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1、宏觀知識點總結(jié)Chap ter26 the exchange rate and balance of p ayment1. 名義利率和實際利率的概念,要區(qū)分;二者的關(guān)系,那個公式。 明白一國貨幣升值表示什么意思。(掌握)2. traded weighted in dex (了解)3. 對一國貨幣的供給和需求的分析一,供給和需求決定匯率,要知道哪些因素影響一國貨幣的供給和需 求,相應(yīng)的曲線在圖上會怎么移動(重點)。二,對一種貨幣的需求是對另一種貨幣的供給,要清楚某一種貨幣供給需求變化后,另一種貨幣的供給和需求會如何變化。(重點)4. 利率平價和購買力平價(掌握)5. international

2、trade( 了解)6. 匯率政策。理解什么是浮動匯率、固定利率和crawling peg。注意區(qū)分。(掌握)Cha pter 27 (AD-AS model)The main purp ose of AD-AS model: ex plain cha nges in real GDPand p rice level, which leads to bus in ess cycle fluctuati ons around po te ntial GDP.1、區(qū)分宏觀中的長短期宏觀中的長短期主要以價格行為加以區(qū)分:在長期中,價格是具有伸GDP.縮性的,價格水平能夠調(diào)整到充分就業(yè)的均衡狀態(tài);在短

3、期中,價格 是具有粘性的(sticky),實際GDP可能等于、大于、小于潛在2、總供給(Aggregate Supply )2.1總供給是描述實際GDP供給量與價格水平的關(guān)系。外 生 變 量The qua ntity of labor empio yed>ASThe qua ntity of p hysical, huma n cap ital Quan tity of real GDP supp lied丄Price levelThe state of tech no logy內(nèi)生變量2.2總供給關(guān)系取決于時間范圍一 企業(yè)的產(chǎn)品服務(wù)價格具有伸縮性-長期總供給曲線 企業(yè)的產(chǎn)品服務(wù)價格具有

4、黏性一短期總供給曲線2.2.1 長期總供給(long-run aggregate supply )a、In the long run, the money wage rate changes in step with the p rice level;(重點)b、Try to explain why the LAS curve is vertical.the price level 、A cha nge by n the money wage the same p erce ntageJrateat the full-e mploymentlevel1=poten tialGDP is ind

5、ependent of the p rice level> vertical2.2.2 短期總供給(short-run aggregate supplythe real wage rate does not cha ngerealGDP =pote ntialLAS curveGDPisa、in the short run, the money wage rate, the prices of other resources and po te ntial GDP rema in con sta nt;b、Try to ex plai n why the SAS curve slopes

6、 up ward.In the short run, whe n the p rice level risesreal wage rate decli nes the cost of p roducti ondecreasesemployin creases p roducti on (real GDP)=黏性工資模型在超短期中,總供給曲線是水平的。2.3總供給的變動An in crease in theFull-e mployment、 qua ntity of labormore laborsAn in crease in the 冬 cha nges in qua ntity of ca

7、p italboth of LAS and SASpoten tial GDPcurve shiftAn adva nee in/tech no logychangein ASin flati on3、總需求(Aggregate dema nd)3.1總需求是描述實際GDP需求量與價格水平的關(guān)系Departures from > full-e mp loyme nt>cha nges inExp ectati ons about the money wageon ly SAS curve shifts丿 rateBasic formula: Y (實際 GDP需求量)二 C+I+G

8、+(X-M) aggregate P rice level Ldema nd3.2總需求曲線JTry to ex plain why the AD curve slopes dow nward.Method 1Price levels、real wealth i saving+cure nt bonsump ti on iADIn tertem poral substituti onIntern ati onal p rice,Method 2JTo an alysis the relati on shipGDP by using the qua ntity3.3影響總需求變動的因素Expec

9、tation, Fiscal anc(這部分的變化分析要求理4、短期均衡與長期均衡丿短期均衡: SAS二AID atte nti on: the money wage rate is fixed長期均衡:貨幣工資率的不斷調(diào)整使得經(jīng)濟處于充分就業(yè)狀態(tài)。 點)In the long-run equilibrium,potential GDFdetermines realand po te ntial GDP and AD determ ine the p rice level.凱恩斯主義:強調(diào)短期均衡;新古典主義:強調(diào)長期均衡5、AS-AD模型的運用(重點) E

