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1、1.1.不悔夢歸處,只恨太匆匆。2.2.有些人錯過了,永遠(yuǎn)無法在回到從前 ; ;有些人即使遇到了,永遠(yuǎn)都無法在一起,這些都是一種刻骨銘心的痛! !3.3.每一個人都有青春,每一個青春都有一個故事,每個故事都有一個遺憾,每個遺憾都有它的青春美。4.4.方茴說:“可能人總有點什么事,是想忘也忘不了的。 ”5.5.方茴說:“那時候我們不說愛,愛是多么遙遠(yuǎn)、多么沉重的字眼啊。我們只說喜歡,就算喜歡也是偷偷摸摸的。”6.6.方茴說:“我覺得之所以說相見不如懷念,是因為相見只能讓人在現(xiàn)實面前無奈地哀悼傷痛,而懷念卻可以把已經(jīng)注定的謊言變成童話。7.7.在村頭有一截巨大的雷擊木,直徑十幾米,此時主干上唯一的

2、柳條已經(jīng)在朝霞中掩去了瑩光,變得普普通通了。8.8.這些孩子都很活潑與好動,即便吃飯時也都不太老實,不少人抱著陶碗從自家出來,湊到了一起。9.9.石村周圍草木豐茂,猛獸眾多,可守著大山,村人的食物相對來說卻算不上豐盛,只是一些粗麥餅、野果以及孩子們碗中少量的肉食。荊州市東方紅中學(xué)2014中考模擬試卷英語試題(考生注意:請將第i卷所有答案在答題卷上的相應(yīng)位置涂黑;將第n卷所有答案寫在 答題卡上的相應(yīng)題號后。只交答題卷。請將試卷保管好,便于試卷評講時使用 ) 第I卷(五大題,共 70 分)I.對話題解。(每小題 1 分)根據(jù)聽到小對話的內(nèi)容從每小題的三個選項中選出正確答案。每 段對話聽兩遍。( )

3、1. How many people are going to climb the mountain tomorrow?A. 6.B. 5C. 4.( )2. When is the woman going to leave for Beijing?A. On Saturday.B. On Sunday.C. On Friday.( )3. Why is Susan worried?A. She can t find her child. B. She lost her mobile phone. C. She missed her bus. ( )4. Howmuch is John s w

4、atch?A. Fifty yuan. B. Fifteen yuan. C. Thirty-five yuan. ( )5. Why doesn t the man s father likethe city?A. He likes to live alone.B. He likes the country life.C. He hates the noise.II. 篇章理解。 (每小題 1 分)聽三段對話和一段短文,從三個選項中選出一個正確答案,對 話或短文聽兩遍。A 聽下面一段對話,回答第 6 至第 8 三個小題。( )6. Why does the woman have to put

5、 off the meeting?A.Because she has another important meeting.B.Because she couldn t meet her cousin.C.Because her plane is put off by the heavy snow.( )7. What does the woman ask Mr Smith to do?A.To go to her cousin s party.B.To send her cousin a message.C.To meet her cousin at the airport. ( )8. Wh

6、en will they have the meeting?A. On Thursday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Sunday. B 聽下面一段對話,回答第 9 至 12 四個小題。( )9. Where did Sue stay during the holiday?A. In a hotel. B. In the open air .( )10. What about their meals?A.They had meals at the restaurants.B.They cooked meals at a farmer s home.C.They cooked m

7、eals all by themselves.( )11. How long did it take them to get back home?A. About two hours. B. About three hours. ( )12.What did the man think of the computer games?A. Difficult. B. Interesting.C 聽下面一段對話,回答第 13 至 16 四個小題。( )13. When will they get to Beijing?A. At about 10:00.B. At about 7:30.( )14.

