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1、九年級英語教學設計Teach ingcontentUnit 10 Sectio nA(1a-1c)課時 安排共6課時主備教師第1課時授課人Kno wledgeaims(1) Key Vocabularybow, kiss, be supposed to, shake han ds, customs(2) Target Lan guageWhat are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?Theyre supposed to bow.Ability aims1. Train stude nts lis

2、te ning ability.2. Train stude nts com muni cative compete nee.Emoti onalaimsBefore you meet foreig ners, you should some customs. In this way, you can actpolitely and properly.Key pointsTalk about customs and what you are supposed to do.Difficult poi ntsKnow about customs of differe nt coun tries.T

3、each ingmethods1. Scene teachi ng method2. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.Teach ingtools1.A tape recorder2.PPT課件Teach ing procedures個人意見修訂Teach ing steps:Step I: Review1.Yesterday we fini shed Un it 9. In this un it, we learnedsome ways o

4、f ask ing for in formati on politely and express preferences.Make conv ersati ons with your frie nds.A: What kind of music do you like?B: I like music that.2.Write your own senten ce:I like music that.I like musicia nsStep II :New lesson1.Prese ntation二次備課三次備課Step 1 1aThis activity in troduces some

5、target Ian guage.Let stude nts read the in structi ons.Point to the two lists of words. Read each word and askstude nts to repeat it.Put up a map of the world on the board. Ask studentsto explain where each of the coun tries is.Suggested an swers1. Brazil is in South America, next to Peru.2. The Uni

6、ted States is in North America, next to Canada.3. Japan is in East Asia, to the east of China.4.Mexico is in North America, on the south of America.5.Korea is in East Asia. It is our neighbor.Look at the sample answer. Tell students to guess if theyarent sure.An swers1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.aStep川1bThis a

7、ctivity gives stude nts practice un dersta nding thetarge Ian guage in spoke n conv ersati on.Play the tape for the first time. This time, students only liste n.Play the tape a second time. Ask them to listen to the recording and check their an swers to Activity 1a.Check the answers with the class.

8、Invite a student to read than swers.Step IV 1cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the targetIan guage.Read the instructions to the whole class. Point out thet eexample in the box. Ask two students to read it to the class. Step lll:Practice:1. In Japan, the people are supposed to_(鞠身弓)w

9、hen they meet for the time.2. Its not polite_ (親吻)the others in publicin Chi na.3. I was supposed to arrive at 8:00, but I(到達)at 9:00.4. When we meet America ns for the first time, we should(握手)with them.5. You must know some_習俗)before you goto some foreig n coun tries.Step IV:summary:In this class,

10、 weve lear ned some importa nt words, such as bow, kiss, be supposed to, shakehan ds. Weve also lear ned the target la nguage What are people in Korea supposed to do whe nthey meet for the first time? Theyre supposed to bow.Step V:.homework:Review the target Ian guage.Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake

11、 hands.Section AThe First PeriodTarget Lan guage:A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?B: Theyre supposed to bow.成功之處:不足之處:改進措施:Bbdesign:教后感悟九年級英語教學設計Teach ingcontentUnit 10 Sectio nA(2a-2d)課時 安排共6課時主備教師第2課時授課人Kno wledge(1) Key Vocabulary greet, be supposed toa

12、ims(2) Target Lan guageHow was the dinner at Pauls house last night?Ability aims1. Train stude nts liste ning ability.2. Train stude nts com muni cative compete nee.Emoti onalaimsWhe n youre in vited to a place, you must nt be late, greet people the wrong wayand wear the wrong clothes. That is, you

13、should act according to your hostscustoms.Key pointsWhat are you supposed to do whe n you meet some one?Difficult poi ntsHow to improve stude nts liste ning ability.Teach ingmethods1. Listening method to improve students listening ability.2.PairworkTeach ing tools1. A tape recorder2.PPT課件Teach ing p

14、rocedures個人意見修訂Teach ing steps:Step I: Review二次備課三次備課Read the instructions and point to the four mistakes on the list.Ask differe nt stude nts to read the mistakes to the class.Ask differe nt stude nts to expla in the meaning of each line intheir own words. Listen to Maria talking to a boy about wha

