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1、Un it5 Feeli ng ExcitedTopicl You look excited教學(xué)內(nèi)容分析及課時分配建議:本單元以Feeling Excited為主題。第一話題通過Kangkang和朋友們談?wù)撍麄兊母改敢约癕r. Brown去看電影的有關(guān)事件,學(xué)習(xí)問候、轉(zhuǎn)達(dá)感謝、表達(dá)觀點(diǎn)和看法、表示遺憾等的表達(dá)法;主要句型和語法是感官動詞的基本用法,如:You look excited.和How does the musicsou nd?同時,還學(xué)習(xí)有關(guān)情緒和感受的形容詞。女 如:lo nely, frighte ned, worried, i nterested, upset,surprise

2、d等,并通過Project的活動以作報告的形式介紹自己最喜歡的電影、劇目或者故事, 對本話題所學(xué)內(nèi)容進(jìn)行真實(shí)的應(yīng)用。本話題建議用5個課時來完成。第一課時:Section A-1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2第二課時:Section A-4,3Sectio n B-1a,1b,1c第三課時:Section B-2a,2b,3,4a,4b第四課時:Section C-3,1a, 1c,1b, 2a,2b第五課時:Section D-Grammar and Fun ctio ns, 1,2a, 2b, Project |第五課時(Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1

3、,2a, 2b, Project)教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)思路:本節(jié)課為本話題的最后一課時,主要活動為1和2a。Section D是一節(jié)復(fù)習(xí)課,在綜合復(fù)習(xí)Section A-C的詞匯、語法和功能句的基礎(chǔ)上,鞏固本話題所學(xué)的內(nèi)容。首先,學(xué)生將通過1的閱讀了解我們的國粹 一一京劇的歷史起源,主要角 色,素材來源及藝術(shù)特點(diǎn),進(jìn)而讓學(xué)生在感覺京劇的旋律美的同時,體會我們祖國文化的博大精深,關(guān)心熱愛京劇藝術(shù)。第二,通過三個競賽活動復(fù)習(xí)感官動詞和形容詞及系表結(jié)構(gòu)的 用法。第三,通過2a的寫作拓展練習(xí),再一次鞏固系表結(jié)構(gòu)的用法。在project環(huán)節(jié),通過討論學(xué)生最喜愛的藝術(shù)形式,延伸學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容,檢測學(xué)生綜合運(yùn)用語言的能

4、力。將知識轉(zhuǎn)化成能力,達(dá)到學(xué)以致用的目的。I. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims:(1)學(xué)習(xí)并掌握新詞匯role, frighte ned, worried, in terested, upset, in the end2.Skill aims:(1)能熟練運(yùn)用lin ki ng verb + adjective結(jié)構(gòu)(2)能綜合運(yùn)用本課短語、句型寫出描述不同情緒的短文3.Emotio nal aims:通過對京劇的歷史起源,主要角色,素材來源的學(xué)習(xí),讓學(xué)生體會祖國文化的博大精深,從而熱愛本土文化,熱愛我們偉大的祖國,培養(yǎng)民族自豪感。4.Culture aware ne

5、ss:了解有關(guān)京劇的知識。n. The key points and difficult points1. Key poin ts:學(xué)生能正確拼讀、書寫并運(yùn)用黑體單詞,能用excited, upset, h appy等形容詞描述故事中人物的不同情緒,并熟練運(yùn)用linking verb + adjective結(jié)構(gòu)。2. Difficult points:綜合運(yùn)用本話題的語法,詞匯,句型描述故事中人物的不同情緒。川.Learning strategies1.利用小組間良性的競爭與合作促進(jìn)學(xué)習(xí)。IV. Teaching aids多媒體課件/圖片/京劇音頻或視頻/歌曲說唱臉譜音頻或視頻V Teachi

6、ng proceduresStage 1(2mins):Getting students ready for learningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Play the tape recording of thesong說唱臉譜.T: Good morning, class!Enjoy the song說唱臉譜.Ss: Good morning, Miss欣賞歌曲 說唱臉 譜 ,導(dǎo)入對京劇 的談?wù)?。T: I would like you to enjoy abeautiful so

7、ng named 說唱臉 譜in Chinese. Itabout Beijing Opera.Do you like Beiji ng Opera?T: Maybe some of you donlike it. Itdoes nt matter. I think you dont likeit just because you dont know aboutit. After lear ning this less on, maybeyou will love Beijing Opera. OK, Letenjoy the song說唱臉譜first.Ss:Remark:這一環(huán)節(jié)的目的是要

