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1、比較I.The advantages far outweigh(比重要)the disadvantages.2 .The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.3 .A may be preferable(更可取的)to B, but A suffers from thedisadvantages that1.1 t is reasonable to maintain that but it would be foolish to claimthat 5 .For all the disadvantages, it has its c

2、ompensating advantages.6 .A and B has several points in common.7 .A bears some resemblances to B.8 .However, the same is not applicable to B.9 .The same is true of B.10 .Wondering as A is ,it has its drawbacks.原因1 .A number of factors are accountable/responsible for this situation.2 .The answer to t

3、his problem involves many factors.3 . The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that.4 . We may blame. ,but the real causes are.5 . Part of the explanations for it is that .6 .Another contributing factor (cause) is .7 .We have good reasons to believe that措施I.Overcome/conquer the difficulties8 .Do ou

4、r utmost( 極限)in doing 9 .Take measures/steps/action/approach變化1 .A great change will certainly be produced.2- .bring about many changes.事實、現(xiàn)狀1We can ' t ignore the fact that2 .No one can deny the fact that 3 .There is no denying that (A)后果1. It may give rise to/trigger a host of problems.2. The

5、immediate result it produces is .3. It will exercise a profound influence upon.4. Its consequence can be so great that.批駁1.1 t is true that ., but one vital point is being left out.( 遺漏省略)2 .There is a grain of( 一些)truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.3 .Some people say .

6、, but it does not hold water(說得通,站得住腳).4 .Too much stress placed on . may lead to .5 .Such statements mainly rest/rely on the assumption that .6 .Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that 7 .Many of us have been under the illusion that.囚舉例1 .A good case in point( 恰當,中肯)is .2 .As an illust

7、ration( 說明),we may take .3 .Such examples might be given easily.1 .is often cited/quoted as an example.(九)證明I.According to statistics proved by ., it can be seen that2 .The idea is hardly supported by facts.3 .Unfortunately, none of the available data shows .4 .There is sufficient (enough) evidence

8、to show that .(十)開篇1 .Recently the problem has been brought into focus.2 .Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.3 .Recently the issue has aroused( 喚醒)great concern among 4.Nowadays there is a growing concern over .5 .Never in our history has the idea that . been so popular倒裝)6 .Faced wit

9、h ,quite a few people argue that .7 .Only with these measures taken can (十一)結(jié)尾1.From what has been discussed above, we can arrive at the conclusion/draw the conclusion(得出結(jié)論)that .2.It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop .3.In conclusion, it is imperative( 必要的,勢在必行的)that .4.To solve

10、the above-mentioned problem, we must .5.In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up( 突然出現(xiàn))6 .With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.7 .Taking all these into account( 把 一考慮進去),we .高級詞匯替換1. 人們:(people ) persons , in

11、dividuals, characters ,folk2. 好的:(good ) positive, favorable, rosy ( 美好的),promising ,perfect, pleasurable ,excellent, outstanding, superior3. 許多:(many ) an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of,ahost of,if not most ( eg. Some individuals, if not most, harbor the strong idea that the right s

12、ence of competition should be taught clearly to our children .)4. 一些:(some ) a slice of, quiet a few , several6 .? ?支持,贊成 approve of, in favor of, uphold, stand by one's side, agree with, give one's assent7 .? ?重要的,有決定性的 vital, crucial, critical, decisive8 .? ?聰明的,有才智的intelligent , bright ,

13、wise , brilliant9 .? ?優(yōu)秀的 outstanding, perfect, brilliant, remarkable,distinguished, excellent, splendid, superb10 .? ?疲憊不堪的exhausted , fatigued, be run out , be worn out ,weary11 .? ?壞處,缺點 disadvantage, defect, flaw, drawback, shortcoming12 .? ?努力做,盡力做 attempt to, make efforts to,( 盡力)to, manage to

14、 do13 .? ?開展,實施,做 practice, carry on, conduct, perform, implement , operate (Bring into effect, put inpractice.)14 .? ?強調(diào),突出 lay/ place emphasis on, attach emphasis to, stress, emphasize ,highlight ,15 .? ?實現(xiàn),完成 achieve, accomplish, fulfill, complete16 .? ?注定 be doomed to, be destined to17 .? ?證實,證明

15、 testify, confirm, verify, turn out, certify ,indicate ,manifest18 .? ?遇至U, 碰至U come across, meet with, encounter, confront(face)19 .? ?難以置信的,驚人的 fantastic, incredible, unusual,unbelievable, exceptional, extraordinary, marvelous,striking,amazing, shocking, astonishing, surprising20 .? ?迷人的, 吸弓 I人的 e