8、 Where will they have lunch?A. At the theatre. B. At the hotel.( )15. Why will they have dinner near the theater?A. Because the woman needs to have enough time to dress up.1.1.“噢,居然有土龍肉,給我一塊! ”2.2.老人們都笑了,自巨石上起身。而那些身材健壯如虎的成年人則是一陣笑罵,數(shù)落著自己的孩子,拎著骨棒與闊劍也快步向自家中走去。3.3.石村不是很大,男女老少加起來能有三百多人,屋子都是巨石砌成的,簡樸而自然。C.

9、 In a farmer s house.C. About four hours.C. Exciting.C. At about 8:30.C. At the airport.1.1.不悔悔夢歸處,只恨太匆匆。1.1. “噢,居然有土龍肉,給我一塊! ”2 2 老人們都笑了,自巨石上起身。而那些身材健壯如虎的成年人則是一陣笑罵,數(shù)落著自己的孩子,拎著骨棒與闊劍也快步向自家中走去。3 3 石村不是很大,男女老少加起來能有三百多人,屋子都是巨石砌成的,簡樸而自然。2.2.有些人錯過了,永遠(yuǎn)無法在回到從前;有些人即使遇到了,永遠(yuǎn)都無法在一起,這些都是一種刻骨銘心的痛!3.3.每一個人都有青春,每一個

10、青春都有一個故事,每個故事都有一個遺憾,每個遺憾都有它的青春美。4.4.方茴說:可能人總有點什么事,是想忘也忘不了的。 ”5.5.方茴說:“那時候我們不說愛,愛是多么遙遠(yuǎn)、多么沉重的字眼啊。我們只說喜歡,就算喜歡也是偷偷摸摸的?!?.6.方茴說:我覺得之所以說相見不如懷念,是因為相見只能讓人在現(xiàn)實面前無奈地哀悼傷痛,而懷念卻可以把已經(jīng)注定的謊言變成童話。7 7 在村頭有一截巨大的雷擊木,直徑十幾米,此時主干上唯一的柳條已經(jīng)在朝霞中掩去了瑩光,變得普普通通了。8 8 這些孩子都很活潑與好動,即便吃飯時也都不太老實,不少人抱著陶碗從自家出來,湊到了一起。9 9 石村周圍草木豐茂,猛獸眾多,可守著大

11、山,村人的食物相對來說卻算不上豐盛,只是一些粗麥餅、野果以及孩子們碗中少量的肉食。B. Because they n eed to have eno ugh time to watch the show.C. Because they n eed to have eno ugh time to go to the theater.()16. When will the show start?A. At 7:00 pm.B. At 8:00 am.D 聽下面一段短文,回答第 17 至 20 四個小題。()17. How old was Joh n whe n he fini shed schoo

12、l?A. 17.B. 18.()18. Where did his father want him to work?A. At school.B. in the hospital.()19. What did the man give him?A. A pen.B. A piece of paper.()20. When was John born?A. Every year.B. October 2 nd.C. September 2 nd.W、聽力填空。(共 5 分,每小題 1 分)聽短文,并根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題,每空一詞。(該題為非選擇題,請看第 II 卷第 56 60 題,并在答題卡上

13、第II 卷答題欄中的相應(yīng)位置答題。)川、選擇填空。(共 10 分,每小題 1 分)21. -Every one should lear n to say “ I love you. ” to their pare nts.-thi nk so._in life is more importa nt tha n family.A. Somethi ng B. Anything C. Noth ingD. Everyth ing22. - will buy you a new bike if you learn how to swim this summer.-s that a_ ? I m su

14、re I ll get the bike.A. cha nee B. idea C. promise D. treat23. -Many boy students think math is_English.- - I agree. IA. much difficult tha nB. more difficult tha nC. less difficult tha nD. so difficult as24. -look ! Some people are running through the red lights.-We should wait_ others are break in

15、g the traffic rule.A. if B. because C. uni ess D. although25. -Some one is knocking at the door. Is it Tom?-t_ be him. He is givi ng a performa nee at the theater now.A. may B. must C. mustnt D. cant26. - Do you know why he didn t_a word when he - to?-Because he was too nervous.A. speak, speaks B. s