15、t happened at the pic nic. She made several mistakes. Liste n to the recording and check the mistakes she made.Play the recording. Students only listen the first time.Play the recording again. Get students to check the mistake:Maria made.Check the an swers with the class.An swersVarrived lateate wro

16、ng foodVgreeted Pauls mother the wrong wayVwore the wrong clothes2. (2b)This activity gives stude nts practice in un derstanding the target Ian guage in spoke n conv ersatio n.Go through the instructions with the class. Point out theblanks in the four sentencesnvite a student to read the first sente

17、nce.Play the recording again. Let students fill in the blanks withthe words they hear alone.Correct the an swers with the class.3. (2c)This activity provides guided oral practice using thetarget la nguage.Read the instructions for the activity to the class.Look at the example in the box. Ask two stu

18、de nts to read theconv ersatio n to the class.4.Role-Play conv ersati onShow key poi nts:expecte to do sthhold outTo one s surpriseStep lll:Practice:is1()1.Jim stood up and shook hands_ both of them.A.byB.withC.forD.to()2. Chinese never bowed _ the enemiesA.inB.toC.onD.with()3. Joh n_ Beiji ng the d

19、ay before yesterday.A. arrived at B. arrived C. reached to D. arrived in ( )4. Youstand in line whe n wait ing for thebus.A. mustnt B. cant C. are supposed to D. dont()5. She_some_ in her competiti on yesterday.A. has made; mistakes B. made; mistakesC. had made; mistakeD. was mistak ing; mistakesSte

20、p IV:summary:In this class, weve lear ned key vocabulary greet and be supposed to, the target Ian guage Howwas the dinner at Pauls house last ni ght? What are you supposed to do whe n you meet some one?Step V:.homework:Ask stude nts to write at least two senten ces with the key structure in this cla

21、ss.Bb desig n:Unit 12 Sectio n A (2a-2d)1. Target Language:How was the dinner at Pauls house last ni ght?2. What are you supposed to do whenYoureYoure not教成功之處:后不足之處:感改進措施:悟九年級英語教學設計Teach ingcontentUnit 10 Sectio nA(3a-4c)課時 安排共6課時主備教師第3課時授課人Kno wledgeaims(1) Key Vocabularyland, drop by, after all,

22、relaxed, a bit(2) Target Lan guageCan you tell me the thi ngs rm supposed to do?Ability aims1. Train stude nts in tegrati ng skills.2. Train stude nts com muni cative compete nee.Emoti onalaimsDiffere nt coun tries have differe nt customs. So you are supposed to do in Rome asthe Roma ns do.Key point

23、sTalk about customs and what you are supposed to do.Difficult poi ntsKnow about customs of differe nt coun tries.Teach ingmethods1.Fast reading to let students get the general idea of the text.2.PairworkTeach ingtools1. A tape recorder2.PPT課件Teach ing procedures個人意見修訂Teach ing steps:Step I: ReviewSt

24、epIRevisionT: In last period, we summed up the expressions for telling whatyou are supposed to do. Now ril check your homework. Ill asksome pairs to act out the con versati ons before the class.二次備課三次備課Step II :New lessonStep 1.3aThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target l

25、a nguage.Show the key words on the scree n by a projector.Cali n.卡利(哥倫比亞西部城市)Colombia n.哥倫比亞(南美洲西北部一國家)drop by訪問;拜訪Lausannen.洛桑(瑞士西部城市)Switzerland n.瑞士(歐洲中部國家)land n.國家;國土after all畢竟Read the words and have stude nts repeat aga in and aga in un til they can pronounce the wordsflue ntly and accurately

26、.Step2.3bRead the passage aga in and complete the chart.Look at the chart. Tell students what they will write in the chart.Check the an swers.Step川3bThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target Ian guage.Go through the instructions for the activity with the class.Look at the example

27、in the box. Ask two stude nts to read the conv ersatio n to the class.First practice this conversation with a partner. Then talk about your attitude toward being on timeand getting together with your frien ds.Step IV Grammar FocusReview the grammar box Get different students to say the questi ons an

