1、英語三分鐘即興演講題目和參 考思路1. Should pare nts set limits in in ter net access fortheir tee nage childre n? Why?In ter net is dan gerous if a child has un limitedfreedom to use it. Because teenagers are too weakto resist the great tempt. Various online games willcost their almost all-day time. And many kinds o
2、fonline movies may teach them unhealthy contentsuch as violenee. Also, Iong-time exposure tocomputer will do great harm to teenager eyesight.A child addicted to In ter net will n eglect his studycompletely. However, the word limit does not meanforbidding. It can be denied that internet is a veryusef
3、ul tool for learning. In this information age,computer and internet is esse ntial. Adequateaccess to in ter net will con tribute to teenagerskeeping pace with this world. Also, in ter net is afine en terta inment for stude nts who have studyIongtime and get tired. So, I think pare nts shouldset limi
4、ts on but not forbid access for their tee nagerchildre n.2. Should smoking be prohibited completely in allcou ntries? Why?Well, it a quite complex question. Overall, inmy opin io n, I thi nkcompletely prohibitedexpla in my views.We allsmoking should n becountries. Let mein allknow clearlyto the smok
5、er canlead to lungthatsmoking is veryhealth. Lon gtimecancer and otherharmful smok ing serious health problem. Also,smoking in public situation is awful. People aroundthe smoker, especially the children, also suffer fromthe damage to their health. In spite of all these badeffects mentioned above, ho
6、wever, I still think smoking is in deed n eeded in our society. For example,when people get tired or anxious, a cigarette canhelp to release their body as well as spirit. Also, i nsome social in tercourse, cigarette is a essential. Inmy eyes, I can imagine what peoples life willbecome if smok ingisc
7、ompletely prohibited. There may be many benefits for in dividuals, but the social will suffera lot. So, I think smoking should not be prohibited. Itis in dividual effort to make smok ing a useful thing.3. Agree or disagree: There is nothing that youngpeople could teach old people.In ancient times, y
8、oung people should never teachold people. Old people know much more than youngbecause they have un derg one many things in theirlife. They lead us to the right way. Sometimes, itregarded impolite for young to teach old. But thatdoes not mean young people really have no thi ng toteach old people, esp
9、ecially in this high-developedtimes. Young people usually lear n thi ngs fast andlear n more. They always have a smart head for newthin gs. Therefore, young people can teach the oldshow to use computer and cellphone, how to danceand so on. Also, I think old people can learnyounger passion and energe
10、tic for life. That will be agood thing.4.Should pets be allowed in uni versitydormitories?In my opinion, by no means should pets be allowedin dormitories. To be honest, I e been thinking inmy mind to have a pet in my dorm. Lovely pets willbring much joy to our daily life. But I eventually didndo tha
11、t. Why? Because it issometh ingselfish andirresp on sible.Dormitory is a place where several people livetogether. To a certai n degree, it is a public place.We can just comply with our own desire whileignore other roommates eeling. Having a pet indorm can be troublesome or even annoying. It maymake
12、the room dirty and even in a mess. Whatsworse, some people are allergic to certain animals.Also, peoples rest cant be guara nteed. Somepeople may say that we could choose a mild andlittle pet such as fishes. In this case, if yourroommates do nreject, I think it is acceptable.5. Agree or disagree: Mu
13、seums should be madefree.In my eyes, museums of course should be madefree. We know that, as a part of culture, museumsrestore many culture relics. These are typicalsymbols for a certain times. As a citizen of ourcountry, it is necessary and natural to learn our pasthistory. Recent years, more and mo
14、re museums areopen free to the public. I couldn agree more with it.Free museum will greatly motivate all kinds ofpeople to approach. What more, in this fastdeveloping age, museums have many new andadva need invents in side. It will be a won derfulplace for people who want to lear n more. Pare ntscan
15、 ofte n take their childre n to museums to lear nabout history and some technical knowledge. In aword, I think government should try to make moremuseums free for citize ns.6. Agree or disagree: Zoos should be bann ed.Nowadays, lots of people start to realize that zoosare not a good place for animals
