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1、u, and members ca des shoe vocati onal due dig ence combined up, ensue si uiy cm pieed eay determine ofte target task, e nsue suiy -m.e- eve s ea.eship.nea task e nsu e si,cmpl d povey stmi ng anua target task,ensuesealovealharmonysale T hree, compa cig t he mate sonsme s a. stre nghen t I e "w

2、o" rspof e 一 a ogai zains u a good job "two" ed .n - out.stong orazai i n a. eadesip. PayconSuCt arty ogazatos a al eveIs shoud imy esabl sthe main consCouse - gasping pay buiding - the is esonsm y sregt heies、, m onstabe, ntf c to ensue sold ed . al onfec i y Fist t he ayes of r_onsm

3、 y. Pay commit ng pay go-)tosUdyed_aton _ a mjr poHul askprimaryresponsblyforefedvemilemetaton,sengteea-rs'.caeuiy g udi ngthe Steer ., u a god job oveal sUdy a .solve problems i i a tmey manner. Poges evauat on by Ie grass. oots party ng this ye a, to s . y 一 na s te prmay evuai on organizains

4、zain.heprbls ae many tctcz, t o accuabity M ais e sonsie for cmade t ocnsciosy bea ufst resonsbiiy peope du ,“tony t'be godcade s and Wih g ood .0 , o . o tue good m bes ad wtgod e,botispes led pariipae i lar I ig e ducaton, ad by Qia cmmad, i nput enough of -e and e negy segtene d Gu ad che -s

5、ro, on work pr ogrm me pesonaly vl -in, onmpora nt a- pe sna ploment on .X ss probey sut b-caryiI shou de Shag, m prope "sua shoula n_uT. T he Ccuy pay Commtte a nd munic pa pary Ccmmite municiawokesVaios e ntep-es and istt uin* C.mm-s on, pary cmmie - a nd deame ns i cage of idusty praci dopse

6、c lc mp - ea.n pan,orga niZng specal fccs esons、 be for ld . at ona wor tse I glte nts ui tt he sstm s - y and ld . at on inte rrgi on se ,.i dace Orgaizai on dea-et s, 一 telad de parment tse I gte n te planing, orgaizt on, coordiat on a nd gda nc, g ood dlsg n, iecmposiin, ech k. acton t mpement.Ca

7、aryout sudy ad educaion, tey I nsti c doc ea gu de, pe slue cn - yig laer upon lyer sepbyseI, compact on of rrspons biiy In see rng te Seeig must pevet formakm,cacthe y the t I ik ngof preenti onacviis, s udy ad educat on, , reenti ng rui ne as de pe- nt smpe , doi g - muc a s m-ignots t udge te edu

8、catona rrsuls To tke reortscstmije d reeac, atedig te meeig, radm sotcheks brel ngs ad ote meas t o focus te pus'de t gassoos, on the parybrnch,in det hunesa nd I g of Id alnad acua elec, lum u.resexe - nceto promotega- rots to d c a nd crec t he sgsof prblmsPu i nformain動物科學、動物醫(yī)學專業(yè)知識競賽初賽試題班級:參賽

9、選手姓名:一、選擇題:(每題 0.5分,共20分)1 .豬瘟病的潛伏期為(B )天。A.3 B.4-21 C.10-25 D.302 .牛的發(fā)情周期一般為( C )天。A.10 B.14 C.21 D.263 .小尾寒羊?qū)儆冢― )品種。A.毛用型B.肉用型C.毛皮型D.毛肉兼用型4 .采用放牧方式養(yǎng)羊時,草地的適宜利用率是( B ) %A. 40 50 B.50 65 C.65 75 D.75 855 .影響山羊絨生長的主要自然因素是(A )。A.光照周期B.溫度C.海拔高度D.濕度6 .最易感染牛副結(jié)核病的是(A )。A.幼齡牛B.青年牛C.妊娠牛D.哺乳牛7 .羊的妊娠期平均為(C )天

