



1、國家開放大學(xué)電大??粕虅?wù)交際英語(2)期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2140)2022盜傳必究I . MULTIPLE CIIOiCE()0 小小 2 分,共 20 分)t hixMr the letter IndkuUni: Iht besl chciirc to c(>m|ilcle rueb Mrntcncc or univ«rr each qucMlon:L A m an urrangcmcni of iniormntion that is oruariixcd in row* a nd columns.A. ublrB churl2. A< n) m n h»

2、;t of unhmtliAr term* and AbbreviationsA. inAtructJnnB. nuiniial(: glauMryA. In plAiintnw o manimlt which uf the following is the mom irn|x)rlant io ronf«ider?A- Ynur own experience with the ropic oi ihr manual.H Whm the inirndcd rstdm nted to know*('What you would like to tench (he rrAdcrn

3、>I. in the buynig anti nellln|( of noodn und trrvierM on the IntrrnrhA. E commerceB. E-miitl(;E book5. A Mhimtion at work in which you ntu»t undrr«t#ind whnt i,betnu prearnted wouldrequire lifitcninKAt camurIH> activet nrRgtive6. Which pnrt of the (nrr provide* I hr mo*! non ver Im I

4、 (rrlinga?A. The mouth.B. The lip*.( Thr eycik7. A(n> in ihr ofliddJ record of the proceeding of a mretin|(.A> memoK minuteC> ugrndu8. When ti vcrluil nieMaRt on(i fl nonverbal mejmagr diMgrer with each oiher> niG>l M the lime we A. believe the verbal meMngrK believe the nonverbal nun

5、agrC. believe both of I hr two kind、of languagespiqj oi pasydinsc swm Itfiuv aqt U| SuiudQ uoop iucmj atp)« xoq 刊i oiui jonaf 0 pMdoip gunsod aqi gq, joio3|(oj xwi aqi oi puot ox qgip iat:oue »uhmm)sn( g 刃auiqjuioK luiuuidAoH aip pMO aq 蝕中 pAipq a) gu p叫叫 P»P!”P H Maclvd pmi jpuad 

6、71; 411M 甲o(hù)m jo)q| v jaip pun tjHnoua pred peq oq i J»puoM 04 u成q 9q *pnsM sb jp»ip siq fhqgd idip fM ju() uunomp jacloid aqj Xid oi |njjjvj Aja 8vm(s «bm 叫m istuv uiv|J33 v vvm ajdqj w xr?) *>(p ipzui Moq Xpomca apwp oi qnoyjip n 對(duì))ptu叩jy -quo om puo uc, 3 Puu 邛由uMnP gnaq s叫 uo iU

7、3d«i叫 叫 tpntu Muq fAp3jj nq i<A4Ui qantu MOH !snuu,> aM M0HXuu cpoddns 叫 “ip叫m z叫 jq Ui>jppqo Auviu 仇oqt pujwtu si uvtu »q)juajajjip Xuvui ov uo spusdsp 11luauuujdAoSj甲 oi piwd mq oj 叫Nno voi »叫從 xms iinb oq oi nutu u joj :n3ijj|p uaqo si q:au()為wsbj vwo|i3nh qi JAMSUtt ptxtr

8、 soltmsiid omi Su|mo|oj 叫pm)f(& OZ #& Z BIWW申 0l)NOISNHH:4BJKO3 9M(IVHM IUvtfutnoptr put 砰”q t> 1 XuiimiIo um Miawd 3t«oq »】叩,叫 uoi|tot|d<ln J()Aja%| *o ,偵W*«HJuiittu| U| u(>nnuuo|ui m時(shí)和叫"jo muviu luvuocliui u® w 松!】"山 v 61 <Nu4jiii JW|n3iMvd f Huunp

9、 pgmnqp 叫 oi Etqtnq |0 wpjo ®qi < “mqta V W WA* qJM |M|tt3 «( 洲 q«M ,呻| 待甲 jaindtlioa V 71vj4uioiMnj v 州 3 <f iunujp v 】 iujiiwU y f9l nuMiumpauj it JO 3|diuvx* uw «| |inu4t! y 勺 uupjo |V|iu4rib«n ui <uounnj:Mui jUM9Jd p|nu<|« 5甲M * 一 ««vj?c>jd

10、jo ajnpaojd o jo ujujXttip dw4q dW w |«i叫J minfiuwKJO uy '£| *piw |vnwiA v jo adiumca u« 1 如山 y uNvwWtftU V U) «pjDM JO *UOI|WlUaHJjd.>J |«HflA JJW Bp|V |»n«U puo M3iqdM<Af) 11 <mm| acinar aqi jo Su|ptiii)Mj4pun jn<>4 im p*im| x| p|n»q* |U.&

11、gt;uiMpnf jm»A "町!JQI JI such jqi Uf j uw J1UA *l *1叫I JI pdpi"d n<h m” u| | « J»MM(&& *'GZ V4/ 引nu lljo/AA|AJa)u)7|jAMaiAiaiui *VAA.HAi.uui qof v p tfXvp omi uiqiiM(«) 5 期蘭 «»H| dn-MO|oj 叫*0|u|ti|ii uouwamnuiuicp pooH "叫 noA ) qo( W uo X|J

12、|3|nl> uJUWAptf u*3 BOX v Xfiwirnvu bw mtn noX * 心“叫M31| XMO平 M4IAJ»l|tll UV XllUHp pW"型機(jī) 仙偎 T.l 8 inNidc it a check (or five pnundn from the uxwcollect(m The affidol explained that too much hnd been pai(i« and that thrrrforr the diffrrrncr was now returned to the t/ixpnym21 h im t

