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1、北京市海淀區(qū)2016-2017學(xué)年第二學(xué)期高二期中英語試題( word版無答案)海淀區(qū)高二年級第二學(xué)期期中練習(xí)英 語2017.4學(xué)校 班級 姓名 成績 第一部分:聽力理解(共三節(jié),15分)第一節(jié)(共4小題;每小題1分,共4分)聽下面4段對話,從各題 A、B、C三個選項中,選出能回答問題的最佳選項。每 段對話你將聽一遍。C. Snowy.C. At a bus stop.C. Save up 20 dollars.1. What would the weather be like according to the weatherman?A. Windy.B. Sunny.2. Where doe

2、s the conversation probably take place?A. On a bus.B. In an office.3. What is the man going to do?A. Buy his wife some roses. B. Celebrate his birthday.4. What is the most important way of learning English according to Peter?9 / 9A. Reading a lot.B. Enlarging vocabulary.C. Talking in English.C. A re

3、mote control.C. Their robot.C. Fifteen days.C. Manchester by the Sea.C. Enter the center.第二節(jié)(共7小題;每小題1分,共7分)聽下面3段對話,從各題 A、B、C三個選項中,選出能回答問題的最佳選項。 每段對話你將聽兩遍。聽第5段材料,回答第5至6題。5. What does the man use to start his car?A. A key.B. Finger prints.6. Who walks the dog in the family?A. The man.B. The man s wif

4、e聽第6段材料,回答第7至8題。7. How long are they staying in the hotel?A. Ten days.B. Thirteen days.8. Why does the man get the discount?A. Because he attends a conference.B. Because he organizes an exhibition.C. Because he is from a partner hotel. 聽第7段材料,回答第9至11題。9. Which movie does the man think will win?A. La

5、 La Land .B. Moonlight.10. Why does the woman like La La Land ?A. Because it has deep meanings.B. Because it tells a moving story.C. Because it is about a boy facing difficulties.11. What will the man do next?A. Join a party.B. Watch a movie.第三節(jié)(共4小題;每小題1分,共4分)聽下面一段對話,根據(jù)題目要求在相應(yīng)題號后的橫線上寫下關(guān)鍵信息,每空只填 1詞。

6、這段對話你將聽兩遍。 Notice to VisitorsRegular ExhibitionsCollect free tickets with ID card at the12 entranceSpecial ExhibitionsFee: 13 yuanVisiting TimeOpen daily 9:00-17:00. Closed on14Luggage RegulationsNo15 articles第二部分:閱讀理解(共三節(jié),40分)第一節(jié) (共7小題;每小題2分,共14分)閱讀下面短文,從各題 A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項。ABehind every success

7、story is an embarrassing first effort. It s these first clumsy steps on troad to fame and fortune that fascinate Seth Fiegerman, who edits the blog , a collection of case studies on the origins of famous careers.Fiegerman landed a desired first job as a research editor at Playboy magazine after his

8、graduation. But he had worked there for just half a year when management announced that most of the staff would soon be laid off. Fiegerman felt aimless. He began to explore the Playboy files, discovering a series of interviews with successful people whoshared tales of their less promisingearly days

9、. It kind of paired well with this feeling that I had.Fiegerman says. Fiegerman quicklybecame crazy with these origin stories.Success, he learned, was less a matter of innate talent and more the product of perseverance, a willingness to stumble and stand up again and again. You kind of assume that g

10、reat geniusesare like Mozart, “ Fiegesayan But few successful people were child geniuses, and geniuses don t necessarily find success. Most people don t stick to it. ”Author Jennifer Egan stuck with it. She told Fiegerman that her first novel was so bad that even her mother hated it. But Egan kept w

11、riting, and her writing got better in 2011, she won a Pulitzer Prize for her novel about growing old in the digital age.Knowing about a hero s rough beginnings might disappoint some fans, but Fiegerman finds comfort in them. Like his subjects, Fiegerman found that his own early setback wasn t perman

12、ent.Today he works at the tech news website. While he has less time for the blog, he hopes his collection of origin stories will help other young people realize it s OK to fail.16. What is Seth Fiegerman s present job?A. Helping young men with his blogs.B. Working as an editor in a magazine.C. Servi

13、ng as an employee for a website.D. Writing novels for a publishing house.17. Seth Fiegerman left his first job because.A. he found a well-paid jobB. he faced the risk of being firedC. he was fed up with his workD. he decided to start a blog online18. What does the author mainly want to tell us?A. A

14、hard start is not the end of the career.D. Success without failures is impossible.B. People have different responses to failure.C. One false step will make a great difference.BWhen most people think of parenting, they picture changing diapers(尿布),messy feeding times, and chasing a screaming child th

15、rough a crowded grocery store. But parenting goes far beyond the requirements for meeting the basic survival needs of the child, and parents have a significant influence on how children turn out. Here we will explore the ways parents can have an important effect on the emotional development of their