16、ay, was spoke n C. say, spoke D. speak, is spoke n27. -Wait. Did this_ the back of the truck?-Yes. We re going to call the police to stop the truck.A. fall off B. fall beh ind C. fall into D. fall asleep28. - What s the matter? - I m having trouble_ who has taken my book .A. findingB. look ing for C

17、. look ing up D. finding out29. -Do you know what her in terests are ?-Sorry , I don t know. Becataile weabout work when we meet .A. luckily B. safelyC. mai nly D. clearly30. -Did the radio say_ ?- -Yes, from Hu nan.A. how the bad rice cameB. where the bad rice came fromC. how did the bad rice come

18、D. where did the bad rice come fromW、完形填空。(共 10 分,每小題 1 分)閱讀短文,從各題的四個選項A、B、C、和 D 中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。C. At 8:00 pm.C. 27.C. In the office.C. A chair and a desk.m weak in En glish.1.1.不悔悔夢歸處,只恨太匆匆。1.1. “噢,居然有土龍肉,給我一塊! ”2 2 老人們都笑了,自巨石上起身。而那些身材健壯如虎的成年人則是一陣笑罵,數(shù)落著自己的孩子,拎著骨棒與闊劍也快步向自家中走去。3 3 石村不是很大,男女老少加起來能有三

19、百多人,屋子都是巨石砌成的,簡樸而自然。Every one may have days like this in their life. It is whe n you get up in the morning, thi ngs aren the way you31 they would be. That when you have to encourage yourself and tell yourself that things will get 32There are times when people let you dow n and make you 33_ t those a

20、re the times whe n2.2.有些人錯過了,永遠(yuǎn)無法在回到從前 ;有些人即使遇到了,永遠(yuǎn)都無法在一起,這些都是一種刻骨銘心的痛!3.3.每一個人都有青春,每一個青春都有一個故事,每個故事都有一個遺憾,每個遺憾都有它的青春美。4.4.方茴說:可能人總有點什么事,是想忘也忘不了的。 ”5.5.方茴說:“那時候我們不說愛,愛是多么遙遠(yuǎn)、多么沉重的字眼啊。我們只說喜歡,就算喜歡也是偷偷摸摸的?!?.6.方茴說:我覺得之所以說相見不如懷念,是因為相見只能讓人在現(xiàn)實面前無奈地哀悼傷痛,而懷念卻可以把已經(jīng)注定的謊言變成童話。”7 7 在村頭有一截巨大的雷擊木,直徑十幾米,此時主干上唯一的柳條已

21、經(jīng)在朝霞中掩去了瑩光,變得普普通通了。8 8 這些孩子都很活潑與好動,即便吃飯時也都不太老實,不少人抱著陶碗從自家出來,湊到了一起。9 9 石村周圍草木豐茂,猛獸眾多,可守著大山,村人的食物相對來說卻算不上豐盛,只是一些粗麥餅、野果以及孩子們碗中少量的肉食。you must remi nd yourself not to 34 your own views. There will be 35 to face and cha nges to make in your life.This depends on whether you believe in 36 and would like to

22、accept them.Always keep making your way in the right direct ion. It may not be easy at times,37difficulties help us grow. In those times of 38 . you will find you becoming much stronger.So when the days that are filled with many difficulties come, you should 39 to believe in yourself and do yourbest

23、. That s because the challenges and changes w0l hePpryaiuns.Never stop believing in yourself. It will make a big difference to your life!31. A. suggestedB.discoveredC. expla inedD.hoped32. A. worseB.betterC. lessD. more33. A. upsetB.relaxedC. excitedD. active34. A. care aboutB.deal withC. give upD.

