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1、精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習6A 單元學問點歸納及練習Unit 1 The king s noethwescl一、單詞 / 詞組1. long long ago 很久以前2. new clothes新衣服3. make new clothes for you為你制作新衣服make sth for sb4. show the king his new clothes給皇帝展現(xiàn)新衣服show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb.5. try on試穿try on the coat=try the coa

2、t ontry it/them on6. magic clothes 有魔力的衣服7. walk through 步行穿過8. in his new clothes穿著他的新衣服9. shout at sb.對某人大叫10. laugh at sb.對某人大笑11. look at看.12. point at 指向13. fit well特別適合14. an American cowboy一個美國牛仔15. a Scottish man 一位蘇格蘭人16. tell a story講一個故事17. say a/one sentence說一句話18. on the mountain在山上19.

3、the next sentence下一句話20. live in the house 住在房子里21. tell the boy a story給這個男孩講一個故事tell sb. sth.22. it is one s turn某人的機會23. think hard 努力摸索24. have to 不得不have to do sth.25. in front of在.前面(外部)in the front of在前面(內(nèi)部) 26. walk by路過27. be nice to sb.對某人好 28. look after照管 29. turn into變成二、句型1. Long long

4、ago, there was a king.很久很久以前,有一位國王;2. The king was happy. 國王很高興;3. He liked new clothes.他喜愛新衣服;4. Two men visited the king.兩個男人拜望了這位國王;三、練習1.用所給詞的適當形式填空;1.bringa new bike.2.Ilive with my grandparents when I was young. 3.The kingbe many old men in the mountain. 5.Look,the girl is wear a nice dress.2.

5、挑選正確答案; 1. Long long ago, there a boy called Ma Liang.A. was B. were C. is D. are 2. I TV a moment ago.A. watch B. watched C. looked D. look 3. Mr. Lithe blackboard, then we copied the words.A.point at B. pointed at C.is pointing at D. points at 4. Do you want .A. visit the forest B. visiting the fo

6、restC. to visiting the forest D. to visit the forest精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 頁,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習 5. Each student one picture.A. draw B. draws C. drawing D. to drawing 6. She usually new clothes his doll.A. makeswith B. makefor C.

7、 makesfor D. makewith 7. The lion always walks the forest every day.A. on B. under C. through D. behind 8. Were there people in the street.A. some B. any C. much D. a 9. What beautiful girl.A. / B an C. a D. the 10. The shoes are very cool, but they me.A. are fitting B. fit C. don t fit D. fittedUni

8、t 2 What a day!What a day.糟糕的一天;勞碌的一天;累人的一天等等 (表達的含義很多,依據(jù)詳細語境來看)這里指“糟糕的一天”一、單詞 / 詞組1. the 19th of September在九月十九號2. a sunny/ windy / rainy day晴朗的 /刮風 / 下雨的一天3. a lot of rain很多雨(不行數(shù))4. a lot of snow很多雪(不行數(shù))5. see/ watch a parrot show觀看一場鸚鵡表演6. see some interesting parrots觀察一些好玩的鸚鵡7. an interesting fi

9、lm一部出色的電影8. become windy and cloudy變成大風和陰天(多云)9. fly kites high in the sky風箏放得高10. bring some dumplings帶來一些餃子11. bring lunch帶午餐12. some bread and honey一些面包和蜂蜜13. some drinks一些飲料14. hungry and thirsty又餓又渴 15. wet clothes潮濕的衣服16. have/ eat our lunch吃我們的午飯17. black clouds烏云18. meet me/ him/ her/ them/

10、you遇見我 / 他/她/他們 /你19. look sad/ happy看起來很難過/高興20. this morning/ afternoon/ evening今日早晨 /下午 /晚上21. climb up the hill爬上山 22. get up at seven七點起床23. go to school by bike騎自行車去上學24. have a picnic野餐25. watch a film看電影 26. in the sky在空中 27. all day一成天28. go away走了 29. lose my kite丟了我的風箏30. want to know why

