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1、九年級英語(仁愛版)上冊語言點歸納 Unit 2 Saving the earthTopic 1 I cant stand the environment here.一、重點詞匯(一) 詞形變換 1. produce(名詞) producer 2. breathe (名詞) breath 3. manage (同義詞) try 4. soil (近義詞) earth 5. waste (反義詞) save 6. harm (形容詞) harmful 7. die (名詞) death (形容詞) dead 8. downstairs (反義詞) upstairs 9.pleasant (反義詞

2、) unpleasant 10. change (形容詞) changeable(二) 重點詞組1. stand /improve / protect the environment 忍受/改善/保護環(huán)境 2. produce terrible gas 產(chǎn)生難聞的氣味3. manage to do sth. 設(shè)法做某事4. in a good / bad mood 情緒好/差5. feel uncomfortable 感到不舒適6. pour waste into river 把廢水倒入河里7. something useful 有用的事物8. be harmful to sb. / sth.

3、 對某人/某物有害9. the look of our cities 城市面貌10. see fish swimming 看到魚兒游來游去11. at present 目前12. shout at sb. 對某人大喊大叫;斥責(zé)某人13. stop making so much noise 停止發(fā)出如此大的噪音14. disturb others 打擾別人15. a kind of pollution 一種污染16. be sorry for doing sth. 對做了某事感到抱歉17. from now on 從現(xiàn)在起18. in noisy conditions 在吵雜的條件下19. be

4、come deaf 變聾了20. quite a few 相當(dāng)少21. no better than (幾乎)與一樣差22. cause high blood pressure 引發(fā)高血壓23. in strong, changeable light 在強烈、易變的光線下二、 重點句型。1. It is difficult for me to breathe. 對我來說很難呼吸。2. -How long have you been like this? 你處于這樣的狀態(tài)多久了?-I have been like this since last month. 自從上個月以來我一直這樣。 3. I

5、t is a beautiful place with flowers and grass. 那是個有花、有草的美麗的地方。4. All the flowers, grass and fish have gone! 所有的花、草和魚兒都沒有了!5. It smells terrible. 難聞極了。6. There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the river. 有幾座工廠正往河里排放污水。7. Its our duty to protect the environment. 保護環(huán)境是我們的職責(zé)。8. I

6、have been at this school since last year / for one year. 自從去年,我在這個學(xué)校了。 / 我來到這個學(xué)校有一年了。9. Noise is a kind of pollution and it is harmful to our ears. 噪音是一種污染,對我們的耳朵有害。三、重點語言點1. I cant stand the environment here. 我無法容忍這兒的環(huán)境。stand 表“容忍;忍受”,后接名詞、代詞及動名詞做賓語。如: I cant stand that man, he talks too much. 我忍受不

7、了那個人了,他話太多了。 Can you stand the pain? 你能忍得住痛嗎? I cant stand waiting any longer. 我再也等不了了。2. What do you mean by sth. ? 某物是什么意思呢?= Whats the meaning of sth ? = What does sth. mean?3. I hope I can move from here soon. 我希望我能早點從這兒搬走。當(dāng)主從句主語一致時,??赊D(zhuǎn)換成不定式短語 = I hope to move from here soon. 我希望早點從這兒搬走。4There a

8、re several chemical factories pouring waste water into the river. 有幾座工廠正往河里排放污水。 There be + sb. / sth. + doing sth. 表有某人/ 某物正在做某事。 如: There are some birds singing in the tree. 樹上有些鳥兒在歌唱。 There is a little girl crying in the street. 街上有個小女孩在哭。5stop doing sth. 停止做(正在進行的)事stop to do sth. 停下來去做(另一件)事如:I

9、ts late. They will stop working and (stop) to have supper. 很遲了。他們將停下來吃晚飯。The students stopped talking and to listen to the teacher. 學(xué)生們停止說話去聽課。6Im sorry for making so much noise. 很抱歉我弄出這么大的噪音。 be sorry for doing sth. 表對做過的事感到抱歉 be sorry to do sth. 表對當(dāng)前的事感到抱歉 如:Im sorry for waking you up yesterday. 很

10、抱歉昨天把你弄醒了。Im sorry to trouble you. 很抱歉打擾你了。Im sorry to hear that. 聽到那個(消息)感到很遺憾。7 ,not all people know that noise is also a kind of pollution. 并不是所有的人都知道噪音也是一種污染。 not 與both、all 、every 以及 every 的派生詞連用時,表部分否定。 如:Not everybody knows this secret. 不是人人知道這個秘密。 Nobody knows this secret. 沒有一個人知道這個秘密。I dont