28、d an swers.Step lll:Practice:be importa nt to1. When you go abroad ,it _ bring your passport.2. After class,students_clea n the chalk off the blackboard.3.lf you visit the n ortherin coast of Norway duri ng the win terseas on, it_pack warm clothes.4.lf there are people in the meeting room, you_knock

29、before en teri ng.5.ln many eastern European countries, you_ take off yourgloves before shak ing han ds.Step IV:summary:1. key vocabulary2. Grammar focusStep V:.homework:Finish exercise 4b in the textbook.Target Lan guage:A: What are you supposed to do whe n you meet some one for the first time?B: T

30、he first thing is .成功之處:不足之處:改進措施:Bbdesign:九年級英語教學設計Teach ingcontentUnit 10 Sectio nB(1a-1d)課時 安排共6課時主備教師第4課時授課人Kno wledgeaims(1) Key Vocabularywipe, napkin, stick, chopstick, rude, point, pick up(2) Target Lan guageWere supposed to eat with chopsticks.Yes, and its rude to eat with our han ds.Abilit

31、y aims(1) Train students ability to understand the target Ianguage in spoken conversatio n.(2) Train stude nts ability to use the target la nguage.Emoti onalaimsIn order to behave politely at the dinner table, youre supposed to learn some talbmann ers.Key pointsTarget Ian guage.Difficult poi nts1. H

32、ow to improve students listening ability.2.How to use the target Ianguage.Teach ingmethods1. Listening method2.PairworkTeach ingtools1.A tape recorder2.PPT課件Teach ing procedures個人意見修訂Teach ing steps:二次備課三次備課Step II :New lessonPart 1This activity in troduces new vocabulary and provides readi ngpracti

33、ce using the target Ian guage.Look at the picture and ask stude nts to say what is happe ningin it. (A family is eating a meal.)Look at the title, Mind your manners!Ask: What do you think it might mean?(It means be careful of how you act.)Read the in struct ions and point to the five stateme ntsabou

34、tmanners. Ask students to read the statements.Review the five stateme nts to be sure stude nts un dersta ndwh each one means. Ask stude nts to act out them. Then askstude nt to complete the quiz on their own.Part2.2aThis activity gives stude nts practice in un dersta nding thetarge Ian guage in spok

35、e n conv ersati on.Read the instructions to the class. Review what an exchangestudent is and what table manners are. If necessary, translatethem into Chin ese.Play the recording the first time.Stude nts only liste n.Play the recording a second time. As they listen to the recording this time, let stu

36、de nts nu mber the pictures.Correct the an swers with the class.Step IV 2bThis activity provides listening practice using the target Ianguage.Read the instructions and point to the numbered list ofsentencestarters and the lettered list of sentenceendings. Askdiffere nt stude nts to read the two list

37、s.1. You arent supposed toa. to stick your chopsticks into yourfood.2.Its impolite to b. point at anyone with your chopsticks.3. You shouldnc.start eating first if there are olderat speople at the tableYou will hear the same recording again. This time as you liste n,write the letter of the correct s

38、en ten cee nding after eachsentence starter.Look at the sample answer. Read the correctly completedsentence to the class:StepWSummaryIn this class, weve lear ned some key vocabulary, such as wiperude, point, pick up. Weve also lear ned the target Ian guage byliste ning and speak ing.StepVDHomeworkTa

39、lk about the table manners in your country using thesentence starters in Activity 1a.Step lll:Practice:StepV2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target Ianguage.Go through the instructions for the activity with the class.Have students work in pairs. Ask one or two pairs of student

40、s tosay their con versati ons to the class.Step IV:summary:Step V:.homework:Bb desig n:1. Sentences in Activity 2b:2. Target Ianguage:A: Were supposed to eat with chopsticks.B: Yes, and its rude to eat with our han ds.教后 感 悟成功之處:不足之處:改進措施:九年級英語教學設計Teach ingcontentUnit 10 Sectio nB(2a-2b)課時 安排共6課時主備教