16、 children.Sometimes, just being physically present is not enough. An important factor in the emotional development of children is how warm caregivers are, and studies have been done to find the effects of depressed mothers on the emotional development of children. Depressed mothers have maladaptive

17、thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors, and these, along with being in a similarly stressful environment as the mother, put a child at risk of developing his own emotional problems.In childrens emotional development, learning how to regulate emotions is important as well. Children see how their parents

18、display emotions and interact with other people, and they mirror what they see their parents do to regulate emotions. Parents should be aware that not only do their own emotions and parenting styles affect the emotional outcomes of their children, but if they are not aware of how their children s te

19、mpers affect them, they could fall into a spiral of ineffectiveand indifferent parenting which further contributes to negative behaviors from the children.It is also important in social situations for children to be able to identify and deal with the emotions of those around them. It has been found

20、that marriage conflict contributes to problems in childrens emotional development, whose biggest contributing factor is whether the child hears the parents fighting. This is referred to as“ background anger in the child s environment andchild is exposed to it, even though it is not directed at the c

21、hild, problems with emotional security and regulation are likely to result from it. Coming from a family with divorced parents, I can relate to this issue of background anger being a factor, because although my parents split when I was at a vulnerable age, they made sure not to fight in front of my

22、sister and me, and I think that allowed us to have a healthier reaction to the divorce and to be emotionally well-adjusted in social interactions.Parenting decisions affect how children turn out physically, socially, and emotionally, and parents can help their children develop into emotionally stabl

23、e people by giving them a supportive environment, positive feedback, role models of healthy behavior and interactions, and someone to talk to about their emotional reactions to their experiences.19. What is the passage mainly about?A. Relationship between parents and children.B. Benefits of a suppor

24、tive family environment.C. Ways of preventing children from emotional disorders.D. Parental influence on children s emotiona1 development.20. What kind of parent is better for children according to the author?A. A parent being physically present.B. A parent always keeping his temper.C. A parent hand

25、ling a marriage crisis wisely.D. A parent being aware of his chi ld s tempers.21. The author refers to his own family to show that.A. regulated background anger can avoid negative effectsB. children should have a healthy reaction to divorceC. he and his sister were emotionally strong childrenD. his

26、parents divorce caused emotional problems22. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?CPi Ccntnl Pviinr Prpoint SpSub-point(次要點) C:CoocLusioa第二節(jié)(共5小題:每小題2分,滿分10分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。Every friendship begins with some sign that two people are interested in becomin

27、g friends.So, the first step for making friends involves showing that we like expressing openness tofriendship with them. Preschoolers will sometimes ask directly,“ Wanna be my friend? ” buchildren signal liking less directly.23 Shy children often ha ve trouble with this. If another child says Hi! t

28、o them, theytend to look away and say nothing, or just mumble in response. This happens because they feel awkward and self- conscious, but the message that they re sending to the other chilcke;I deyou, and I don t want anything to do with you! 24”Praises are another easy way to signal openness to fr

29、iendship. It feels good to receive a sincere praise. 25 Brainstorm with your child some ways to praise classmates. Keep it simple: Nice shot! ” for a kid playing basketball, or“ I like the way you drew the sky!peer s artwork are some possibilities.Simple acts of kindness can be another way to signal

30、 friendliness to others. There are simple ways to do it. The child can share his sandwich with his seatmate, or lend something to a schoolmate. It is not advisable, however, for children to try to “ buy friends by giving away money or valued p ossessions. This strategy doesnt work 10ng-term. 26Expre

31、ssing openness is the first quality of friendship formation, because it casts wide the door to friendship. 27 To increase the chances that a friendship will grow, children need to extend their friendship invitations to kids who are likely to want to come on in.A. It may only give the child a friend

32、for the moment.B. Together, we walked down the hallway and out of the door.C. And we tend to like people who appreciate our finer qualities!D. A very basic way to show openness is to greet potential friends.E. But it doesn nteuathat anyone will walk through that door.F. That s not how they feel, but

33、 that s what they re communicating.G. Saying the other person s name also makes the greeting more personal.第三節(jié) (共8小題;每小題2分,共16分)Read the following passage and then answer the questions on the next page.Mystery of the White Gardenia(桅子花)Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white ga

34、rdenia was delivered to my house in Bethesda, Md. No card or note came with it. Calls to the florist were always in vain it was a cash purchase. After a while I stoppe d trying to discover the sender s identity and was just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white

35、 flower nestled in soft pink tissue paper.But I never stopped imagining who the anonymous giver might be. Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about someone wonderful and exciting but shy or strange to make known his or her identity.My mother contributed to these imaginings. She d ask

36、me if there was someone for whom had done a special kindness who might be showing appreciation. Perhaps the neighbor I d hwhen she was unloading a car full of groceries. Or maybe it was the old man across the street whose mail I brought back during the winter so he wouldnventu ret down tos icy steps

