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1、筆試部分(共七大題,計120分)I.Multiple-choice(選擇填空)(共15小題;每小題1分,計15分)Below each of the following sentences,there are four choices,marked A,B,Cand D.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.(從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。)(答案涂在答題紙上)31.We spent a week in Paris and had a great time going up_ Eiffel Tower,

2、and taking _ boat trip along the Seine.A.a;aB.the;aC.the;theD.(不填);(不填)32.The _ shoes were covered in mud,so I asked them to take them off before they got into _ car.A.girls;TomsB.girls;Toms C.girls;TomsD.girls;Toms33.On Saturday morning we worked for _ two hours and then stopped to have something t

3、o eat.A.otherB.anotherC.more D.each34.Because of a steady economic growth rate,the president can probably look_ to another term.A.upB.aboveC.overD.forward35.As the survey suggests,fresh air,enough exercise and nutritious food _ to good health.A.contributeB.add C.attributeD.encourage36.When I wathed

4、the film,I was _ to see that it was quite_.A.surprised;boringB.surprised;boredC.surprising;boringD.surprising;bored37.This is not the same painting _ you offered to sell us the last time we were here.A.whatB.to whichC.for which D.that38.-Are you still going to the party on Friday? -Yes,_ something e

5、lse comes up.A.unlessB.in case ofC.as long asD.supposing39.-Im seeing Dr Evans next week. -That _ be right.He will be on holiday then.A.mustntB.needntC.cantD.hasnt got to40.Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures _ in your mind instead of before your eyes.A.to fo

6、rm B.formingC.to have formedD.having formed41.When he realised I _ at him, he _ away and walked out of the classroom.A.looked;was turning B.was looking;turnedC.was looking;was turningD.looked;turned42.Dont forget to walk the dog while I am away,_ you?A.willB.shallC.doD.can43.Nothing should go wrong,

7、but if _,give me a ring at this number.a.it hadB.that isC.it doesD.they should to44.-When can we expect to see an improvement? -_.A.Were making home improvementsB.It will take several daysC.You can see her off tonightD.Ill pick it up when I come today45.-Do you have an earlier flight?Im trying to ge

8、t to Manila before noon. -There is an 8:30 flight that will get you there by 11:00. -_ -then I can easily make the 12:30 meeting.A.Thatll be perfectB.Thanks,I will check it laterC.I think its a bit lateD.If so,I can change the flightII.Cloze(完形填空)(共10小題;每小題1分,計10分)Read the following passage and fill

9、 in each blank with one word in one of the following three ways:according to the context,using the correct form of the words,according to the first letters of the words.(閱讀下面的短文,用以下三種形式之一完成短文填空:根據(jù)上下文填空;用所給單詞的正確形式填空;根據(jù)單詞所給首字母填空。每空一詞。)(答案寫在答題紙上)Cholera is a disease spread by dirty water,either when pe

10、ople drink the water,(46)_ eat food which has been washed in the water,and not (47)_(proper)cooked.Unfortunately,until the mid 19th century,people believed that the disease (48) t_ through the air.In the crowded cities of 19th-century Britain,cholera spread easily.Most doctors wrongly believed that

11、fresh air and a better diet would (49)p_ the disease.Huge fires were usually lit in the streets to drive (50)_ the infection,and the clothes of victims were also burned. The streets were also cleaned thoroughly (51) w_ powerful chemicals.However,people continued to suffer dreadfully.In 1854, a docto

12、r in London,John Snow,announed with certainty that cholera spread through (52) i_ drinking water.He did this by carefully (53)_(collect)statistics about the infection in one part of London.He managed to prove that in an area (54)_ deaths from cholera were highest,the water was entirely responsible f

13、or cholera infection.(55)_(Improve)made to sewers(下水道)and supplies of drinking water later led to a decrease in deaths from cholera.III.Reading comprehension(閱讀理解)(共20小題;每小題2分,計40分)Read the following passages.Each passage is followed by several questions.Respond to the questions according to the pas

