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1、Write From Dictation1掃一掃練習最 新 機 經 It is an integrated course with several main elements. *NEW This course is very integrated with several main elements.This is an integrated course with several elements.2020.01.02 上海亞洲The library holds a substantial collection of materials on economic history.2020.0

2、1.02 上海亞洲Supply and demand is one of the most fundamental concepts in economics.2020.01.02 上海亞洲Research shows that spending time in outdoors has a range of benefits.2020.01.02 上海亞洲The terms of illnesses and diseases are often confused with the clear differences. *NEW2020.01.01The degrees are literal

3、ly taught by a mixture of lectures and seminars.2019.12.31The research is required in the field of food science. *NEW2019.12.31The celebrated theory is still the source of great controversy.The celebrated theory has a great degree of controversy.2019.12.31 北京All industries consist of (systems as) in

4、puts, processes, outputs and feedback.2019.12.31 SydneyParticipants initially select from a range of foundation subjects.2019.12.31 SydneyOur professor is hosting the business development conference.2019.12.31 ParramattaLecture outlines are available on the college internal website.Lecture outlines

5、are available on the faculty board and internal website.2019.12.31 NavitasThe aerial photographs were promptly registered for thorough evaluation.2019.12.31 MelbourneRemember, this phenomenon has strict eligibility criteria.Remember, this prestigious processes have extremely strict criteria2019.12.3

6、0Clinical placement in nursing prepares students for professional/practical practice.2019.12.30The application process may take longer than expected.2019.12.30When sentencing, the court will consider whether she regretted her actions. *NEW2019.12.30 ParramattaRivers provide habitat and water pathway

7、s for numerous aquatic species. *NEWRivers provide habitats and migration places for many aquatic species.2019.12.30 BrisbaneThe placement test for mathematics and statistics is offered every semester.2019.12.30 BrisbaneThe Internet has transformed the nature of publishing.2019.12.30 BrisbaneThe ill

8、nesses and diseases are . despite some clear evidence. *NEW2019.12.29The railway made long-distance travel possible for everyone.2019.12.29 上海騰飛Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill.2019.12.29 上海騰飛Online courses allow students to work on their own pace. *NEW2019.12.29 上海騰飛Rising

9、inflation may indicate an increasing demand for consuming product/products. *NEWRising inflation means increasing goods prices and decreasing demand for products. *NEW2019.12.29 上海騰飛The students were instructed to submit their assignments by Friday.2019.12.29 BrisbaneHuman beings compete with other

10、species for space and resources.2019.12.29 BrisbanePA N D APT E盼 達3月 高 頻 機 經號了解最新詳情 2掃一掃練習最 新 機 經 You are competing with the other living things in resource and space.You are required to submit your assignment by Friday.2019.12.29 BrisbaneStudents may only use parking cards in authorized university

11、parking spaces. *NEW2019.12.29 BrisbaneFree campus tours begin from the library this afternoon. *NEWCampus tours begin at the library this afternoon.2019.12.29Teral businesses must adapt to the data protection regulations. *NEWThis regulation test must adapt to general regulation rules. *NEW2019.12.

12、29Tribes vied with each other to build up the/a monolithic statues.Tribes worked with each other to build monolithic statues.2019.12.28This course helps you to deepen the appreciate of art. *NEW2019.12.28Experts say that reading and listening to music can reduce stress.2019.12.28 ParramattaWe are co

13、ntinuing to provide learning resources. *NEW2019.12.28The commissioner will portion the funds among all the sovereignties.The commissioner will portion the funds among all the authorities.2019.12.27 北京The sociology department is highly regarded worldwide.2019.12.27 北京It is absolutely vital that you

14、acknowledge all your sources.2019.12.27 廣州白云Free campus tours run daily during summer for prospective students.2019.12.27 廣州白云Academic journals are often edited by subject specialists. *NEW2019.12.27 廣州白云They were struggling last year to make their service pay.2019.12.27 廣州Having strong motivation i