10、。A.100 B.120 C.150 D.1808 .羔羊痢疾多發(fā)生在(D )。A.春季B.夏季C.秋季D.冬季9 .舍飼肉羊時,每只成年羊每天應(yīng)飼喂的食鹽量為( B )克。A.2 5 B.7 15 C.17 25 D.27 3510 .家畜性成熟后,其體重達到成年體重的( B ) %寸就可以配種。A.50 B.70 C.80 D.9011 .雞新城疫病的主要傳染來源是( C )。A.受污染的飼料 B.污水C.病雞D.病鴨12 .如果室內(nèi)空氣不好,家兔最容易得( C )。A.腳皮炎B.耳蛾C.巴氏桿菌病D.乳房炎13 .根據(jù)中華人民共和國獸藥管理條例規(guī)定,獸藥經(jīng)營許可證有效期為(C )年。A.

11、1 B.2 C.3 D.5eatmet s soul d pay spca l atetin to publ c opi nin, i ndet hifmainreaigtoprvical muii pa ad Ce ntra de csi ns and ara ngimets to prmote e ducaina efecivenss ad progrss of the ty pca exerece a nd crae a good socil atmosphee Secndpereveing iaoverrtes LLadigbodesatal els ladesi, ledi ng c

12、ades sou d tae the ea d a good exmpl e a d asi ng othe s todyu is d i, aksofothesandotthemselesddteminndnottod,freampeof sueiIrtlubodi nate m lede fr m membes for pe, le to e vel leel wih leel s ayes of die I mode l lye uon .- r, frmatin I f the sots the oveal geea efc of ikge Neld srrssdofi,rgadeof

13、waaI Is, a nd w hat post of mimbes lades, ae to toXnealm - bes ientity .uthml pendd>mi n, sei oosy im plmetain Ce nta and pr .vncal a nd m unci paloneani ng educai on of the re qu - me nts, srcy mplmetati on doue oga niie d, ba sc ss,11a d eari ng d suusi n, e Id on exee I ce, ad told paty lec ue

14、, ad frup,a nd membersca dresshoevocati onalduedilig encecombined up, e nsuresuccessfully com pleted early determine ofthe targettask,e nsure successfully completedlevel s lea dershi p generaltask,e nsur e succe ssfully compl eted poverty stormi ngannualtargettask,ensuresocial overall harmony stable

15、.T hree, compa ctingt hemain re sponsibilitie s andstre ngthent he "two" lea dershipofe ducationalorgani zations doa good job "two" education without astrong organizati on and leadershi p. Party constructi on ofpartyorganizations at alllevelsshouldfirmly establi shthe main consci

16、ousne ss,grasping party bui ldi ng asthe first responsibilit y,strengt hen l eadership,dem onstra ble,scientifi cto ensure solideducati on effectivel y. First,t helayers ofresponsibilit y.Party committees (leadi ng partygroup)tostudye ducation as amajorpoliticaltask,primaryre sponsibility foreffecti

17、ve implementation, strengthen lea dership, carefullygeducation a s the primaryevaluati on organizations, poororgani zation,the probl emsare many,tocriticize,to accountability.M ainis re sponsiblefor comrade t oconsciously bearupfirstresponsibility people duties, notonlytotubegoodcadre s,and with g o

18、odteam,also t o tube good members,andwith goodteam,both firstexamples, lead partici patein lear ning e ducation,and by Qian command,i nput enough oftime ande nergy, strengthene d Gui deand che cksrole,on workpr ogram mepersonallyvali dation,on importa nttask per sonally de ployme nt,on exi sts probl

19、emtimelysolution,thr oughout putresponsi bilitycarry i nshoul derShang,im proper"shua ishouzha nggui".T heCounty party Committee a nd munici palpartyCommittee municipalw orkers,Various e nterprise s andinstit utions,Commissi on, partycommitteesa nd departme nts in charge ofindustry practi

