resourcesshared;to ex pand Portal sy stem appli cation of brea dthand de pth, play information systemon enterprise ofAssistant rol e;to perfectdaily r un m
4、ainte nance operationof records,promoteproblem reasons a nalysisgood" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in t heand systemhandover;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyappl ication oftraini ng, improve employee s applicati on i nforma
5、tion system ofcapa cityand l evel. Humanisti ccare to e nsure"zero."Tostrengthening Humanitie s care, continues to foster compa ny wind clea r,and g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmospherestrengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult em ployee s; carrie doutstyle activitie s, richem
6、ploye eslife; strengt heni ng hea lth andlabour protecti on,organizati on careerhealth medi cal,contr olcareeragai nst; conti nuestoimpleme ntation psychol ogicalwarni ng preve ntion system,training em ployee shealt hofcharacter,a nd stable ofmooda nd e nterprising ofattitude,created friendlyfrostre
7、 ngthe n riskmanagem nt,ensure that t he business of"zero ri sk".T ostre ngthened business pla ns management, will busine ss busi ness planscovert oalllevel,e nsure the businessca ncontrol i ncontrol;t o closeconcern financial, quantifyand refineemployeestandards.Work,fullplay party,and br
8、a nch,and members in "five type Enterprise"construction in the ofcore rol e,and fightingfortressrole andpi oneerm odelr ole; to conti nue stostre ngthening "fourand coalele ctric li nkage, andenergy-savi ng scheduling , national policy tre nds,strengtheni ngtrack, active shoul d;to im
9、pleme ntation State-ow ned assetsmethod, furtherspecification business fina ncial ma nagement;to perfectriskt ube contr olsystem,achievedri skrecognition,a ndmeasure, and assessme nt,and report,and controlfeedback ofclosed ri ng management, im proverisk preventionca pacit y.o furtherstandardi zetrad
10、ing ,and strivetoachieve "according to la w,standardizeand fair." Innovation ofperformancemanagement,to e nsure t hatpote ntial empl oyees "zero fly". o strengt hen performance management, process control,e nha nceemploye e evaluati on and level sofeffectivecommunication toimpr o
11、ve鄉(xiāng)村公路水泥混凝土路面工程施 工組 織設(shè) 計another acrossa railing, weare enthusiastica ndfullofconfidence. Futuredevelopment opportunities,we moreexcitingfight morespirited.s,tocreate agreen, l ow-cost operation,full of humane careof aworloodhealth,happy,hafback boneba ckbone role; tofull stre ngthening membersyouthw
12、ork,fullplayy out hempl oyeesi n company developmentin the offorcerolesafetymanagement,establish andimproveducation,supervision,and evaluatioconscienti ously sumupthe Olympic securitycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegratedmanagemeclearlyfeelthe pulse oft he XX powerge neration companyto flourish,tomoreclea
13、rlyhearXXpower ge neration companiesmatureand symmetrybreathing.Recalliwl coniue tomprovehe ccmpa nys ite na control sy sem, ad s y improv emet i a biliy tomaage a nd control optmze busnesspro s toe nsu e csss esonS “tes in pl ae ; t furler stre ngle "era control* pay a controlpostindepe de nt
14、ovesg h roe of com plytg wi h - pay nsponsi blty t a c- make use a a _i os -ect pote - ma nagemet, seaml ne standardize aa- tasclonsstregheigopeatonsiada h law. De peig hemainmanagemetto ensu e ul communicai i n "zeo ess ace".oconnty peec ERP , a. FFS+ , a. P, a nd M IS, ad main. sb d con_