15、s vital for achieving your goal. *NEW2019.12.27 ParramattaLibraries in many areas were closed due to the lack of funding. *NEW2019.12.26Observers waited nervously and with bated breath for the concert.2019.12.26 上海亞洲The island is located at the south end of the bay.2019.12.26 上海亞洲Lots of people turn

16、ed out to be at the presidential address. *NEWThousands of people tend to be the presidential address. *NEW2019.12.26 上海亞洲Resources and materials are on hold at the library reference desk.2019.12.26 上海亞洲The business policy seminar includes an internship with a local firm.2019.12.25 上海騰飛While reconci

17、liation is desirable, the basic underlying issues must first be addressed.2019.12.24 重慶Students have the options to live in college residencies or apartments.2019.12.24 重慶Scholarships are available for both local and international students.2019.12.24 重慶The urban geology degree including the study of

18、 geography. *NEWPopulation geography includes the study of demography. *NEW2019.12.24 PearsonThe teaching staff are actively engaged in original research. *NEW2019.12.24Mutually exclusive events can be described as either complementary or opposite.2019.12.23I thought it was through/thrown the small

19、meeting room.2019.12.23Please make sure your application follows the guidelines provided. *NEW2019.12.23PA N D APT E盼 達3月 高 頻 機 經號了解最新詳情 3掃一掃練習最 新 機 經 She used to be an editor of the student newspaper.2019.12.23If finance is a cause of concern, scholarships may be available.2019.12.23The teacher ask

20、ed the group to commence the task.2019.12.23Findings show that cocoa in dark chocolate improves memory, immuand mood.2019.12.23That means they have so many struggling overlaps.The meeting has some struggling overlaps.2019.12.23Native speakers are examined by their language tests in their own languag

21、es.2019.12.23The article extrapolates a number of interesting experiments.2019.12.23 北京The qualification will be assessed by using a criterion reference to approach.2019.12.23 上海亞洲University departments carefully monitor articles and other publications by faculty.2019.12.23 上海亞洲A very basic feature

22、of computing is counting and calculation.A very basic function of computing is counting and calculating.2019.12.23 MelbourneThe ways in which people communicate are constantly changing.2019.12.23 Box HillEvery living thing begins as a single cell.2019.12.23 Box HillMoney and how it is paid can affec

23、t the motivations to work.2019.12.23 AdelaideThe night's sky has always involvedand wonder.2019.12.23 AdelaideYour lowest quiz grade has been omitted from the calculations.2019.12.23 AdelaideFor the purpose of the research, data(s) should be collected and analyzed. *NEW These research, data and

24、collections should be analyzed.In the research, data must be collected by analysis.2019.12.22Technology is no longer a simple tool that we can control.2019.12.22 SydneyYou can contact all your tutors by.2019.12.22 SydneyThere is no economic reason why public borrowing is necessarily bad. *NEWThere i

25、s no economic recognition that borrowing is necessarily bad. *NEW2019.12.22 SydneyMany important policies need to be made.Many important policy decisions need to be made.2019.12.22 Box HillThe nation achieved prosperity by opening its ports for trade.2019.12.22 Box HillTraffic is the main cause for

26、pollution in main cities.Traffic light is the main cause of pollution in many cities.2019.12.22 Box HillThe theme of the instrumental work exhibits more of a demure, compositional style.2019.12.21Review all sources before drawing anys.2019.12.21Teaching assistance plays a vital role in the learning

27、process.2019.12.21Family life is difficult for parents who have shift work.2019.12.21 SydneyStudents' concession cards can be obtained by completing an application form.2019.12.21 PerthWe shall be studying economy of several developing countries. *NEW2019.12.21 PerthWater is heated to boiling in

28、 the flask and added to the mixture.2019.12.20PA N D APT E盼 達3月 高 頻 機 經號了解最新詳情 4掃一掃練習最 新 機 經 The artists tied with conservative politicians earned the roles of critics.2019.12.19 重慶You will need to purchase an academic gown for the commencement.2019.12.19 上海騰飛Oil only reserve half-century. *NEW2019.