14、sage.(閱讀下列短文,然后根據(jù)短文后的要求答題。)(答案與在答題紙上)AThe camel library is like no other library.It is unique to Kenya.Like traditional libraries,books can be boorowed and returned.Unlike traditional libraries,books are carried to people by camels.The camel library was started in Northern Kenya,where many people li

15、ve in remote villages. The nearest town,called Garissa,is hundreds of kilometres away from these villages. Many of the villagers have never learned to read.They cannot afford to buy books,let alone have access to the Internet.Until 1996,the only library in the area was in Garissa.The distance meant

16、villagers could not get to it.The problem was solved with the creation of a mobile library.However,while mobile libraries in other places use trucks,this one uses camels to take the books to the villages. Camels are often the most efficient form of transportation in Northern Kenya,as the poor roads

17、make driving difficult. Trucks,buses,and cars often break down. Camels can carry heavy things and travel long distances without water. And, unlike trucks,they dont need good roads.The camel library uses three camels.They carry more than 200 books to ten villages in Northern Kenya. Four people travel

18、 with the camels.One of them acts as a guard to make sure no one tries to steal the books along the way.The camels walk from one village to another,five days a week.The camel library spends one day in each village,and then goes to the next small town.It visits each village once every two weeks.The b

19、ooks in the camel library are in English, which the children in the villages are learning as a foreign language in school.Swahili is the national language of Kenya,but there are not many books written in Swahili.Books can be borrowed for only two weeks at a time.If someone finishes a book quickly,he

20、 or she will have to wait until the camel library comes back before getting another one.Questions 56-57:Tell whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the passage.56.Camels are used because there arent many trucks in Northern Kenya.57.The books in the camel library are in E

21、nglish, the national language of Kenya.Questions 58-60:Complete the following table with NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS from the passage for each blank.ProblemsSolutionsCost of books Villagers cannot (58)_. Villagers can borrow books from a library instead of buying them. DistanceMany kilometres between vi

22、llages. (59)_ were created. RisksPeople might steal the books along the way. One of the four people (60)_. BQuestions 61-65: Answer the following questions briefly according to the ads.61.Which is the cheapest place to go for a holiday?62.How long is the holiday in Sorrento?63.Which hotel would you

23、stay at in Boston? 64.How much coes the holiday in Spain cost?65.On what date does the holiday in Syria begin?CCanadian Clean Air Day is on 6 June.It is a chance for Canadians everywhere to focus on the problems of air pollution and to actually try to do something to help reduce the problems.What ca

24、n we do to fight air pollution? Well, it should be pretty obvious by now that the way we get to and from work every day can have a big effect on the air we breathe.So the easiest action you can take on Clean Air Day is to accept what we call the Commuter Challengeand get to work on foot or by cyclin

25、g for a change.If you have to use your car,trycar-pooling and share the drive,or better still,use public transit.(66)If everyone tries this for one day,youll be amazed by the difference it can make to the air in towns and cities. Theres also a lot more you can do to improve air quality.For example,y

26、ou can plant trees.And if you dont have a garden,then you can do your bit in other ways.(67)For instance,did you know that modern,improved stoves can reduce smoke by as much as 80-90percent?So you can make a big difference if you upgrade the appliances in your home.The government is also working har

27、d on your behalf to clean up our air. The first thing is to reduce the emissions hat cause smog-and they have clear plans to get there.Cananda and the United States agreed to reduce emissions on both sides of the border between the two countries and they plan to reach their targets in the next few y

28、ears.The governments also taking action to get cleaner fuels.Its already reduced the sulphur contained in gasoline,and it hopes to reach the reduction target for sulphur in diesel(柴油)by next year.These measures dont just focus on the motorist-the federal governments also working to reduce emissions