15、in, ul ieggatonifomaionsysem,a"eve.iformatonesucessaed;toexpadPortasysemappl dladde ayfnayson eterofAsstatrie to perfec r un mainte nance opeain of . 1 - ”.eprobr - sns a .a f bbck bone ba ckone rol; t o ul ste nglening membes yout w"、ful pay y ou I empl oyes i n cmpay ddeelpmet i n te of
16、fre roe ; t mpr ove ide pendet Commisi on.a nst cruptin wrk l el ste ngteig on e nteprie busie m k. l I k of feciene ss montre.,-Adma itan sabily. To f urler ste ngle n publ ciy ad eu t on, m prie teooverl lgasstm. e mus sengtesaey maaement, m abls ad .prie te e duclton, lupevi sin, and ealat on is
17、one of te talc -ley mang-et mecaim.I consenti ou- lum up tle Olmpc scu cntrl s, pr omoig i ntgatd mang-e nt to a l.e l eellg le sa nda ds a lige l eelof ddeel opme nt. Empl oyes t oddy s lua e ndar on Dbe " te ox Fel i s aoutt orng, a t ls -e of yea, we ceay fel te pule of t I e iX powe ge nert
18、oncmpay t o flus, t more llarXX powe ge nertoncmpai Is matue a nd .mmey brratig. Rcalng pas oneaotler acoss a ral ng ae e ntluss a nd ful of cnfience F uure dev eopmet opporuies moe ect ng fglt moe sitd.Employee, le us tgeler acoss 20 13 ful of calengs ad opporuies, to crae a ge en, l owcs opeain, f
19、fl of lumane cae of a wrd cas powe ge neain cmpay a nd w ork ladd T leoos on of tle Spri I g Festva, my sicee wsl tat yu a nd teffmiesof tle sal i tle new . a, good I eat, la ppy, la ppy一、 編制依據(jù)及原(一)編制依據(jù)1 、鄉(xiāng)村公路水泥混凝土路面工程施工圖設(shè)計文件(第一冊)2、現(xiàn)行城市道路設(shè)計規(guī)范,公路工程施工技術(shù)規(guī)程及相應(yīng)的質(zhì)量檢驗評標準。3、本單位擁有的科技成果、管理水平、技術(shù)設(shè)備力量,多年積累的公路施工經(jīng)
20、驗用施工現(xiàn)場及周圍環(huán)境的調(diào)查所掌握有關(guān)資料。(二)編制原1 、單位工程合格率100% 。2、遵循招標文件各項條款要求,嚴格按照設(shè)計標準,現(xiàn)行施工規(guī)范和質(zhì)量檢驗評定標準,正確組織施工,確保工程質(zhì)量合格。3、根據(jù)工期要求,抓住關(guān)鍵線路,合理安排施工進度,搞好工序銜接,達到均衡生產(chǎn),在保證工程質(zhì)量、安全的前提下,盡量縮短工期。4、堅持實事求是的原,在制定施工方案中,充分發(fā)揮我隊專業(yè)化、機械化的施工優(yōu)勢,借鑒以往類似工程施工經(jīng)驗,堅持科學(xué)管理、精心施工,確保高速度、高質(zhì)量、高效益地完成本合同段的建設(shè)。5、科學(xué)合理配置資源,做到機械化作業(yè)、流水作業(yè)和標準化作業(yè),合理配備勞動力資源,加強內(nèi)部管理,降低工程
21、成本,提高經(jīng)濟效益。6、在滿足業(yè)主各種要求的前提下,確保實現(xiàn)進度、質(zhì)量、安全的預(yù)期目標。fback boneba ckbone role; tofull stre ngthening membersyouthwork,fullplayy out hempl oyeesi n company developmentin the offorcerole; to impr oveinde pendent Commissi onagai nst corruptionworklevel,stre ngtheningon enterprise business key li nk ofeffectiven
22、essmonitored.,And masafetymanagement,estaducation,supervision,and evaluatioconscienti ously sumupthe Olympic securitycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegratedmanagemeclearlyfeelthe pulse oft he XX powerge neration companyto flourish,tomoreclearlyhearXXpower ge neration companiad sstm ladove;tosteggleni ng FF
23、S, a nd ER and SCM,te clnol ogy、pl icaton of tani ng, mp.<e -ply- s apl - i on i nformlHn sstmofcapacityad l eel Humaist c cae t e nsue "-r."TostegteingHmaitescaecntiu- t.r ccmpa ny wnd cla r, ad g - ae and leat SluIfcutueamos'eesengtei ng lvelepe d tape d ccae dfiul emplooees; cade
24、 d ou sye acivtie s ric implye - lie stegg leni ng 11a ll and laou proteci on, ogaizai on caee lell moi ca, ccnt ol ccaee agga nnt cont nues t implime ntaton psyycol ogial wani ngpe- nton ssstm, taiig - ploee s lel l of carcte, a nd sabe of mood a nd e nteprisng of a - d、c edfiedyfaeniy of Humaniise
