人教版本英語必修4(Unit 2 Working the land Period 1 Warming up and Reading)教案_第1頁
人教版本英語必修4(Unit 2 Working the land Period 1 Warming up and Reading)教案_第2頁
人教版本英語必修4(Unit 2 Working the land Period 1 Warming up and Reading)教案_第3頁
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人教版本英語必修4(Unit 2 Working the land Period 1 Warming up and Reading)教案_第5頁
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1、英語:Unit 2 Working the land Period 1 Warming up and Reading優(yōu)秀教案(新人教版必修4)The General Idea of This PeriodThis period includes Warming up,Pre-reading,Reading and Comprehending of Unit 2.It introduces something about agriculture,especially about Dr Yuan and his super hybrid rice.It can help the students,

2、especially the students in cities,know something about agriculture.In fact this world faces a serious problemstarvation.So after reading the passage about Dr Yuan the students will know the importance of his achievement to man.Of course they will learn from Dr Yuan some noble characters,and learn ho

3、w they should try their best to make contributions to the society.Teaching Important PointsHelp the students to understand the passage better.Learn and master the important words and phrases in this period.How to help the students make up their minds to make contributions to the society in the futur

4、e like Dr Yuan.Teaching Difficult PointsHow to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better.How to master the important language points in this passage.Teaching MethodsFast reading to get the general idea of the text.Detail reading to understand the passage bette

5、r.Explanation to help the students master some language points.Discussion to help the students understand better what theyve learned and to use the knowledge theyve learned in this period.Teaching AidsA tape recorderA multimediaThree Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and SkillsTrain the students re

6、ading ability.Learn the following useful words,expressions and drills:Words:sunburn,struggle,super,expand,circulate,equip,exportExpressions:rid.of,be satisfied with,lead a.life,search for,would rather,thanks to,with the hope of,rather than Drills:1) This special strain of rice makes it possible to p

7、roduce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.2) He cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life.3) He also doesnt care about being famous.4) He feels it gives him less freedom to do his research.5) His other hobbies include playing mah-jong,swimming and read

8、ing.6) Wishing for things,however,costs nothing.Enable the students to learn more about agriculture,countryside and farming.They can exchange their experience with each other by talking and realize the role that agriculture plays in human life from this part.Process and StrategiesFast reading to mak

9、e the students get the main idea of the passage.Explanation to make the students master some language points.Feelings and ValueIt can help the students,especially the students in cities,know something about agriculture.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Warming up T:Good morning / afternoon everyone.Ss:Good

10、morning / afternoon,teacher.T:In unit 1 the previows we learnt some great women.Today well learn something about a famous man.At first lets look at the following pictures and tell me what the people are doing?Ss:They are farming.T:Are you from a farmers family?What do you know about farming?(Show th

11、e following chart word by word on the screen,and ask them to tell more.)soilcropsploughingweather and climateirrigating.T:Maybe everyone knows something about the modern agriculture,but do you know anything about the agriculture in the past?Then show the students the following pictures:Agriculture i

12、n the pastThe modern agricultureStep 2 Pre-reading The purpose of this step is to let the students know the importance of rice.By answering the two questions,the students can easily understand why we call Dr Yuan Longping a pioneer for all people,and why he devotes all his life to the rice research.

13、T:What is the main food in all East Asian and Southeast Asian countries?Ss:Rice.It is said that there are 2.4 billion people to eat rice every day throughout the world.T:What do you think would happen if there was suddenly no rice to eat?Ss:If that happened,people there would suffer from starvation.

14、People would be panic(驚慌) and the whole country would get into trouble.T:But today it will not happen because Dr Yuan Longping helps us.So today well learn a passage about Dr Yuan,the Father of hybrid rice.Lets come to the text.Step 3 Fast readingThe reading material is about an agricultural pioneer

15、 named Yuan Longping who worked hard at a new strain of rice.It has proved so successful that his technology spread into other countries.The purpose of the fast reading is to let the students find some useful information,and get familiar with the text.So in this step,the teacher can design some ques

16、tions the for the students,so that they can easily find the answers and finish the reading task.T:Read the text fast and find out the answers to the questions on the screen.Then Id like to ask you to answer them.Show the questions on the screen and give the students three minutes to read the text qu

17、ickly.1.What is Dr Yuans appearance?2.Whats his achievement?3.Do you think he is a great man?Why?Three minutes later.T:Now who would like to answer the first question?S:1.He has a sunburnt face and arms and a slim,strong body.He is more like a farmer than a scientist.T:You are right,very good!What a

18、bout the second one?S:2.He grows what is called super hybrid rice,which makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.Thanks to his research,the UN is trying to rid the world of hunger.Using his hybrid rice farmers producing harvests twice as large as before.T:Do you thi

19、nk he is a great man?Why?(Ss give their own answers.)Step 4 Detailed readingT:Please read the text again,and try to find the answers for the following questions: Ill give you four minutes.1.Why did Dr Yuan want to increase the rice output when he was young?2.How does he help rid the world of hunger?