24、look for35. A. challenges,BchancesC. opport un ities D. enltertainment36. A. meB. myselfC. youD. yourself37. A. butB. orC. soD. and38. A. arguingB. obey ingC. playi ngD. fight ing39. A. stopB. stayC. tryD. decide40. A. pla nB. achieveC. imagi neD. loveV、閱讀理解。(共30分: ,每小題 2 分)閱讀下面短文,從每篇短文所給各題的四個選項A、B、

25、C、和 D 中,選出最佳選ASchool trips can be great fun. But don t get hurt when you go on a school trip. Here are sometips for you.*Liste n to the teacher.*0n the bus, always wear seat belts if the bus has them. Do not rush or push whe n get on or getoff the bus. Stay in your seat while the bus is moving.*If y

26、ou are at the zoo, remember not to touch or go n ear ani mals.*You may find strawberries or other fruits outdoors. Don t eat any.*Charge(充電)you cell phone if you have one. You can call your teachers or classmates when you can t findthem.*Remember to take a whistle(哨子) with you. It useful. For exampl

27、e, you can blow the whistle if you get lost.41. How many tips are there in the passage?A. FourB. Five C. SixD. Seve n42. When you are at the zoo, remember_ .A. to give an imals someth ing to eat . B. to touch the an imals gen tlyC. not to touch the an imals .D. to go n ear an imals to play with them

28、43. Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?A. You shouldn t rush or push when you get off the bus.B. You can taste them whe n you find some strawberries outdoors.C. You should charge your cell phone if you have one .D. The passage is about some tips to stay safe when you go on a

29、 school trip.BMoms birthday was comin g. I wan ted to buy her a beautiful skirt that cost 115 dollars, but I had60 dollars. That was my pocket mon ey. My pare nts usually gave me 20 dollars a mon th.I decided to do small jobs to earn some money so that I could buy Mom the nice skirt. I wentoutside t

30、o the garage and asked Dad, Dad, may I wash the car? I n eed some mon ey.Certainly, my girl. Ill pay you 10 dollars.After I washed the car, I got 10 dollars. Then I went to the n eighbor Mrs. White. Her dog Henry n eeded a bath.After I bathed Henry, she gave me 35 dollars. I was tired, wet and cold,

31、 but I still needed to workfor mon ey. I went to Dad aga in. Dad, can I clea n the garde n?Yes, I will pay 10 dollars for that.1.1.不悔悔夢歸處,只恨太匆匆。1.1. “噢,居然有土龍肉,給我一塊! ”2 2 老人們都笑了,自巨石上起身。而那些身材健壯如虎的成年人則是一陣笑罵,數(shù)落著自己的孩子,拎著骨棒與闊劍也快步向自家中走去。3 3 石村不是很大,男女老少加起來能有三百多人,屋子都是巨石砌成的,簡樸而自然。So, after I clea ned the gard

32、e n, I had 115 dollars. The n ext day, I bought the skirt for Mom. AfterMom received it on her birthday party, she said it was the best birthday prese nt ever!2.2.有些人錯過了,永遠(yuǎn)無法在回到從前 ;有些人即使遇到了,永遠(yuǎn)都無法在一起,這些都是一種刻骨銘心的痛!3.3.每一個人都有青春,每一個青春都有一個故事,每個故事都有一個遺憾,每個遺憾都有它的青春美。4.4.方茴說:可能人總有點什么事,是想忘也忘不了的。 ”5.5.方茴說:“那時

33、候我們不說愛,愛是多么遙遠(yuǎn)、多么沉重的字眼啊。我們只說喜歡,就算喜歡也是偷偷摸摸的?!?.6.方茴說:我覺得之所以說相見不如懷念,是因為相見只能讓人在現(xiàn)實面前無奈地哀悼傷痛,而懷念卻可以把已經(jīng)注定的謊言變成童話?!? 7 在村頭有一截巨大的雷擊木,直徑十幾米,此時主干上唯一的柳條已經(jīng)在朝霞中掩去了瑩光,變得普普通通了。8 8 這些孩子都很活潑與好動,即便吃飯時也都不太老實,不少人抱著陶碗從自家出來,湊到了一起。9 9 石村周圍草木豐茂,猛獸眾多,可守著大山,村人的食物相對來說卻算不上豐盛,只是一些粗麥餅、野果以及孩子們碗中少量的肉食。This experie nee taught me a l

