1、南京農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)2022年博士研究生入學(xué)考試英語試題考生答題須知:i.所有題目包括填空、選擇、圖表等類型題目答題答案必須做在考點發(fā)給的答題紙上,做在本試題冊上無效。請考生務(wù)必在答題紙 上寫清題號。2 .評卷時不評閱本試題冊,答題如有做在本試題冊上而影響成績的,后果由考生自己負責。3. 答題時一律使用藍、黑色墨水筆或圓珠筆作答畫圖可用鉛筆,用其它筆答題不給分。4. 答題時不準使用涂改液等具有明顯標記的涂改用品。PART I Vocabulary (15poi nts)Secti on ADirect ions: Choose the word that is the closest synonym
2、to the un derl ined word.1. The gover nment slated new elect ions in the spri ng, largely as a result of the public clamor.A. dema ndB. viewC. requestD. opinion2. The most prolific writer is not necessarily the best.A. writte n-aboutB. productiveC. artfulD. religious3. Imag ine my vexation whe n the
3、y said they would come to dinner and the n did nt show.A. en lighte nmentB. ast oni shme ntC. annoyanceD. con trari ness4. Any troop of wild ani mals should be approached warily.A. fearlesslyB. con fide ntlyC. sile ntlyD. prude ntly5. There is little lear ning invo Ived whe n one is reprimanded two
4、or three mon ths after the deed.A. recomme ndedB. reproachedC. recompe nsedD. reversed6. Archaeologists are in terested in pottery, figuri nes and other vestiges of ancient civilizatio ns.A. tracesB. shardsC. productsD. artifacts7. Packagi ng is desig ned so as to en courage impetuous shopp ing.A. e
5、xtravaga ntB. carefulC. impote ntD. impulsive8. Pan of his gen eral thrift is to be meticulous in verify ing mon thly expe nses.A. pain stak ingB. dilatoryC. meretriciousD. gaudy9. The jurors came to a deadlock in the defe ndan ts trial for murder.A. a decisi on of guiltyB. a decisi on to punish by
6、electrocuti onC. an impasseD. an unu sual verdict10. Among the lowest of the judicial ran ks, justices of the peace n evertheless freque ntly exercise jurisdiction over a variety of misdemea nors.A. guida neeB. sovereig nty C. authorityD. suzera inty11. A mistake is rarely atoned for by a single apo
7、logy, however profuse.A. extravaga ntB. producedC. diverge ntD. repetitious12. Her office in the First Nati onal Bank buildi ng is provisional.A. perma nentB. temporaryC. corruptD. crave n13. The burglars ransacked the room taking anything of value they found.A. demolished B. took overC. in habitedD
8、. thoroughly searched14. The whole of the endowment was used to refurbish the school gymnasium.A. milli on airesB. en dorseme ntsC. gover nmentsD. don ati ons15. The massacre of innocent people cannot ever be condoned.A. overlookedB. praiseC. condemnedD. satisfiedSecti on BDirections: Choose the an
9、swer that best completes the senten ce.16. Whe n he realized the true n ature of the proposal, heall com muni cati on with the group.A. convertB. avertedC. severedD. make17. The worse ning finan cial situati on made it obvious that an econo mic depressi on was.A. atta in ableB. remoteC. immi nentD.
10、eminent18. All of the dental instruments need to bebefore the next patient is seen.A. heatedB. scaldedC. sterilizedD. bur ned19. Rock climbi ng is so popular now that many people are able tothe steepest face with greatagility.A. scaleB. surpassC. overcomeD. mount20. If you call the 911 emergency num
11、ber, they will firemen, policemen, and paramedicsimmediately.A. assig nB. detachC. attachD. dispatch21. His evidentto his wife despite her indiscretion proved him to be a man of integrity.A. pers on alityB. characterC. fidelityD. morality22. I dont know why he has bee n give n. It was nt his accompl
12、ishme nt but his wifes.A. acclaimB. con fide neeC. reimburseme ntD. robust ness23. After a con cert tour in Asia, Can ada and the U. S., he willwork on a five-la nguage opera.A. confineB. i ndulgeC. resumeD. un dergo24. When Ph. D can didatestheir impe nding professorships, they con sider hous ing b
13、en efits offeredby the prospective uni versities.A. an ticipateB. assumeC. applyD. dema nd25. My supply of con fide nee slowlyas the deadli ne approached.A. withdrewB. elimi natedC. exterm in atedD. dimi nished26. The battle is of great sig nifica nee whe n viewed in theof the progress of the war.A.