8、創(chuàng)造學(xué)習(xí)英語的氛圍并使學(xué)生靜下心來,開始新的學(xué)習(xí)??梢圆捎枚?種方式,如唱歌、游戲、值日報告、自由討論等。Stage 2( 15mins):TasklStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity& Pair work)Play the tape or video of BeijingOpera貴妃醉酒海島冰輪初轉(zhuǎn)騰.T: What do you think of this song?T: Yeah, I agree with you. It sounds alittle different f

9、rom pop music. Youcan learn somethingEnjoy the tape or video ofBeijing Opera貴妃醉酒一 海島冰輪初轉(zhuǎn)騰.And then makea conversation using thefunctions.S1: It sounds like BeijingOpera.欣賞京居9。利用Functions的句子編對話,談?wù)搶?劇看法。about Beijing Opera through thesong lyric. What do you knowthrough the song lyric?T: Yes. The role

10、s in Beiji ng Operahave beautiful facial paintings. I thinkyoubetter enjoy a piece of Beiji ngOpera. I like this piece of貴妃醉酒very much. Letenjoyit together.T: What do you think of it? Now youcan talk in pairs about it TheFunctions on Page 7 may useful.T: How do you like Beiji ng Opera?Who would like

11、 to act out your conversatio n?S2:The people in Beijing Operaoften have faces in differe ntcolors.Ss:P1:SA: What beautiful music! Itseems very different from popmusic. What do you think of it?SB: I donlike it at all. I feelbored whe n 1 liste n to Beiji ngOpera.P2:Show some pictures of the roles inB

12、eiji ng Opera. In troduce BeijingOperaandsolvethepossibleproblems in readi ng. Write downthe new words andTrytounderstandtheteachers in troducti on of Beijing Opera. Lear n the newwords and phrases, prepari ngfor readi ng.1(Class activity)phrases.T: Do you know when BeijingOpera come into being?T: I

13、 mean when Beijing Operaappeared? Come into being means形成,產(chǎn)生 in Chinese.T: What a a knowledgeable boy!That is to say, it has a history of over200 years. Am I right?T: We ofte n hear of Sheng, Dan, Jing, Chou in our life. They are theroles of Beijing Opera. How manymain roles are there in Beiji ngOpe

14、ra?T: Look at this facial painting.Its n ame is“Sheng What doesSs: What do you mean?What does come into beingmea n?S1: I know it came into beingat the end of the eightee nthcen tury.Ss: Yes.Ss: Four.介紹京劇,學(xué)習(xí)新詞匯。為閱讀降低難度?!?Sheng usually stand for? JustGuess!T: Yeah, very good. Shengsta ndsfor man. Ther

15、e are wenshengandwusheng.Wen she ng sta nds of the educatedpeople or the people in highpositions. Wusheng stands forancient soldiers. They all make wonderful gestures, and Wushe ng alsomakes won derful fighti ng.T: Do you know this one?T: Are they all wome n?T:Do they wear beautifulclothes?T:“Danhas

16、 Huadan andLaodan. They are all women. Theyusually wear beautiful clothes.T: How about this one? In Beiji ngOpera, there are“Sheng,“Dan, “Ji ng and“ Chou. Can you guess thbne?T: Whatre their faces like?Ss: It stands for Xiucai(秀 才) .Ss: Yeah, its“Dan.S2: Yes, they are.S3: Yes, they do.S4: Its“Jing.T

17、: Good. The people in the stories usually cant agree with each other. They may frightenedor worried, even fight with each other. But most of the time, theyS5 They usually have blackand red faces.S6: They also have black andwhite faces.T: Yes. People with black and redfaces are good, but people withb

18、lack and white faces are bad.T: What is this one called?T: Whatre their faces like?T: Do you like them?T: I like them, too. They often bringus happ in ess and laughter.T: As you know, Beiji ng opera is fullof famous stories. Can you saysome of them?Ss:“Cho u”.S7: They usually paint their noses white

19、.Ss: Yeah. They are so funny.S8: Yes. Such as the stories in三國演義.S9: The stories aboutBaogong.find a way to make peace with eachother. Almost every story has ahappy ending in the end. T:BeijingOpera is an important part ofChinese culture. It is popular with oldpeople in the past. But now moreand mor

20、e young people becomeinterested in it .Ask the students to skim theSkim the passage in 1a and速讀文早, 掌握大passage and get the main idea.get the main idea of it .意。T: I think you have knownsomething about Beijing Opera.Let read the passage to gofurther. Now skim the passage2(1 ndividualand get the main i

