



1、希望對您有幫助,謝謝英語告別祝福語導(dǎo)讀:本文是關(guān)于英語告別祝福語,如果覺得很不錯,歡迎點 評和分享!1、流水匆匆,歲月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。朋友,再見!朋友,珍重!The rush of water and the rush of time keep friendship alive.Goodbye, friend! Friends, treasure!2、今日,我們在課桌前分手,明天,我們在人生的道路上手挽手。Today, we break up in front of our desk. Tomorrow, we are holdinghands on the road of life.

2、3、時間沖不淡友情的酒,距離拉不開思念的手,祝福你,永遠永遠!Time dwells not the wine of friendship, but the hand that cannot bemissed can bless you forever.4、來也匆匆,去也匆匆,離緒千種,期待著一次重逢。Come and go, hurry up, leave thousands of things, and look forwardto a reunion.5、即將分別,我真心的祝福你永葆天真,無邪,快樂,向上的希望對您有幫助,謝謝Soon, I sincerely wish you eter

3、nal innocence, innocence,希望對您有幫助, 謝謝happinessand upward breath.6、離別的眼淚是海,重逢的相擁是帆。離別是為了再相逢。離 別是為了再相逢。The tears of separation are the sea, and the reunion is the sail.Farewell is to meet again. Farewell is to meet again.7、無論我們相隔多遠,我心與你心始終相牽!No matter how far away we are, my heart and your heart will a

4、lwayslead.8、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)啊,您走了,您終于要走了,您的心海是否依舊泛起波 浪。Leader, ah, you go, you finally have to go, whether your heart is stillwaves.9、不管你奔赴海角天涯, 也不管離別會有多久, 我會等待等待。No matter you go to the corner of the sea, and no matterhow long the parting will take, I will wait and wait.10、 我的難題是揮別之后, 如何能永遠以一種冰般冷靜又火般熱烈的心情,對你。My

5、problem is how to be with you forever in a calm andwarm mood after parting.11、分別時候總是難受的!不再相見不等于不再想念!Its always hard to be apart. Never seeing each other is no longer amiss!希望對您有幫助,謝謝12、愿您在今后的人生道路上一帆風(fēng)順,事業(yè)有成。I hope you will have a smooth and successful career in the future.13、兄弟遠行,唯有祝福。祝愿你,未來的路一帆風(fēng)順,早日

6、騰飛,?;丶铱纯?!Brothers travel, only bless. I wish you all the best in the future.14、臨別請你喝一杯故土的水,你走遍天下,也別忘了把家鄉(xiāng)裝在胸中。Parting, please drink a cup of water of your native place, you go allover the world, and dont forget to put your hometown in your chest.15、讓我像一個純潔的孩子,站立原地,月光下,目送你明亮的背景在遠方消逝。Let me stand like

7、a pure child, in the moonlight, watching your brightbackground disappear in the distance.16、青山不改綠水長流,有緣再會!后會有期!Green hills do not change green water. See you around!17、 沒有信的日子, 好像一堆溫柴, 被回想點著, 一腦子的濃 煙。A day without letters is like a pile of warm wood. It is recalled to mind,thick smoke in ones brain.

8、希望對您有幫助,謝謝18、浮云一別后,流水十年間。歡笑情如舊,蕭疏鬢已斑。After the clouds are gone, the water runs for ten years. Laughter isas old as it is, and its temples are spotted.19、從別后,憶相逢。幾回魂夢與君同。今宵剩把銀缸照,猶恐相逢是夢中。From behind, we will meet each other. A few dreams withGod. Its a dream to see each other in a silver bowl tonight.

9、20、我們用雙手緊緊地握別,讓感覺在手中輕輕撩過,共享一份難忘的溫馨。Lets hold hands tightly and let our feelings feel gently in our handsand share an unforgettable warmth.21、永遠都不會忘記您曾經(jīng)的教誨, 祝您天天開心, 工作順利!I will never forget your teachings. I wish you every day happinessand success in your work.22、我們是時間長河里的兩朵浪花,蹦著跳著笑著,一起向著太陽升起的地方。We a

10、re the two waves in the long river, jumping and laughing, facingthe sun together.23、我們的自豪是擁有此刻,用時代的力量塑造自己,用青春希望對您有幫助,謝謝的生命把明天剪裁。Our pride is to have this moment, to shape ourselves with the powerof the times, to cut tomorrow with the life of youth.24、火紅的彩霞在雨后, 真誠的友誼在別后, 流水不因石而阻, 友誼不因遠而疏。The red clou

11、ds after the rain, sincere friendship after parting, flowingwater is not blocked by stones, friendship is not alienated by distance.25、路遙遙,心漫漫,傷離別,何感嘆;風(fēng)瀟瀟,夜長長,盼君至,不覺眠。Lu Yao, the heart is long, the wound parting, he sighs; the wind issmall, the night is long, looks forward to the gentleman, does not

12、 sleep.26、感謝您一直以來地關(guān)注和培養(yǎng),希望以后還能聽到您的教誨!Thank you for your attention and training all the time. I hope I canhear your teachings later.27、永恒的回憶、相信仍是知己。朋友、珍重!Eternal memories and trust are still bosom friends. Friends,treasure!28、無盡的人海中,我們相聚又分離;但愿我們的友誼沖破時希望對您有幫助,謝謝空,隨歲月不斷增長。In an endless sea of people, w

13、e meet and separate; I hope ourfriendship breaks through time and space, and grows with the years.希望對您有幫助,謝謝29、 高山重洋將我們分離, 沒奈何我只能在回憶中與你重逢,在夢境中與你相遇。The mountains and oceans separated us, but I can meet youin memories, meet you in dreams.30、揮別的是手臂,更近的是心靈。Brandish arms, and closer to the soul.31、離別,淚水成

14、了留言,你說:這淚可以凝結(jié)成珍珠,變成 永久的紀(jì)念。Separation, tears become a message, you said: this can becondensed into pearls, become a permanent memory.32、相逢又告別,歸帆又離岸,是往日歡樂的終結(jié),未來幸福的開端。To meet and say goodbye, sail and sail away is the end of pasthappiness and the beginning of happiness in the future.33、我們曾是一張課桌上的學(xué)友,當(dāng)我們揮手告別的時候,請理解我深情的祝福。We used to be schoolmates on a desk. When we waved goodbye,please understand my affectionate blessing.onlytear希望對您有幫助,謝謝34、離別是暫時的,共度人生是永遠的,離別滋生相思情,使我們的愛情更熾熱。Parting is


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