11、know all (of) your names. 你們的名字我并不都知道。I know none of your names. 我不知道你們所有人的名字。8. Recently it was reported that many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do,近來據(jù)報道,美國許多青少年的聽力和65歲的老人一樣差。 no better than 表“同(幾乎)一樣差; 不比做得好” 如: Lucy did no better than Lily in the exam. 露西和莉莉考得幾乎一

12、樣糟. = Lucy almost did as badly as Lily in the exam.四、重點語法現(xiàn)在完成時中延續(xù)性的動作或狀態(tài)和由for / since 引導(dǎo)的一段時間狀語搭配使用。a)“for + 時間段” 與 “since + 時間點” 都表“一段時間”,常用How long 提問。如: -How long have you been like this? -I have been like this since last month./ for a month. -How long have you lived in Changle?-I have lived in C

13、hangle for ten years / since ten years ago.b) 如句中含有非延續(xù)性動詞,則改為相應(yīng)的延續(xù)性動詞或狀態(tài)。 如:I bought this TV three days ago.= I have had this TV for three days.His cat died yesterday.= His cat has been dead since yesterday. 常見的非延續(xù)性動詞轉(zhuǎn)換成延續(xù)性動詞如下:comebe here; gobe there; closebe closed; openbe open;buyhave; borrow kee

14、p; leavebe away; beginbe on;finishbe over; diebe dead etc.Topic 2 How does pollution hurt the earth?一、重點詞匯(一)詞形變換 1. none (反義詞) all 2. both (反義詞) neither 3. rubbish (同義詞) litter 4 teal (過去式) stole (過去分詞) stolen 5. spit (過去式;過去分詞) spat 6. behave (名詞) behavior 7. prevent (同義詞) stop 8. although (同義詞) t

15、hough 9. pollute (句詞) pollution 10. completely (形容詞) complete(二)重點詞組1read this article 看這篇文章2here and there = everywhere 到處3care for = look after = take care of 照顧4give some advice to 提出一些建議給5set ones mind to sth. 集中精力于; 用心于6protect nature 保護自然7wash away 沖走8blow away 吹走;刮走9turn into = change into 轉(zhuǎn)變

16、成10die out 滅絕;絕跡11stop / prevent (from) doing sth. 阻止做某事 12keepfrom doing sth. 阻止做某事13move toward 朝移動14cut down 砍倒15run away 跑走; 流走16cut off 中斷17on the earth 在地球上18 be in danger of (doing) sth. 處于做某事的危險中19destroy/ harm/ pollute the environment 破壞/損害/污染環(huán)境20have a quiet life 過著平靜的生活21plenty of 大量的22co

17、me to realize 開始意識23have a clean-up 大掃除24one after another 一個接著另一個25on recycled paper 在再生紙上26enter the competition 進入比賽27offer ones suggestion 提供某人的建議二、重點句型1 But the government has done something useful to protect the environment.但政府為了保護環(huán)境已做了一些有益的事。2 We shouldnt leave rubbish here and there/ everywh

18、ere. 我們不應(yīng)該到丟棄垃圾。3 Dont step on the grass or pick the flowers around us.不要踐踏我們周圍的草坪和采摘花朵。4 Everyone should care for /look after/ take care of wild animals and plant more trees. 每一個人都應(yīng)當(dāng)保護野生動物并且多種樹。5 We should do everything we can to protect the environment. 我們應(yīng)盡一切努力保護環(huán)境。6 Nothing is difficult if you s

19、et your mind to it.世上無難事,只怕有心人。7 The wind is blowing strongly with lots of sand. 風(fēng)夾著沙子猛烈地刮著。8 They are dying out because of all kinds of pollution.由于各種污染,他們正瀕臨滅絕。9. It caused Harbin City to cut off its water supply for five days.它導(dǎo)致哈爾濱市斷水5 天。10. Some things weve done are very good, while some are no

20、t good for the earth. 我們所做的一些事情對地球有益,然而有一些卻對地球有著負面影響。11. As a result, many rivers and lakes are dead now. 結(jié)果,現(xiàn)在許多河流湖泊失去生機。三、 重點語言點1. It says that China has become the worlds largest producer and user of coal.它(文章)寫到中國已經(jīng)成為世界上最大的煤炭生產(chǎn)和消費國。sth. + says that 此句型中主語是事或物,say表用“文字、數(shù)字”說明信息。如:It says “ Happy N

21、ew Year!” on the card. 卡片上寫著“新年快樂!”。The clock says that it is 20:00 now. 這面鐘顯示現(xiàn)在是20:00。 2. As we know, none of us likes pollution. 眾所周知,沒有人喜歡污染。 none與no one 的區(qū)別:a) none “全無”,既可指人也可指物,后常跟of 的短語; 作主語時,謂語動詞既可用單數(shù)也可用復(fù)數(shù);no one只指人,后不能跟of 的短語; 作主語時,謂語動詞只用作單數(shù)。如: He has read none of these books.(指物)這些書他一本都沒看過