11、想要知道為什么31. what happened出了什么事32. fly too high飛得太高33. find it找到它 34. near the hill在小山鄰近35. in your diary詞組(三會)在你的日記里1. hold onto it抓緊它 2. fly away飛走了精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 頁,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習3. find it near the hill在山的鄰近找到它4. in

12、 your diary在你的日記里5. cheer together一起歡呼二、句型:1、今日的天氣怎么樣?是晴朗的;A:How s the weather today. B: It s sunny. The weather is sunny.2、昨天的天氣怎么樣?是下雨的; A; What was the weather like yesterday. B : It was rainy. The weather was rainy.3、我觀察一些好玩的鸚鵡;We saw some interesting parrots.4、我們上周日放風箏了;We flew kites last Sunda

13、y.5、昨天他帶來了一些飲料,面包和蜂蜜;He brought some drinks, bread and honey yesterday.6、兩天前她帶來了一些水餃;She brought some dumplings two days ago.7、 昨天下雨了; It rained yesterday.8、 Why do you have it.你怎么會拿到它的?三、語法1、過去時態(tài):本課顯現(xiàn)的動詞不規(guī)章變化 同學們要反復(fù)朗讀 give- gave lose- lost become- became hold- heldcome- came bring- brought buy- bro

14、ught see- saw write- wrote can- could find- found meet- metfly- flew2、rainy -下雨的(形容詞) 3 、snowy-下雪的(形容詞) rain(1) 名詞:雨(不行數(shù)):a lot of rain snow(1)名詞:雪(不行數(shù)):a lot of snow( 2) 動詞:下雨( 2)動詞:下雪例句:a) It rained yesterday.昨天下雨了;b) Look. It is raining now.看!現(xiàn)在正在下雨;c) It often rains here.這兒常常下雨;d) It s often rai

15、ny.常常下雨了;3. by bike騎自行車和 ride a bike騎自行車的區(qū)分:by bike屬于副詞短語, 指的是交通方式,比如說別人問,你一般上學用什么交通工具,你 回答“ I go to school by bike”, 而ride a bike屬于動詞短語,指的是動作,別人問你說,你在干嗎?你說:“I am riding a bike” 正在騎車 而不能說I am by bike,由于 b y bike是指交通方式;四、練習1. 依據(jù)首字母填空1.It s a wday.Let s fly kitesin the park.3.There were many clouds in

16、 the sky yesterday,so it was cl dy.So you should take an umbrella w th you.2. 填空 1.like to wear a kilt.A. The Chinese B. The Scottish C. The American D. The English精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 3 頁,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習 2.Yesterday Nancy wa

17、s sick, so her motherher carefully.A. looked after B. looked at C. looked for D. looked out 3. The witch女巫 the princethe lion.A. turnedon B. talkedwithC. toldto D. turnedintoUnit 3 Holiday fun一、單詞、詞組1. come back to school返校2. the National Day holiday國慶節(jié)假期3. call you打電話給你4. visit my aunt拜望我的嬸嬸5. Shan

18、ghai Museum上海博物館6. see many interesting things觀察很多好玩的東西7. go to a farm去農(nóng)場8. near Star Lake在星湖鄰近9. pick some oranges摘一些橙子10. go fishing去釣魚11. catch a big fish抓到一條大魚精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 4 頁,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習12. Tian anmen Square天

19、安門廣場13. Palace Museum故宮博物院14. Summer Palace頤和園15. the Great Wall長城16. pick an orange for me為我摘一個橙子17. main school holidays學校主要的假期18. the Easter holiday復(fù)活節(jié)假期19. the summer holiday暑假20. the Christmas holiday圣誕節(jié)假期21. come home late晚回家22. have a fashion show有一場時裝秀23. love beautiful clothes愛美麗的衣服24. be e

20、xcited about the show對秀感到興奮25 wear paper clothes穿紙衣服26. wear a lot of bottles穿很多瓶子27. ask about the show詢問關(guān)于秀的事28. go well進展順當29. at first在開頭的時候30. heavy rain大雨31. the Car Museum轎車博物館32. visit his cousin拜望他的表兄33. have a birthday party舉辦一個生日聚會34. catch a fish for me為我抓一條魚二、動詞過去式catch-caught eat-ate g

