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1、2017 2018 學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期中考試試卷(九年級(jí)英語)卷 I (選擇題,共 85 分)聽力部分(第一節(jié))聽句子,選出句子中所包含的信息0A. dieA.1,097A. get alongA. Every onedoesntlike maki ng mistakes.B. An ybody makes mistakes.C. No one may make mistakes.A. I like doing sports very much.B. I don like P.E. at all.C. I like P.E. best.聽句子,選出該句的最佳答語。A. I m going to H

2、ainan. B. Not bad.A. Thats too bad.B. Oh, dear! Whats wrong?C. There must be someth ing wrong with him.A. Not at all.B. Thatright.A. Sorry, I don k now.B. Sure, I am sure.10、A. Thankyou very much. B.It doesnmatter.III、聽對(duì)話和問題,11、A.Outgoing12、A. Sports13、A. Her head14、A. a book15、A. No bikesIV、聽語段、對(duì)話和

3、問題,選擇正確答案16、How many mon ths does the baseball seas on usually last?A. FourB. SixC. five17、When do two top teams play against each other?A. in April B. in august C. in September18、When does Mariko go to school?A. at 7:30 am B. at 7:00 am C. at 6:30 am19、Where does Mariko want to visit?A. En gla nd a

4、nd China B. China and Can ada C. En gla nd and Can ada20、What is the girl good at?A. Biology B. En glish C. Chin ese21、Which subject did the boy use to like best?A. En glishB. Biology C. Math22、What does the man want to find?A. A post office B. A ba nkC. A library23、Which bus is the most convenient

5、one for the man to get there?A. The No. 8 bus B. The No. 11 bus C. The No. 12 bus24、How long does it take to drive to the place?A. About two hours B. About one hour C. About half an hour25、Where can the man take the bus?A. In Hangzhou Street. B. On Guangming Road C. On Beijing Road.筆試部分單選(20 分)()26、

6、He is afraid to speak in_ public.A. the B a C. an D. /()27. Susa n will not arrive at the airport on time_she hurries up.A. once B. if C. whe nD. uni ess()28、The story rem in ded me_an experie nee I once had.A. ofB. to C. at D. on()29、I have trouble solving the problem. Can yo _a new solution?A. cat

7、ch up with B. come out C. come up with D. come over to()30、I don t know_ .A. what to do it B. how to do C. what to doD. to do what()31、 He is too tired_any Ion ger.A. not to walk B. to walk C. walk ing D. not walki ng()32. Don always make your little sister_ . You should be ki nd toher.A. laugh B. t

8、o laugh C. cry D. to cry(滿分:120 分時(shí)間:120 分鐘)1、1、2、5、I、6、789、C. deathC. 1,079C. walk alongB.deadB.1,709B. come alongC. Of course.C. It does nmatter.C. My arm hurts.C. Not at all.選擇正確的選項(xiàng)。B. Frie ndlyB. CarsB. Her legB. some flowersB. No smok ingC. QuietC. Fashi onC. Her armC. a CDC. No photos.0()33、Thi

9、s book_beTom s father s, because hisnarnthebook.A. canB. mightC. cantD. must()34、Who does this T-shirt belong_?A. inB. onC. toD. of()35、I prefer watching TV_ music every day.A. liste ning to B. to liste nC. liste n toD. to liste ningto()36. The sweater is_small for the child.A. too many B. too much

10、C. many too D. much too()37、 _you do, you can t change the situation.A. whoeverB. wherever C. whatever D. what()38、Beijing is one of the_in the world today.A. busiest city B. busiest cities C. busy city D. busy cities()39、I didn t kn_w .A where does he live B. where do he livesC. where he lives D. w

11、here he lived()40、I like this kind of music that I can dance_ .A. toB. inC. with D. alo ng()41、If he _ here now, h6d help us at once.A. is B. are C. was D. were()42、-Must I finish my homework now, mom?-No, you_ .A. may not B. must ntC. n eedntD. could nt()43、The book_I bought yesterday is very inter

