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1、 International Phonetic Symbols英語(yǔ)英標(biāo)和讀音規(guī)則英語(yǔ)英標(biāo)和讀音規(guī)則羅遠(yuǎn)芬羅遠(yuǎn)芬2010.10.1548個(gè)國(guó)際音標(biāo)表個(gè)國(guó)際音標(biāo)表 元音元音12個(gè)個(gè)單元音單元音 長(zhǎng)元音長(zhǎng)元音短元音短元音i: : : u: : i e u 8個(gè)雙元音個(gè)雙元音 aiei i au u i u輔音輔音28個(gè)個(gè)清輔音清輔音 p t k f s t tr ts 濁輔音濁輔音 b d g v z d dr dz 3個(gè)鼻音個(gè)鼻音 m n 其它輔音其它輔音 l r h w j digrfi tre tsu:n:mi ,repjutein ,s:tifikein dnju, ri dimkrsi i

2、kspirins ,idimtik saikldist in,ju:zistik ,:tmtikli 上唇上唇下唇下唇上齒上齒下齒下齒硬腭硬腭軟腭軟腭小舌小舌聲帶聲帶氣管氣管/i/舌尖抵下齒,舌前部稍抬起,唇形稍扁,齒間可容納一個(gè)食指 & 1. Shirlys shoes are shining. 2. They pushed the sheep onto the ship.3. Surely she should show us the sea-shell she has collected. 4. An English fisherman wishes to get full of

3、 fish for a cold dish. 1. Beside work we ought to get enough leisure and pleasure.2. He usually measures his yard.3. That vision was an allusion.4. We should treasure the unusual moments.: & : 1.Half the class laughed loudly2.My aunt is a master of arts3.I started to work hard4.Thats a rather sm

4、art car 1.The flood that happened on Monday caused great damage2.There is nothing to worry about 3.My cousins son wears a pair of sunglasses4.Your mother asks you to buy some mutton 1. We often share our toys with other children.2. Her mother was scared by the color of her hair.3. He went upstairs.4

5、. The air is fresh and clean in the morning.The chairman declared the selected examination was unfair, because this area had prepared well in advance.tr & drtr1. I tried the new trousers on. 2. The trainer didnt trust my ability.3. He tries to be a succesful trader. 4. The trait of this tragedy

6、is that tells a true story.dr1. The driver was drunk and drove the doctors car directly into deep ditch.2. The drummer let me know that if you dont give up your dream will be realize one day.3. Jew bought a new dress for his wife.4. He did not drink a drop of wine.t & d t1. Her child drew a pict

7、ure of the chuch. 2. They chase each other in the street.3. Charles had chicken and French fries for lunch. 4. Id like to choose that cheap chair.d1. Geoge drew a jain giraffe on the paper.2. She went to Japan from June to July.3. I like drinking orange juice very much.4. There is a jar jam in the cupboard. ts & dz ts1. There are three hats and five pants in the room. 2. The cats are running after the rats.3. The rabbits are eating carrots. dz1. Several card


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