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1、九級英語全冊口譯九級英語全冊口譯精練精練Unit11Sadmoviesmakemecry(5)人教人教新目標(biāo)新目標(biāo)This information comes from Yang Xuehuiat Shili high school in Xihe, Gansu.彼得回到家走進(jìn)他的房間。彼得回到家走進(jìn)他的房間。Peter got home and went into his room.彼得跟他的隊員談了談。彼得跟他的隊員談了談。 Peter talked to his teammates.彼得輸了一顆球。彼得輸了一顆球。Peter missed a goal.彼得的爸爸為他提了些建議。彼得的爸

2、爸為他提了些建議。Peters father gave him advice.彼得意識到他沒必要擔(dān)心。彼得意識到他沒必要擔(dān)心。Peter realized that he was worried for no reason. 他很難相信他進(jìn)不了球他很難相信他進(jìn)不了球2.He could not believe that he did not get the ball into the basket.He could not believe that he missed scoring a goal.她很擔(dān)心因為她讓她爸媽失望她很擔(dān)心因為她讓她爸媽失望2.She was worried beca

3、use she disappointed her parents.She was worried because she let her parents down.托尼很傷心他被人趕出隊托尼很傷心他被人趕出隊2.Tony was sad that he was asked to leave the team.Tony was sad that he was kicked off the team.你應(yīng)該學(xué)會放松不該給自己加更多你應(yīng)該學(xué)會放松不該給自己加更多的壓力的壓力2. You should learn to relax and not put so much pressure on you

4、rself.You should learn to relax and not be much hard on yourself.老師叫同學(xué)們通力合作永不放棄老師叫同學(xué)們通力合作永不放棄2. The teacher told the students to work hard together and not give up.The teacher told the students to pull together and never give up.怎么了,彼得?怎么了,彼得?Whats wrong, Peter?你看上去愁眉苦臉。我投球失敗。你看上去愁眉苦臉。我投球失敗。You look

5、 sad. I missed scoring a goal. 我使得我隊員輸了比賽。我使得我隊員輸了比賽。I made my team lose the game.贏了競賽使我更有信心。贏了競賽使我更有信心。 Winning a competition makes me more confident. 輸了競賽使得我被冷落。輸了競賽使得我被冷落。 Losing a competition makes me feel left out. 考試成績好使我得到表揚??荚嚦煽兒檬刮业玫奖頁P。 Getting good grades on an exam makes me praised.考試成績不好使

6、我受到懲罰。考試成績不好使我受到懲罰。 Getting bad grades on an exam makes me punished. 眾人面前表現(xiàn)出色讓我受人關(guān)注。眾人面前表現(xiàn)出色讓我受人關(guān)注。Performing something well in front of a big group of people makes me very popular.眾人面前表現(xiàn)不良使我感到尷尬。眾人面前表現(xiàn)不良使我感到尷尬。 Performing something badly in front of a big group of people makes me embarrassed.與最友好的朋

7、友發(fā)生爭吵讓我傷心與最友好的朋友發(fā)生爭吵讓我傷心不好受。不好受。Getting into a fight with your best friend makes me sad and uneasy.走出家鄉(xiāng)第一次旅行使得我高興地走出家鄉(xiāng)第一次旅行使得我高興地跳了起來。跳了起來。 My first trip outside my home-town makes me jump up and down for joy.使我非常激動的事兒是贏得了繪畫使我非常激動的事兒是贏得了繪畫第一名,第一名,A thing that made me very excited was winning the fir

8、st of painting, 在上一周全縣中小學(xué)生創(chuàng)意大賽中。在上一周全縣中小學(xué)生創(chuàng)意大賽中。in the county-wide primary and secondary school students creative competition last week.我原以為我們是鄉(xiāng)下孩子,見聞甚我原以為我們是鄉(xiāng)下孩子,見聞甚少,少, I thought we were girls from a countryside, saw few and knew little.僅僅在我校校本課程繪畫組堅持畫僅僅在我校校本課程繪畫組堅持畫畫,畫,We just kept drawing in our

