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1、 講課人:郭月霞講課人:郭月霞二輪復習專題書面表達半開放作文半開放作文 隨著高考英語改革進程的隨著高考英語改革進程的不斷深入,不斷深入,半開放作文半開放作文將成為今后英將成為今后英語高考命題改革的主要趨語高考命題改革的主要趨勢和高考書面表達測試的勢和高考書面表達測試的主要方向主要方向 。半開放作文的特點半開放作文的特點 1. 形式爭奇斗艷形式爭奇斗艷半開放作文有別于傳統(tǒng)意義上的書面表達,半開放作文有別于傳統(tǒng)意義上的書面表達,屬于非控制性寫作,屬于非控制性寫作,即主要以即主要以文字提示文字提示 圖畫展示圖畫展示等形式設(shè)題,等形式設(shè)題,留有相當大的空間,由考生去自由發(fā)揮,因留有相當大的空間,由考生

2、去自由發(fā)揮,因此考生寫出來的文章特點各異。此考生寫出來的文章特點各異。 2。 能力要求要高能力要求要高半開放作文對考生的要求更高,半開放作文對考生的要求更高,考察也更全面??疾煲哺妗K粌H考察考生的語言它不僅考察考生的語言表達能表達能力力、語言、語言組織能力組織能力,而且還考,而且還考察考生的邏輯思維能力、想象察考生的邏輯思維能力、想象力,以及多角度思考、分析和力,以及多角度思考、分析和解決問題的能力。解決問題的能力。 3。 體裁是記敘文或議論文體裁是記敘文或議論文記敘文記敘文常給出一段材料,然后要求考生充分常給出一段材料,然后要求考生充分發(fā)揮想象力,拓展原材料內(nèi)容,運用邏輯推發(fā)揮想象力,

3、拓展原材料內(nèi)容,運用邏輯推理的方法,沿著材料的縱向方向延伸,添加理的方法,沿著材料的縱向方向延伸,添加開頭、結(jié)尾及主題部分開頭、結(jié)尾及主題部分。 議論文議論文要求考生根據(jù)所提供的要求考生根據(jù)所提供的材料,談?wù)勛约旱挠^點和看法,材料,談?wù)勛约旱挠^點和看法,要求考生靈活處理所給材料,要求考生靈活處理所給材料,做到做到綜合分析,辨證思考,提綜合分析,辨證思考,提煉觀點,力求論點合理,論據(jù)煉觀點,力求論點合理,論據(jù)充分,論證嚴謹。充分,論證嚴謹。 半開放性作文的寫作思路半開放性作文的寫作思路1 認真審題,領(lǐng)會要領(lǐng),把握題中的認真審題,領(lǐng)會要領(lǐng),把握題中的關(guān)關(guān)鍵詞和關(guān)鍵句,鍵詞和關(guān)鍵句,梳理文章脈絡(luò)。梳

4、理文章脈絡(luò)。2 準確定位準確定位人稱、時態(tài),遣詞造句人稱、時態(tài),遣詞造句,布,布局謀篇要揚長避短局謀篇要揚長避短。作文練習作文練習1963年年3月月5日,毛澤東發(fā)出了日,毛澤東發(fā)出了“向雷鋒同志學習向雷鋒同志學習”的號召,的號召,“學雷鋒學雷鋒”運動在中國一度非常流行。運動在中國一度非常流行。現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)在“學雷鋒學雷鋒”運動是否已經(jīng)過時?現(xiàn)代社會還運動是否已經(jīng)過時?現(xiàn)代社會還需要需要“雷鋒精神雷鋒精神”嗎?請結(jié)合自己的經(jīng)驗或見聞嗎?請結(jié)合自己的經(jīng)驗或見聞?wù)務(wù)勀阕约旱目捶?。談?wù)勀阕约旱目捶?。注意:注意? 詞數(shù):詞數(shù):100左右,開頭已經(jīng)給出,不計入總詞左右,開頭已經(jīng)給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。數(shù)。2 參考

5、詞匯:運動參考詞匯:運動campaign;雷鋒精神;雷鋒精神Lei Feng Spirit;和諧的;和諧的harmonious。Chairman Mao called on the whole nation to “Learn From Comrade Lei Feng” on March 5, 1963_常見的用于連接句子的常見的用于連接句子的過渡詞過渡詞 first,second,then,finally,immeniately,soon to conclude,in a word, in brief, to sum up on the one hand on the other hand