37、.As a teenager, though, I had more fun considering that it might be a boy I had a crush on1 or one had noticed me even though I didn t know him.When I was 17, a boy broke my heart. The night he called for me the last time, I cried myself to sleep. When I awoke in the morning, there was a message scr

38、ibbled on my mirror in red lipstick: “Heartily know, when half-gods go, the gods arrive. I thought about than quomaEmerson for a long time. I left it where my mother had written it. When I finally went to get the glass cleaner, my mother knew everything was all right again.I don rtemember ever slamm

39、ing my door in anger at her and shouting, “Yoijust don t understand! ” Because she did understand.One month before my high-school graduation, my father died of a heart attack. My feelings ranged from grief to abandonment, fear and over-whelming anger that my dad was missing some of the most importan

40、t events in my life. I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation, the senior-class play and the prom2. But my mother, in the midst of her own grief, would not hear of my skipping any of those things.The day before my father died, my mother and I had gone shopping for a prom dress. Wef

41、ound a spectacular one, with yards of dotted swiss in red, white and blue. It made me feel like Scarlett O Hara, but it was the wrong size. When my father died, I forgot the dress.My mother didn t. The day before the prom, I found that dresin the right size hanging1. crush on sb: to have a feeling o

42、f romantic love for someone, especially someone you do not know well.2. prom: a formal dance party for high school students, often held at the end of a school year.majestically over the living-room sofa. It was presented to me beautifully, artistically, lovingly. I didn t care if I had a new dress o

43、r not. But my mother did.She wanted her children to feel loved and lovable, creative and imaginative, filled with a sense that there was magic in the world and beauty in the face of misfortune. In truth, my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia lovely, strong and perfec

44、t with an aura of magic and perhaps a bit of mystery.My mother died ten days after I was married, I was 22. That was the year the gardenias stopped coming.Questions 28 to 32. Judge if the following statements agree with the information given in the passage. Choose A for TRUE if the statements agree

45、with it; choose B for FALSE if the statements don t agree with it; chcCsfor NOT GIVEN if the information the statements carry is not mentioned anywhere in the passage.28. The author went to the flower store in order to find out the sender.29. The author and her mother had similar guesses about the m

46、ysterious sender.30. When a boy broke the authors heart, what her mother wrote on her mirror helped her pull through.31. Although her mother was sad at her father s death, she didnt forget the ieveortanf theauthors life.32. The authors mother made the prom dress the right size on her own.Questions 3

47、3 to 34. Match the following words with their meanings in the passage. Note that there are two choices more than you need.33. contribute34. skipA. say or do things to help to make it successfulB. move quickly from one to the otherC. give money or resources to help achieve a certain purposeD. not do

48、something that you should do or that you usually doQuestion 35. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.35. Why did the authors mother deliver her a white gardenia on her birthday every year?A. She hoped her daughter would appreciate the beauty of the world.B. She hoped her daughter would feel the

49、greatness of mother s love.C. She hoped her daughter would be full of beauty, magic and appreciation.D. She hoped her daughter would be a girl with the qualities of this flower.第三部分:知識運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),25分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1分,共15分)閱讀下面短文,從各題 A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。HomecomingIt was the thrilling week in the fa

50、ll all students look forward to: Homecoming. Everyone was 36 about spirit days, the bonfire, the big game, and the Homecoming dance. Usually Homecoming isn t a bigal to me, 37 thi s year was going to be one I d remember.The week passed with lots of fun, including galloping cowboys, super heroes, and

51、 waves of purple and gold. As the week drew to a 38 , the dance grew nearer. At first I hadn t planned on going, but I was 39 by some girlfriends to join in their festivities. I searched for a last-minute outfit 40 my closet and arrived at my friend s house. I waseted by my beautiful friends with sh

52、ining smiles; how could they not have dates? We went into the car and 41 off for a Lebanese restaurant.The atmosphere in the restaurant was cozy and romantic; though none of us had dates, it was still a pleasant place for 42 . The food was marvelous, with various flavors _43 from warm pita bread to

53、lemony rice. We split the bill and continued to the dance.The late September air was buzzing with expectation. We entered the school gym with its rhythmic music and flashing lights. I wasn t (and still am not) much of but I did mybest and had fun at the same time. Loads of people 45 in the gym, maki

54、ng the temperature rise. On several occasions, my friends and I took breaks in the lobby to _46 down.Eventually, the dance was coming to a close. The 47 song begana slow song. I thought, Oka y. The dance is over. It s time to go home. Then, unexpectedlyoftfeapaonmy arm. It was a guy I recognized fro

55、m our cross-country team. I hardly knew him, but here he was asking me to dance. I 48 .It was an inspiring experience 49it was the first time someone had asked me todance. That led to getting to know that guy better, and I eventually asked him to the Sadie Hawkins dance later in the year. It is such a(an) 50 to know him, and I am so happy that this dance brought him into my life.36. A. excited37. A. andB. concernedB. butC. worriedC. forD. confusedD. or38. A. closeB. pointC. conclusionD. pause39. A. allowedB. remindedC


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