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1、Unit 12復習unit 7-11)n詞匯n語法n閱讀、寫作n聽力關(guān)于電視節(jié)目的肥皂劇肥皂劇soap動畫片動畫片cartoon喜劇喜劇comedy戲劇戲劇drama電影電影film智力游戲節(jié)目智力游戲節(jié)目quiz show店鋪、地點 面包店 bakers肉店肉店butchers藥店藥店chemists超市超市supermarket蔬菜水果店蔬菜水果店greengrocers報刊經(jīng)銷點報刊經(jīng)銷點newsagents郵局郵局Post office咖啡館咖啡館caf 餐廳餐廳 restaurant 地點酒吧酒吧barpub電影院電影院cinema公園公園park健身房健身房gymhealth cl

2、ub容器 小包小包packet罐罐tincan塑料盒塑料盒carton袋袋bag瓶瓶bottleActivity 2nApril- it is a month, the others are days.nbottle-it is a container, the others are food.ntall it is a physical adjective, the others are character adjectives.nsuitcase it is a possession, the others are furniture.星期 星期一星期一星期二星期二星期三星期三星期四星期四

3、星期五星期五星期六星期六星期天星期天MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Friday Saturday Sunday 月份 一月一月七月七月二月二月八月八月三月三月九月九月四月四月十月十月五月五月十一月十一月六月六月十二月十二月JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember食物 水果水果蔬菜蔬菜蘋果蘋果土豆土豆香蕉香蕉西紅柿西紅柿梨子梨子卷心菜卷心菜橙子橙子胡蘿卜胡蘿卜荔枝荔枝洋蔥洋蔥葡萄葡萄蒜頭蒜頭fruitapplebananapearorangelycheegr

4、apevegetablepotatotomatocabbagecarrotoniongarlic描畫人外貌的描畫詞 高的高的矮的矮的瘦的瘦的胖的胖的超重的超重的中等高度的中等高度的tallshortslim / thinfatoverweightaverage height描畫頭發(fā)的詞匯顏色:顏色: 黑色黑色 black / dark ; 銀色的銀色的 silver 灰色的灰色的 grey 白色的白色的 white 金黃色的金黃色的 fair 棕色的棕色的 brown橙色橙色 orange, 黃色黃色 yellow, 紅色紅色 red,藍色,藍色 blue , 綠色綠色 green 深藍色深藍

5、色 dark blue直的直的 straight , 卷的卷的curly,破浪形的,破浪形的 wavy描畫性格的描畫詞 好心的好心的善談的善談的和善的和善的文靜的文靜的友好的友好的愚蠢的愚蠢的害羞的害羞的聰明的聰明的開朗的開朗的自信的自信的嚴肅的嚴肅的有趣的有趣的kindnicefriendlyshyoutgoingserioustalkativequietstupidintelligentconfidentfunny家居用品 餐桌餐桌書柜書柜凳子凳子燈燈炊具炊具電視機電視機淋浴淋浴鐘鐘浴缸浴缸電腦電腦沙發(fā)沙發(fā)電冰箱電冰箱tablechaircookershowerbathsofabooksh

6、elflamptelevision setclock(laptop) computerfridgeActivity 3 序數(shù)詞 數(shù)字基數(shù)詞序數(shù)詞數(shù)字基數(shù)詞序數(shù)詞1onefirst8eighteighth2twosecond9nineninth3threethird10tententh4fourfourth12twelvetwelfth5fivefifth20twentytwentieth6sixsixth21twenty-onetwenty firstActivity 3nSaturday, the first June.nMonday, the third of June.nWednesda

7、y, the fifth of June.nFriday, the fourteenth of June.nSaturday, the twenty-second of June.nSunday, the thirteenth of June.Activity 41. wavy波浪型的波浪型的(hair頭發(fā)頭發(fā)) straight 直直的的2. fair 金黃色的金黃色的(hair) dark黑色的黑色的3. Short短的短的 / 矮的矮的 long 長的長的 / tall 高高的的4. friendly 友好的友好的 cold 冷漠的冷漠的5. outgoing 爽直的,外向的爽直的,外向

