選修8unit4語法復習:過去分詞做狀語同步練習 - 人教版-_第1頁
選修8unit4語法復習:過去分詞做狀語同步練習 - 人教版-_第2頁
選修8unit4語法復習:過去分詞做狀語同步練習 - 人教版-_第3頁
選修8unit4語法復習:過去分詞做狀語同步練習 - 人教版-_第4頁
選修8unit4語法復習:過去分詞做狀語同步練習 - 人教版-_第5頁
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1、過去分詞作狀語一.過去分詞作狀語的基本用法:過去分詞作狀語主要是說明謂語動作發(fā)生的背景或條件;表示原因、時間、條件、讓步、方式或伴隨情況等。過去分詞可置于主句前,也可置于主句后,用逗號與主句隔開。1. 原因狀語Choked by the heavy smoke, he could hardly breathe. 他被濃煙嗆了,幾乎不能呼吸了。Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet. 因為淋了一場大雨,所以他全身濕透了。Frightened by the no ise in the night, the girl didnt dare to sleep in

2、 her room. 受到夜晚響聲的驚嚇,那姑娘不敢睡在她的房間。2. 時間狀語Left to itself in the room, the baby began to cry.當被孤獨地留在房間里時,嬰兒哭了起來。Asked why he did it, the monitor said it was his duty. 當被問及這件事時,班長說這是他的職責。Approached in the dark, the lights looked lonely and purposeless. 在黑暗中走近時。那些電燈顯得孤單而無意義。3. 條件狀語Seen in this aspect, th

3、e matter isnt as serious as people generally suppose. 如果從這個角度看,問題并不像人們一般預料的那樣嚴重。Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast. 如果種在肥沃的土壤里,這些種子能長得很快。Given better attention, the accident could have been avoided. 要是多加注意,那次事故就能避免了。Watered more, these cabbages could have grown better. 如果多澆點水,這些大白菜還可以長的得更

4、好。Compared with you, we still have a long way to go. 和你相比,我們還有很大的差距。4. 方式或伴隨狀語Surrounded by his students, the professor sat there cheerfully. 那位教授在學生的簇擁下,興高采烈地坐在那兒。He stood there silently, moved to tears. 他靜靜地站在那里,被感動得熱淚盈眶。The old man went into the room, supported by his wife. 那位老人在妻子的攙扶下,走進了房間。5. 讓

5、步狀語Beaten by the police and sent to jail, Gandi created the principle of nonviolent resistance. 盡管受警察的毆打,被投入監(jiān)獄,甘地卻首創(chuàng)了非暴力抵抗的原則。Defeated again, he didnt lose heart. 盡管再次被擊敗,但他沒有灰心。Waited by others for over half an hour, he didnt turn up at the meeting. 盡管別人等了他半個多小時,他還是沒有到會。6.獨立成份(插入語Given good weather

6、, our ship will reach Shanghai on Monday evening. 假如天氣好,我們的船將于星期一晚上到達上海。Id come and see you in New York, given the chance. 如果有機會,我就到紐約來看你。Generally speaking, people all believe what he has said. 一般說來,人們都相信他所說的。二.現(xiàn)在分詞與過去分詞作狀語的區(qū)別1.邏輯關系現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語與過去分詞作狀語的最主要區(qū)別在于:兩者與所修飾的主句的主語的邏輯關系的區(qū)別。1現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語時,現(xiàn)在分詞所表示的動作與句

7、子主語之間構成邏輯上的主動關系。He went out, shutting the door behind him. 他出去后將門隨手關上。Not knowing what to do, he went to his parents for help. 由于不知如何辦是好,他去找父母幫忙。2過去分詞作狀語時,過去分詞所表示的動作與句子主語之間構成邏輯上的被動關系。Given more encouragement, the boy could have behaved better. 如果多給這個孩子一些鼓勵,他本來會表現(xiàn)得更好。Faced with difficulties, we must

