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1、2021/3/91Lesson 81-82New Concept English 1New Concept English 12021/3/92Revisionshoppingvegetablehopemoneyneedchemistthinglistgroceriesfruitstationerynewsagent 購物購物 蔬菜蔬菜 希望希望 錢錢 需要需要 藥劑師藥劑師 事情事情 單子單子 食品雜貨食品雜貨 水果水果 文具文具 報刊零售人報刊零售人2021/3/93RevisionGrammar 語法語法例題1:-你有奶酪嗎? -Have you got any cheese? -你必須

2、去食品店去買一些奶酪。 -You must go to the grocers to get some cheese.例題2:-你有雜志嗎? -Have you got any magazines? -你必須去報刊零售處去買一些雜志。-You must go to the newsagents to get some magazines.2021/3/94Tips:Breakfast to eat well.Lunch to eat satisfied.Dinner to eat less課文導(dǎo)入課文導(dǎo)入 Lead inLead in2021/3/95單詞教授單詞教授 New Words 20

3、21/3/96單詞教授單詞教授 New Words 2021/3/97單詞教授單詞教授 New Words 幾乎;差不多;差點兒幾乎;差不多;差點兒 將近六點半了。將近六點半了。 It is nearly half past six. 我差點就錯過了火車我差點就錯過了火車 I nearly missed the train. The car nearly ran over the dog. I almost fall down. 區(qū)別:區(qū)別:nearly與與almost都表示都表示“幾乎、幾乎、差不多差不多”,但是當(dāng)要表示,但是當(dāng)要表示“接接近近”或或“就要到了就要到了”時多用時多用nearl

4、y;當(dāng)想表達;當(dāng)想表達“不足不足”或或“尚差一點時尚差一點時”最好用最好用almost。2021/3/98單詞教授單詞教授 New Words 為。做好準備為。做好準備/ get ready to do已經(jīng)準備好做。已經(jīng)準備好做。2021/3/99(1)我們做好了學(xué)校郊游的準備。我們做好了學(xué)校郊游的準備。 Were ready for school trip.(2)孩子們已準備好了打架。孩子們已準備好了打架。 The children are/get ready to/for fight.2021/3/910單詞教授單詞教授 New Words dinner n. 正餐,晚餐正餐,晚餐 thr

5、ee meals a day 一日三餐一日三餐 breakfast 早飯早飯 lunch 午餐午餐 tea 下午茶下午茶 supper 晚飯晚飯 meal 一頓飯一頓飯路邊小飯館路邊小飯館dinner party;宴會宴會 give a dinner;設(shè)宴設(shè)宴2021/3/911單詞教授單詞教授 New Words Western restaurant2021/3/912單詞教授單詞教授 New Words b bake v.ake v.烤烤b baker aker n.n.燒烤燒烤 n.n.v.v.2021/3/913單詞復(fù)習(xí)測試單詞復(fù)習(xí)測試 bathalmostreadydinnerres

6、taurantroastbreakfasthaircutpartyholiday洗澡洗澡幾乎幾乎準備好的準備好的正餐,晚餐正餐,晚餐飯館飯館烤的烤的早飯早飯理發(fā)理發(fā)聚會聚會假日假日2021/3/914課文講解課文講解 PassagePassage2021/3/915課文講解課文講解 PassagePassage SAM: SAM: Hi, Carol! Wheres Tom?Hi, Carol! Wheres Tom? CAROL: CAROL: HeHes s HeHes having a bath.having a bath.翻譯一下?go/walk/run upstairs猜一猜?sta

7、irs, upstairs, downstairs have a hot bath / take a cold bath bath-tub = tub 澡盆;浴缸 bath cap 浴帽 bathrobe = robe 浴 衣(Br.) dressing gown (U.S.)洗澡前后穿的衣服2021/3/916課文講解課文講解 PassagePassageCAROL: Tom!TOM:Yes?CAROL: Sams here.TOM: I be ready 做好做好的準備的準備nearly在此處修飾在此處修飾ready ,表示表示“”e.g. Its nearly dead.柔和禮貌的一種方

8、法:I almost wish I hadnt invited him.(almost=nearly) Shes nearly twenty. Its nearly 2 oclock. nearly empty / full / finished2021/3/917課文講解課文講解 PassagePassage TOM: Hello, Sam. Have a cigarette. SAM :No, thanks, Tom. TOM :Have a glass of whisky then.SAM: OK, Thanks.cigarette和cigar?2021/3/918TOM: Is din

9、ner ready, Carol?CAROL: Its nearly ready. We can have dinner TOM: Sam and I had lunch together today. We went to a . CAROL: What did you have? TOM: We had .Its nearly ready.Im nearly ready.2021/3/919課文講解課文講解 PassagePassageCAROL: Oh!TOM: Whats the matter, Carol? CAROL: Well, youre going to have roast