16、nchanting, charming, appealing, alluring, glamorous ,fascinating, attractive ,absorbing(有趣的),pretty,beautiful21 .? ?擴展,擴大 expand, broaden, widen, extend, enlarge, spread22 .? ?等不及,渴望 can't wait to , be eager to/for , long for, yearn for/to, hunger for/after, look forward to23 .? ?為了 for the sake

17、 of, in order to ,so as to, on the purpose of24 .? ?事實上 in reality, in effect , as a matter of fact ,practically, virtually, actually25 .? ?方法,手段26 .? ?減少,削弱27 .? ?遲早,最終method, approach, means, measure, modereduce, decrease, diminish, lessen, lower eventually, sooner or later, at length, ultimately,

18、finallyput forward, point out 29.? ?與相聯(lián)系 have sth to do with30 .?易于,傾向于be likely to31 .? ?熟悉,知道of32 .? ?解決,處理 work onbe connected with, be linked to ,be relevant to,be apt/prone to, be liable to, tend to, incline to,be acquainted with, be familiar with, be informedresolve, settle, deal with, cope wi

19、th, manage,28 .? ?想出,想至U,提出 come up with, cross one's mind, occur to sb,33 .? 意識至Ube aware of, be conscious of, realize, recognize34 .? 專心于set one's mind on sth, concentrate on, be absorbedin, be engrossed in, be lost in, be occupied in, be attentive on, pay attention to35 .? 因為 due to, owin

20、g to, thanks to, result from, because of36 .? 巨大的 tremendous, immense, huge, gigantic, giant, enormous37 .? 不計其數(shù)的countless, endless, unlimited, innumerable,immeasurable, incalculable, numberless, numerous38 .? 珍貴的, 昂貴的 precious, valuable, valued, prized, cherished, treasured, dear, costly, high-pric

21、ed39 .? 上升 increase, to(追溯至U), go up, rise, mount, on the rise,40 .? 提前 ahead of time, ahead of schedule, beforehand, inadvance, prior to41 .? 恢復(fù) restore, recover, regain(v. 恢復(fù),重新獲得),resume42 .? 迷人的, 吸弓 I人的 enchanting, charming, appealing, alluring,fascinating, attractive43 .? 強烈的,激烈的 keen, intense,

22、 fierce, violent, strong (heavy)44 .? 繁榮的, 興旺的 prosperous, flourishing, thriving, booming45 .?壯麗的,引人注目的splendid, grand, magnificent, superb,striking, impressive, grand, marvelous, wonderful46 .? 承受,經(jīng)歷 undergo, endure, live with ,go through, experience47 .? (整體)由組成 be made up of, consist of, be compr

23、ised of,be composed of 構(gòu)成(整體),constitute48 .?混雜的,不清楚地,迷惑的 confused, bewildered, perplexed49 .? 責(zé)備,斥責(zé) blame, accuse, denounce, (scold)50 .?真誠的,衷心的 hearty, sincere, frank, (honest)51 .彳艮:(very ) exceedingly, extremely, intensely, pretty, rather52 . 認為:(think ) harbor the idea that, take the attitude t

24、hat , hold the view that, it is widely shared that , it is universally acknowledged that , maintain53 . 事情:(thing ) affair ,business ,matter54 .彳導(dǎo)至U收益: get many benefits , reap huge fruits55 . 在我看來:in my opinion , for my part ,from my own perspective56 . 對感興趣 :sb take interest in , sb. be interested

25、 in, sth appealsto sb , sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb57 . 吸弓 I 注意力:attract one's attention ,capture one's attention.58 . indicate , suggest ,fear-be indicative of ,be suggestive of ,befearful of59 . 原因 :reasons for sth , There are several reasons behind sth60 . 注意 :pay attention

26、to, pour attention into61 . 反對,不同意 :be against , disagree with sth , frown on sth62 .處理 :handle, deal with, dispose of, settle, solve, resolve, tackle, address63 .決定 :(decide ) settle ,mind, resolve ,determine, decide ,make uponce mind64 .提高,改善,力口強 :raise, improve, consolidate( 鞏固),boost, enhance, reinforce65 .重要性 :importance, significance, magnitude重要:crucial,66 .使產(chǎn)生,引起,觸發(fā),招致,導(dǎo)致:incur, arouse, stir up, strike set off,touch off, give rise to ,trigger, bring about67 .涉及,提及 : (mention ) when it comes to touch on in terms of 68 .發(fā)起 :launch an att


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