22、。 None of my friends like/ likes drawing.(指人)我的朋友們沒有一個喜歡畫畫。 No one is here. 沒有一個在這兒。b) none回答how many/ much的問題;no one回答who的問題。 如: A: How many students come to school by taxi? B: None.有多少的學(xué)生搭出租車來上學(xué)? 沒有人。 A: How much water is there in the bottle? B: None.瓶子里有多少水? 一點兒也沒有。 A: Who is in the room? B: No o

23、ne.誰在房中?沒有人。3 It has become a big problem recently.最近它已經(jīng)成為一個嚴(yán)重問題。 recently“到目前為止;近來”,常用于現(xiàn)在完成時。如:I havent heard from him recently. 最近,我沒收到他的來信。She has read some books on history recently. 最近她看了一些有關(guān)歷史的書。 4 When it rains, the soil will be washed away.下雨時,土壤就會被沖走。 will be +過去分詞為一般將來時的被動語形式。如:The earth w

24、ill be blown away by the wind. 泥土將會被風(fēng)刮走。(被動語態(tài))= The wind will blow away the earth. 風(fēng)將會把泥土刮走。(主動語態(tài)) 5A lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand. 許多肥沃的土地已經(jīng)變成了沙漠,留下的是遍地黃沙。a) change into = turn into 把.(轉(zhuǎn))變成. 如:Please change/ turn English into Chinese. 請把英語變成漢語。When the traffic lights

25、change/ turn into green, we can go.當(dāng)交通燈變成綠色時,我們就可以通行。b) leaving only stand現(xiàn)在分詞短語作狀語, 表伴隨。如:The children went away, talking and laughing.孩子們說著、笑著離開了。The girl is looking for her mother, crying loudly.這個女孩大聲地哭著在尋找她的母親。 6Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. They can also prevent the sand

26、 from moving toward the rich land. 樹可以防風(fēng)固土,也可阻止風(fēng)沙吹進良田。Trees can keep water from running away. 樹可以防止水土流失。stop / prevent sb. /sth. (from ) doing sth. 阻止/ 防止 某人或某物做某事keep sb./sth. from doing sth. 阻止/ 防止 某人或某物做某事7. Although we have built the Great Green Wall, we still need to work hard to protect the en

27、vironment. 盡管我們已經(jīng)建了綠色長城,我們?nèi)孕枰铝τ诒Wo環(huán)境。although 連詞,表“雖然; 盡管”,引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,相當(dāng)于though 但比though正式。不能與but同時連用。如:Although the question is difficult, he can still answer it.盡管這個問題很難,他仍能回答上它。9 And some animals are in danger of disappearing completely. = And some animals are in danger of dying out. 一些動物瀕臨滅絕。 in d

28、anger of ( doing ) sth. 處于做某事的危險中; 如:They are in danger of losing their lives. 他們正處于失去生命的危險中。9. You may either take a bus or a taxi. 你們可能搭公車去或者是搭出租車去。 a) eitheror “要么要么; 或者或者” 并列連詞,連接對等結(jié)構(gòu);連接主語時,根據(jù)就近原則。如: You may come either today or tomorrow. 你要么今天來,要么明天來。 We can either sing or dance. 我們可以唱歌或者跳舞。 Ei

29、ther you or he is right. 要么你對,要么他對。 b) either 單獨使用時,是代詞,表“二者之一”既可指人也可指物;用作主語時,謂語動詞用作單數(shù)。如: A:ould you like coffee or tea? B: Either is OK 你想要咖啡還是茶?隨便都可以。 Either of us is right. 我們倆中有一人是對的。四、重點語法 不定代詞和不定副詞:(一) 不定代詞: 指人:someone/ somebody anyone/ anybody no one/ nobody everyone/everybody 指物:something an

30、ything nothing everything(二)不定副詞指地點:somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere(三)用法:1 some-復(fù)合代詞/副詞常用于肯定句;如:I saw someone in the room. 我看見房間里有人。There is something in the woods. 樹林里有什么東西。He has gone somewhere warm for his holiday. 他去暖和的地方度假了。2 any-復(fù)合代詞/副詞常用于否定句或疑問句;如:I didnt see anyone in the room. 我沒看見有人在