8、的 shy 害羞的害羞的6. talkative 善談的善談的 quiet 文靜的文靜的Activity 4-27. quiet 安靜的(area 環(huán)境noisy 吵鬧的 / busy 忙碌的8. safe 平安的 dangerous危險的9. polluted 受污染的(city 城市 clean干凈的/ unpolluted 沒受污染的10. chaotic 雜亂的 (city) well-organised 井井有條的 11. funny 有趣的 (TV programme) serious 正經(jīng)的,嚴肅的 (dull / boring悶的 )12. warm 暖和的(weather)

9、cold冷的 cool 涼爽的用于描畫城市的描畫詞 安全的safe危險的dangerous大的 big小的small井井有條的well-organised雜亂的chaotic美麗的beautiful丑的ugly擁擠的crowded空的empty貴的expensive便宜的cheap現(xiàn)代的modern落后的 old-fashioned繁忙的busy安靜的 calm干凈的clean/unpolluted臟的dirty/polluted安靜的quiet吵鬧的noisy關(guān)于天氣的詞匯關(guān)于天氣的詞匯 天氣很熱。天氣很熱。It is hot.天氣很冷。天氣很冷。It is cold.晴天。晴天。It is

10、 sunny. /The sun is shining.陰天多云。陰天多云。It is cloudy.下雨。下雨。It is raining / rainy.下雪。下雪。It is snowing.有風。有風。It is windy.大霧。大霧。It is foggy.語法n關(guān)于表達提議或者建議的句型關(guān)于表達提議或者建議的句型n關(guān)于進展時態(tài)和普通如今時關(guān)于進展時態(tài)和普通如今時n表達同感表達同感n討論時間安排討論時間安排n描畫位置描畫位置n關(guān)于游覽事項的用語關(guān)于游覽事項的用語n關(guān)于天氣的用語關(guān)于天氣的用語n關(guān)于數(shù)量的表達關(guān)于數(shù)量的表達Activity 5 表達提議或懇求的句型n他需求做點什么嗎?

11、他需求做點什么嗎? Would you like (doing) sth . ?n他能做點什么嗎?他能做點什么嗎? Could / Can you do sth. ?n要不要我做點什么?要不要我做點什么? Shall I do sth. ? n我想他我想他XXX. Id like you to do sth. n他想不想我做點什么?他想不想我做點什么? Would you like (me) to do sth. ?n我來做我來做XX吧。吧。 Ill do sth. Activity 5nWould you like me to drive?nShall I open this packet?

12、nCould you give me that newspaper?nCould you lend me your laptop computer?nWould you like me to lend you a car?Activity 5-26. Can you tell him to phone me?7. Id like you to send a message.8. Shall I press the button?9. Would you like to use the phone?10. Could you ask them to wait in the hall?Activi

13、ty 6 如今進展時跟普通如今時 1. 如今進展時用于表示此刻或現(xiàn)階段正在發(fā)生如今進展時用于表示此刻或現(xiàn)階段正在發(fā)生的事情或正在進展的動作。其構(gòu)造為:的事情或正在進展的動作。其構(gòu)造為: They are not) 動詞動詞-ing I am (not) 動詞動詞-ing She / He is (not) 動詞動詞-ing What are they / you 動詞動詞-ing ? What is she 動詞動詞-ing ? Are you / they 動詞動詞-ing ? Is she / he 動詞動詞-ing ?普通如今時的用法 2. 普通如今時表示經(jīng)常發(fā)生的事情這些普通如今時表示

14、經(jīng)常發(fā)生的事情這些動作能夠每天、每時或經(jīng)常發(fā)生動作能夠每天、每時或經(jīng)常發(fā)生我為家人做飯。每天都這樣我為家人做飯。每天都這樣I cook for my family.我六點起床。每天都這樣或經(jīng)常都這樣我六點起床。每天都這樣或經(jīng)常都這樣I get up at six.我早餐不喝茶。慣例我早餐不喝茶。慣例I dont have tea for breakfast.Activity 6nshes having / she is havingnIt starts; the news finishesndo you seenMy fathers working / My father is working