29、from power plants and factories right across the country.Questions 66-67:Translate the underlined sentences in the passage into Chinese.Questions 68-70:Complete the notes below with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each blank.Reducing Air PollutionIndividual actionrespond to the Commuter

30、Challengewalk,cycle or car-pool to workuse public transit(68)_upgrade your domestic equipmentGovernment actionemission reduction on both sides of the border between the US and Canadamove towards (69)_(e.g. less sulphur in gasoline and diesel fuel)reduction of pollutants from (70)_ and power plantsDC

31、oral reefs are found in tropical seas throughout the world and provide shelter for hundreds of different plants and animals.They look like flat beds of rock,but in fact they are formed from the bones of tiny sea creatures.Almost one half of the worlds coral reefs occur in shallow seas, near to the c

32、oastline of over one hundred countries.Millions of people depend on these coral reefs for their livelihoods.The majority of natural products which come from coral reefs,such as fish,shells and seaweed,can be sold,either locally or in export markets.Not only does the person who collects the products

33、earn money,but also those people who prepare,market or sell them.In some countries,coral reefs are the main natural resource.In the Maldives,for example,25% of the workforce is employed in fishing.In addition,56% of the national economy comes from reef-based tourism.This means that a large number of

34、 people are employed in tourism-related jobs.Fishing is normally an occupation for adult males,particularly where it involves the use of boats,and other people are often excluded from it.Coral reef fisheries,on the other hand,are usually accessible on foot,so work is not restricted to men.In fact,co

35、llecting fish and other products from the reefs is generally the job of women,children and even the elderly.Womens occupations are not limited to reef fishing.In India and the South Pacific,for example,women help to make and mend the fishing equipment.Fish processing is often done by women too.Such

36、employment brings both direct and indirect advantages.For example,on Ulithi Atoll in Papua New Guinea,women can obtain mahogany wood for fishing boats in exchange for cloth they make and so gain more control over the household income.They can also apply for loans or credit.This gives them more indep

37、endence and status,both in the family and in the community.Question 71:Choose the answer that fits the question best according to the passage.71.What is the main idea of the passage?A.The structure and location of coral reefs.B.Fish exports from Papua New Guinea.C.The economic importance of coral re

38、efs.D.Female unemployment in coastal villages.Questions 72-75:Answer the following questions briefly according to the passage.72.How many countries have a coral reef close to their coastline? 73.Which activity is more than half of the Maldives national economy based on?74.How do people usually get t

39、o reef fisheries?75.What do Indian women often help to make?IV.Translation(翻譯)(共5小題;每小題2分,計10分)Translate the following sentences into English,using the hints given in the brackets.(用括號中所給的提示將下列句子譯成英語。)(答案寫在答題紙上)76.我們讓那盞燈亮著,因為孩子們怕黑。(frightened)77.對于小學生來說,起得那么早沒有任何意義。(make any sense) 78.完工后,新的鐵路線將有250

40、英里長。(省略句,complete)79.只有用這種方法,救援人員才能救出地震中的幸存者。(倒裝語序,survivor)80.那些問題都是關(guān)于藝術(shù)的,而我對藝術(shù)一無所知。(非限制性定語從句)V.IQ(智力測試)(共5小題;每小題1分,計5分)Answer the following questions.(回答下列問題。)(答案寫在答題紙上)81.Which of the four funny false noses will help stop the clown from crying?82.If 473982 is to 1419 and 329684 is to 1418,what is

41、 751694 to?83.What nine-letter word can you find by moving from letter to letter in any direction? Each letter may be used only once;not all the letters will be used. 84.A car travels at a speed of 40 mph over a certain distance and then returns over the same distance at a speed of 60 mph.What is th

42、e average speed for the total journey?85.Can you draw the missing figure in the following sequence(序列)?VI.Error correction(短文改錯)(共10處錯誤;每處錯誤1分,計10分)下面短文中有10處語言錯誤。請在有錯誤的地方增加、刪除或修改某個單詞。注意:1.每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;2.只允許修改10處,多者(從第11個起)不計分。(答案寫在答題寫上)例如:Hans Christian Anderson was one of the worlds greatest story