41、師第5課時授課人Kno wledgeaims(1) Key Vocabularytable manners, behave, be/get used to, cut up, full, fork, You should(2) Practise read ing an article.Ability aims(1) Train students reading ability.(2) Train students writing ability.Emoti onalaimsWith the development of society, table manners are more and mo

42、re important.Sometimes they can help people succeed. So you have to learn more table manners.Key pointsPractise readi ng and writi ng using the target Ian guage.Difficult poi ntsHow to write an e-mail message.Teach ingmethods1. Reading comprehension to help students grasp the main idea of the text.2

43、. Writing method3. Groupwork to make every student work in class.Teach ing tools1.A tape recorder2.PPT課件Teach ing procedures個人意見修訂Teach ing steps:Step I: ReviewStepIRevisionReview the target Ianguage presented in this unit. Checkhomework.Ask two stude nts to read out their senten ces.SA: You arent s

44、upposed to visited a friends house withoutcalling first.SB: Its polite to be on time.二次備課三次備課Step II :New lessonI.Ask and an swer.What do you know about customs in foreig n coun tries? Whatdo you think is the biggest challenge when visiting a foreign country?2.2bThis activity provides reading practi

45、ce using the target Ianguage.Teach the new words. Show the followi ng new words on thescree n by a projector.manner n.禮貌;風格;習慣table manners餐桌禮儀behave v.行為表現(xiàn);舉止be/get used to習慣于cut up切開;切碎fork n.叉;餐叉full adj.飽的;吃脹了的lap n.(人坐著時)腰以下到膝為止的部分;大腿elbow n.肘;肘部gradually adv.逐漸地;漸漸地complime nt n.稱贊;恭維toast v.敬

46、酒Call atte nti on to the e-mail messagen vite a stude nt to readthe article aloud to the class. Correct any pronun ciati on errors tomake sure the stude nt is provid ing a good model for the rest of theclass.Now read the e-mail. Answer the questions in your exercisebook. As stude nts work, move arou

47、nd the classroom and offerhelp as n ecessary.Step 3.Read the senten ces in 2c and replace the un derl ined wor(with the phrases in the box.1 Making mistakes in French used to make L in Yue nervous2.lt was quite hard for her to feel good about speaking French.3.The host family tried very hard to help

48、 Lin Yue.4.L in Yue has slowly lear ned how to be like her French frien ds.isStep 4.Review the passage and make no tes about Frenchcustom in the chart.This activity provides writing practice using the target Ianguage.Read the instructions and ask students to finish the exercise.Get students to finis

49、h the activity on their own. As studentswork, move around the room offering help as needed. Ask astudent to read his or her message to the class. Have otherstudents add any information that is missing from the first students report.Step lll:Practice:Your pen pal is coming to China on an exchangeprog

50、ram.He/She is ask ing you about Chin ese customs and whathe/she is supposed to do or not. Make no tes in the chart.nsStep IV:summary:In this class, weve done a lot of read ing, writ ing and speak ingpractice using the target Ian guage.Step V:.homework:Read the e-mail message in Activity 2b aga inBb

51、desig n:Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake han ds. Section B(2a-3a)1. What do you know about customs in foreign countries?2.Read the letter and an swer the questio ns in 2b.教后 感 悟成功之處:不足之處:改進措施:九年級英語教學設計Teach ingcontentUnit 10Sectio nB(3b-selfcheck)課時安排共6課時主備教師第6課時授課人Kno wledgeaims(1) Key Vocabularybe

52、excited about doing sth、some suggestions、some advice、at the table(2) Target Lan guageYou are supposed toYou are not supposed toAbility aims1. Train students writing ability.2. Train stude nts com muni cative compete nee.Emoti onalaimsBefore you meet foreig ners, you should obey some rules. In this way, you can actpolitely and properly.Key pointsTalk about customs and what you are supposed to do.Difficult poi ntsWrite a short passage about table mann ers.Teach ingmethods1. Task-based teaching2.PairworkTeach ing tools1.A tape recorder2.PPT課件Teach ing procedures個人意見修訂Teach ing steps: Step I:


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