21、et-got meet-met lose-lost hold-held find-found三、重點句型:1. What did you do for the holiday.2. How was your holiday. It was great fun.3. Why did you call me.Because I wanted to give the fish to you.4. What great fun.5. It is time for dinner.拓展:精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 5 頁,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - -

22、-精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習1. excited / excitingI m excited at the exciting running race.四、練習一、單項挑選 1. What did you do your holiday.A. to B. with C. for 2. He to the cinema every Sunday morning.A. go B. goes C. going 3. We in the cinema yesterday.A. wasn t B. didnt C. wer

23、ent 4. I called you I wanted to give you the fish.A. about B. of C. because 5. there fruit trees on the farm.A. Were, any B. Are, any C. Are, some 6. Look. He s about the show.A. excited B. exciting C. excite 7. Jack came home at five this afternoon.A. back to B. back C. to 8. - The parrot can speak

24、 to me on the show.- A. Thank you very much. B. That s a good idea. C. What great fun. 9. Did Sam paper clothes yesterday afternoon.A. wore B. wear C. wearing 10. The show went .A. good B. nice C. well二、完成句子;1. 國慶假期過后,同學們回到了學校;The studentsto school after the holiday.精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 6

25、頁,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習2. 假期里你去了哪里?我去了外灘,參觀了上海博物館; did you for the holiday. Ito the Bund and Shanghai Museum.3. 我們摘了很多句子并釣了魚;We many oranges and went.4. 為甚你打電話給我?由于我想給你蘋果;Why did you me. Because I to you the apples.5. 我打了電話給他,但他不在家;I , but h

26、e at home.Unit 4 then and now一、單詞、詞組1. then and now過去和現(xiàn)在2. six years ago六年前3. do many things做很多事4. write letters to his friends = write to his friends寫信給他的伴侶5. in the office在辦公室里6. use the telephone使用電話7. call people打電話給人們8. a mobile phone一部手機9. call people anywhere隨處打電話給人們10. write/send an email寫/

27、發(fā)一封電子郵件11. listen to the radio聽收音機12. watch news on the Internet在網(wǎng)上看新聞13. read e-books看電子書14. make friends with sb.與某人交伴侶15. e-friends from all over the world來自世界各地的網(wǎng)友16. do shopping = do the shopping = do some shopping = go shopping購物17. work hard努力工作18. invent the aeroplane創(chuàng)造飛機19. an American man一

28、位美國男士20. a British girl一個英國女孩21. have an English lesson上一節(jié)英語課22. look out of the window朝窗外看23. listen to me聽我說24. go on連續(xù)25. spell the new words拼寫新單詞精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 7 頁,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習26. get angry = be angry憤怒的27. make

29、a sentence with用來造句28. wait for the answer等待答案29. a photo of yourself一張你自己的照片30. just now剛才31. a moment ago一會兒以前32. read newspapers for news看報紙上的新聞33. buy things from shops從商店買東西34. useto用做35. read and draw讀和畫36. do shopping on the Internet在網(wǎng)上購物37. surf the Internet網(wǎng)上沖浪38. buy me a mobile phone/buy

30、a mobile for me給我買手機39. use the phone to call you用電話打給你40. like making friends喜愛交伴侶;二、句型1. What day is today. = What day is it today. = What s the day today.今日星期幾?2. Six years ago, Mike could read and draw, but he could not write.Now he can do many things.六年前麥克會閱讀和畫畫,但是他不會寫;現(xiàn)在他會做很多事情;3. He wrote let

31、ters a week ago.一周前他寫了信;4. They listened to the radio for news ,yesterday.昨天他們聽錄音機里的新聞;5. The man can call people anywhere.這個男人可以在任何地方打電話給人們;6. My brother could not draw before.我的弟弟以前不會畫畫;7. My sister is writing a letter to her friend.我的妹妹正在給她的伴侶寫信;三、練習1.Amercian (名詞)2.British(名詞)3.angry (副詞)4.can 過