12、esting.A. who B. what C. that D. whom()44、We were late for class yesterday mornin _the rainy weather.A. because of B. because C. since D. because for()45、There are about five_people in the city, arentthere?A. millio n B. millio ns C. millio ns of D. millio n of完形填空(10 分)ASmall childre n ofte n laugh

13、 at a lame (跛腳的)or bli nd pers on, or at some one whoisnt dressed as well as they are. But 46 they grow up, they learn not to hurt peoples feelingsby laughing at their _ .They learn to laugh at other things.Most 48, they learn to laugh at 49. Suppose( 假設(shè))youre playinga game. You make a silly 50a nd

14、lose. Do you become an gry?51 ca n youlaugh at yourself and hope to do it 52 n ext time? Suppose youre at a special 53_Youaccidentally spill (無意噴出 )some food. Why keep worrying about _ 54clumsy (笨拙的)you looked? Why not laugh it off and enjoy yourself any way? If you can, itsa good sign youve55 grown

15、 up.()46. A. because B. as C whether D before()47. A. legs B. old clothes C. eyes D. problems()48. A. importa ntB. serious C. i nteresti ng. D. terrible()49. A. the othersB. other things C themselves D. problems()50. A. faceB. mistakeC noiseD. friend()51. A. OrB. But C.So D.While()52.A. fasterB. nic

16、erC moreD better()53.A. dinnerB tableC shopD. meet ing()54. A. tooB. whyC howD. so()55. A. hardlyB. reallyC. n earlyD. certa in閱讀理解(40 分)ADick lived in En gla nd. One day in January he said to his wife, Im going to fly to NewYork next week because Ive got some work there. Where are you going to stay

17、 there? hiswife asked. I dont know yet. Dick an swered. Please send me your address from there in atelegram 電扌報(bào)),his wife said. All right, Dick an swered.He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. Heput his things in his room and then he sent his wife a tel

18、egram. He put the address of hishotel in it.In the eve ning he did nt have any work, so he went to a cin ema. He came out at nineoclock and said, Now rm going back to my hotel and have a n ice dinn er.He found a taxi (出租車)and the driver said, Where do you want to go? But Dick did ntremember the n am

19、e and address of his hotel.Which hotel are my things in? he said, A nd what am I going to do toni ght? But thedriver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent hiswife ano ther telegram, and in it he wrote, Please send me my address at this post office.Choos

20、e the right an swer()56. Dick flew to New York because_.A. he went there for a holidayB. he had work thereC. he went there for sightsee ing 觀光)D. his home was there()57. Why did his wife want a telegram from him?A. Because she did nt know his address yetB. Because she wan ted to go to New York, tooC

21、. Because she might send him ano ther telegramD. Because she could nt leave her husba nd by himself in New York()58. Where did Dick stay in New York?A. In the cen ter of the city.B. I n a hotel.C. I n a restaura nt.D. At his frien ds house.()59. Who would send him the n ame and address of his hotel?

22、A. The man ager 經(jīng)理)of his hotel.B. The police office.C. The taxi driver.D. His wife.()60. Which of the followi ng is not true?A. Dick stayed at a nice hotel in the cen ter of the city.B. Dick did nt work on the first ni ght of his arrival.C. Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram.D. Dick wan ted to

23、 go back to his hotel in a taxi.BHere are some important events in August in Britain. Read them and answer thefollowi ng questio ns.Great British Beer FestivalTue. 3 Aug Sat. 7 Aug LondonDrink,musicandotherentertainments. This is held at EarlsCourt.gwww.eif.co.ukEdin burgh (愛丁堡)Int

24、ern ati onalFestivalFri. 13 Aug. Sun. 5 Sep.Edin burghA festival of classical music, operasand dan ces in Edi nburghhttp:/www.eif.co.ukBristolIntern ati onalBallo onFestival (布里斯托兒國際氣球節(jié))Thur. 12 Aug.-Su n. 15 Aug.Europes largest hot-air balloonfestival, with over 100 balloons taking parthttp:/www.br