20、ce, developspeci fic implementation plan,orga nizing spe cialfolead de partment,tostre ngthe nthe pl anning, organizati on, coordinati on a nd guida nce, g ood desig n,decomposition,each key action toimplement.Carry out studyandeducation,torely on stri ctdoc realgui de,pre ssure conveying layer upon

21、 layer,step byste p, compacti on of responsi bility. In stee ring theSteeringmustpreventformalism,catch t hewaythe t hinki ng of preventi on activities,st udyand educati on, preventi ng routi ne asi de,preve ntsimple , doing as much a s meeting notes to judgethe educational results.To takereports,cu

22、stomize dresearch,attending themeeting, random spotchecks, briefi ngs andothermeans,t ofocus the pushGuidetograssroots,onthe partybranch, i n-dept h understa ndi ng ofeducation andactual effect,sum upfreshexperiencetopromotegrass roots,to detect a ndcorrectt hesignsof problems.Public i nformation14

23、.犬糧中必需氨基酸是十種,貓糧中必需氨基酸是十一種,多出的是哪一種氨基酸。A.谷氨酸 B .蘇氨酸 C .酪氨酸 D .?;撬?5 .動物圈養(yǎng)或籠養(yǎng)的主要目的是(C ) 。A.好管理 B .減輕勞動量 C .生產(chǎn)性能提高 D .降低維持需要16 . 地方品種豬中產(chǎn)仔數(shù)最多的豬是(A ) 。A.太湖豬 B .內(nèi)江豬 C .東北民豬 D .香豬A.1780 年 B.1890 年 C.1951 年 D.1841 年17. 家庭飼養(yǎng)的寵物“龍貓”是什么動物?( D )A. 一種貓 B. 一種狗 C. 一種兔子D. 一種鼠18. 狗的壽命通常是多少年?(B )A.510 年 B.1015 年 C.152

24、0 年 D.2025 年19. 北京 2008 年第 29 屆奧運會中的吉祥物為五個福娃,其中有一個吉祥物的外形是一條魚,個吉祥物的昵稱是?( A )A. 貝貝 B. 晶晶 C. 迎迎 D. 妮妮20. 在送檢的病料中,有一塊肝臟,你不能用它做以下哪種檢驗?(D )A. 組織學檢驗B. 細菌檢驗C. 肝觸片 D. 紅細胞計數(shù)21. 目前我國商品豬普遍采用(C )方式進行短期肥育。A. 階段育肥B.產(chǎn)仔母豬育肥C. 直線育肥D.育肥22. 安哥拉山羊是(C ) 。A. 奶用山羊B.絨用山羊C.毛用山羊D.羊23. 青飼料中水分含量應(yīng)不少于(B ) 。A.50%B.60%C.70%D.80%24.

25、 在各種家畜中,( B )的精子密度最大。A. 牛B.羊C.豬D.25. 奶牛日糧中青干草的給量可按體重的(D )供給。A.0.02%0.05%B.2%5%C.1.2%1.5%D.1.5%2%26. ( B )是我國最主要的乳牛品種。A. 三河牛B.中國荷斯坦牛C. 延邊牛D.eSteeri ng,doa good job overall, study a nd solve problemsi na timelymanner. Progressevaluati on by thegrass-r oots partybuildi ngthisye ar,to studybleforeducati

26、 onalw orktostre ngthe n this unit to t he system studyand educati on inthe regi on spe cific gui dance. Organizati on department s,asthe成年種豬淘汰肉用山草原紅27. 乳品工業(yè)中測定的酸度為(B )epartment s shoul d payspecia lattentionto publi copi nion,i n-dept hinformationrelatingtoprovincial,munici paland Ce ntralde cisi o

27、nsa ndarra ngements to promotee ducational effectivenessand progressofthe ty picalexperience, ading bodiesatalllevels,leadership, leadi ng cadresshoul dtake thelea d,as agoodexampl e,andaski ng other s to doyou first doit,asksofothersa nd not themselvesdetermi ned not to do,forexample ofsuperiortosu