29、12.19 上海騰飛The extent of advertising for children is open to much debate.The effect of advertising affected children is very much open to the debate.2019.12.19 上海騰飛He wrote poetry and plays as well as scientific paper.2019.12.19 Box HillWe can't consider any increase in our price at this stage.20

30、19.12.18The first assignment is due on the fourteenth of September.2019.12.18 SydneyThe public is often misled by the biased coverage. *NEW2019.12.18 SydneyThe deadline for the submission of this assignment is tomorrow. *NEW2019.12.18 MelbourneMost of the students have not considered this issue befo

31、re.2019.12.16 West SydneySynopsis contains the most important information.The synopsis contains the most important information.2019.12.16 AucklandCareer mobility is very important for many new graduates. *NEW2019.12.16 AucklandThere are places on campus that students can get their own meals. *NEW201

32、9.12.15Our company currently employs more than ten thousand people around the worldwide.2019.12.13We help students develop their individuals and follow their interests.2019.12.13 SydneyLeave the building immediately if the fire alarm goes off. *NEW2019.12.12Many graduates of journalism can get jobs

33、in the communications field.2019.12.12 北京Scientific experiments are repeated in order to find results. *NEW2019.12.12 北京We start science and appreciate the world around us.We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us.2019.12.12 北京The British students need to study mathematics in

34、 secondary school.2019.12.12 PearsonA surprising number of students applied for this course. *NEW2019.12.11Sugar is a solid carbohydrate which is always used to sweeten food.2019.12.11The media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion. *NEW2019.12.11 SwinburneGood research delivers practic

35、al benefits for real people.2019.12.10We are phasing out the disposable cups on campus. *NEWWe are facing the discomfort on campus. *NEW2019.12.10Students are recommended to read new books by Professor Jones. *NEW2019.12.10 北京The toughest part of postgraduate education is funding.2019.12.10 廣州白云All

36、companies must have a regular financial independent auditor. *NEW2019.12.10All students have their own styles of learning. *NEW2019.12.10It is clear that the human population impacts on the environment. *NEW2019.12.09The same issue featured both the explanations and the problems.The same issues feat

37、ured both explanations of the problem.2019.12.09PA N D APT E盼 達3月 高 頻 機 經號了解最新詳情 5掃一掃練習最 新 機 經 The university library holds a number of collections of geological maps. *NEW2019.12.09If you seek for formal extension, you should contact your faculty for more information.2019.12.08 SydneyRadio is a pop

38、ular form of entertainment throughout the world.Radio is one of the most popular forms of entertainment throughout the world.2019.12.06The deadline of the marketing assignment has been extended. *NEW2019.12.06He was regarded as the foremost economist in that time.2019.12.06 HobartThe student magazin

39、e is looking for a new editor. *NEW2019.12.06 AdelaideNutrition plays a key role in athletic performance.2019.12.05 UNSWSomething transform is a new class teaching in the classroom.2019.12.04This paper challenged the previously accepted theories.2019.12.04 HobartUndergraduate students may pursue the

40、ir specific interests withinprograms.2019.12.03Accommodations on campus are limited but there are more options nearby. *NEW2019.12.03 West SydneyCity planners recognize the needs of accessible public transport options. *NEW2019.12.03 UNSWReading histories involves a level of careful selections.2019.

41、12.02Education is not just learning skills for employment.Education is actually more than learning skills for employment. Education is learning about skills for employment.2019.12.02The falling birth rate means the number of students dropped.2019.12.02 InvercargillThe closing date of applications fo

42、r travel scholarships is next Monday. *NEW2019.12.02You have the freedom to study what interests you most.2019.12.01Assignments should be submitted to teral/department office before the deadline.2019.11.30 上海亞洲Every experiment should be repeated to validate it. *NEW2019.11.30New development in techn

43、ology contributes to current research. *NEW2019.11.29A party is thrown in the small meeting room.2019.11.29Teaching assistants will receive a monthly stipend for housing.2019.11.29 PearsonIt is hard to observe the reaction of the character.2019.11.29An academic essay uses references from both primar

44、y and secondary sources. *NEW2019.11.29Animals raised in captivity behave differently from their wild counterparts.2019.11.28I am going to transform my mathematical skills to the classroom. *NEW2019.11.28Those seeking for a further extension should contact their faculty for more information.2019.11.