31、房間里。There isnt anything in the woods. 樹林里沒有什么東西。He hasnt gone somewhere warm for his holiday.他沒去暖和的地方度假。3 no- 復(fù)合代詞/副詞表全否定;如:I saw nobody in the room. 我看見房間里沒有人。There is nothing in the woods. 樹林里沒有什么東西。4 every- 復(fù)合代詞/副詞代替全部;如:Everyone is here. 大家都在這兒。It seems he knows everything. 似乎他知道一切。 some-復(fù)合代詞/副詞

32、用于疑問句中時,表希望得到對方的肯定回答或表請求;如:Would you like something to drink? 你要點喝的東西嗎? any-復(fù)合代詞/副詞用于肯定句時,表“任何”;如:If people spit anywhere in public, they should be punished. 如果人們在公眾的任何地方吐痰,他們應(yīng)該受罰。 不定代詞作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式;如:No one knows this secret. 沒有一人知道這個秘密。Everything goes well. 一切進展順利。 如果有定語修飾,定語應(yīng)放在不定代詞或不定副詞后;如:I hav

33、e something important to tell you. 我有重要的事告訴你。There is nobody strange here. 這兒沒有一個陌生人。 no= not any nobody = not anybody; nothing = not anythingShe didnt say anything. = She said nothing. 她什么也沒說。There is nobody strange here.= There isnt anybody strange here.這兒沒有一個陌生人。 Topic 3 Lets be greener people.一、

34、重點詞匯(一)詞形變換1. organization(動詞) organize 2.recycle(動名詞) recycling 3. follow(形容詞) following 4.electricity(形容詞) electric5. move(名詞) movement 6. quick(副詞) quickly7. environment(形容詞) environmental 8. protect(名詞) protection(二)重點詞組1. environmental protection 環(huán)境的保護2. work for 為工作3. spread message about 宣傳有關(guān)

35、4. reduce the waste/ air pollution 減少浪費/ 空氣污染5. both sides of 的兩面6. rather than (是)而不是.7. not onlybut also 不僅.而且8. save money/ energy/ electricity 省錢/ 能源/ 電9. be supposed to do sth. 應(yīng)當(dāng)做某事10. travel a short distance 短途旅行11. putinto 把放入12. take up a lot of space 占據(jù)許多空間13. produce power from 從獲得能量14. r

36、un the car 發(fā)動汽車15. pushforward /up /down 推.向前/向上/向下16. power machines 發(fā)動機器17. produce electricity by doing sth. 通過做某事發(fā)電18. the movement of water 水的流動19. be used for doing sth 被用作做某事 20. take a quick shower 快速淋浴21. make a short journey 短途旅行22. pick the litter up 撿起垃圾23. try harder 再努力24. produce a sh

37、ort oral report 作一個簡短的口頭報告二、重點句型1Lets be greener people. 讓我們做環(huán)保使者吧。2my main job is to help spread message about protecting the environment. 我主要的工作是幫助做有關(guān)保護環(huán)境的宣傳。3Its kind of you to do that. 你那樣做真是太好了。4Would you like to be a greener person? 你想成為一名綠色使者嗎?5Easier said than done. 說得容易,做得難。6Actions speak l

38、ouder than words. 百說不如一干;事實勝于雄辯。7Of all the rubbish, about 35 percent can be recycled while the rest cant. 在所有的垃圾里,大約35%能被回收,但剩余的則不能。8. They work well, but they are slow and cant run for long. 他們行駛得很好,但他們行駛很慢并且不能遠距離行駛。三、重點語言點1. We all know that youre working for some organizations that protect the e

39、nvironment. 我們都知道你在為環(huán)保組織工作。work for 表“為工作”He works for a foreign company in Shanghai. 他在上海為一家外資公司工作。2. We should use both sides of paper, and reuse plastic bags rather than throw them away. 我們應(yīng)該把紙的兩面都使用,將塑料袋再次使用而不是輕易扔掉。a) both 修飾復(fù)數(shù)名詞;而 either 修飾單數(shù)名詞; 如:There are a lot of trees on both sides of the r

40、oad.= There are a lot of trees on either side of the road. 在路的兩邊有許多樹。b) rather than 表“(是)而不是”;連詞, 連接對等結(jié)構(gòu), 相當(dāng)于instead of如: I like coffee rather than tea. = I like coffee instead of tea. 我喜歡咖啡而不是茶. He likes listening to music rather than/ instead of singing. 他喜歡聽音樂而不是唱歌. He wants to go today rather than/ instead of tomorrow. 他想今天走而不明天. I did my homework rather than watched TV. = I did my homework instead of watching TV. 昨晚我做作業(yè)了而不是看電視.但rather than位于句首時, 后跟動詞原形,它不受句中謂語動詞的時態(tài)影響。如: Rather than do it by myself, I didnt ask for help. 寧可自己干, 我沒請人幫忙。3. Everyo


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