32、去式 5.can not / cant 過去式 6.can/ could +動詞原形7good 副詞8.before today =精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 8 頁,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習9.interest(形容詞)10.Chinese復(fù)數(shù)11.Japanese 復(fù)數(shù)12. British 復(fù)數(shù)13.American 復(fù)數(shù)14. Australian 復(fù)數(shù)15.French man 復(fù)數(shù)16. Australian(名詞

33、)6A project 1一般過去式一般過去時:指已經(jīng)發(fā)生過的動作或大事,至今為止這個動作或大事已經(jīng)停止;標志詞: yesterday, lastEg: I went to Eric s party last week.助動詞: didEg: Did you go to school yesterday morning. Be 動詞: was, wereEg: Was the dog here just now.動詞的過去式變形1. +ed 一般動詞的過去式直接在動詞后面加上ed 即可2. +d 以 e 結(jié)尾動詞,過去式直接加上d 即可3. 去 y + ied 以 y 結(jié)尾,并且 y 旁邊沒有

34、元音字母的動詞, 把 y 變成 i,再加上 ed4. 動詞的不規(guī)章變形(以下為常用動詞的不規(guī)章變形,要牢記這些動詞哦?。疽磺伞繒r間狀語(即標志詞)巧;一般過去時表示過去發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),恰巧與表示過去的一些時間狀語連用;1. yesterday或以其構(gòu)成的短語: yesterday morningafternoon, evening等;2. 由“ last+ 一時間名詞”構(gòu)成的短語:last night, last year winter, mo nth, week等;3. 由“時間段 +ago”構(gòu)成的短語: a moment ago, a short time ago, an hou

35、 r ago等;4. 其它: just now等5. 由某些表示過去時態(tài)的從句等( 1)一般過去時的確定陳述句:主語 動詞過去式 賓語或表語;He worked in Shanghai ten years ago.( 2)一般過去時的否定句:a主語 didn t 動詞原形 賓語; did + not =didnt He didn精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 9 頁,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習t do morning exercis

36、es yesterday.b主語 wasnt/weren t表語; was + not = wasnt were + not = werent He wasnt an English teacher ten years ago.( 3)一般過去時的一般疑問句:aDid 主語 動詞原形 賓 語 ?Did you study English in 1990 .確定回答用“ Yes,主語 did ”;否定回答用“ No,主語 didn t ”;bWas/Were + 主語 表語 ?Was he a pupil five years ago .確定回答用“ Yes,主語 was were”;否定回答用

37、“ No,主語 wasnt werent”;(4)一般過去時的特別疑問句:a特別疑問詞 did +主語 動詞原形 賓語? Where did your parents live five years ago? What did you do last Sunday?b特別疑問詞 were/was 表語?Who was at the zoo yesterday.練習一、寫出過去式am ride buy watch visit Is visit bring go water are swim take run do 二、用“am , is , was”填空;1. I a teacher now.

38、But ten years ago I a student.2. He a little boy five years ago.3. Where it last Sunday.4. She at school yesterday.三、用所給動詞的適當形式填空;1. Tom visit his grandparents last week.2. The twins water the flowers in the garden Thursday morning.3. I watch a film with my friend last Sunday.4. My father be in New

39、York last year.精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 10 頁,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習5. What do you do last night.6. be there any people in the classroom last week.7. What do you do just now. I wash my clothes.四、按要求改寫句子;1. We are all happy.改成一般過去時 We all

40、 happy.2. I visited my grandparents last week. 改成疑問句 4. I played a lot of games with my friends in the park. 對劃線部分提問5. I did my homework last night改成疑問句并作確定否定回答6. There were some ducks in the zoo last year. 改為一般疑問句并作確定回答7. Jack often does morning exercise. 改成否定句 Jack often morning exercise.五、用所給詞的適當

41、形式填空:1. The dog be there just now.2. Where be the library now. It is there just now.3. It be my birthday yesterday.4. The ball beon the ground just now.5. Sally go to visit a museum last week.6. My father watch TV last Friday.7. I go London last year.8. Where be you just now, Lihong.精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - -

42、- - - - - - -第 11 頁,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習6A Unit5 Signs一、詞組1. at a shopping centre在購物中心2. be careful當心3. Wet floor.當心地滑4.a juice shop一家果汁店 5.want some juice想要一些飲料 6.litter everywhere處處亂丟垃圾 7.take it into.把它帶進8. go in進入9. eat noodles in a res