45、27Most of these features were part of the previous system.2019.11.27It was hard to anticipate how all the different characters would react.2019.11.27 上海亞洲Understanding visual media has never been more challenging. *NEW2019.11.27It is the members contribution. *NEW2019.11.26 上海騰飛We are more able to h

46、ire postgraduate students than previously possible.2019.11.26 SydneyStatistically speaking, the likelihood of the result is extremely low.2019.11.26 SydneyPA N D APT E盼 達3月 高 頻 機 經號了解最新詳情 6掃一掃練習最 新 機 經 The library will stay open until midnight this week.2019.11.25 SydneyMost of the something will on

47、ly last for a half of century.The renowned journalism will last for half of the century.2019.11.25The course dates are available on the college website.2019.11.24You are required to complete your research paper by next Monday.2019.11.23 MelbourneClimate change is now an acceptable phenomenon among r

48、eputable scientists.2019.11.23 MelbourneMore university provide exchange program to other countriesMany universities provide exchange programs to other countries.2019.11.22That means that we have so many struggles in the lab.2019.11.21The courses cover the several aspects of the subject.2019.11.21 北

49、京Members should make concentrated contributions to operating funds.2019.11.21 北京Scientists can develop new elements in the laboratory.2019.11.21Linguistics is the scientific study and analysis of language.2019.11.20Career management is a very important subject.2019.11.20 PearsonOur workshop is openi

50、ng for all the students on the campus.2019.11.20 BrisbaneThere are a wide range of variety in different ways.2019.11.20Students are instructed to hand in their assignments by the end of this week.2019.11.19Businesses must obey regulations.2019.11.18 SydneyFor the small businesses, making profit is t

51、he main priority.2019.11.18The use of mobile phones is not permitted in the library.2019.11.18The history department is very active in research.2019.11.17 SydneyThe city's founder created a set of rules that became the law.2019.11.17 SydneyThis advanced course requires a basic knowledge of econo

52、mic theory.2019.11.15 上海騰飛Trees benefit the city by absorbing water run off road.Trees benefit the city by soaking spring water that runs off roads.2019.11.15 ParramattaBehind the group, there is a flat cart drawn by mules.2019.11.14 SydneyUpgrading manufacturing system can increase efficiency.2019.

53、11.14 SydneyThe department works closely with its partners in the business commu.2019.11.14 BrisbaneChildren start producing words before they are able to walk.Many children start producing words before they are able to walk.2019.11.14 AdelaideRising temperature is changing the wildlife population20

54、19.11.14When workers ask for higher wages, companies often raise their prices.2019.11.13 北京A visit to the design building will be a great value.2019.11.11 BrisbaneExtracurricular activities can help students to develop new talents.2019.11.09 重慶Rising sea temperatures are a sign of the climate change

55、.Rising in sea temperature is a sign of climate change.2019.11.09 SydneyPA N D APT E盼 達3月 高 頻 機 經號了解最新詳情 7掃一掃練習最 新 機 經 Please return the library book to the correct position on the shelf.2019.11.05Air pollution is a serious problem all over the world.2019.11.04 上海騰飛The goal of the company is to get

56、investment.2019.11.04 上海騰飛Before submitting your dissertation, your adviser must approve your application.2019.11.04 SydneyAll of the assignments must be submitted into the faculty office.2019.11.04 SydneyScientists are always asking the government for more money.2019.11.03 SydneyStudents would develop confidence to their ability to think critically.2019.11.01A new collection of articles has just been published.2019.11.01 上海亞洲Information technology has changed the


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