8、try to overcome them. 在遇到困難時,我們必須設法克服。3部分過去分詞來源于系表結構,作狀語時不表示“被動關系”,其前不用being。這樣的過去分詞及短語常見的有:lost in(陷入某種狀態(tài)、seated(坐著的、hidden (躲著、stationed(駐扎、lost/absorbed(沉溺于、born in(出身于、dressed in(穿著、tired of(厭煩了等。Lost/Absorbed in deep thought, he didnt hear the sound. 因為沉溺于思考中,所以他沒有聽到那個聲音。Born in this beautiful

9、town, he hates to leave it. 出生于這個美麗的小鎮(zhèn),他不愿離開它。2.時間概念過去分詞所表示的動作發(fā)生在謂語動作之前,或表示“一種狀態(tài)”,與謂語動作同時發(fā)生或存在?,F(xiàn)在分詞的一般式(doing表示的動作與謂語動作同時發(fā)生或在說話時正在進行;現(xiàn)在分詞的完成式(having done表示發(fā)生在謂語動作之前的一個“主動”動作;現(xiàn)在分詞的完成式的被動式(having been done常和表示次數(shù)的短語及時間段(for+一段時間連用,表示發(fā)生在謂語動作之前的一個“被動動作”,這種情況下不能用過去分詞替換,其它情況下通常被過去分詞所替換,使句式更簡潔。Written in a

10、hurry, this article was not so good. 因為寫得匆忙,這篇文章不是很好。Reading carefully, he found something he hadnt known before. 他仔細讀書時,發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些從前不知道的東西。Having finished his homework, he went home. 完成了作業(yè),他就回家了。Having been discussed several times, the decision was finally made. 進行了幾次討論后,終于做出了決定。【鞏固練習】(1 alone in a dark

11、 room, the little girl was so frightened as to cry loudly.A. LeavingB. LeftC. Being leftD. To be left(2 The flowers sweet in the botanical garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.A. smellB. startingC. smeltD. to be smelt(3 The project is designed in this way and once , nothing can be don

12、e to change it.A. startsB. startingC. startedD. having started(4 Anna was watching a cartoon, completely to the outside world.A. having been lostB. losingC. to be lostD. lost(5 Just as the value of a telephone network increases with each new phone to the system, so does the value of a computer syste

13、m increase with each program that turns out.A. addingB. to have addedC. to addD. added(6 Why didnt you go to see the play? the whole story, I decided not to see it.A. Being toldB. I had been toldC. Having toldD. Having been told(7 Many of the crimes have gone ,because some people dare not report the

14、m to the police.A. unnoticingB. unnoticedC. to be unnoticedD. to have been unnoticed(8 A communicative satellite as much as 3.5 tons was sent up into space last week.A. weighingB. weighedC. to be weighedD. being weighed(9 No matter how frequently the works of Beethoven always attract largeaudiences.

15、A. performedB. performingC. to be performedD. perform(10 Children above 12 are able to take part in skiing or other activitiesfor them.A. designedB. designingC. to designD. having designed(11 Do you have the experience like that?-Well, Ive done the work before, so I know what in my new job here.A. e

16、xpectedB. expectingC. to expectD. to be expecting(12 Agriculture officials this week said strict control pressures are in place, to prevent the red fire ants spreading across the country.A. intendedB. intendingC. to be intendedD. having intended(13 He must be angry, for we heard the glass on the flo

17、or.A. being brokenB. breakC. brokenD. to be broken(14 If the building project by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company fined.A. to be completed; will beB. being completed, will beC. completed; wasD. will be completed; to be(15 Mrs. green was disappointed to see the washing machi

18、ne she had wentwrong again.A. repairedB. to repairedC. repairingD. it to be repaired(16 The rod is designed for only motor vehicles, so once , bicycles are not allowed to go along it.A. opensB. having openedC. openingD. opened(17 Will you go to the party?Of course I will if .A. I was invitedB. invitedC. having invitedD. I will be invited(18 with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesnt seem high at all.A. When comparedB. To compareC. While comparingD. It compared(19 What did the doctor say yesterday afternoon?He said, “ on time, this medicine will be qu


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