10、 beef and potatoes again tonight!be going to do something(1)用于指人時,表示正打算做某事,用于指人時,表示正打算做某事, 計劃做某事計劃做某事e.g. I am going to paint the bookcase pink.(2)用于指物時,表示可能性或必然性用于指物時,表示可能性或必然性e.g. Look, it is going to rain. 瞧,快下雨了。瞧,快下雨了。2021/3/920小插曲小插曲be going to 如何翻譯好,來如何翻譯好,來連連一連:一連:What are you going to do to

11、morrow?The wall is going to collapse!(倒塌)Im not going to have this.My sister is going to have a baby.Its going to rain.Now you are going to hurry.即將打算肯定決心命令口氣可能2021/3/921課文講解課文講解 PassagePassage美國人很喜歡吃土豆,而且還有多種吃法,美國人很喜歡吃土豆,而且還有多種吃法,其中比較受美國人歡迎的吃法是炸薯條其中比較受美國人歡迎的吃法是炸薯條( (friedfried potatopotato) )和炸薯片和炸

12、薯片(potato (potato crispcrisp) ),這在美國各地城市大街上比比皆是的快餐這在美國各地城市大街上比比皆是的快餐店中,如麥當(dāng)勞店中,如麥當(dāng)勞(McDonalds)(McDonalds),肯德基,肯德基(Kentucky)(Kentucky)里等可以說是一種老少皆宜的里等可以說是一種老少皆宜的休閑食品。休閑食品。美國人還將整個土豆烤著吃美國人還將整個土豆烤著吃( (bakedbaked potato)potato),對于剛剛烤出的熱氣騰騰的土豆,對于剛剛烤出的熱氣騰騰的土豆(hot potato)(hot potato),拿起來燙手,使人很想立,拿起來燙手,使人很想立即將

13、其扔掉,于是源自于日常生活的這一即將其扔掉,于是源自于日常生活的這一妙語妙語hot potatohot potato便引申用于指那些便引申用于指那些棘手的問題或難以處理的局面。棘手的問題或難以處理的局面。2021/3/922課文講解課文講解 PassagePassage此外,此外,potatopotato一詞還可用于指人,生活中我們有一詞還可用于指人,生活中我們有 couchcouch potato potato一語,指的是那些整日沉溺于電視的人,一語,指的是那些整日沉溺于電視的人,他們坐在沙發(fā)上,吃著土豆條(片),眼睛一眨不眨地他們坐在沙發(fā)上,吃著土豆條(片),眼睛一眨不眨地盯著電視屏幕,所

14、以此語用來指電視迷,多么形象的描盯著電視屏幕,所以此語用來指電視迷,多么形象的描述!述!在社交場合,美國人與別人交談時,他們常說:在社交場合,美國人與別人交談時,他們常說:Im a Im a small potato.small potato.,含義是,含義是“我只是個小人物,沒什么了不我只是個小人物,沒什么了不起起”,表達一個人的謙虛和涵養(yǎng)。但在公司里,如果聽,表達一個人的謙虛和涵養(yǎng)。但在公司里,如果聽到老板對員工說:到老板對員工說:You are really potato-headed.You are really potato-headed.,這可就糟了,這是一句批評人的話,含義是這可

15、就糟了,這是一句批評人的話,含義是“你真是個你真是個傻瓜(笨蛋)。傻瓜(笨蛋)。 不僅如此,口語中美國人還將不僅如此,口語中美國人還將potatopotato一詞用于既可指一詞用于既可指人也可指物的場合中,如人也可指物的場合中,如the clean potatothe clean potato一語,指一語,指的是最好的人(物);與之意思接近的一語是的是最好的人(物);與之意思接近的一語是quite quite the potatothe potato(妙不可言的人,非常好的東西)。(妙不可言的人,非常好的東西)。2021/3/923Answer the following questions.

16、 Is Tom downstairs? Where is Tom? Whats he doing? Who is going to have dinner with Carol and Tom tonight? Is dinner ready? When is dinner going to be ready? What did Sam and Tom do today? What did they have for lunch? Is Carol disappointed? What are they going to have for dinner?2021/3/924 Ask me if

17、 Tom is upstairs. where.? Ask me if they can have dinner at seven. What time? Ask me if they went to a restaurant for lunch. Where? Ask me if they had roasted beef for lunch. What?Where is Tom?What Time can they have dinner?Where do they have lunch?What do they have for lunch?2021/3/925Retell the st

18、ory.2021/3/926Lesson 82I had我吃(喝,從事)了。我吃(喝,從事)了。2021/3/927 1. haircut/hkt/ n.理發(fā)理發(fā) hair+cut; hair+brush; hair+dresser; hair+style e.g. I had a haircut yesterday afternoon.單詞教授單詞教授 New Words 2021/3/928 2. breakfast/brekfst/ n.早飯早飯 at breakfast 早餐時早餐時,正在進早餐正在進早餐 break up 分手分手havebreakfast早餐早餐lunch午餐午餐b