14、 prospective B. respectiveC. perspective D. prescriptive27. It has long bee n known that total sleepis 100 perce nt fatal to rats, yet, upon exam in ati on of thedead bodies, the animals look completely normal.A. depositi onB. destructi onC. deprivati on D. reduct ion28. In that coun try, hospital d
15、octors dont go sightsee ing very ofte n because their workalmost alltheir time.A. takes upB. takes offC. takes apartD. takes over29. Accordi ng to the law of that coun try, the Parliame nt will have to bebefore the Gen eral Electio n.A. decomposedB. dispersedC. dissolvedD. dis in tegrated30. He fail
16、ed to carry out some of the provisi ons of the con tract, and now he has to thecon seque nces.A. an swer for B. run in toC. abide byD. step intoPARTE Grammar (15 poi nts)Secti on ADirections: Choose the letter that indicates the error in the sentence.31. Switzerla nd is best known for its majesty mo
17、u nta in range an d thousands flock to the Alps ABCeach year to take adva ntage of their ideal skii ng con diti ons.D32. Police were sent to disperse the crowds but en ded up by shooting dow n protesters and itABwas in thjs chaos that the seeds of political liberati on were sown.CD33. Even today, th
18、rough the hustle and bustle of Nevsky Prospect, St Petersburgs main street,ABthe classical beauty of the city mesmerizes the eye.CD34. She is furious of her sons grades in school, which explains why Mark is jealous of Julias high A BCmarks on the exam.D35. Smog-choked Souther n California demands th
19、em. Its a car for people who n ever want to goAto a_gas station again. But the fact is, for all the talk, selling gas-less machines has been aBChard-sell.D36. People thought: Hey, eat a carp and you will be taking in what it is that gives you these fishABtheir long life-span. Of course, it has nt do
20、ne a lot of good for these carp.CD37. In decid ing to un dertake dan gerous pursuits, people usually strive for their maximumApers onal ability rati ng, when they are challe nged but can he victorious, rather tha n merely BCsurm oun ti ng the mediocre.D38. In proposing such philanthropic donations,
21、the director of the company certainly spoke fromABa genuine concern for the needy and not any desire for personal accolades.CD39. The armor, infantry and other military forces were held up by the enemy counter attack,ABCthus caused the delay in the advanee.40. Just as children the world over like Ch
22、ristmas rooming, adults so like Christmas eveningwhen peace and calm return to the household. D41. Each employee with a modicum of intelligenee would be able to undertake such a basic process.ABCD42. The economic situation will improve given that there is forecast to be less unemploymentABand closur
23、es tha n in previous years.CD43. The three most importa nt issues of concern to citize ns today are prison reform,ABabusing children and toxic waste.CD44. I was on the verge of incurring Mr. Rochesters wrath by not liste ning to his prohibiti ons,ABwhile a ray once more sho ne almost imperceptibly o
24、n the hallway wall and I heard his muffled CDstep on the carpet.45. The above is the most importa nt aspect which apes can be told from more primitive social ABCDgroup in gs.Secti on BDirect ions: Choose the an swer that best fills in the bla nk.46. that the earth was flat?A. Used it to be thoughtB.