21、dea of it .work)T: Whatthe passage about?S1: It tells us somethingaboutBeiji ngOperaincludingthe history, theroles and the stories.T: Very good! You made awon derful summary.Read 1a carefully and mark T orRead 1a carefully and mark精讀文早, 判斷正F.T or F.誤。3(1 ndividualT:Letread the passage for thework)se

22、cond time. You should read itcarefully and mark T or F For thesentences .T: Is the first sentence true or false?T: Yeah. You are very careful.How about the sec ond?T: And what about the third one?S1: Itfalse. Beijing Operacame into being after 1970, notin 1970.S2: It true.S3:4(class activity)Help th

23、e students learn the keypoints of this passage and then askthem to retell the passage . Show thekeys words on the scree n:come into being, has a history of,come from, main roles, is full of,agree with, frighte ned and worried,make peace with, in the end, animporta nt part of, used to be popularwith,

24、becomein terested in.T: Do you have any questions aboutthis passage?T:“n the end”means at last”Find out the key points of thispassage and then try to retellthe passage with the help of thekey words.S1: MissWhatthe differe ntfrom in the end and at the endof?解決語言點(diǎn)。復(fù)述文早。or“in ally”.It mea ns 最后,終于 inCh

25、inese. It can be used as aadverbial phrase. But at the end ofmeans 在 的末尾。You must add anobject after it .T: Youre welcome. Any otherquestio ns?T: OK. Now I think you can tellsomething about Beijing Opera.Letrtry to retell the passage with thehelp of the key words.Remark:在pre-reading環(huán)節(jié)里,若文章的內(nèi)容比較務(wù)必使學(xué)生

26、聽得清楚,聽得懂,這樣才能有助于學(xué)生理解Stage 3(9mins):Task 2StepTeacher activity1(Group work)Have a con test to review linkingverbs and adjectives.T: You did quite well in Task 1. Nowlets have a con test. Work in groupsof 6 to 8. ni ask one students fromeach group to write the linking verbswe have learned on the Bb. O

27、thergroup members can come to addmore. The group which write themostS1: I see. Thank you.Ss:.生僻難懂,教師解釋的語言一定要清晰、簡練,文章。Student activityDesigning purposeHave a con test to reviewlinking verbs and adjectives.利用組間競賽和 小組合作的方式 復(fù)習(xí)連系動詞和 形容詞。will be the winner.T: You did a good job. But I thi nkGrouponedidbet

28、ter.Con gratulati ons!T: You have ano ther cha nee to bethe winner. Now Please write theadjectives about feelings we have learned on the Bb as we did just now. Letbegin!T:Well. Let see which group writethe most. Oh, Group2 did the best.The are the winn ers!Ss:Ss:2(Group work)Have a con test to revie

29、w the linkingverb + adjective. Ask the stude nts tomake sentences accord ing to thelinking verbs and adjectives on the Bbin a limited time.T: 1give you the third cha nee to beNumberl.Lets makesentences with the linking verbs andadjectives on the Bb. Each groupmember make a sentence. The groupwhich m

30、akes the most sentences in alimited time will beMake sentences accord ing tothe linking verbs and adjectiveson the Bb.利用組間競賽和 小組合作的方式 復(fù)習(xí)系表結(jié)構(gòu)。the winner. How about two minu tes?Letstart from Groupl.G1:Remark:復(fù)習(xí)系表結(jié)構(gòu)也可以選擇其他的方式,如習(xí)題,情景造句,表演(一人做表情動作,其他 人根據(jù)他的表情動作利用系表結(jié)構(gòu)造句)等。Stage 4(7mins):Task 3StepTeacher

31、activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Group work)Ask the stude nts to talk about thepictures in 2b and then write a shortpassage.T: You did better than 1 believe. Imsure you can use“inking verb +adjective”correctly and freely.Now work in groups and talk aboutthe pictures with the help of the ke

32、yworks.T: Can you describe the pictures?Each stude ntdescribesonepicture withat leasttwosenten ces, please.T: Now you can write down what yousaid just now. Ita short passage,isntit? Letbegin.Talk about the pictures in 2band the n write a shortpassage.Ss:P1:Ss:談?wù)?a中的圖片,鞏固系表結(jié)構(gòu)的用法。Remark:小組合作,共同元成一篇短文。

33、Stage 5( 8mins):ProjectStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Pair work)Ask the stude nts to in troduce theirfavorite movie, play or story.T: In this topic we mainly talk aboutmovie and Beiji ng Opera. I thinkeverybody has his favorite movie, playor story. Whatyour favorite? Work inpairs and share with your partner. Thequestions in the form may help you.T:Now you can change your conversati on into a short passage andthe n you can give a report to theclass.T: Have you fini shed your report?Who would like to share your favoritewith us?Discuss


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