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1、Unit1 Topic1 知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)1.看到某人經(jīng)常做某事see sb do sth2.看到某人正在做某事see sb doing sth3 .幾乎每天almost every day4 .在暑假期間 during the summer holidays 5.為加油cheer on6 .更喜歡某事物prefer sth 7.和 B 相比跟喜歡A prefer A to B8 .和做B 事物相比更喜歡做A 事物 prefer doing A to doing B9 .愿意做某事would like to do10.劃船隊(duì)rowing team11.許多,大量 quite a bit/ a lot

2、 12.為 效力 play for13.成長,長大grow up14.最之一one ofthe+最高級(jí)+n復(fù)15 .打破紀(jì)錄16 .贏得一枚金牌17 .在 2004年雅典奧運(yùn)會(huì)上18 .第一個(gè)做某事的19 .兩者都both andbreak (broke) the record win (won) a gold medal in the 2004 Athens Olympics the first to do20.體育明星sports stars21.去爬山go mountain climbing22 .花費(fèi)時(shí)間、金錢做某事spend +時(shí)間、金錢+in doing sth23 .在某事物上花

3、費(fèi)時(shí)間或金錢spend on sth24 .做運(yùn)動(dòng)do exercise25.做早操do morning exercisesUnit1 Topic2 知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)1 .幫某人一個(gè)忙give sb a hand= help sb2 .患病fall ill3.樂意做某事be glad to do4 .練習(xí)做某practice doing5.大聲叫喊shout at/to sb6.或者或者either or7.兩者都 both.and.8 和某人打架fight with sb.=have a fight with sb.9 生某人的氣be angry with sb 因某事生氣be angry at

4、sth10 最大努力做某事11 續(xù)做某事12 立即、馬上13 越來越流行14入某人/某個(gè)組織15 長做某事16 某人道歉/問好/致謝17 某事感到抱歉18 信做某事19- 對(duì)某人來說是20 歡做某事21 始做某事22 界上最受歡迎的運(yùn)動(dòng)之一try/do one s best to do keep doing sthin a minute =at once =right away/now more and more popularjoin sb./組織be good at/do well in(doing)sthsay sorry/hello/thanks to sb.be sorry for(

5、doing)sth be sure to do sthIt s + adj. + for sb. + to do sth enjoy/like/love doing sth start/begin to do/doingone of the most popular sports in the world23 過一個(gè)世紀(jì)的歷史24 了,以便于so that26把 放進(jìn) Putinto28 守規(guī)則 follow the rulesa history of over a century25 惡劣的天氣in bad weather27扔進(jìn)throw into11 / 929 (很大)樂趣做某事 ha

6、ve great fun doing sth30 某物傳給某人pass sth to sb=pass sb sthUnitl Topic3知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)1 .在操場上2 .參加3 .男子 800 米賽跑 the boys' 800-meter race4 .我的外國朋友mymfriend5 .玩的很開心have lots of/great fun (doing)sth6 與某人交朋友make friends with sb.7 男子接力賽the boys' relay race8 雙運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋a pair of sports shoes9 在學(xué)校大門 口at the school ga

7、te10在幾點(diǎn)鐘make it+時(shí)間11 在劇院at the theater12 看電影go to the movies在做的不好do badly in sth/doing sth終點(diǎn)線 finish line起跑線starting line多做運(yùn)動(dòng)do more exercise能夠做某事be able to do sth將來的某一天some day下次做的更好do better next time中華人民共和國the People's Republic of China在將來in the future從現(xiàn)在起from now on第L 次for the first time最次fo

8、r the last time代表stand for完成某事finish doing sth至少at least.的象征a symbol of.UNIT 2 Keeping healthyTopic1 You should see a dentist.Section A1、 had better do sth.最好做某事2、You don ' t look we你看起來氣色不好3、 What' s wrong with you ?=what ' s the matter with you ?= what' s thetrouble with you怎么了? ?4

9、、 go to see a doctor 去看醫(yī)生5、 what ' s wrong with ou ? I have a toothache.你怎么了 ?我牙疼。6、 be sorry to do sth. /I'm sorry to hear that.某事很難過/聽到那件事我很難過7、 get well soon很快就很好! !8、 have a bad cold 患了重感冒9、 have a cough/fever/headache 咳嗽/發(fā)燒/頭痛10、 in the evening 在傍晚at night 在晚上11、 boiled water 開水12、 stay

10、 in bed 臥床13、 have sore eyes 眼睛疼14、 have a backache/stomachache 背痛 胃痛15、 see a doctor 看醫(yī)生16、 take a rest / have a rest 休息17、 have a good sleep 睡個(gè)好覺Section B18、 I' m feeling terribl俄感覺不舒服。19、 How long have you been like this? Two days . 像這樣多久了?兩天20、 take sb. to s.w. take you to the hospital 帶某人去某

