高中英語選修7 unit4 sharing words_第1頁
高中英語選修7 unit4 sharing words_第2頁
高中英語選修7 unit4 sharing words_第3頁
高中英語選修7 unit4 sharing words_第4頁
高中英語選修7 unit4 sharing words_第5頁
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1、高中英語選修7 unit4 sharingwords .詞匯鏈條1_ n目錄 2_ n門診部;小診所3_adj.遙遠的;偏僻的 _ n遙控器4_ vi.&vt.操作;工作;做手術(shù) _n操作;手術(shù)5_ vi.參與;參加 _ n參與6_n宇航員;太空人 _n天文學7_ vt.捐贈 _ n捐贈 贈送 _n捐贈者catalogueclinicremoteremotecontrolleroperateoperationparticipateparticipationastronautastronomydonatedonationdonator8_adj.自愿的;志愿的 _ adv.志愿地9_ n特權(quán);特

2、別優(yōu)待 _ adj.有特權(quán)的,榮幸的10_ n&v.買;購買 _ n購買人11_vt.分配;分發(fā) _ n分配;分發(fā)12_ n兩星期 _ adj.&adv.每兩周的 n雙周刊物13_ vt.調(diào)整 使適合 _ n調(diào)節(jié)voluntaryvoluntarilyprivilegeprivilegedpurchasepurchaserdistributedistributionfortnightfortnightlyadjustadjustment.重點短語1_收到來信2_不久前的一天3_干透;(使浸水的事物)完全變干4_(河流或水井等)干涸5_在困難中;在危機中6be relevant to_7to b

3、e honest_8make a fire_9stick out_10come across_hear fromthe other daydry outdry upin need與有關(guān)誠實地說生火伸出 偶然遇到或發(fā)現(xiàn).經(jīng)典句式1There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldnt _.有很多人站在門口,那個小女孩不能通過。2Sometimes_ relevant chemistry is to these students,most of whom will be going back to the

4、ir villages after Year 8.有時我很懷疑化學對于這些孩子有多大關(guān)系,他們大多數(shù)在8年級之后將會回到村莊。3Carl _ his leg and tripped the man up.卡爾伸出一條腿將那人絆倒。get throughI wonder howstuck out4By looking at a problem in _ many ways _,creative thinkers can find solutions that would otherwise remain invisible. 通過使用最多可能的方法研究問題,創(chuàng)新思維者能夠找到解決問題的方法,否則

5、這些方法是找不到的。5The government is _ help those families in need to improve their living conditions.政府正在采取措施來幫助有困難的家庭改善生活條件。asas possibletaking measures toadjust sth to sth調(diào)整以適應adjust (oneself) to適應于adjust to sth &doing sth 適應于(1)Adjusting to the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected.適應熱

6、帶的高溫比他們預想的難的多。朗文(2)She adjusted the seat to the height of children.她把座椅調(diào)整到適合孩子的身高。朗文(3)She found it hard to working at night. 她發(fā)現(xiàn)自己很難適應夜間工作。朗文adjust to直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)Warmblooded animals have the ability to _ body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather.(2012北京四中質(zhì)檢)Ar

7、espond Battach Cadjust Dexpose答案C(2)Even though he has lived in China for many years,Mark still cannot_ himself to the Chinese customs.(2012臨州模擬)Adevote Badjust Capply Daddict答案Bbe related to /be concerned with/be involved in辨析be relevant to與有關(guān)be associated with 都表示“與有關(guān)”的意思(1)His nationality isnt re

8、levant to whether he is a good lawyer.他的國籍和他是否是一個好律師沒有關(guān)系。牛津(2)The professor sometimes makes remarks that topic.這位教授有時候說一些與他的話題無關(guān)的評論。朗文are not relevant to his直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)I instructed the students to pull out their notebooks and write a b r i e f e s s a y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t h e t h e m e o f d e

9、 e p disappointment.(2011廣東卷閱讀理解C)我指導學生拿出筆記本,寫一篇有關(guān)失望的短文。答案related to(2)Your nationality is not _when choosing a career,but your ability to speak the language is.(2012東北三校聯(lián)考)Arelative Bresponsible Crelevant Dpractical答案C寫作句組滿分作文之佳句aWhen I am faced with a difficulty,I usually choose to refer to releva

10、nt learning materials or Web pages.(2011安徽)bPeoples health is closely related to climate change.(2011湖北)cWhat does the word “residents” in Paragraph 1 probably refer to?(2011新課標)operate a machine操作機器sth operates某事起作用或生效perform /have an operation on給動手術(shù)come into operation 開始運轉(zhuǎn)operate/work辨析operate可以表

11、示某個程序或服務、制度有效果,如,The new law does not operate in our favour.(1)When does the plan ?這項計劃什么時候?qū)嵤?2)It will be large enough for the family,but small enough for one person to operate and care for.(遼寧卷)(這種車型)對于家用空間足夠大,但正好適用一個人來操控和養(yǎng)護。come into operation(2)The equipment is designed to_ in all weather condi