34、ot. I un derstood its not easy to earn money and that I should make good use ofmy pocket mon ey.44. Why did the writer want to earn some mon ey?A. She did nt have any money the n.B. She did nt have eno ugh money for a birthday prese nt.C. She wan ted to buy herself a skirt.D. Her pare nts did nt giv

35、e her eno ugh mon ey.45. The writer did many things to earn money EXCEPT_ .A. wash ing the carB. bath ing the dog C. cook ing dinner D. clea ning the garde n46. What can we lear n from the passage?A. The writer had a dog called Henry.B. The writer ofte n did chores at homeC. The writers mother liked

36、 her new skirt very much.D. The writer got 20 dollars from her pare nts every week.47. What did the writer lear n from the experie nee?A. Its easy to become rich.B. Its hard to find small jobs.C. She n eeded more pocket money later onD. She should make good use of her pocket mon ey.CIn recent years,

37、 we vdoee n heari ng a lot about 3D tech no logy. We will n ever forget the 3D movie Avatar. Itmade more people get in terested in 3D tech no logy. After it was show n, more 3D movies came into our life. Canyou imag ine that we will have 3D TV sets in our life?Now, most of the TV sets in our homes a

38、re 2D TVs . But in the n ear future, many of us will have 3D TVs.Several years ago, famous TV manufactures(制 造商)like Samsung, Sony and Panasonic made pla ns for making their 3D TV sets. Now we can buy their 3D movies in shops. What s more , more manufactures are on theirway.3D is a new trend in futu

39、re television sets. It is a big step for TV sets. Armed with a 3D televisi on and a pair of3D TV glasses, you could enjoy 3D movies in your own home! At the same time, televisi on manu factures areworki ng hard to produce better 3D TVs. There are already 3D TVs which can be viewed without 3D TV glas

40、ses.So why not choose a 3D TV? In this way, you can enjoy 3D movies at home. That will be a very great experienee.48. What made more people get in terested in 3D tech no logy?A. 3D TV sets B. A 3D movie C. 3D TV glasses D. A famous manu facture49. Televisi on manu factures are worki ng hard to_.A. P

41、roduce better 3D TVs.B. Make better 3D moviesC. Desig n smaller 3D TVsD. Produce better 3D glasses50. Which of the following is TRUE according to passage?A. Now, most of the TV sets in our homes are 3D TVs.B. Now, all of the TV sets in our homes are 2D TVs.C. If you watch 3D TV , you must have 3D gl

42、asses.D. You can watch 3D TV if you don t have 3D TV glasses.51. What s the best title for the passage?A. 3D TV Sets B. 3D Movies C. 3D Glasses D. 2D TV SetsDMany years ago, my father told me a real and dan gerous story about help ing a stra nger who was hit by acar.My father was in a hurry because

43、that day he had an importa nt trade talk. Sudde nly, he saw a man lying in thestreet who was bleeding( 流血).At first, my father thought that the man was dead; however, he decided to help1.1.不悔悔夢歸處,只恨太匆匆。1.1. “噢,居然有土龍肉,給我一塊! ”2 2 老人們都笑了,自巨石上起身。而那些身材健壯如虎的成年人則是一陣笑罵,數(shù)落著自己的孩子,拎著骨棒與闊劍也快步向自家中走去。3 3 石村不是很大,男