20、3.What kind of life is Dr Yuan leading?4.Use a few words to describe Dr Yuans personality.Four minutes later.T:Who have found the answer for the first question?Suggested answers:1.Dr Yuan wanted to increase the rice output because he saw many people go hungry when he was young.2.He helps the world g

21、et rid of hunger by producing a hybrid strain of rice which increase the harvest.3.Dr Yuan is leading a simple life,doing his research,listening to his music and riding his motor-bike.4.Dr Yuan is a simple,academic man who is more interested in helping others than being famous.Step 5 Extensive readi

22、ng T:Now please read the text for the third time,then fill the following chart:Ss read and fill the chart:NameYuanLongpingBornGraduatedAppearanceHe has _ face and arms.His body is _ but _.All this makes him look as a real _.AchievementsHe succeeded in _.He became the first agricultural _ in the worl

23、d to grow _whose output is high.He helped the government highly increase the _ of grain.Personality1.care little for _2.would like to live a life of _3.has great _.Step 6 DiscussionDo you want to end the famine(饑荒)in the world?If you had the chance to do one thing to help end hunger in the world,wha

24、t would you do ? Invent a new kind of plant to produce more food.Find a sort of fertilizer(肥料)to give rice enough nutrition.Stop the pollution to the environment and protect the soil in the field.Step 7 Language pointsThe teacher explains the important words and expressions from the reading.Try to u

25、se as many examples as possible to illustrate the point.After illustration,the teacher can give the students some exercise to consolidate their understanding.Step 8 HomeworkFinish the exercises on Workbook.Prepare for the next class.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 2Working the landPe

26、riod 1Warming up and ReadingLanguage focus1.rid.ofmake sb./sth.free from (sb./sth.unpleasant) e.g.We all wish that we would rid the world of famine.The farmer recently tried to rid the house of rats.2.lead a.life,live a.lifee.g.Now we are leading a happy life.In the old days farmers led a terrible l

27、ife in the country.3.would rather,prefer to e.g.Id rather walk than take a bus.Id rather you knew that now,than afterwards.Record after TeachingActivities and Research Research on cropsThis activity is intended for group cooperation.The students have to assign themselves the work.The students are as

28、ked to study three or four crops that are grown on the land,including where it grows;the varieties;its ideal environment.This activity is important for the students as it encourages independent learning and develops research skills.1.Assign each group to find out the information of one kind of crop.

29、2.Students can search some information on the Internet,they can also gain a lot of information from a good set of encyclopedia.3.Encourage them to do the work out of school as homework or independent project work.4.Help the students organize their information under the three headings:geography,varie

30、ties and environment.5.When students present their work,praise their efforts in class and give them encouragement and suggestions to improve the quality of their future projects.6.Teacher can also display the students projects for other classes and their parents to see.Reference for TeachingBackgrou

31、nd Information1.Crops1)CucumbersCucumbers are grown for eating fresh or preserving as pickles.They must be grown in warm temperatures and full sunlight,and will not stand frost.Cucumbers mature quickly and are best suited to large gardens but can be grown in small areas if caged or trellised.Cucumbe

32、rs do best in loose,sandy loam soil but can be grown in any well drained soil.Remove rocks,large sticks and trash before preparing the soil.Leave fine pieces of plant material such as dead grass and small weeds.They will help enrich the soil when turned under.Spade the soil to a depth of 8 to 12 inc

33、hes.This is about the depth reached by most shovels or spading forks.Turn each shovel of soil completely over so all plant materials are covered with soil.2)TomatoesTomatoes are warm season plants requiring at least six hours per day.Temperatures are very important.Most varieties of tomatoes will no

34、t set fruit unless the average nighttime temperature stays above 55 degrees.If nighttime temperatures are expected to drop below 55 degrees,protect the plants using a polyethylene film.One of the most common problems with tomatoes is called blossom end rot which appears as a gray or dark leathery sc

35、ar or rot on the blossom end of the fruit.It is usually caused by sudden or inconsistent moisture levels in the soil.It can also be caused by a lack of calcium in the soil.Another common problem of tomatoes is blossom drop.This can occur if nighttime temperatures drop below 55 degrees and plants are

36、 not protected.Germination and tube growth are so slow that the blossoms drop off before they can be fertilized.3)PeasPeas are a frost-hardy,cool-season vegetable that can be grown throughout most of the United States,wherever a cool season of sufficient duration exists.For gardening purposes,peas m

37、ay be classified as garden peas (English peas),snap peas and snow peas (sugar peas).Garden pea varieties have smooth or wrinkled seeds.The smooth-seeded varieties tend to have more starch than the wrinkled-seeded varieties.The wrinkled-seeded varieties are generally sweeter and usually preferred for

38、 home use.The smooth-seeded types are used more often to produce ripe seeds that are used like dry beans and to make split-pea soup.Snap peas have been developed from garden peas to have low-fiber pods that can be snapped and eaten along with the immature peas inside.Snow peas are meant to be harves