15、nDo you know; she usually works; shes / she is helpingActivity 6-26. Ive got a car; Im / I am borrowing7. Xiaoyan is ; Mark is8. are you doing?; Im / I am trying9. Do you have; I dont smoke10. its raining / it is raining; it always rainsActivity 7 表達同感我也是這樣表達同感我也是這樣n一定意見的認同一定意見的認同( 我是我是XX。 我覺得我覺得 XX

16、。 n Me too.n So do I.n So am I.n So have I.n2. 否認意見的認同我不是否認意見的認同我不是XX。 我不覺得我不覺得XX。n Me neither.n Neither do I.n Neither am I.n Neither have I.Activity 7nSo do I.nSo am I .nNeither do I .nNeither am I.nSo do I.nNeither am I.nNeither do I.nSo am I.Activity 8 關(guān)于時間的安排n建議日期或詳細時間建議日期或詳細時間n Are you free on

17、 Thursday? 他星期四有空他星期四有空嗎?嗎?n What about Friday? 星期五怎樣樣?星期五怎樣樣?n How about 6 oclock? 六點鐘怎樣樣?六點鐘怎樣樣?n2. 表示贊同商定的時間表示贊同商定的時間n Yes. Thursday ( 6 oclock) is fine / okay.n 好的,星期四好的,星期四(六點鐘沒問題。六點鐘沒問題。n Yes. Thats fine / okay.n 表示不贊同商定的時間恐怕我沒空。恐怕我沒空。No, Im afraid Im not free.不行,不好意思,我很忙。不行,不好意思,我很忙。No, Im so

18、rry, Im busy.確認時間確認時間好吧,到時候見好吧,到時候見Okay, see you then.Okay, see you at 6 oclock on Thursday.Activity 8A: Id like to discuss the new flat.B: Yes. Are you free on Friday?A: No. Im sorry, Im busy.B: What about Thursday?A: Yes. Thursday is fine. Is 4 oclock okay?B: No. Im afraid Im not free. 4 oclock is

19、 too early. How about 5.30?A: Yes. 5.30 is fine.B: okay. See you at 5.30 on Thursday.Activity 9 關(guān)于位置的描畫問路和指路 方位介詞 among 在在中間三者或以上中間三者或以上between 在在中間兩者中間兩者in front of 在在前面前面behind 在在后面后面opposite 在在 的對面的對面next to 緊靠緊靠旁邊旁邊near 接近,附近接近,附近beside 在在附近附近outside 在外面在外面inside 在里面在里面in 在在里面里面on在在上面上面above 在在上

20、面上面under 在在下面下面問路、指路問路、指路nXX 在哪里?在哪里? Where is + 場所場所(place)?n最近的最近的XX在哪里?在哪里? Where is the nearest + place ?n有沒有有沒有XX? Is there + a / an + place? n我怎樣去那里?我怎樣去那里? How do I get there? nYou take the number 38 bus.nYou get on at the greengrocers.nYou get off at the bus station.n I am not from here, Im

21、afraid.n Im sorry, Im not local. I dont know.Activity 9nFalse. The supermarket is next to the chemist.nTrue.nTrue nTrue.nFalse. The caf is opposite the supermarket.Activity 10nTrue.nFalse. To go to the library, you turn left, take the second on the right and its not on the corner. Its next to the ba

22、nk.nTrue.nFalse. To go to the Chinese restaurant, you take the second on the left and its on the corner on the left.Activity 11nFalse. The laptop is under the television.nTrue.nFalse. The photo is above the lamp.nTrue.nFalse. The clock is above the picture.nTrue.Activity 12 關(guān)于游覽的用語 1. 交通方式交通方式 (How

23、?)坐汽車坐汽車/ 長途汽車長途汽車 / 火車火車 / 船船 / 飛機飛機 by bus / coach / train / ship(water) / plane (air)2. 費用及時間費用及時間How much does it cost by train / plane?坐火車飛機要多少錢?坐火車飛機要多少錢?坐飛機去海南要多長時間?坐飛機去海南要多長時間?How long does it take to go to Hainanby plane?Activity 12nHow do you (usually) go / travel?nHow much does it cost by train?nAnd


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