11、地帶你去醫(yī)院21、 take some medicine 吃藥22、 have a good rest 好好休息23、 brush one ' s teeiWbrush your teeth twice a day24、 have the flu 患了流感25、 lie down 躺下26、 had better+ V. 原型=should+ V. 原型最好做某事27、 had betternot do sth. =shouldn最好不要做某事 t do sth.Section C28、 happen tosb. 某人怎么了29、 a beautifulday 美麗的一天30、 fly

12、 a kite =fly kites31、 something new 新東西32、 go up 上升33、 fall down 摔倒跌倒34、 run to sb. 跑向某人35、 I feel terrible 我感覺不舒服36、 call a taxi 打出租車37、 look afer = take care = care for 關(guān)心照顧38、 take sb.to s.w. 把某人帶到某地39、 Soon the taxi came and took Michael to he hospital 出租車很快就來了把邁克爾送到了醫(yī)院40、 be serious 嚴(yán)重的41、 need

13、 to do sth. 需要做某事you need to rest at home for a week42、 take pills 服藥 take some medicine 吃藥43、 three times a week 一周三次44、 help sb.(to) do sth. 幫助某人做某事45、 have an accident 發(fā)生事故46、 hurt his leg 傷了他的腿47、 do a different jump 做不同的跳躍48、 be careful 小心49、 How are you feeling? 你感覺怎么樣?50、 I hurt my left leg .

14、 我傷了我的左腿51、 tell sb. ( not) to do sth. 告訴某人做某事52、 stay in bed 臥床The doctor told me to stay in bed for a week53、 ask for one week ' s leaV$周的彳矍54、 I hope I ' ll get well and return to school soon希望我很快就康復(fù)返校55、 return to s.w. = come back s.w. 回到某地Section D56、 come to visit 去參觀57、 How are you fe

15、eling today ? Not too bad . 你今天感覺怎么樣?不錯(cuò)58、 thank you for sth. 因?yàn)槟呈赂兄x你59、 It ' s nothing serious嚴(yán)重60、 You' d better stay in bed and not move your left leg too much.你最好臥床別動(dòng)左腿61、 be worried about sth. 對(duì)某事感到著急62、 have a good rest 好好休息63、 help sb.with sth.= help sb. to do sth. 在某方面幫助某人64、 follow

16、one ' s advc及某人的建議65、 Thanks a lot 多謝66、 bring / buy / make sth. for sb. 給某人帶/買 /做某物67、 give / kick / take / pass sth. to sb. 把某物給/踢 /帶 /遞 某人68、 get well 康復(fù)69、 ask / tell sb .to do sth. 讓 /告訴某人做某事70、 ask / tell sb. not to do sth. 讓 /告訴 某人不要做某事Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smokingSection A1、

17、you look tired . 你看起來很累。2、What' s wong? have a headache怎么了,我頭疼。3、 I' m sorry to hear that.到這個(gè)消息我很難過。4、 What caused it?什么引起的?5、 on TV 在電視上6、 go to bed 上床睡覺7、 stay up late 熬夜8、 be good for 對(duì)有益be bad for對(duì)有害9、 You should go to bed early and you' ll feel bettedtomorroWi明天感覺會(huì)好一些。10、 Eating too

18、 much is bed for you health. 多吃對(duì)健康有害。11、 read in the sun 在陽光下讀書12、 put sth. into . 把。放進(jìn)。13、 throw litter around 亂扔垃圾14、 do morning exercises 做早操15、 brush one ' s teeth twice a dOy刷兩次牙16、 go to bed early 早睡17、 get up late 晚起18、 keep fingernails long 留長指甲19、 wash hands before meals 飯前洗手20、 play sp

19、orts right after meals 飯后做適當(dāng)?shù)倪\(yùn)動(dòng)21、 go to school without breakfast 不吃早飯上學(xué)Section B22、 You d better not read in the sunI.t s bad for your eyes.你最好不要在陽光下讀書,那樣對(duì)你的眼睛有害。23、 an article about smoking 關(guān)于 吸煙的文章24、 in the newspaper 在報(bào)紙上25、 He thinks smoking can help him relax. 他認(rèn)為西吸煙能使他放松26、 Smoking is bad for

20、 his health. 吸煙對(duì)你他的健康有害,27、 His teeth are yellow and he often coughs. 他的牙變黃而且咳嗽。28、 The article says smoking is bad for our lungs and it can even cause cancer.文章說吸煙對(duì)我們的肺有害而且致癌。29、 How terrible ! 多可怕呀!30、 I must ask him to give up smoking 我必須讓他戒煙。31、 give up doing sth. 放棄做某事32、 May I borrow your news

21、paper and show it to my father ? 我可以借你的報(bào)紙給我爸爸看看嘛?33、 Breakfast gives you energy for the morning . 早飯給你提供一上午的能量。34、 It ' s necessary for your hea時(shí)你的健康是必要的。35、 Water is good for your health. 水對(duì)你的健康有益。36、 It will keep you active during the day . 它將使你一整天精力充沛你。37、 Walking is good exercise. 步行是很好的鍛煉38