43、teller. He was born on April 2storytellers1805, in Denmark. Andersons father was poor shoemaker. Sfter his father passed away, aAnderson travelled to Copenhagen to try out him for the theatre. When I was a senior in high school I had a teacher named Mrs Smith.She taught English and she truly has an

44、important effect on me. She was full of love for us. She had our class to make posters and hang it around the school. She taught us that one act of kindness can go long way. Well,Mrs Smith past away just a couple of year ago after a long abttle with breast cancer. Ill never forget how a wonderful an

45、d sweet lady she is. I am truly blessed to have been known her. I am going to be a teacher like her and Ill always remember her kind.VII.Writing(寫作)(共2題;A題滿分10分,B題滿分20分,計30分)(答案寫在答題紙上)A)Suppose you are Li Hua and you received a letter from your friend Jack recently. Jack complained about the pressur

46、es of high school life and asked for your suggestions. Using the outline,reply to his letter in about 80 words, not including the given begining and ending.PressuresHow to deal with from studies draw up a scientific study plan about life live independently, think more practicallyat school help your

47、classmates, get along with them Dear Jack,I am sorry to hear about the trouble you are having.Best wishes to you.Yours sincerely,Li Hua B)Your class has been discussing the role of technology in todays society. For homework your teacher has told you to write a composition in about 150 words, giving

48、your opinions on the following statement.The mobile phone is making a positive contribution to our lives today. 參考答案I. Multiple-choice31-35 BCBDA 36-40 ADACB 41-45 BACBAII. Cloze46. or 47. properly 48. travelled/ traveled49. prevent50. away/ off 51. with 52. infected 53. collecting 54. where 55. Imp

49、rovementsIII. Reading comprehensionA) 56. F 57. F 58. afford to buy books59. Mobile libraries/ Camel libraries60. acts as a guardB) 61. Lille 62. Seven days / One week.63. The Midtown Hotel 64. 395 65.24 MarchC) 66. 要是每個人都試著這樣做一天,城鎮(zhèn)空氣質(zhì)量的變化會讓你驚嘆不已。67. 例如,你知道新式改良的爐子可減少百分之八九十的煙嗎? 68. plant trees 69. cl

50、eaner fuels 70. factoriesD) 71. C 72. Over one hundred countries.73. Reef-based tourism 74. On foot. 75. the fishing equipmentIV. Translation76. We leave that light on because the children are frightened of the dark.77. It doesnt make any sense for primary school children to get up so early.78. When

51、 completed, the new railway will run for 250 miles.79. Only in this way can rescue workers save survivors of the earthquake.80. The/ Those questions are all on art, about which I know nothing.V. IQ81. C 82. 1319 83. DRINKABLE 84. 48 mph 85. 說明:82. 1319. 7+5+1=13, 6+9+4=19. 84. 48mph 設(shè)距離為60英里,去時所用的時間

52、為:60、40=1.5(小時),返回用的時間為:60、60=1(小時),來回距離是120英里,平均速度是:120、2.5=48英里/小時。85. 長方形水平、垂直交替排列,其內(nèi)部為4個不同圖形的排列,此排列在第二次出現(xiàn)時外部圖形不變,內(nèi)部圖形倒置。依次推理,最后一個圖片長方形為水平,內(nèi)部三角形倒置;所缺的圖長方形為垂直,內(nèi)部圖形是前面第二幅長方形內(nèi)圖的倒置。VI. Error correctionS2. has-had S4.to make-make, it-them S5. a long way S6. past-passed, year-yearsS7. how-what, is-waas S8. have been-have S9. kind-kindnessVII. WritingA) One possible versionDear Jack,I am sorry to hear about the trouble you are having. As you know, high school life is full of challenges and everyone feels he is under great pressure at times. With endless homework and fierce competition,


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