10、ffectSubstituEffctstionAD curve slopes dow nward)between the price level and real theory of mon ey.monetary policy,The world economic解掌握,課本上有具體的總結(jié)解釋)(重GDP,解釋經(jīng)濟增長,經(jīng)濟增長的過程中伴隨通貨膨脹解釋經(jīng)濟周期(短期經(jīng)濟波動)總需求變動帶來的短期和長期效應(yīng)(通脹缺口和蕭條缺口) 總供給負方向波動會引發(fā)滯脹,思考可以通過何種調(diào)整可以使經(jīng)濟回歸充分就業(yè)狀態(tài)。6、三大宏觀經(jīng)濟學(xué)的思想流派古典主義:經(jīng)濟能夠自我調(diào)節(jié),回歸充分就業(yè)狀態(tài)(長期);新古典認

11、為技術(shù)的變化是造成經(jīng)濟波動的主要原因。凱恩斯主義:強調(diào)政府干預(yù),經(jīng)濟不能自身調(diào)節(jié) 貨幣主義:在貨幣政策穩(wěn)定且貨幣穩(wěn)定增長的情況下, 經(jīng)濟能夠自我 調(diào)節(jié),處于充分就業(yè)的均衡狀態(tài)Chap ter 28 Exp enditureMult ip liers:Model凱恩斯模型前提假設(shè):1. Price-level is fixed2. Aggregate dema nd determ ines real GDPAggregate pla nned expen diture: C+I+G+X-M(注意均為情況而非實際情況,C,M有部分是自發(fā)性的 Consumption and savinga. Fac

12、tors in flue nee consump ti on and sav ing:1. Dis posal ine增加2. Real in terest rate少);3. Wealth增加(減少)4. Exp ected future ine加)The Keynesianplanned 的(減少),c,s增加(減少); 增加(減少),c減少(增加),,c增加(減少),s減少(增加) 增加(減少),c增加(減少),s增加(減s減少(增b. Consump ti on, sav ing fun cti ons P673c. MPC, MPS, MPI:MPC+MP S=1, MP 匸cha

13、nges in in vestme nt/ chan ges in real GDP Aggregate Planned Expenditurea. Autonomous expenditure: I, G, X,In duced expen diture: C, M部分C, M計算 autonomous expenditure:real GDP=0寸的 aggregate plannedexpen ditureb. AE Curve P677c. Actual aggregate expenditure= Real GDPAggregate用)AggregateAggregateplanne

14、d expen diture工 Real GDP (inventories 的作> Real GDP ,i nven tories 減少; < Real GDPjnventories 增加。planned expen ditureplanned expen ditureAggregate planned expenditure=d. Equilibriumexpen diture:Real GDP Mult ip lierMult ip lier二 cha nges in equilibrium expen diture/ cha nges in autonomous expend

15、iture = Y/ A=1/(1- the slo pe of AE)Multiplier>1的原因:autonomous expenditure 的增加會帶來 realGDP#加,進而增加 induced expenditure 。當無 ine tax, im ports 時,mult ip lier二 1/(1-M PC)=1/ MPS當有 ine tax, im ports時,mult ip lier< 1/(1-M PC), 1/MPS AS-AD and Aggregate expenditure modelsa. very short run(物價不變,SAS水平,P

16、687)investment增加宀AE上移,Real GDP增加,AD右移Mult ip lier二 Y/ Ab. short run (物價改變,SAS傾斜,P688)investment增加宀AE上移,Real GDP增加,AD右移宀物價上升宀 AE 減少,Real GDP減少Multi plier會小于當物價不變的情況c. long run (物價改變,Real GDP二 Potential GDP , P689)investment增加宀AE上移,Real GDP#加,AD右移宀物價上升宀AE 減少,Money wage rate 增加宀SAS左移并最終和AD相交回到Potential