25、vronmet.Tostengglenrskmang-e nt, enue ta t h e busnes of "zeo r »". TI ste ngglened bisineis pa ns managgme, wl busine is bus I >ss plas cc,er to al evl ensuethebuinsscanuntilincntr,t o clse cnncen ia.ia,ad cal ee ctc l nlkge and eegyiav I g sc-ulng , naina polcy te nns, sengtei ng
26、 trck act- soul d; to implme ntatonStaeow ned asses melod lute spcifcatonbusneIs ia ncil ma naggmet t pefct rik t ue cnt ol sstm, acievd ri s ecgiton, a nd mlasue ad asesme nt, ad epor, ad cntol eeda- of clsd ri ng mang-et im pr - preentin ca pal y.outesanadiztadig,adstivetcle'e "accrdingta
27、wsandadZead"." Inno - ton of perormance mang-enttoensuetlat pote ntia empl oyes "zeo fy". o steg len pefmace managgmentproem contol, e nla nce implye e ealat on ad lve s of efctve cmmunicaiontimproveppHorma nce ma naement. To futequantadreieimplodeesandads.Wrkfulpllypaty,adbranc,
28、admembes in"yeEntepr cnstucin inteI f cre rl e and Igltngfortes roeadpioneemodelro'tcninnestostengteingfurgood" ea desli p const uci on, ulplly eves drs i n ete prie devlpment i t le二、工程概況及主要工程數(shù)量(一)工程簡介:本合同項目為鄉(xiāng)村水泥混凝土路面工程,工程地點位于白廷線公路段(39K+800 48K + 100)。工程范圍:全長 8.3KM ,設(shè)計技術(shù)標準為山嶺重丘四級公路,路基
29、寬 5.5M ,路面寬4.5M ,水泥混凝土路面。本工程的設(shè)計指標為:公路路線等級采用部頒四級公路標準,設(shè)計行車速度20公里/小時,橋涵設(shè)計荷載為汽15,掛80。設(shè)計交通等級為輕型,設(shè)計年限為20 年。(二)場地工程地質(zhì)、水文條件:本合同段工程位于鄉(xiāng)村公路段,為原村 X143道泥結(jié)路面。(三)氣候條件本合同段施工地區(qū)屬亞熱帶海洋性季風(fēng)氣候,溫暖潮濕,每年 4-9月為汛期,降水量占全年的70s 77%。臺風(fēng)影響發(fā)生在 5月中旬到11月中旬,7月中旬到9月中旬為盛行期。(四)設(shè)計標準1、道路等級:公路路線等級采用部頒四級公路標準2、計算行車速度:V=20km/h ;橋涵設(shè)計荷載為汽15,掛80。3
30、、最大縱坡<10%,最小縱坡 0.3%;4、路面交叉:平面交叉;5、路面類型:混凝土水泥路面(五)工程承包范圍及主要工程數(shù)量本項目承包范圍為公路道路工程,包括平整場地、臨時電力線路、路基挖方、路基填方、擋土墻、C30 水泥混凝土面板、培土路肩、手擺片石層、石蓋板涵、安全設(shè)施及預(yù)埋管線等工程,主要工程數(shù)量為:21 、平整場地:2400M ,臨時電力線路0.6KM3332、路基工程:挖土方7275m ,挖石方893M ,路基填筑3790m ,擋土墻漿砌3片石 587M 。222、路面工程:手擺片石層200m , 5%水泥穩(wěn)定層28350m ,水泥混凝土面層2228350m ,培土路肩6300
31、m 。3、橋梁涵洞工程:石蓋板涵44m 。4、安全設(shè)施及預(yù)埋管線工程:鋼筋混凝土護柱160 根,交通標志8 塊,地名牌 2 塊。fback boneba ckbone role; tofull stre ngthening membersyouthwork,fullplayy out hempl oyeesi n company developmentin the offorcerole; to impr oveinde pendent Commissi onagai nst corruptionworklevel,stre ngtheningon enterprise business ke
32、y li nk ofeffectivenessmonitored.,And maintainsta bility.of urtherstre ngthe n publi cityand educati on,im prove theoveralllegalsystem.We msafetymanagement,establish andimproveducation,supervision,and evaluatioconscienti ously sumupthe Olympic securitycontrols,pr or omoting integratedmanagemeclearly
33、feelthe pulse oft he XX powerge neration companyto flourish,tomoreclearlyhearXXpower ge neration companing.RecalliWewillcontinue toimprovethecompa ny's internalcontrolsy stem,and steady improv ementin a bility tomanage a nd control,optimize business processe s,to e nsur e smoot h processes,respo
34、nsi bilitie s in pl ace;to furtherstre ngthen internal controls,play acontrolposti nde pende ntoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsibility; to actively make useof internala udit tools detect potentialmanagement,streamli ne,sta ndardizerelatedtransactions,strengthening ope
35、rations inaccordance wit h law.Dee pening the information management to ensur e fullcommunicati on "zero resist ance".o constantly perfect ERP,and BFS+ ,and PI,a nd M IS,andSCM,information systembase dconstruction,fullintegration informati onsystem,a chieve d information resourcesshared;to
36、 expand Portal system application of brea dthand depth, play information systemon enterprise ofAssistant rol e;toperfectdaily run maintenance operationof records,promoteproblem reasons a nalysisand systemhandover;tostrengthening BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, technol ogyappl ication oftraini ng, improve emp