44、女老少加起來能有三百多人,屋子都是巨石砌成的,簡樸而自然。him at once.My father could nt believe peoples apathy towards this terrible scene. No one was helpi ng the man. They werepass ing by in their cars to look at him and the n drivi ng on. My father thought that1.1.不悔夢歸處,只恨太匆匆。2.2.有些人錯過了,永遠(yuǎn)無法在回到從前 ; ;有些人即使遇到了,永遠(yuǎn)都無法在一起,這些都是一種

45、刻骨銘心的痛! !3.3.每一個人都有青春,每一個青春都有一個故事,每個故事都有一個遺憾,每個遺憾都有它的青春美。4.4.方茴說:“可能人總有點什么事,是想忘也忘不了的。 ”5.5.方茴說:“那時候我們不說愛,愛是多么遙遠(yuǎn)、多么沉重的字眼啊。我們只說喜歡,就算喜歡也是偷偷摸摸的?!?.6.方茴說:“我覺得之所以說相見不如懷念,是因為相見只能讓人在現(xiàn)實面前無奈地哀悼傷痛,而懷念卻可以把已經(jīng)注定的謊言變成童話?!?.7.在村頭有一截巨大的雷擊木,直徑十幾米,此時主干上唯一的柳條已經(jīng)在朝霞中掩去了瑩光,變得普普通通了。8.8.這些孩子都很活潑與好動,即便吃飯時也都不太老實,不少人抱著陶碗從自家出來,

46、湊到了一起。9.9.石村周圍草木豐茂,猛獸眾多,可守著大山,村人的食物相對來說卻算不上豐盛,只是一些粗麥餅、野果以及孩子們碗中少量的肉食。this was completely unacceptable( 無法接受的 ). My father took him to the nearest hospital, fearing that thestranger could die because he was losing so much blood.The unexpected thing happened, when my father tried to go away for the 9

47、oclock meeting. The police stoppedhim and said he could not leave the hospital until the man woke up. My father was very angry at that, but hecouldnt do anything. My father was worried about the man. He was trying to help and be kind. On the other hand,he was also worried about himself, if the stran

48、ger died, my father might be thought to be the murderer. He wasfeeling very nervous because he didnt know what was going to happen to the stranger.Luckily, the stranger woke up after nearly an hour and talked to the police, and my father was no longerconsidered a murderer. He left the hospital feeli

49、ng very strange. He felt happy because he had saved a person,but at the same time he felt nervous because if the stranger had died, he would have been in big trouble.That morning my fathers absence ( 缺席 ) from the trade talk caused a large loss, but he told me he did nt regret(后悔).52. The stranger w

50、as hit by a car _A. in the evening B. in the afternoon C. at noon D. in the early morning53. The underlined word apathy in the reading probably means_ A. enough pity B. lack( 缺乏 ) of pity C. lack of care D. enough care54. Why was the writers father worried about himself? _A. Because he needed to att

51、end an important trade talk.B. Because he might be thought to be the murderer if the man died.C. Because he had no money to pay for the man.D. Because he had no time to look after the man.55. If the same thing happened later, the writers father would_A. avoid getting himself into trouble B. still of

52、fer to help just as he didC. have no interest in itD. report it to the police and then go away第 II 卷 非選擇題(五大題,共 50 分)W、聽力填空。(共 5 分,每小題 1 分)聽短文,并根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題,每空一詞。56. Where did the speaker live when he was a child? On_57. When did the speaker help his father feed the animals? _ _58. How did the speaker

53、 usually go to school? _ _59. When did the speaker do his homework every evening? From_ to _60. What does the speaker think of that time?_ and _四、詞語運用。(共 10 分,每小題 1 分)A) 根據(jù)句子意思和音標(biāo)、首字母提示填詞。61. Paula got into_ ka a nd drove off.62. How could they build the bridge without the _ m ?d?n machines?63. Ther

54、e is a glass f_ of juice on the table.64. As a r_ of my laziness, I failed to finish my work in time.65. I d rather have oamroof my own, however small it is, than s_ a room with some else.B) 根據(jù)句子意思,用所給詞的正確形式填空。66. Look! There are some _(sheep) eating grass on the hill.67. I work _ (two) as hard as y