16、. Peoplen eed zoos because it is an easy way to close theanimals and also because it convenient for peopleto observe them. However, zoos are in fact a cruelplace for animals. Animals should live in their natural habitat. An an imal n atural in sti net is to runand to hunt. But that not for animals k
17、ept in zoos.Everyday, people feed them. They e never beentaught how to hunt for food and will gradually losetheir natures.That will be quite cruel for a ani mal, especially forwild animals such as tigers and lions. You can oftenfind in zoos that a tiger kept in cage has a looseexpressi on in its fac
18、e.We set animals in zoos and therefore feel that theywon meet dan ger and may be able to protect themfrom dying out. This may be just a excuse we find forourselves to make ani mals incages just as entertainment. We always say friendsin cages?animals are our friends,then why we put our7. Agree or dis
19、agree: Advertising aiming at childre nshould be restricted.I disagree. It fair to advertize to children evenchildren are always said to be unable to dist in guishbetwee n reality and ficti on, betwee n entertainmentand advertising. A supposed consequenee ofadvertising is that children are being pers
20、uaded todema nd things that they don n eed and to adoptcon sumerist values and attitudes in their formativeyears. However, it up to the pare nts to determ inewhat should and shouldn be bought for theirchildren. Children need to know how to see theseads and realize how a certain product would affectt
21、hem and thus balance out the pros and cons andsee if it in their best in terest. In my opi nio n, thepare nts as well as the world need to stop babyingchildren and let them learn lessons for life, becausecertain things can be restricted well. Temptation isalways at children side. They have to learn
22、toresist and make responsible decisi ons.8. Agree or disagree: Junk food should be taxed.I agree that junk food should be taxed. In moder nsociety, many people are attracted to eat in KFC orMacDonald. Everyday, many hamburgers, friedchips and so on are sold out. Despite the good sale,it canbe denied
23、 that all these are junk food. Just asthe word junk, they bring great harm to our healthy.So, there comes a appeal that junk food should betaxed. In think it is enforceable because it will controlthe sale of junk food to a certain degree. Firstly, thetax can force the manufacturer to decreaseproduct
24、ion and then there will be less junk food onmarket. Also, we all know that junk food has veryhigh profits. Some trader many take extreme trick tocut down their cost and gain more profit. So, itsreason able to tax them.9. Agree or disagree: Uni versities should abolishthe practice of cutting off the
25、electricity at dormitoryat ni ght.I agree with it. As a student, I should say, uni versityshould ntut off electricity at dormitory at night. Theoriginal intention for university to cut off electricity isto ensure our rest for some students will stay up verylate if there is nothing to limit them. How
26、ever, thesestudents are minority. Most students have regulartimetable. Whatsmore, we are now already inuniversity, I think we shouldnbe treated like highschool stude nts any Ion ger. Especially in summerhot days, no electricity at ni ght would be a nightmare to all stude nts. We canfall asleep witho
27、utelectric fan s. I canjust imagi ne that. Uni versitiesshould thi nk more for their stude nts and trust theirself-c on trol.10.Some say music training in college isunnecessary, while others do not believe so. What isyour opinion on this issue?I should say, music training in college is n ecessary,es
28、pecially for non-art stude nts. To be honest,nowadayscollege students are also under muchpressure. We have to attend many complex courseseveryday. Many students get tired and gloomy.Then, if there is a music course, it will greatlyrelease our bad mood. And we will have a nicemood and more energy to
29、con ti nue our study.Besides, it comm only believed that music trainingcan cultivate peoples character. It will make peoplemore calm and wise as well as elegant. In fact,nowadays, many parents send their children to attend music course at a very young age. These parentshope their children will have