25、 Did it used to be thoughtC. Was it n eed to being thoughtD. Does it used to be thought47. It is most in appropriatein the college VIP loun ge.A. for any stude nts to be thereB. for there to be any stude ntsC. to be any stude nts thereD. to have there any stude nts48. Shemuch more accurate resp on s
26、es now, had she take n more pains in devis ing the questi ons.A. gotB. would have gotC. had gotD. would be gett ing49. An exte nsive foun dati on in the basic scie nces should be required of all scie nee stude nts,.A. whether they are future physicists or chemists.B. be they future physicists or che
27、mists.C. they are future physicists or chemists.D. they should be future physicists or chemists.50. The gen eral opinion is that he isto compla in.A. so much a milquetoastB. too a milquetoastC. too much of a milquetoastD. so much of a milquetoast51. Although of course there are excepti on s, it seem
28、s reas on ably dear that in certa in coun tries - Rwanda, Somalia and parts of the former Yugoslaviacome to mind-hunger is less a result of an absolute foodshortage,a policy decisi on or the political situati on.A. tha n ofB. rather tha nC. but the result ofD. tha n is52. The ozone layer plays as gr
29、eat a role in the suability of spaceship Earth asthe waters of its lakes,pon ds, ocea ns, rivers, and streams.A. doB. doesC. playD. are53. Perhaps I should not have done so, but I cha nged my mind about the new job eve n though I waslast week.A. to be started B. to have started C. to have bee n star
30、ti ng D. start54. Despite an overlay of quasi-literary French vocabulary stemming from the Norman Invasion of 1066, thedaily vocabulary of En glish rema ined Germa nic,its grammatical structure.A. the same are B. and so areC. as didD. and so were55. Although money is always useful, it isnt all.A. wh
31、at there is to life B. to which there is in life C. there is to life D. that is in life56. ever so humble, theres no pla ne like home.A. It beB. Be itC. It wasD. Was it57. all customs, no matter how sacrosa net, are esse ntially lear ned reacti ons appropriate, perhapsonly to the holders thereof is
32、a basic assumpti on of an thropologists.A. NearlyB. It is nearlyC. That nearlyD. When nearly58. Although women cluster to him like moths around a flame, he is nonehappier for it.A. butB. theC. matchD. any59. The major reas on why America ns enjoy an abundant food supply is that the arable land at th
33、eir disposalfor food productio n is.A. three times more the world averageB. three times as much the world averageC. three times the world averageD. the world average is three times60. The sound of the roari ng of a tiger isheard by jun gle dwellersfeeli ngs of un ease, for ayear does not elapse with
34、out victims falling to the tigers ferocity.A. always.with B. ever.without C. ever.with D. n ever.withoutPART 皿 Clone test (10 points)Directions: Choose the word that best completes the meaning.One of the basic characteristics of capitalism is the private ownership of the major means of product ion-c
35、apital. The own ership of large amounts of capital can bring _61 profits, as well as econo mic and political power. Some rece nt theorists, 62 have argued that our society has moved to a new stage of 63 _that they call posti ndustrial society. One importa nt cha nge in such society is that the own e
36、rship of _64 amounts of capital is no Ion ger the on ly or eve n the most importa nt65 of profits and in flue nee;kno wledge as well as 66 capital brings profits and in flue nee.There are many 67 with the thesis above, n ot the least of 68 is that wealthy capitalists can buy the experts and kno wled
37、ge they n eed to keep their profits and in flue nee. But this does not 69 the importa nee of kno wledge in an adva need in dustrial society, as the 70 of some new in dustries in dicates. 71_, gen etic engin eeri ng and the new computer tech no logy have 72 many new fines and made some scie ntists qu
38、ite rich. In 73 with criticism of the post in dustrial society thesis, however, it must also be 74_ that those already in eontrol of huge amounts of capital (i.e., major corporations) soon 75 to take most profits in these in dustries based on new kno wledge.Moving down from the level of wealth and p
39、ower, we still find knowledge increasingly 76 . Many newhigh-tech jobs are being created at the upper-skill, low-pay ing service 77. Somethi ng like a caste line isemergi ng cen tered around kno wledge. In dividuals who fall too far behi nd in the 78 of kno wledge at a young age will find it almost
40、impossible to catch up later, no matter how hard they try. Illiteracy in English80 them to a life of low-skill and low-paidIanguage has been a severe 79 for marry years in the United States, but we are also moving to the point when computer illiteracy will hinder many more people and labor.61. A. qu
41、a ntitativeB. exte nsiveC. comprehe nsiveD. sophisticated62. A. moreoverB. howeverC. thereforeD. n evertheless63. A. aggressi onB. proficie ncyC. productivityD. evoluti on64. A. domi nantB. impressiveC. magn ifice ntD. sig nifica nt65. A. sourceB. factorC. comp onentD. eleme nt66. A. adequateB. prof
42、itableC. materialD. spiritual67. A. adva ntagesB. consequencesC. problemsD. pote ntials68. A. themB. thoseC. whichD. that69. A. denyB. refuseC. admitD. ack no wledge70. A. emerge neeB. inno vati onC. exti nctionD. discovery71. A. In additionB. For exampleC. Above allD. In short72. A. producedB. crea
43、tedC. improvedD. facilitated73. A. li neB. n eedC. doubtD. match74. A. idealizedB. recog ni zedC. supervisedD. summarized75. A. stepped inB. settled dow nC. lea ned overD. mined out76. A. accessibleB. importa ntC. popularD. abundant77. A. en terprisesB. employme ntC. professi onsD. in dustries78. A.