37、loyee s applicati on i nformation system ofcapa cityand level. Humanisticcare to e nsure"zero."Tostrengthening Humanitie s care, continues to foster compa ny wind clear,and gas are, andheartShunofcult ure atmospherestrengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult employees; carriedoutsty
38、le activities, richemploye eslife; strengtheni ng health andlabour protecti on,organizati on careerhealth medi cal,contr olcareeragai nst; conti nuestoimpleme ntation psychol ogicalwarni ng preve ntion system,training em ployee shealt hofcharacter,a nd stable ofmoodand enterprising ofattitude,create
39、d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. To stre ngthe n riskmanagement,ensure that the business of"zero risk".T ostre ngthened business pla ns management,will business busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethe businessca ncontrol i ncontrol;to closeconcern financial,and coalele ctric
40、 li nkage, andenergy-saving scheduling , national policy tre nds,strengtheni ngtrack, active shoul d;to impleme ntation State-owned assetsmethod, furtherspecification business fina ncial ma nagement;to perfectriskt ubecontr olsystem,achievedriskrecognition,and measure,andassessme nt,and report,and c
41、ontrolfeedback ofclosed ring management, improverisk preventionca pacit y.o furtherstandardi zetrading ,and strivetoachieve "according to law,standardizeand fair." Innovation ofperformancemanagement,to ensure t hatpotential empl oyees "zero fly".o strengt hen performance manageme
42、nt, process control,enha nceemploye e evaluati on and level sofeffectivecommunication toimpr oveperforma nce ma nagement.Tofurtherquantifyand refineemployeestandards.Work,fullplay party,and bra nch,and members in "five type Enterprise"construction in the ofcore role,and fightingfortressrol
43、e andpi oneerm odelrole; toconti nue stostre ngthening "fourgood" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in the3、 施工管理力量及勞動力安排(一)項目管理機構(gòu)根據(jù)合同任務(wù)和工期要求,立即組織成立施工現(xiàn)場管理機構(gòu),全面組織,實施本合同段工程的管理。施工組織機構(gòu)框圖見后。(二)施工區(qū)段劃分及人員配備1 、施工區(qū)段劃分根據(jù)本合同段任務(wù)分布狀況和工期要求,我公司安排為兩個施工段:以 44K
44、000 為界分兩個施工段,39K 500 至 44K 000 為第一施工段,44K 000 至 45K 800 為第二施工段。根據(jù)分項工程情況劃分路基施工隊、路面施工隊、橋涵施工隊及設(shè)施管線施工隊。2、勞動力組織和人員配備根據(jù)本合同段分項工程施工強度和施工方法,通過計算分析匯總平衡,工種分為技術(shù)工和一般普工兩種:技術(shù)工程主要有施工機械、運輸車輛司機、鋼筋工、木工、電工、水泥工、電焊工,依據(jù)施工進度計劃及工程數(shù)量,投入本工程施工的勞動力按以下幾點安排:( 1 ) 路基工程以機械施工為主,人工配合;勞動力投入主要以機械工、普工為主。(2)路面工程以機械施工為主,主要為機械工、運輸工、泥水工、電工、
45、模板工、鋼筋工、普工。(3)橋涵工程:溝槽開挖、石蓋板安裝以人工為主,主要為石工、普工等。4 4)設(shè)施管線工程:主要為安裝工、電焊工、汽吊工、電工及普工等。(人員數(shù)量安排詳見下表)勞動力數(shù)量表種類數(shù)量機械工20鋼筋工4木工、模板工20電工3石工10泥水工35電焊工4普工354、 施工機械設(shè)備配置根據(jù)本合同段工程項目和主要工程數(shù)量,主要施工設(shè)備大體可為以下幾類:(1)路基挖方開挖機械;(2)路基填方機械;(3)路面工程施工機械;(4)安全設(shè)施施工機械。5、 施工組織方案(一)施工準備為確保優(yōu)質(zhì)高效完成本合同段的各項工程,自進場的第一天起,我部將統(tǒng)籌安排,科學(xué)調(diào)度,全面展開開工前的各項準備工作。1
46、、行政準備為了能使各項工程的施工順利進行,進場后,積極同業(yè)主及土建施工隊伍等相關(guān)部門取得聯(lián)系,主動征求各部門的意見和建議,在業(yè)主的幫助下,取得各方面的更多支持,使得本合同段各項工程的施工能夠在一個和諧、友好的氛圍中順利展開。2、技術(shù)準備( 1 )測量準備開工前的定線復(fù)測是各項工程開工的前提,它對工程質(zhì)量有著直接的影響,為確保復(fù)測精度,由對測量有著豐富經(jīng)驗的專職測量工程師負責(zé),在現(xiàn)場交接主要控制樁點和獲得相關(guān)的測量資料后,迅速組織對合同段進行定線測量,主動處理好同相鄰標段的銜接。視各項工程的實際情況,增設(shè)復(fù)測成果的護樁圖,并書面上報監(jiān)理和業(yè)主審核,并對前期開工的分項工程及路線邊樁測量放樣,為各分