9、 school-based drawing course. 我們五人都參加大賽,我們五人都參加大賽,The five of us took active part in it. 我是其中一員,我是其中一員,I was only the one. 我問四位我問四位“這事使你們感覺怎么?這事使你們感覺怎么?” I asked them “How does this make you feel?” 他們一一答道他們一一答道:They replied one by one, “這事使得我信心百倍,這事使得我信心百倍, “This makes me feel more confident, 這讓我勇氣十

10、足,這讓我勇氣十足, this makes me new courage. 這事讓我感到高興,這事讓我感到高興,This makes me pretty glad. 這使得我想贏,你呢?這使得我想贏,你呢?”That makes me want to win. How about you?”“這使我感到有點緊張。這使我感到有點緊張?!?“This makes me a bit nervous.” 在比賽那天,我們看到了好多好多在比賽那天,我們看到了好多好多穿裝洋氣的同學(xué),穿裝洋氣的同學(xué),On that day, we saw lots of boys and girls who wear ne

11、w style. 這使得我們心里更加緊張。這使得我們心里更加緊張。 This made us more nervous.我們都有點擔(dān)心,我們都有點擔(dān)心,We were worried about it.要是發(fā)揮不好輸了比賽,要是發(fā)揮不好輸了比賽, If we dont perform badly or lose it, 那將會使師生們失望,那將會使師生們失望,that would let all the teachers and students down, 更會使我們感到被冷落。更會使我們感到被冷落。 also that would make us feel left out. 于是我們相互

12、鼓勵通力合作,于是我們相互鼓勵通力合作, So we encouraged each other and pulled together, 走進(jìn)賽場。兩個月過去了。走進(jìn)賽場。兩個月過去了。 then we entered the classroom. Two months went by.據(jù)說我們五個都得獎,據(jù)說我們五個都得獎, It was reported that the five of us all won. 其他四個是第二名與第三名,我是其他四個是第二名與第三名,我是第一名,第一名,The rest were the second and third and I was the fi

13、rst. 我們高興地抱在一起蹦蹦跳跳。我們高興地抱在一起蹦蹦跳跳。We could hug for joy and jumped up and down.在星期一的晨會上我們受到了獎勵,在星期一的晨會上我們受到了獎勵,On Monday morning meeting, we received rewards.更使我高興的是我在全校師生面前更使我高興的是我在全校師生面前發(fā)了言:發(fā)了言:To my joy, I spoke in front of all the teachers and students, “這次的榮譽與平日認(rèn)真繪畫,這次的榮譽與平日認(rèn)真繪畫,“This honor depen

14、ds on that we paint seriously,堅持訓(xùn)練,扎實準(zhǔn)備分不開的,堅持訓(xùn)練,扎實準(zhǔn)備分不開的, stick to training, prepare well as usual. 最重要的是要充滿自信,最重要的是要充滿自信,The most important thing is to be full of confidence, 功夫不負(fù)有心人。功夫不負(fù)有心人?!?nothing is impossible if you work hard. Nothing is difficult to the man who keeps trying.”悲傷影片使我流淚。悲傷影片使我

15、流淚。Sad movie make me cry.眾人面前講話使我緊張。眾人面前講話使我緊張。Speaking in front of many people makes me nervous.名和利不能使我快樂。名和利不能使我快樂。 Fame and money dont always make me happy.柔美的鋼琴曲使我身心放松。柔美的鋼琴曲使我身心放松。 Soft piano music makes me relax. 陰雨天使得我想待在家里看電視。陰雨天使得我想待在家里看電視。Rainy days make me want to stay at home and watch T

16、V.名聲不重要,名聲不重要, Fame is not important. 眾人關(guān)注使我不自在。眾人關(guān)注使我不自在。Getting tons of attention makes me uneasy.權(quán)力對我不重要,權(quán)力對我不重要,Power is less important to me. 用不好使我失去權(quán)力。用不好使我失去權(quán)力。Using badly makes me lose my power.錢財不重要,錢財不重要,Wealth is also less important. 過多錢財使我被冷落。過多錢財使我被冷落。Much more wealth makes me feel left out.健康最重要,健康最重要,Health is the most important to me. 健康身體使我創(chuàng)造更多新財富。健康身體使我創(chuàng)造更多新財富。A healthy body makes me create something new.友誼較重要,友誼較重要,F(xiàn)riendship is more important. 良好友誼使我能干成較難辦的事。良好友誼使我能干成較難辦的事。Good friendship makes me deal


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