55、ou.68. Food Safety has become one of the _ (hot) topics recently.69. The cloth bought from that shop feels soft and washes _ (easy)70. She was so _ that she took my umbrella by mistake. ( care)忸完成句子。(共 10 分,每小題 1 分)71. some of the children _ their mothers at the school gate. (wait )那些孩子中有一些正在學(xué)校門口等他們

56、的媽媽72. If we go on polluting the world, it wont _ to live in any more. (be)如果我們繼續(xù)污染這個世界,它將不再適合我們居住。1.1.“噢,居然有土龍肉,給我一塊! ”2.2.老人們都笑了,自巨石上起身。而那些身材健壯如虎的成年人則是一陣笑罵,數(shù)落著自己的孩子,拎著骨棒與闊劍也快步向自家中走去。3.3.石村不是很大,男女老少加起來能有三百多人,屋子都是巨石砌成的,簡樸而自然。1.1.不悔悔夢歸處,只恨太匆匆。1.1. “噢,居然有土龍肉,給我一塊! ”2 2 老人們都笑了,自巨石上起身。而那些身材健壯如虎的成年人則是一陣笑

57、罵,數(shù)落著自己的孩子,拎著骨棒與闊劍也快步向自家中走去。3 3 石村不是很大,男女老少加起來能有三百多人,屋子都是巨石砌成的,簡樸而自然。2.2.有些人錯過了,永遠(yuǎn)無法在回到從前 ;有些人即使遇到了,永遠(yuǎn)都無法在一起,這些都是一種刻骨銘心的痛!3.3.每一個人都有青春,每一個青春都有一個故事,每個故事都有一個遺憾,每個遺憾都有它的青春美。4.4.方茴說:可能人總有點什么事,是想忘也忘不了的。 ”5.5.方茴說:“那時候我們不說愛,愛是多么遙遠(yuǎn)、多么沉重的字眼啊。我們只說喜歡,就算喜歡也是偷偷摸摸的?!?.6.方茴說:我覺得之所以說相見不如懷念,是因為相見只能讓人在現(xiàn)實面前無奈地哀悼傷痛,而懷念

58、卻可以把已經(jīng)注定的謊言變成童話?!? 7 在村頭有一截巨大的雷擊木,直徑十幾米,此時主干上唯一的柳條已經(jīng)在朝霞中掩去了瑩光,變得普普通通了。8 8 這些孩子都很活潑與好動,即便吃飯時也都不太老實,不少人抱著陶碗從自家出來,湊到了一起。9 9 石村周圍草木豐茂,猛獸眾多,可守著大山,村人的食物相對來說卻算不上豐盛,只是一些粗麥餅、野果以及孩子們碗中少量的肉食。73. She said she_ you aga in. (look)她說她期待著和你再次見面。74.無論你說什么我都同意。(agree)I_ whatever you say.75. I think what I m saying sh

59、ould_ (pay).我認(rèn)為我說的應(yīng)該得到關(guān)注。76. He went to the USA_some foreig ners there. (make)他到美國取得原因就是想交幾個外國朋友。77. We don t know_ ourselvesake)我們不知道如何照看我們自己。78. When to start_ the weather con diti on s.(depe nd)什么時候動身取決于天氣條件。(depe nd)79. The boy_ his mon ey, so he took a part-time job. (run)這個男孩花光了他的錢,因此他做了一份兼職工作。80. I_for mon ths. I miss her very much. (hear)我好幾個月沒有收到她的來信了。我非常想念她。 區(qū).短文填詞。(共10 分,每小題 1 分)閱讀短文,并選擇方框中的詞用適當(dāng)形式填空,有一項是多余的。he, win, but, concert, still, wrong, expla in, n ever, well, child, rightWhen a new pupil arrived at the music class, all the childre n bega n


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