30、a elegant and smartmind. Many of today students in university didn have adequate music training at their former school.If university can open related music course, it will beof great use for stude nts cultivati on.11. Some people like to do only what they alreadydo well. Other people prefer to try n
31、ew things andtake risks. Which do you prefer?I prefer to try new things and take risks. For me, riskis a kind of uncertainty. Maybe it will leadto a negative consequenee, but just as Helen Kellerever said, character cannot be developed in easeand quiet. Only through experienee of trial andsuffering
32、can the soul be strengthened, ambiti on inspired, and success achieved. So, if we only dowhat we already d well, we can rarely touch new things, gain new kno wledge, and we never change.However, if we try new thing, we will find somethingdifferent and may come to something wee neverface before. Then
33、, we will try our best to solve it, toachieve it. During the course, our ability is improvedeven though we fail at last. After repeatedly tryingnew thin gs, we will eve ntually find that weve lear ntmany and become more mature. We will find iteasier to measure situation and make right decision.Also,
34、 our simple life is becoming meanin gful and interesti ng.12. Some say military training at college isnecessary while other disagree. Whatyour point ofview on this subject? Why?I think military training at college is necessary.Nowadays, many un dergraduates are lack ing inself-control and discipline
35、. The military training isquite useful in this case. We know that militarytraining is very strict. During thetraining, we learn to obey the disciplines and keephigh concen trati on. Also, we can have our bodystrengthened and change our lazy image. Althoughthe training can be very hard, we will gradu
36、ally findthat our steps become vigorous, and our spiritsbecome en ergetic. What more, military trai ningcan also cultivate our Patriotism. The experience ofhard training will remind us of Chinese army hardship. We are aware of their historic mission,fighting spirit and responsibility. So, military t
37、rainingis an effective way to make people know more aboutour motherla nd and love her.13. What qualities do you think a friend should haveto continue the friendship? Use specific reas ons tosupport your idea.In my heart, I think the most important quality tocontinue the friendship is sincerity. A tr
38、ue friendshipmust be built on sincerity. However, to continue afriendship is not a easy thing. Both of each otherhave to pay a lot. The word sincerity contains toomuch. Firstly, we need to be frank and hon est toeach other. Only if whe n we did so can the otherside treat us like the same and thus bu
39、ild beliefbetween friends. A friendship full of lies and deceitshould n be called friendship. Secondly, we need tobe considerable and do not be self-centered. Weshould thi nkmore for our frie nds anden courage them on certa inoccasi on. Aself-centered friend can be very troublesome andannoying. No o
40、ne would tolerate him for a long time.Fi nally, I th ink we should lear n to compromisesometimes. We can live in harmony forever withour friends. When there expose a disagreeme nt, weshould compromise to each other. On ly by this waycan a frie ndship last long.14. Some people say college degree begi
41、 ns to loseshining while others do not think so. What yourpoint of view on this subject? Why?It not an easy question. On the whole, I think,college degree do begin to lose shining but weshould n ever thi nk it uni mporta nt.Today, there are more and more uni versities orcollege degrees. We can say t
42、hat graduates insociety are overflow in g. It can be ignored thatmore and more graduates with high degree are infact idiots. So, the companies increasingly focusmore on the personal ability rather than collegedegree when they recruit employees. However, thatdoes not mean college certification become
43、s awastepaper. It still a essential for you looking agood job. Support that a person without anyqualification, will a recruiting company give him achanee? That will rarely happe n, at least in ourcoun try. The n, if you n ever have a cha nee, howcan you display and prove your ability, if you in deed
44、have? So, do not think the college degree is useless.After all, cha nces are not for every comm onpeople.Only if we own it can we get the chance to enter agood compa ny and thus make a differe nce.15.Some say growing up in rich family promoteschildren personality and character. Some thinkotherwise.