12、tions.(2012西安鐵中質(zhì)檢)Aarrange Bchange Coperate Dmanage答案Cparticipate in參與;參加take part in參加join in參加(1)Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions.希望全班同學都參加這些討論。(2)Students who wish to spend their break doing something productive and rewarding,however,may choose to in the Alter

13、native Break Program.希望在假期做點有意義的或有效益的事的學生會選擇參加自選性假期計劃。(2011天津卷閱讀表達)participate/take part(2)With China _ in the world trade more frequently,the world economy is developing more rapidly and steadily.(2012山東煙臺模擬)Aparticipating Bto participateCparticipated Dbeing participated解析考查介詞with加復合賓語結(jié)構(gòu),這里是with Ch

14、ina participating in the world trade,因為中國加入世界貿(mào)易,主動關(guān)系用現(xiàn)在分詞作賓語補足語。答案Ameet the need of 滿足需求in need 在困難中;在危急中in bad need of (極其)需要there is no need to do sth 沒有必要做某事主語(動作承受者)need/want/require doing/to be done注意:in want (食物、金錢、衣服等)缺乏,匱乏for want of 因缺乏某物(1)It includes helping kids with their lessons,raisin

15、g money for families in need and collecting data for environmental research.(2011天津卷,閱讀表達)這包括幫助孩子做功課,為貧困家庭募捐,還要為環(huán)境研究收集數(shù)據(jù)。(2)When ,dont hesitate to ask me for help.危難時刻,務必找我?guī)兔?。朗文in need(2)As the proverb goes,a friend_is a friend indeed.(2012江蘇泗洪模擬)Ain favour Bin love Cin fact Din need解析a friend in ne

16、ed,“患難之交”。答案Don high/low income高/低收入get a big income獲得高收入income tax收入稅Whats your income?你的收入是多少?income意為經(jīng)常性的收入,如工作或租金,或投資收入。wage則指按小時、日、周計算的工資或薪金,尤其是非專業(yè)人員和非管理人員的工資,通常用現(xiàn)金支付。salary指月薪,尤其指專業(yè)人員和管理人員的酬金,通過銀行賬戶存入。pay是工資或酬金的一般說法。(1)I pity anyone who has to feed a family on such a low income.我同情任何以這么微薄的收入養(yǎng)家

17、糊口的人。牛津(2)People should pay more tax.收入高的人應該多繳稅。牛津on a high income直通高考看看高考怎么考Not only will a lodger(房客)earn you an_(收入),but also,thanks to the governmentbacked “rent a room” program,you wont have to pay any tax on the first 4,500 you make per year.(2011四川卷,閱讀理解B)解析income意為經(jīng)常性的收入,如工作或租金,或投資收入。答案incom

18、emeet with meet.by chance 偶然遇到happen to meet/run into /knock into都表示偶然遇到(1)What is more,they should also be well prepared for the possible difficulties they may in the process.而且,他們應該充分準備應對在這一過程中可能遇到的困難。牛津(2)I came across an old friend in Oxford Street this morning.今天早上我在牛津大街上碰到一位老校友。朗文come across直通

19、高考看看高考怎么考(1)If you _faults but you still want the bicycle,ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.(2011安徽卷,34)Acome across Bcare aboutClook for Dfocus upon解析come across是遇到、碰到、邂逅、發(fā)現(xiàn)的意思,主語一般是人,care about關(guān)心,所以用 come across,“如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)瑕疵,但是還是要買下它,就要求店員降價”。答案A(2)If you_a mistake in reviewing the report,ple

20、ase bring it to my attention.(2012南寧質(zhì)檢)Acome along Bcome acrossCcome around Dcome about解析考查動詞詞組。come across意為“偶爾碰到或遇到”。錯解:C;錯因分析:未能理解句意,同時沒有掌握選項的正確意義。答案Bdie from/of死于die out滅絕;死光 be dying for渴望得到be dying to do渴望去做.品句填詞1It took her a while to a_to living alone after the divorce.2We are collecting mon

21、ey for children_(有困難)3If foreign aid_(枯竭) the situation will be desperate.4My house is the only brick one on the street.It s_out and you cant miss it.5Topics for composition should be_ (與有關(guān))to the experiences and interests of the students.6After he studied abroad,he went on o_the company.7Local peop

22、le are lining up to d_blood for the badly burnt girl in yesterdays big fire.8The programme has saved thousands of children who would_(否則) have died.答案1.adapt/adjust2.in need3.dries up4.sticks5relevant6.operating7.donate8.otherwise.短語識境in need;stick out;dry out;hear from;make no difference;the other

23、day;adapt to;come across;to be honest;get through1When they didnt_her,they feared the worst.2She_some old photographs in a drawer when she was tidying the room.3The new students are very slow to_the rules.4Helen borrowed my book_,saying that she would return it soon.5_,the only reason why she married him was for his money.6They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it would_.7Whether you go or not_to m


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