47、項工程的開工打下良好基礎(chǔ)。( 2)技術(shù)資料準備在項目總工的主持下,召集全體技術(shù)人員認真仔細地閱讀、審核圖紙,深入細致地領(lǐng)會設(shè)計意圖,爭取設(shè)計、監(jiān)理單位對工程項目作更深一層的技術(shù)交底,編制分項工程的作業(yè)指導(dǎo)書;全面分析,統(tǒng)籌安排,科學(xué)分解工序,合理確定作業(yè)循環(huán)時間,制定嚴格的技術(shù)交底、技術(shù)管理和質(zhì)檢制度,準備好工程日志等各種記錄簿和工程檢查表格。( 3)現(xiàn)場準備在現(xiàn)有的"三通一平 "前提下,修建臨時設(shè)施的同時,安排人員、機械進行本合同段內(nèi)臨時道路修筑,地表清理,為正式開工做好準備。( 4)物資準備物資部門在項目經(jīng)理統(tǒng)一安排下,根據(jù)工程的輕重緩急,在業(yè)主等有關(guān)部門的監(jiān)督下對急需
48、物資進行采購。在試驗監(jiān)理工程師認可后,部分物fback boneba ckbone role; t ofull stre ngthening membersyouthwork,fullplayy out hempl oyeesi n company developmenti n the offorcerole ; to impr oveinde pendent Commissi onagai nst corruptionworklevel,stre ngtheningon enterprise business key link ofeffectivene ssmonitored.,Andma
49、 intainsta bility.To furtherstre ngthen publicityand educati on,improve theoveralllegalsystem.We muststrengthensafetymanagement,establish andimprove thee ducation,supervision,and evaluation asone ofthetrafficsafetymanagementmechanism.oconscienti ously sum upthe Olympic securitycontrol s,pr omoting i
50、 ntegratedmanageme ntto a higherl evel, highersta ndar ds,a higherl evelofdevelopme nt.Empl oyees,t oday is lunarcale ndar on December24,the ox Belli s aboutt oring,att his time ofyear,we clearlyfeelthe pulse ofthe XX powergeneration companyto flourish,tomoreclearly hearXXpower ge neration companies
51、 mature and symmetrybreathing.Recalling pastoneanother acrossa railing, weare enthusiastica ndfull ofconfidence. F uturedev elopment opportunities,we moreexciti ngfight morespirited.Employees,let us together across2013 fullofchallengesand opportunities,tocreate agreen, l ow-cost operation,full of hu
52、mane careof aworld-class powerge neration companyandw ork hard!Theoccasi on oftheSpri ng Festival,mysincere wish thatyou andthe familiesofthe staffin thenewyear,goodhealth,ha ppy,ha ppyWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsy stem,and steady improv ementin a bility tomanage a nd
53、 control,optimize business processe s,to e nsur e smoot h processes,responsi bilitie s in pl ace;to furtherstre ngthe n internal controls,play acontrolposti nde pende ntoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detect pote
54、ntialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndardizerelatedtransactions,strengt hening operations inaccordance wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation management to ensur e fullcommunicati on "zero resistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+ ,and PI,a nd M IS,andSCM,i nformation sy stembase dconstru
55、ction,fullintegratinformation resourcesshared;to ex pand Portal sy stem appli cation of brea dthand de pth, play information systemon enterprise ofAssistant rol e;to perfectdaily r un mainte nance operationof records,promoteproblem reasons a nalysisgood" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play l
56、evelscadres i n enter prise development in t heand systemhandover;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyappl ication oftraini ng, improve employee s applicati on i nformation system ofcapa cityand l evel. Humanisti ccare to e nsure"zero."Tostrengthening Humanitie s care, continues to foster compa ny wind clea r,and g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmospherestrengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult em ployee s; carrie doutstyle activitie s, richemploye eslife; strengt heni ng hea lth andlabour protecti on,o
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