6、, for one thing for another thing or,and,also,too,as well as however,yet,but,otherwise,while 時間順序時間順序結(jié)論關(guān)系結(jié)論關(guān)系對稱關(guān)系對稱關(guān)系并列關(guān)系并列關(guān)系轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系 because of,thanks to,due to,owing to,because,as a result of ,as as long as,so long as, on condition that,if, unless though,even if,who/which/what+ever besides.in addi

7、tion,moreover,to make the matter worse,whats more,whats worse I think, Im afraid,you know,as we all know, in my opinion 因果關(guān)系因果關(guān)系條件關(guān)系條件關(guān)系讓步關(guān)系讓步關(guān)系遞進關(guān)系遞進關(guān)系過渡性插入語過渡性插入語 Practice 1根據(jù)優(yōu)化句式結(jié)構(gòu),重新組合句子,根據(jù)優(yōu)化句式結(jié)構(gòu),重新組合句子,使得銜接流暢,過度自然,句意明使得銜接流暢,過度自然,句意明確,結(jié)構(gòu)靈活。確,結(jié)構(gòu)靈活。1 The changes have taken place in our life. 2 The

8、re are three reasons for this. 3 Peoples living standard has been greatly improved. 4 Most people are well paid. 5 They can afford something. 6 They can buy what they need or like. 7More and more people prefer to enjoy modern life. There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our

9、 life. Firstly, peoples living standard has been greatly improved. Secondly, most people are well paid, and they can afford what they need or like. Last , more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life. 1 More and more students in our class are short-sighted. 2 It brings inconvenience. 3 In has a

10、bad effect on our studies. 4 We should stick to do eye exercises everyday. 5 We can protect our eyes well. More and more students in our class are short-sighted. The short-sightedness brings both inconvenience to our daily life and a bad effect on our studies. We ought to do eye exercises regularly.

11、 Only by sticking to it ,can we protect our eyes effectively. Practice 2根據(jù)括號提示,將短文補充完整根據(jù)括號提示,將短文補充完整.培養(yǎng)學生的語言表達培養(yǎng)學生的語言表達,譴詞造句能力譴詞造句能力.Tourism brings China a lot of benefits. First, it enables the Chinese people to know more about the outside world and 1_(促進友誼和理促進友誼和理解解). Second, it is financially _(對

12、對有益有益) China, which needs more foreign currencies for its modernization program. Tourism, however, 3_(導致導致) a number of problems. For instance, it becomes a burden to inefficient transportation system. Besides, 4_(中國人民的生活水中國人民的生活水平平) is still not high enough to be able to 5_ (支付支付) the many differen

13、t sorts of expense during long distance travels. As for me, 6_ (隨著我國經(jīng)濟隨著我國經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展的發(fā)展), all these problems will certainly be solved step by step. A much better and brighter future 7_ (等待等待) us.beneficial toresults in/leads tothe living standard of the Chineseaffordwith the development of our national e

14、conomywaits for/is waiting forLearners of English, especially beginners, usually 1_ (在理解上有困難在理解上有困難) native speakers. How can we 2_(提高聽力能力提高聽力能力)? Here Id like to tell you some ways which might help you to improve your listening ability. First of all, do things 3_(逐步地逐步地). It 4_(對對無益無益) listen to an

15、ything 5_(不在能力范圍不在能力范圍之內(nèi)之內(nèi)). Dont choose too difficult materials. Secondly, 6_(堅持;遵守堅持;遵守) one course of study. Work hard at it until you master it well. Thirdly, listen to the English news program over the radio every day. If you have more time, listen to some interesting stories, too.have trouble

16、difficulty in understandingimprove listening abilitystep by stepis no good tobeyond your levelstick towritingIt is said that about half of the Chinese people have the habit of smoking, including many young boys and girls who are middle school students. Please describe this phenomenon and explain wha

17、t you think of it.(at least 100 words) It is said that about half of people in China smoke. Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students. As we all know, smoking does great harm to human beings. More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. But they are never bored with it. Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves. Smoking causes many illnesses. A lot of people alway


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