25、istolfiesta.co.ukSummer Bank HolidayMon 30 Aug.A public holiday in En gla nd, Walesand Norther n Irela nd People take trips orshort vacatio ns duri ng the holiday.For more: Travel/Tra nsport()61. Where is the Great British Beer Festival held?A. In Bristol. B. In Wales. C. In Edi nburgh.D. At Earls C

26、ourt.()62. How long does Edinburgh 愛丁堡)International Festival last?A. 13 days.B. 23 days. C. 33 days. D. 43 days.()63. If you are in the UK at the beg inning of August, you can probably take partin_ .A. the Summer Bank HolidayB. the Great British Beer FestivalC. the Edinburgh International FestivalD

27、. the Bristol International Balloon Festival()64. What is the Edinburgh International Festival aboutA. Food.B. Clothes.C. Art.D. Vacatio ns.()65. If you want to know more about Bristol International Balloon Festival, youcan click_ .A. travel / tran sportB. http:/www.eif.co.ukC. D.

28、http:/www.bristolfiesta.co.ukCI was born and grew up in South Wales. My favorite place to play was out on the hillswhere my imag in ati on had ple nty of space to expa nd 拓展).My family moved out of Waleswhen I was thirteen. I went to a new school. One of my subjects was French. Because I hadnever le

29、arned any French, my teacher told me to sit in the corner and write anything I wasinterested in. Thathe time I started writing, just for myself, and Ive been writ ing ever sin ce.I have always loved BIG IDEAS, and so I enjoy writing fantastic stories. And I also writehorror (恐怖).I think they are lik

30、e the old fairytales (童話故事),and can teach you importa ntthi ngs.I am in my forties on the outside, twelve on the in side. I like rock music, I ndia n andChinese food, and I enjoy drinking. I live in a small village with my wife Mary, ducks, cats,goats, hens and lots of rabbits. If youd like to find

31、out more about me and hope to buy anybooks, go to www.showkett.freeserve.co.uk ()66. When he was 13, the writer.A. wrote lots of poems B. moved out of WalesC. sold many story books D. became a famous sin ger()67. He liked play ing out on the hills because he could_ .A. expa nd his imag in ati onB. l

32、ear n FrenchC. liste n to storiesD. buy some books( )68. Maybe the writer is_years old now.A. 12 B. 22 C. 32 D. 42()69. Accordi ng to the passage, the write keeps_A. cats, hens and pigsB. ducks, goats and rabbitsC. hens, rabbits and dogs D. rabbits, pigs and cats()70. From the passage, we can lear n

33、 that the writer_ .A. lives in a big city with his sonB. likes eating Japanese and Indian foodC. lives in the coun tryside withD. in troduces a nice book to us聽力部分第二節(jié)(5 分)V、聽短文填空Madame CurieDescripti onA world-famous 71BornIn Pola nd in 72Fini shed middle schoolAt the age of 73En tered Paris Un iver

34、sityAt the age of 74Won the Nobel PrizeFor physics in 1903, for chemistry in 80任務(wù)型閱讀(10 分)One evening, Mark and Amy went for a ride in Marks car. They parked on a hill. Markturned on the radio, and a policeman broke in with a piece of news. He said a murderer hadescaped from prison 監(jiān)獄).The murderers

35、 left hand was missing and in its place, he wore ahook 鉤子).Lets close the win dows and doors, said Amy.Thats a good idea, said Mark.You know, said Amy, that prison isnt too far away. I think we really should go home.Look, Amy, Marie argued, that pris oner is not going to climb all the way up here. E

36、ven if he did, all the doors are closed. How could he get in?Mark, he could take that hook and break the window, she said. Im scared. I want togo home!As he started the car, Amy thought she heard some one, or someth ing, scratch ing 抓)at her door.Did you hear that? she asked. It sounded like somebod

37、y was trying to get in! Ohsure! said Mark.Soon they arrived home. Whe n Mark got out of the car, he found somethi ng hangingon the door han dle 把手)a hook!76 題判斷正誤(“T”示正確,“F”示錯(cuò)誤);77 題完成句子;78 79 題簡略回答問題;80 題將文中劃線句子譯成漢語。76. A murderer with a hook in his right hand had escaped from prison.【】77. Whe n they heard the n ews they were_78. Wh


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