19、runch早中餐早中餐supper晚飯晚飯dinner晚餐晚餐(較豐盛較豐盛)2021/3/9293. Party /p:ti / n.聚會;政黨聚會;政黨(1)join the party入黨入黨(2)a party member黨員黨員(3)a party of一群,一伙一群,一伙2021/3/9304. holiday/hDldI I/n.假日假日 summer holiday winter holidaymake holiday度假度假be on holiday在度假在度假go on holiday去度假去度假take a holiday休假休假2021/3/931語法講解語法講解 G

20、rammar in use1.have譯為譯為“有,擁有有,擁有”時,它的疑問和否定形式時,它的疑問和否定形式有兩種:有兩種:(1)用助動詞引導(dǎo)用助動詞引導(dǎo) (2)由由have本身引導(dǎo)本身引導(dǎo)e.g. I have a house in town.I havent (got) a house in town.I dont have a house in town.2021/3/932語法講解語法講解 Grammar in use2.have譯為譯為“進行,從事進行,從事”時,和名詞或名詞短語時,和名詞或名詞短語構(gòu)成短語。它的疑問和否定形式只能由構(gòu)成短語。它的疑問和否定形式只能由助動詞助動詞引導(dǎo)

21、。引導(dǎo)??梢源娉S脛釉~如:可以代替常用動詞如:eat,enjoy,drink , take等等e.g. have a bath洗澡洗澡 have a drink喝酒喝酒 have a holiday度假度假have a look看一下看一下have a cigarette抽支煙抽支煙have a try試一下試一下have a break休息一下休息一下have a talk談一談?wù)勔徽?021/3/933模仿例句完成一下句子,選用drank,enjoyed yourself,are eating,went for,ate 或 take。Example: I have a cup of co

22、ffee. I drank a cup of coffee.1. They had a meal at a restaurant. They _ a meal at a restaurant.2. We had a holiday last month. We _ a holiday last month.3, Have a biscuit. _ a biscuit.4. You have a good time. You _.5. They are having their lunch. They _ their lunch.6. I had a glass of milk. I _ a g

23、lass of milk.ateenjoyed yourselfare eatingdrankwent fortake2021/3/934做做選擇題1. -How was your weekend?-Great! We _ a picnic by the lake.A. have B. are having C. had D. will have2. -What are you doing, Carol?-I _ dinner with my friends.A. have B. had C. was having D. am having3. -What did you have for l

24、unch at the restaurant with your uncle today?-We _ roast beef and potatoes.A. have had B. had C. was having D. had had4. Please _ a rest outside the room. It is too windy.A. dont have B. havent C not D. dontCDBA2021/3/9355. Jenny _ lunch at home today because her mother was out. A. havent B. didnt h

25、ave C. not D. didnt6. People _very often in the summer. A. take showers B. take bath C. take shower D. take bathes7. -Linda had nothing for breakfast this morning, _. -No. She got up too late. A. had she B. hadnt she C. did she D. didnt she8. -_ Tom _ to work hard to help his family? -Yes, he _. A.

26、Has/不填/does B. Has/不填/does C. Does/has/has D. Does/have/doesBCDD2021/3/936What are you going to do tomorrow?2021/3/937Im going to _ _have a lesson in the morninghave a haircut at noonhave a cup of tea in the afternoonhave a party in the evening2021/3/938Im going to _.2021/3/939Pattern Drill What are

27、 they going to do?- Theyre going to have breakfast. What are they doing?- Theyre having breakfast. What must they do?- They must have breakfast. What did they do?- They had breakfast.2021/3/940Lesson 81-82 學(xué)習(xí)重點 have的用法的用法-和不同的名詞搭配代表不同的意思。和不同的名詞搭配代表不同的意思。 drink, take, eat, enjoy (oneself), go for (a

28、holiday) 2021/3/941選擇題選擇題 ( )l. Sit down and _ a cup of coffee, please. A. have B. had C. having D. has ( ) 2. A:Whats the matter_ your car? B : It doesnt work. A. in B. for C. with D. of ( )3. I_ the boys in the garden just now. A. saw B. have seen C. see D. am seeing . ( )4. A: What_ you have_ din

29、ner yesterday? B: Roast beef and potatoes. A. did; for B. do, in C. did; in D. do; for ( )5. Tom is busy _ the exam. A_to, get ready to B. to get ready for C. getting ready to D. getting ready for2021/3/942 動詞填空動詞填空 1. My mother_ ( go) shopping this morning. 2. Please _ (have) a cigarette! 3. The poor man missed the


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