39、ted as flat,tender pods before the peas inside develop at all.The Southern pea (cowpea) is an entirely different warm-season vegetable that is planted and grown in the same manner as beans.2.Is Organic Food Safe?Yes.Organic food is as safe to consume as any other kind of food.Just as with any kind o

40、f produce,consumers should wash before consuming to ensure maximum cleanliness.As cited above,organic produce contains significantly lower levels of pesticide residues than conventional produce.It is a common misconception that organic food could be at greater risk of E.coli contamination because of

41、 raw manure application although conventional farmers commonly apply tons of raw manure as well with no regulation whatsoever.Organic standards set strict guidelines on manure use in organic farming:Either it must be first composted,or it must be applied at least 90 days before harvest,which allows

42、ample time for microbial breakdown of any pathogens.Why does organic cost more?The cost of organic food is higher than that of conventional food because the organic price tag more closely reflects the true cost of growing the food:substituting labor and intensive management for chemicals,the health

43、and environmental costs of which are borne by society.These costs include cleanup of polluted water and remediation of pesticide contamination.Prices for organic foods include costs of growing,harvesting,transportation and storage.In the case of processed foods,processing and packaging costs are als

44、o included.Organically produced foods must meet stricter regulations governing all these steps than conventional foods.The intensive management and labor used in organic production are frequently (though not always) more expensive than the chemicals routinely used on conventional farms.There is moun

45、ting evidence that if all the indirect costs of conventional food production were factored into the price of food,organic foods would cost the same,or,more likely,be cheaper than conventional food.3.International Coalition Proposes World Hunger ReformsRome,Italy,May 28 An international coalition pro

46、moting plant-based solutions to world hunger proposed sweeping reforms to delegates to the Food and Agriculture Organization meeting on world food security in Rome.The purpose of the meeting was to repair a flawed process that was supposed to reduce the number of chronically hungry people in the wor

47、ld by half by the year 2015.The coalitions position paper makes several creative points to clear the impasse:A key root cause of world hunger,aside from natural disasters,pests,and wars,has been the insistence first by colonial powers and now by corporate interests on production of cash crops for ex

48、port,in place of sufficient nutritious,safe,and accessible food for the local population.International trade can not solve world hunger because it shifts limited agricultural resources to production of cash crops for export,and people who dont have access to food and other basic necessities of life

49、have nothing to trade.Western meat industries,facing public awareness of the health impacts and strict environmental regulations at home,seek to exploit the natural resources,cheap labor,and potential markets of low-income food-deficient nations (LIFDNs).The definition of food security as the sustai

50、nable availability of sufficient amounts of nutritious,safe,and accessible foodstuffs leads inevitably to the choice of plant-based solutions and the avoidance of animal-based solutions.Affluent nations should act upon their moral obligation to provide the resources necessary to transport and distri

51、bute western food surpluses to the worlds hungry people and to help set up sustainable production of sufficient nutritious,safe,and accessible locally grown plant-based foods.They should reduce their own dependence on animal-based diets to release foodstuffs for the hungry.LIFDNs should scrutinize c

52、arefully all offers of resources to make sure that these truly meet their needs,rather than those of western corporate interests.They should insist on building up sustainable production of sufficient nutritious,safe,and accessible locally grown plant-based foods.In addition to distributing the posit

53、ion paper to the delegates,coalition activists also handed out leaflets at the FAO Rome headquarters.Additional actions are planned in connection with the World Food Summit to be held in Rome in November.Members of the coalition include FARM,a U.S.non-profit organization which has promoted sustainab

54、le,humane farming practices since 1976,and two Italian groups,Societa Vegetariana (Milan) and Progetto Vivere Vegan (Florence).4.Hunger:Vegetarian Solutions NowVegfamVegfam is a charitable organization with the mission to feed the hungry without exploit in animals.It was founded in 1963 in England b

55、y Chris and Janet Aldous.Later Ruth and Friedenstern Howard became Trustees.Frieden and others continue its work today out of the office in Devon,England.(VEGFAM,The Sanctuary,Nr Lydford,Okehampton,Devon EX20 4AL,England)For over 30 years,Vegfam has been working with and influencing major charities

56、around the world,by co-financing projects that do not exploit animals.Vegfam works through indigenous on-the-spot representatives,and works with existing charities to support immediate and long-term food and water-aid projects.In working with existing charities,Vegfam educates these groups about the

57、 need for relief efforts that do not feed the hungry at the expense of animals and the environment.Short-term aid for famine victims includes purchasing grains,legumes,fruits,nuts,and vegetables,and providing water supplies.Long-term aid includes providing seeds for planting,irrigation projects,digging water wells,providing fruit and nut trees,providing vegetable plots and/or training people to grow vegetables,and Leaf Concentrate projects.Some of the countries aided by Vegfam are India,Bangladesh,Vietnam,Sudan,Ethiopia,Nigeria/Biafra,Somalia,Syria,Lebanon,Zimbabwe,and many more.In 19


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