45、What your opinion? Why?Well, it quite a question argued by people all thetime. I think a person personality has little relationto his family economic level. It commonly said that achild in rich family will has more cha nces and betterchoice for his study. However, if the kid himself isnaware of this
46、, that is all in vain. It not unusual thatmany children from rich family are quite rude andconceited although they are always receive the besteducation. Then, how about the poor family children? There is another saying that adversitycultivates heroes. To be honest, I disagree with it too.Poor childr
47、en should learn harder and catch everychanee to strengthen themselves. However, thereality is often not like that. Subjectively speaking,poor children are easy to feel inferior and thus canstudy well. Even if they study well, they hardly dowell in practicing ability. Objectively speaking, poorchildr
48、en can hardly receive good and plentifuleducation because of the economic limit. That willcause deficiency in some literal or artistic tale ntsuch as music or dan ce. Therefore, I think childrenpersonality have little relation to their family situation.16. In universities, students should take histo
49、rycourses no matter what field they study. Do youagree?I disagree with it even though I do know history isimportant. Ima student major in electricity.To be honest, I think there is little sense for stude ntsin uni versity tak ing history courses no matter whatfield they study. Maybe many people woul
50、d say,history is something left by our ancestors, so weshouldn forget it. Yes, I agree with that. History need to be remembered.But in fact, we have been learning history fromprimary school. I really it eno ugh for people like mewhose major has little relation to history. I just takehistory exam las
51、t year. For me, it was really anightmare. I spent so much time on it and still canremember all. Now that weve chosen engineering, Ican understand why we need and have to learnhistory again. The time spe nt on history lear ningshould be used for our major courses.17. Agree or not agree: the next twen
52、ty years fromnow on, stude nts will not use prin ted books anymore.I don think so. printed books won be abandonedin such a short time. I admit that new tech no logy isdevelop ing fast. Many adva need electr onicproducts are gradually take the place of traditionaltools. Just like in university, teach
53、ers like to usemultimedia inclass for it is quite convenient and efficient. However,for our student, it is not realistic to study completelyby electronic products. There are many things needto recorded on books. Books are someth ing meaningful and practical. I should say, in our country,printedbooks
54、wouldnbe abandoned within 20 years at least fortwo reasons. Firstly, books are classical container ofkno wledge.They accompa nyhuman to advanee. A student without books couldbe someway ridiculous. Secondly, our countryhaven teveloped so strong to make every stude ntstudy by computer or other forms o
55、f electro nic tools.And eve n after 20 years, the possibility is also verysmall. I also think it is unn ecessary because booksare cheap but useful and still meanin gful.18. Agree or not agree: working together is bettertha n work ing alone.I think work together is better than work alone. Thereare ma
56、ny ben efits of worki ng plicated problems. After all, each pers on hashis own way of thi nking. After gett ing all ideastogether, you will often find that things becomemuch easier. Secondly, working together can avoidmistakes to a great extent. People may make wrongjudge whe n their mood is not sta
57、ble. In this case,teamwork will do great favor. Your partner couldremind you of your mistake and turn the result to agood one. Thirdly, when we work together, we needbe patient and not self-centered. You need to listento others opinion and lear n to get well along withpeople around you.19.Do you thi
58、 nk no wadays the younggeneration life is in fact easier and morecomfortable tha n their elder gen erati on ?Firstly and obviously,collect many usefulworking together canespecially whe n weare thinkingsomeI don think so. Life contains two aspects. One ismaterial life, and the other is spiritual life
59、. However,we usually emphasize on the later one. We have toadmit that the young generation nowadays lives inan abundant material world. We no Ion ger n eed tofight with hard en vir onment and worry about foodall day long like the elder generation. Many of us eatwell, wear well and live well. However
60、, there aresomething important lost. People in nowadayssociety are all un der great pressure, eve n if you area child. We are told to study hard and hard, to workhard and hard. If we don , we will be eliminated bythe world. Then we have to worry about life too.Owing to the fast develop of world, we
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