22、、 Drink enough water every day. 每天多喝水。Section C39、 write down 寫下 記下40、 be careful to do sth. 認(rèn)真做某事41、 be careful not to do sth小心點(diǎn)不要做某事42、 be careful not to eat toomuchsalt or sugar. 小心,不要吃太多的鹽和糖。43、 take care of 關(guān)心 照顧= look after44、 be weak 薄弱45、 ice cream 冰激凌46、 a healthy drink 健康飲品47、 force sb.to

23、do sth. 強(qiáng)迫某人做某某事48、 a glass of milk 一杯牛奶49、 be always doing sth. 總是做某事50、 during one ' s childh哪某人的童年時(shí)代51、 as soon as 一就 He dose his homework as soon as he goes home.52、 get mad 發(fā)瘋 過去式 got53、 make sb.do sth. 使某人做某事54、 be surprised to do sth. 驚奇的做某事55、 eat vegetables and fruit 吃蔬菜和水果56、 Don'

24、t eat too much salt or sugar不要吃太多的鹽和糖57、 Don' t eat too much candy or ice cream不要吃太多的糖果盒冰激凌58、 such as / for example 例如Section D59、 in fact 事實(shí)上60、 not only but (also) 不但。而且。連接兩個(gè)并列主語時(shí),謂語動(dòng)詞需遵循就近原則61、 use sth.to do sth.用。做。62、 give up doing sth. 放棄做某事;give up smoking 戒煙63、 as soon as possible 盡可能的6

25、4、must和mustn '的用法:以must開頭的問句,其否定回答應(yīng)用 needn'或don' t have to /Must he clean the room before class? Yes ,he must ./ No,he needn 或者 N o,he doesn t. t have to .Topic 3Section A1、 talk with sb. 和某人交談2、May I ask you some questions? Sure , go ahead.我可以問你一些問題嗎?可以, 請(qǐng)問吧!3、 What should we do to prev

26、ent it? 為了阻止它,我們應(yīng)該做什么?4、 keep + 形容詞使某人保持某種狀態(tài)keep our rooms clean5、 all the time 一直,始終6、 wash one ' s handS手7、 change our clothes often 經(jīng)常換衣服8、 keep away from 遠(yuǎn)離。9、 at once 立刻馬上10、 take one ' s cdv接受某人的建議11、 drink enough water喝足夠多的水12、 take some medicine吃藥13、 don t have to = needn 不必 t14、 sor

27、e throat 喉嚨痛 sore eyes 眼睛酸疼15、 take a good rest 好好休息16、 on the internet 在網(wǎng)上17、 crowded place 人群擁擠的地方18、 too much 太多的加不可數(shù)名詞19、 eat hot food 吃熱/辣的食物Section B20、 People ' s Hospital 民醫(yī)院21、 Could I speak to Machial? I m afraid he is busy right now .我可以和邁克爾通話嗎?恐怕他現(xiàn)在比較忙。22、 right now = now 現(xiàn)在23、 ring

28、sb. up 給某人打電話24、 half an hour later 半小時(shí)以后短時(shí)間 +later 表示一段時(shí)間以后25、 be busy doing sth be busy with srh 忙于。26、 leave / take a message 捎口信 留口信27、 go ahead 干吧,開始吧28、 this is Kangkang speaking . 打電話用語,我是康康請(qǐng)講29、 tell sb. not to do sth. 告訴某人不要做某事30、 give sb. the message 給某人捎個(gè)口信31、 forget to do sth. 忘記做某事32、 b

29、e on time 準(zhǔn)時(shí)33、 need to do sth. 需要做某事34、 help sb.with sth.=help sb. (to )do sth. 幫助某人做某事35、 do some cleaning搞衛(wèi)生36、 be free 有空的37、 be afraid + 從句恐怕。38、 a good idea 好主意39、 use for help 用。來求助40、 with the help of sb. 在。的幫助下Section C41、 enough energy足夠的能量42、 It ' s necessaoy sb.to do sth.對(duì)某人來說做某事是必要的

30、43、 first aid 急救44、 be ill 病了45、 try to do sth.盡力做某事,46、 on the other hand 另一方面47、 be happy to do sth.快樂地做某事48、 stay away from + sth./doing sth. 遠(yuǎn)離。49、 say no to sb./ doing sth. 拒絕某人、某事50、 in order to do sth.為了做某事51、 do exercise 做運(yùn)動(dòng)Section D52、 It ' s important to do sth某事很重要53、 warm up 熱身54、 sp

31、end money / time (in) doing sth.花費(fèi)金錢 /時(shí)間做某事55、 spend money / time on sth.在某事上花費(fèi)金錢/時(shí)間56、 instead of代替頂替而不是57、 stay healthy = keep healthy = keep fit 保持健康other, the other, another與 others 的用法這些不定代詞不僅在含義上有單復(fù)數(shù)之分,而且在用法上有泛指(無the)和特指(有the)之別。其用法區(qū)別可歸納如下:1 .指單數(shù)時(shí)的區(qū)別若泛指用another,若特指用the other。如:Give me another (one).另


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