28、bordi nate,team leaderforteam membersforexample,levelto le vel,levelwith level s, layers ofdrive nmode l,layeruponlaye r,formation oftheshots,theoverall generaleffectoflinkage.Needstressedofis, regardle ssofwhat ra nks,a nd w hat postof membersleaders,aretotoGeneralmembers identity puthimselfpendulu

29、m i n, seri ously im plementationCe ntraland provincial,a nd municipalonlearniducati on of there quireme nts,strictly implementati on doubleorga nise d,ba sicsystem, lea dlearni ng di scussi on,le adon experie nce,and told party lect ure,and forreport,lea d parti cipatei norgani sed will,a nd democr

30、ati c comments,lea d shoev ocati onal due dilige nce, andbased postforcontri bution, do "fourtoldfourhas"ofqua lified Communist ,strivetomakes lear ning re searchmore i n-dept h,andche ck pe ndulum pr oblemm oredee p ,To reorga nizet he impleme ntation ofmore radi cal,avant-gar demorere sp

31、ectable image ,thuslearni ngeducati on effective.Thir d,strengt hen t he gui dance.T hee ducationforallmembers,large personnelbase, wide fiel d,hi erarchy,difference,a ndto differentiate betwe en counties, de partments,grass-roots unit s,allkindsof party organizati on and partymember betwee n thea c

32、tual characteristi cs ofhi erarchi cal classificati on positionsput forwardmeasures t opreve nt"flood irrigati on."To have operable.Eachpartyshoulddevelopspecifi c programmesa nd spe cificmeasures,e ducation pri nci ples a nd le ar ning requirement s into operational ,ablet opartymember

33、9;s ide ologi cal trendsa ndbehavi ors,differentialtreatment in education, pre cisiona pplication policy,"keystarts locks",dow n to learn a nd dothe measure seach partymembe r,ena bling t hem toaccesst o education, impr ove,makepe ople feelMem bers ofthe new changes.To reflect hedifference

34、.No uniform,thousands ofpeople,a nd giveexpre ssion differences, chara cteristics.In determini ngthe lear ningw hent he topi c was discussed, a ccordi ngtodifferentcharacteristics and existi ng problemsof partymembers,bothcl osely li nkedtot hetheme,a nd realit y,letparty membe rs learn,onthe up.Do

35、qualified Communistofstandard also cannotuniform, Countyabove members lea derssta ndar dto more hig h morestri ct,to insisted loyalty clean play, doJiaoYulutypeofgood ca dres; on Countyfollowi ng thefield t heindustry of memberstoput in place ways.To graspfromthe specific work, hard, catchingfine pr

36、acti ce,wit hconcrete results to verifytheeducationalresults.Should be targeted. Differentup,a nd membersca dresshoevocati onalduedilig encecombined up, e nsuresuccessfully com pleted early determine ofthe targettask,e nsure successfully completedlevel s lea dershi p generaltask,e nsur e succe ssful

37、ly compl eted poverty stormi ngannualtargettask,ensuresocialoverall harmony stable.T hree, compa ctingt hemain re sponsibilitie s andstre ngthent he "two" lea dershipofe ducationalorgani zations doa good job "two" education without astrong organizati on and leader shpi. Party con

38、structi on ofpartyorganizations at alllevelsshouldfirmlyestabli shthe main consciousne ss,grasping party bui ldi ng asthe first responsibilit y,strengt hen l eadership,dem onstra ble,scientifi cto ensure solideducati on ef fectivel y. First,t helayers ofresponsibilit y.Party committees (leadi ng par

39、tygroup)tostudye ducation as amajorpoliticaltask,primaryresponsibilityforeffectiveimplementation,strengthenleadership,carefullyguidingtheSteeri ng,doa good job overall, study a nd solve problemsi na timelymanner. Progressevaluati on by thegrass-r oots partybuildi ngthisye ar,to studyeducation a s th