13、ncntionrd in the punMgr fhut nnc- Iihh to pay tnx nccnrdinK 如 .A. how much cducAtiun onr hnu receivedB. whether one is tingle or marriedC. how old c»nrf < children Arr22. I br underlined word wpropcrM in the second pArAraph rnenun .A» HtnjillR 尚I;C right23. Altrr n lot of work ihr ortin

14、t thought that hr hn<l pAid ihr MOVernmMI.A. ks<M rax tlmn he Rhatild hjtvrB. rntirr tnx thiin hr should hnvrC a* much tnx 好 ununl24. What did the artist rrccivr?A. A check from the bunk clerk.K A check from fhc tux collect。仁C. A gift from llw lux colkrion25. Why did (hut tax rollcclor n lette

15、r lu the firiiil?A. Tu nr nd him n nrw tnn form.K To return the money ovrr paid.(二 To rrrtiind him of pAyinu the tmuPMkMgr r*O:Tha 、mr4 job no kcr nrrdu to rid hcrwcll ol wvrrgi nCnndArd rnyth» Mbam intcrvicwmui Whnf futlown iw a liwt of Home of ihrw uniruthn und M>nir HUHKeations in help yo

16、u do your best «t « job interview.Myih 11 1 he mm q( interviewing m tn obtain n job oiler.Only hnH !rue< The rral of fin interview t» to obtain the jab you wMnt. Th" olfen mrrtnn rrjn tinn job oflrr you dan * t wuntf So. brforr you do bnrk4!ip» (ar an ctnployrr br mire yo

17、u want rhr j”h.Myth 2i Alwnyn ploflMc the interviewerNot trur> I ry tu pleiihr your»r|C (JjviriK aumwcfr tlim you ihink will tui! n potrniml employer an<l prActtcmg a polky o( iipprA«?mcnt (i j i > «rr crrtain to grr you fiowhrrc< An effective interview (wherr you are offe

18、red the job or not) b like an cxcilinu encounter in canvrrMtiun with yuur »c«itmAte on «n nirplunc-Myth 3| Nrver interrupt thr intrrvirwrr<An rxcitinu convcrMnon alwoyib mokeM un (eel Ircr frrr to interrupt to ditAitirr tu Mgrre rnthuimuticallyi Su« when interviewinut try to b

19、e yaurselL Employrrn will rithrr like or dlikr yciu> hut nt kn»t you* It have mndc An itnprrRiilon> Lmving nn employ er inddferrnt m the wort! imprcAMion you can m/ik< < And the way to make nn e(fec<ive iTnpr«A»Km m to fed (rtir to be yournclf |2& By *mythR thr auth

20、or mean* n old tradiliona! Uory or legendH. something that i» unknownC aomrthing Gdse. but most people beheve to be true27. Accordin« to theif you arc iooking lor a job. your aim in the tntmriew i»A< to obtain a job you wantA to obtain the job offered by the employerC to le« t

21、he employer undemfand you2A The nghi attitude for you is to A. ple«»e the potcnfiai employerH. avoid dumgrecmeni with the interviewerG talk to your interricwcr in a warm and friendly way29 When tntcrvtewmgfA. try to be yourxlfK leave an employer indifferentC doa9t interrupt thr interviewer

22、3。 The belt title (of thi» paxage would be A. The aim of)olr>cckinKA M)rth« about interviewingC How to obum a)ob|.TRA?C>LATlON(5/ha.«小 4 分.共 20 分)Tnu>«Utr the follow tat sentrocct into diitmc:3L A docriplton i» verbal and visual picture o otnething.32. Spoken or wri

23、tten nymbuh make up the verbal part of me»Mgr.3X Active lnteninR b imponann34. Job> are also tomctimcA abtainetl through internships35. Make nure the ru»tomcr understafulii whit you My.V< WHITINGfl 小fll .共 20 分)3fit You nrr John* worktnx n! Milkw/iy Superrnarkci. Your Mipcrnurkrl m a

24、Ikmh u» cekbrnte(tK«.)h» lOf niwy (XI嘩您北口)dwring May P to 7* . In that period, tlw supermarket will olfr dincount>(比恩<>h »>mr h(xkU. Writ*1 rti» lehII U)y°ur cutoiiirn* (About 50 words) i< 1)(o tell them when the celebration bl(2) io inform them u( yuur o

25、ffer i(3) to invite thrm to come.試題答案及評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考)I . MILIIPI.E CIIOK 小 18 .每小 18 2 分.共"分 I< hcM>%r Ihr Irltcr Indirnllnu Ihr h<t chnirc complete ctirh <rnfence nr *in*rr eachqurMhm:1134s6:7A9KiA(?AHCH1.AIts IKIIE / FA1>SK(1O 小,苗小 2 #.共部分)Write m I in I be npacr protided If I he Mu

26、lrmciit |» true. Wrlle nn F In the «puce If I hr«itutrinrnl h fnlM?.1112IIH151617IK19TTFL tPTTPTTIII. REAhING CnMPKFHEN§IC、(m 小小:分.共:1)分)Hcm<I Ihr folhiHhiit twound unswrr Ihr qinlbuis.P。、.收 Otic?1222<25IIvAB:HTwo2R"282930ACAIIle1KANNLAI ION(小.«Ph I 分.啟D 分)I ninlMtc I hr hilluMhttf vntvm rs into < hhicHc:J L A if&l


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