17、 GDP水平,AE減少到原水平Multi plier=0Chapter 291. dema nd-pull in flatio n(Mo ney Wage Rate 調(diào)節(jié))An inflation that starts because aggregate demandincreases圖)(Anincrease in cost: the moneywagerate)圖)rising price level and aA Dema nd-Pull In flation Pr ocess( P 7032. cost-push inflation or the money p rice of ra

18、w materialsA Cost- Push In flation P rocess( P 705Stagflation : the bination of adecreas ing real GDP重點掌握兩種類型的圖(作圖)3. exp ected in flati on.影響AD和 AS的因素4. ( 重點)short-run Philips curve(The exp ected in flatio n rate , the n atural unemployment rate)當 expected inflation rate= actual inflation rate時,une

19、mployment rate = n atural unemploymentrate5. ( 重 點) long-run Philips curve (actualinflationrate二ex pected in flati on rate)P209的兩個圖,short-run和long-run分別怎么變動要掌握6. bus in ess cycle的各種理論(了解)Mai nstream bus in ess cycle theory, Real bus in ess cycle theoryChap ter30 fiscal p olicy1. Fiscal policy is the

20、 use of the federal budget to achievemacroeconomic objectives, such as full employment, sustained economic growth, and price level stability.2. The federal budget is the annual statement of the federal government' s outlays and tax revenuespotential. ( 重點3. Fiscal policy has important effects on

21、 employment, GDP, and aggregate supply called supply-side effects 掌握如何作圖 )主要看課(1)The effects of the ine tax on aggregate supply。本 Figure 30.5 的兩個圖 ( 重點注意 tax wedge( 稅收楔形 ) The supply-side effect ofa rise in the ine taxdecreasespotential GDP and decreases aggregate supply Taxes on consumption expendi

22、ture add to the tax wedge.主要看課本The reason is that a tax on consumption raises the prices paid for consumption goods and services and is equivalent to a cut in the real wage rate (2 )the effects of a tax on capital ine(interest) 上 Figure 30.6 A tax decreases the supply of loanable funds. And investme

23、nt and saving decrease.A tax wedge is driven between the real interest rate and the real after-tax interest rate.(3) Tax Revenues and the Laffer Curve (拉弗曲線 )The relationship between the tax rate and the amount of tax revenue collected is called the Laffer curve . 見課本 Figure 30.74. generational acco

24、unting, fiscal imbalance, generational imbalance ( 了解 )5. Fiscal Stimulus: A fiscal stimulus is the use of fiscalpolicy to increase production and employment主要分為以下兩種政策:Automatic fiscal policy (自動穩(wěn)定的財政政策) is a fiscal policy action triggered by the state of the economy with no government action.Discre

25、tionary fiscal policy (相機抉擇的財政政策) is a policy action that is initiated by an act of Congress.( 1)在 Automatic fiscal policy這一塊的知識點中主要掌握結(jié)構(gòu)性平衡和周期性平衡, 弄清楚結(jié)構(gòu)性盈余和赤字以及周期性盈余和赤 字is the budget balance thatThe structural surplus or deficitwould occur if the economywere at full employment and real GDP were equa

26、l to poten tial GDP.The cyclical surplus or deficit minus the structural surplusFigure30.9 )(2)在 Discretionary fiscal policy gover nment expen diture mult ip lieris the actual surplus or deficit ordeficit. (主要看課本上這一塊的知識中主要掌握(政府支出乘數(shù)效應(yīng) )thequa ntity effect of a cha nge in gover nment expen diture on r

27、ealGDP.(要重點掌握如何作圖表現(xiàn)這一乘數(shù)效應(yīng),F(xiàn)igure30.11要特別注意以下幾種情況:a. Whe n gover nment expen diture in creases real GDP, i nes rise and a higher ine bring a in crease in consump ti on expen diture f this were the on ly con seque nee of the in crease in gover nment expen diture, the mult ip lier would be >1 b. whe

28、 ngover nment expen diture in creases, gover nment borrow ing in crease and raises the real in terest rate. With the higher cost of borrowing, investment decreases, which will partly offsets the in crease in gover nment spendin g. If this were the only con seque nee of the in crease in gover nment expen


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