40、e primaryevaluati on organizations, poororgani zation,the probl emsare many,tocriticize,to accountability.M ainis re sponsiblefor comradet oconsciously bearupfirstresponsibility people duties, notonlytotubegoodcadres,and with g oo dteam,also t o tube good members,andwith goodteam,bothfirstexamples,l

41、eadparticipateinlearningeducation,andbyQiancommand,i nput enough oftime ande nergy, strengthene d Gui deand che cksrole,on workpr ogrammepersonallyvali dation,on importa nttask per sonally de ployme nt,on exi sts problemtimelysolution,thr oughout putresponsi bilitycarry i n shoul derShang,im proper&

42、quot;shua ishouzha nggui".T heCounty party Committee a nd munici palpartyCommittee municipalw orkers,Various e nterprise s andinstit utions,Commissi on, partycommitteesa nd departme nts in charge ofindustry practi ce, developspeci fic implementation plan,organizingspecialforcesresponsi blefored

43、ucati onalw orktostre ngthe n this unit to t he systemstudy andeducationintheregionspecificguidance.Organization department s,asthelead de partment,tostre ngthe nthe pl anning, organizati on, coordinati on a nd guida nce, g ood desig n,decomposition,each key action toimplement.Carry out studyandeduc

44、ation,torelyon stri ctdoc realgui de,pre ssure conveying layer upon layer,step byste p, compacti on of responsi bility. In stee ring theSteeringmustpreventformalism,catcht hewaythe t hinki ng of preventi on activities,st udyand educati on, preventi ng routi ne asi de,preve ntsimple ,doi ng as much a

45、 s meeting notes to judgethe educational results.To takereports,customizedresearch,attendingthemeeting, random spotchecks,briefi ngs andothermeans,to focus the pushGuidetograssroots,onthe partybranch,in-dept h understa ndi ng ofeducation andactual effect,sum upfreshexperiencetopromotegrassroots,to d

46、etect a ndcorrectt hesignsof problems.Public i nformationA. 固有酸度B. 總酸度 C. 發(fā)酵酸度28. 乳粉的色澤應(yīng)是均勻一致的(C )A. 白色 B. 黃色 C. 淡黃色 D. 深黃色29. 在中國藥典中經(jīng)??吹皆谌芤汉髽俗ⅲ? 10)的符號,它表示的是( C )A.質(zhì)量濃度;B.比例濃度;C.體積濃度30. 臨床上除了大型補液需要等滲溶液外,還需要考慮等滲的制劑有(C )A. 蛋白質(zhì)透析時;B. 外用擦劑;C. 眼用制劑31. 能消除或減小由試劑. 蒸餾水及實驗器皿帶入的雜質(zhì)引起的誤差的試驗是(A )A.空白試驗;B.對照試驗;C

47、.回收實驗32. 滴定分析使用的基準物質(zhì)應(yīng)條件(C )A. 易溶于水;B 無色; C. 組成恒定33. 三硝酸甘油酯及多元硝酸酯遇熱或者撞擊會猛烈分解發(fā)生爆炸,但在臨床上用作擴張血管和緩解心絞痛的藥物的是(B )A.TNT; B.三硝酸甘油酯;C.苦味酸34. 組成蛋白質(zhì)的氨基酸是(A )A. L- a -氨基酸;B. D- a -氨基酸;C. L- 3 氨基酸35. DNA的生物合成主要通過( A )A. 半保留復(fù)制;B. 逆向轉(zhuǎn)錄;C. 不連續(xù)復(fù)制36. 畜牧場用于飼料支出費用約占總支出的(C ) 。A.50%B.60%C.70% D.90%37. 畜牧場最主要的污染源是(B )A. 污水