43、taurant在餐廳吃面條10. smell the flower聞聞花香11. my mother s birthday我媽媽的生日12. on an outing戶外遠足13. time for lunch該吃午飯了14. time to have lunch該吃午飯了 15.feel tired and hungry感覺又累又餓 16.look for him查找他17. bring some bananas帶一些香蕉18. sweet grapes甜葡萄 19.walk on連續(xù)行走 20.look around四下張望 21.design signs設(shè)計標識 22.public pl

44、aces公共場所 23.ask and answer問答24. put in on the wall把它放在墻上25. No swimming. 禁止游泳26.No climbing. 禁止攀爬27.No smoking. 禁止吸煙28.No eating or drinking.禁止飲食二、句型1. A: What does it mean.它是什么意思?B: It means the floor is wet.它的意思是地面潮濕;2. It means you can t smoke here.它的意思是你不能在這吸煙;精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 12 頁

45、,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A 單元學問點歸納及練習3. It means you can t eat or drink here.它的意思是你不能在這飲食;4. It means you can t litter here.它的意思是你不能在這亂扔垃圾5. You can read books in the library.你可以在圖書館看書;6. They see a lot of monkeys around them.他們觀察在他們四周有很多猴子;7. A: What do t

46、hese signs mean.這些標識是什么意思?B: They mean you can t swim here.他們的意思是你不能在這游泳;三、專項練習一、用所給詞的適當形式填空:1.He( look )for his school now. 2.Don t4.You can t5.You mustgoto bed now.7.I ve got some milkdrink some water.9.I dont know howdo it. ride a bike five years ago. 11.Whatthe signsmean.6A Unit6 Keep our city c

47、lean一、詞組1. these picture of our city我們的城市的這些圖2. Smoke from cars汽車排出的煙3. make the air dirty使空氣變臟4. black smoke from factories來自工廠的黑煙5. messy and dirty又亂又臟6. in the water在水里7. the fish are dead魚死了精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 13 頁,共 29 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -譯林版 6A

48、單元學問點歸納及練習新譯林牛津?qū)W校英語六年級上冊學問點歸納及考查試卷【詞匯】Unit one1.magic有魔力的 2. clever聰慧的3. foolish愚蠢的 4.through穿過5. laugh笑,大笑 6.wear穿7. tell講,表達 8. each每個9. say說 10. sentence句子11. quick快速的,快的 12. next下一個;接著,然后( next to在 旁邊)13.little小的,年幼的 14.turn機會15.think想,摸索 16.hard努力地,費勁地;硬的17.child孩子 18. king國王19. angry憤怒的,發(fā)怒的20.

49、 because由于,由于21. fit合身,合適 22. forest森林23. have to不得不,必需 24. point at指著,指向25. prince王子 26. sick生病的【詞組或短語】1. long long ago很久很久以前 2. shout at對 喊叫3. there was/there were(過去)有 4. two men兩個男人5. make new clothes for sb.為某人做衣服 6. visit the king拜望國王7. show the king his new clothes給國王看他的新衣服8. try on試穿 9. thes

50、e magic clothes這些奇妙的衣服10. clever people聰慧的人 11. What beautiful clothes.多么美麗的衣服??!12. foolish people愚蠢的人 13.walk through the city走過城市14. in his new clothes穿著他的新衣服15. a lot of people很多人16. in the street在街上 17. look at the king看著國王18. point at指著 19. a little boy一個小男生20. point at the king指著國王 21. one day

51、有一天22. laugh at him笑他 23. look after照管24. fit well很合身 25. come to my party來參與我的聚會26. at half past four在四點半 27. each student每個同學28. say one/a sentence說一句話 29. say the next sentence說下一句30. tell sb a story 給某人 講故事 31. be sick生病32. play a game玩嬉戲 33. on the mountain在山上34. Its one s turn.該輪到某人了;35. think hard努力想36. What s next.下一個是什么?37. have to do不得不做38. start the story開頭這個故事 39. in


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