44、 con trolB. masteryC. searchD. pursuit79. A. han dicapB. pen altyC. inconvenienceD. shortco ming80. A. enforceB. punishC. confineD. condemnPART W READING OOMPREHENSION (30 points)Directions: Answer all questions based on the information in the passages below.Passage 1Let us assume, for the moment, t
45、hat labor is not prepared to work for a lower money-wage and that a reduction in the existing level of money-wages would lead, through strikes or otherwise, to a withdrawal from the labor market of labor which is now employed. Does it follow from this that the existing level of real wages accurately
46、 measures the marginal disutility of labor? Not necessarily. For, although a reduction in the existing money-wage would lead to a withdrawal of labor, it does not follow that a fall in the value of the existing money-wage in terms of wage-goods would do so, if it were due to a rise in the price of t
47、he latter. In other words, it may be the case that within a certa in range the dema nd of labor is for a mi nimum mon ey-wage and not for a minimum real wage. The classical school has tacitly assumed that this would invo Ive no sig nifica nt change in their theory. But this is not so. For if the sup
48、ply of labor is not a function of real wages as its sole variable, their argument breaks down entirely and leaves the question of what the actual employment will be quite in determ in ate. They do not seem to have realized that, uni ess the supply of labor is a function of real wages alone, their su
49、pply curve for labor will shift bodily with every moveme nt of prices. Thus their method is tied up with their very special assumptions, and cannot be adapted to deal with the more general case.Now ordinary experience tells us, beyond doubt, that a situation where labor stipulates (within limits) fo
50、r a money-wage rather than a real wage, so far from being a mere possibility, is the normal case. Whilst workers will usually resist a reduction of money-wages, it is not their practice to withdraw their labor whenever there is a rise in the price of wage-goods. It is sometimes said that it would be
51、 illogical for labor to resist a reduction of money-wages but not to resist a reduction of real wages. For reasons given below, this might not be so illogical as it appears at first; and, as we shall see later, fortunately so. But, whether logical or illogical, experience shows that this is how labo
52、r in fact behaves.Moreover, the contention that the unemployment which characterizes a depression is due to a refusal by labor to accept a reduction of money-wages is not clearly supported by the facts. It is not very plausible to assert that unemployment in the United States in 1932 was due either
53、to labor obstinately refusing to accept a reduction of money-wages or to its obstinately demanding a real wage beyond what the productivity of the economic machine was capable of furnishing. Wide variations are experienced in the volume of employment without any apparent change either in the minimum
54、 real demands of labor or in its productivity. Labor is not more truculent in the depression than in the boom-fax from it. Nor is its physical productivity less. These facts from experience are a prima facie ground for questioning the adequacy of the classical analysis.81. Labor is not prepared to w
55、ork for a lower money-wage. The sentence means .A. a fall in the value of the existing money-wage would lead to a withdrawal of laborB. a rise in the price of wage-goods would lead to a withdrawal of laborC. the demand of labor is for a rise of existing money-wageD. the demand of labor is for reduct
56、ion in the value of real wages82. The classical school refers to .A. those scholars with traditional ideaB. the traditional schoolC. the experts who hold to the standard theoryD. all of the above83. According to the author, the supply curve for labor depends on the .A. red money wages B. movement of
57、 price C. function of money-wages D. both A & B84. “Their method cannot be adapted to deal with the more general case because they have not realized thatA. a fall in the value of real wages would lead to a withdrawal of the labor from market of laborB. a reduction in the existing level of money-wages would lead to a withdrawal from the labor market of laborC. the supply of labor is not a function of real wagesD. the demand of labor is only for a minimum money
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