48、 B. 糞便 C. 畜產(chǎn)品加工的副產(chǎn)品D. 病死家畜38.1. 仔豬飼糧中缺鐵或銅時易患(D ) 。A. 夜盲癥 B. 角質(zhì)化癥C. 佝僂病 D. 貧血39. 圈舍內(nèi)的墻壁. 地面可使用(A )進行消毒。A.3%火堿溶液B.紫外線照射C.碘酊 D.高鎰酸鉀溶液43. 什么骨頭不能為給狗吃?(D )A. 豬骨頭 B. 魚骨頭 C. 狗骨頭 D. 雞骨頭二、判斷題:(每題0.5 分,共 20 分)1. 建設(shè)豬場時應(yīng)盡量在舊場上建設(shè)新場,以減少基建投資。(N )2. 初乳含有免疫抗體,讓仔豬及時吃初乳有利于健康。(O )epartment s shoul d payspecia lattention

49、to publi copi nion,i n-dept hinformationrelatingtoprovincial,munici paland Ce ntralde cisi onsa ndarra ngements to promotee ducational effectivenessand progressofthe ty picalexperience, and create agood social atmosphere.Second, perseveri ng in aboverates. Leading bodiesatalllevels,leadership, leadi

50、 ng cadresshoul dtake thelea d,as agoodexampl e,an d aski ng other s to doyou first doit,asksofothersa ndnotthemselvesdetermined not to do,forexample ofsuperiortosubordi nate,team leaderforteam membersforexample,levelto le vel,levelwith levels, layers ofdrive nmode l,layeruponlaye r,formation ofthes

51、hots,theoverall general effect oflinkage. Need stressedofis, regardle ssofwhat ra nks,a nd w hat postof membersleaders,aretotoGeneralmembers identity puthimselfpendulum i n, seri ously im plementationCe ntraland pr ovincial,a nd m unici palonlearni ngeducati on of there quireme nts,strictly implemen

52、tati on doubleorga nise d,ba sicsystem, lea dlearni ng di scussion,le adon experie nce,and told party lect ure,and forreport,lea d parti cipatei norgani sed will,a nd democrati c comments,lea d shoev ocati onal due dilige nce, andbased postforcontri bution, do "fourtoldfourha s" ofqua lifi

53、ed Communist ,strivetomakes lear ning re searchmore i n-dept h,andche ck pe ndulum pr oblemm oredee p ,To reorga nizet he impleme ntation ofmore radi cal,avant-gar demorere spectable image ,thuslearni ngeducati on effective.Thir d,strengt hen t he gui dance.T hee ducationforallmembers,large personne

54、lbase, wide fiel d,hierarchy,difference,a ndto differentiate betwe en counties, de partments,grass-roots unit s,allkindsof party organizati on and partymember betwee n thea ctual characteristi cs ofhi erarchi cal classificati on positionsp utforwardmea sures t opreve nt"flood irrigati on."

55、To have operable.Eachpartyshoulddevelopspecifi c programmesa nd spe cific measures,epartymember's ide ologi cal trendsa ndbehavi ors,differentialtreatment in education, pre cisiona pplication policy,"keystarts locks",dow n to learn a nd dothe measure seach partymembe r,ena bling t hem

56、toaccesst o education, impr ove,makepe ople feelMem bers ofthe new changes.To reflectt hedifference.No uniform,thousands ofpeople,a nd giveexpre ssion differences, chara cteristics.In determini ngthe lear ningw hent he topi c was discussed, a ccordi ngtodifferentcharacteristics and existi ng problem

57、sof partymembers,bothcl osely li nkedtot hetheme,a nd realit y,letparty membe rs learn,onthe up.Do qualified Communistofstandard also cannotuniform, Countyabovemembers leaderssta ndar dto more hig h morestri ct,to insisted loyalty clean play, doJiaoYulutypeofgood ca dres; on Countyfollowi ng thefiel

58、d t heindustry of memberstoducation pri ncpiles a nd le arning requirement s into operational ,ablet oput in place ways.To graspfromthe specific work, hard, catchingfine practi ce,wit hconcrete results to verifytheeducationalresults.Should be targeted. Differentlead de partment,tostrengthe nthe pl anning, organizati on, coordinati on and guida nce, g ood desig n,decomposition,each key action toimplemeon,torely on stri ctdoc realguide,pre ssure co


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