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1、EngineerWhartonForest Lin, Wharton MBA 2003Name LIN, ForestGender MaleUndergraduate Zhejiang University, 1997Major Foreign TradeLast employer A Fortune 500 Telecom CompanyScores GMAT 780, TOEFL 656, GPA 3.6Schools Applied Emory (Goizueta)Michigan Pennsylvania (Wharton)StanfordSchools Admitted Emory

2、(Goizueta)Michiganwaiting listPennsylvania (Wharton)Stanfordwaiting listWharton EssaysPlease discuss the factors, both professional and personal, influencing the career decisions you have made that, in turn, have led you to your current position. What are your career goals for the future, and why is

3、 now the appropriate time to pursue an MBA at the Wharton School? How will you avail yourself of the resources at the Wharton School to achieve these goals?“by year 2004 over tow thirds of the GDP in China will be produced by privately-owned small and medium businesses.” - Business WeekThe developme

4、nt and transition of economy, especially the increasingly important roles small businesses will play, make me more and more confident about my goal. I want to start my own company focusing on the turnaround and transaction of small high-tech businesses, specifically, mobile information companies. It

5、 will identify the promising but undervalued companies, acquire or merge them, turn them around, and then sell them. The risks in this industry are huge, but the potential is unlimited, because the futures of both the macro economy and mobile commerce are promising.My dream of starting my own busine

6、ss emerged when I was in my junior year at the university. It was mainly due to two factors. The first was that at that time I enjoyed starting and implementing something new. With two friends I founded the Campus Student Art Union. As the president, I set up our goal, promoted the idea, designed th

7、e organization structure, recruited the members, and led the unions operation. The success of the Art Union really ignited my ambition to be an entrepreneur later. And the second factor was something that happened in my family. With the deepening of Chinas industrial reform, thousands of small and m

8、edium businesses went bankrupt and millions of workers lost their jobs. Unfortunately my mother was one of them. I was shocked when I found her companys miserable fate wasnt because of bad products. Actually they were quite popular in the market. Rather it was the high costs caused by bad management

9、 that ended the promising company. And what shocked me was the fact that over 60% of bankrupt Chinese companies went down because of their efficiency problems. Witnessing the gloomy time those unemployed workers experienced, I made up my mind that I must start a business to help the small companies

10、in the future.Upon graduation, I joinded (company name), a start-up company producing mobile phones. I worked first as a Quality Engineer and then was promoted to head of the Process Control Section. I made the choice because I wanted to participate in building up a new company, and the position in

11、quality management would expose me to the operation of the whole organization. I believed that these experiences would greatly develop my competence in starting and managingnew companies. There I assisted setting up the quality system, which passed ISO 9002 certification. I also recruited and organi

12、zed the whole process quality control section, which later became the most important quality department.Last May, I transferred to (company name) after finishing the two-year contract with (company name). It was mainly for 2 reasons: (1) Having gained full experience in a new company, I wanted to se

13、e how a well-managed mature company ran, and (2) I could practice dealing with small high-tech businesses in my new role as an Assistant Partner Manager. The experiences and social relationships would be crucial when I start my own venture later. My work increased (company name) Eastern Chinas subco

14、ntracted services from 3 types to 5 and led to a cost decrease of over a million dollars annally.I was promoted to Quality & Process Manager last December. Actually I faced two options during the promotion to become a partner Manager or a Quality & Process Manager, of which I chose the latte

15、r. Although dealing with subcontractors would give me some business skills, as a Q&P Manager I could be devoted to improving the management and efficiency problems. I could thus further sharpen my analytical skills. Whats more, I knew that such know-how would be the core competency of my future

16、company, for which I should be well prepared. I led teams improving the customer satisfaction level from 3.62/5 to 4.02/5 in Eastern China, making (company name) the vendor with the highest customer satisfaction there. I also initiated several processes, which greatly reduced costs or improved effic

17、iency.It was then, after having carefully considered my experiences, my career development, and my goals, that I decided to apply for an MBA. Having worked in the mobile communication industry for 3 and a half years, I am familiar with the internal operation of such companies. I have faced complicat

18、ed management problems and have solved them with my strong analytical skills. I worked with small businesses for almoth two and a half years and understood their strengths and their weaknesses. I also participated in starting up a company, witnessing ist expansion from 20 employees to iver 500. But

19、I am still weak in finance and entrepreneurship knowledge. I need to learn how to make professional business plans, how to finance new ventures, how to assess the potential value of companies, an MBA can help me fill the gaps in my finance and entrepreneurship skills.The breadth and depth of Wharton

20、s courses make it the best choice. Wharton ranks No.1 in finance and No.2 in Entrepreneurship, The abundant courses in these two areas, such as MGMT 811, FNCE 750 and MGMT 804, will acquaint me well with the practical knowledge of transaction and finance. In addition, over 200 elective courses satis

21、fy my demand for almost allthe knowledge critical for my future goal. I also appreciate Whartons diversity. The co-operation and interaction among people from different backgrounds help to create the most innovative ideas. And Whartons hands-on opportunities are rich. The Advanced Study Project in m

22、anagement, the Global immersion Program, or the Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Research Centers study program can provide me good opportunity to practice the knowledge and skills learned in classroom. Moreover, compared with other main business schools, Wharton has the biggest alumni network in China

23、. Access to this elite group will create unlimited business opportunities for my future.Armed with the passion for success, the commitment to the development of Chinas economy, the strong skills I would obtain, the optimal knowledge structure Wharton will build in me, and the access to the alumni co

24、mmunity, I believe that I will be ready to realize my dream.At Wharton, the Learning Team, which consists of approximately five first-year students, is often assigned group projects and class presentations. Imagine that, one year from now, your Learnig Team has a marketing class assignment due at 9:

25、00 a.m. on Monday morning. Lt is now 10:00 p.m. on Sunday night; time is short, tension builds and your team has reached an impasse. What role would you take in such a situation? How would you enable the team to meet your deadline? Feel free to draw on previous experience, if applicable, in order to

26、 illustrate your approach.How can we manage the situation when the deadline is close and a solution is still unavailable? My approach depends on what kind of impasse it is. Is it caused by conflicting opinions, from which no one can persuade the others? (Lets call it Case 1.) or is it rather a situa

27、tion that nobody has any idea? (lets call it Case 2.) no matter how the impasse is caused, my first step is to convince my team to play badminton for a half-hour.“Are you kidding? We have already run out of time!” someone may argue. However, “work is never postponed because you are sharpening the sa

28、w”. In Case 1, when an argument has just finished, to insist on pressing on would be futile. Everyone needs to calm down before they can look into others opinions objectivesly. In Case 2, a break is also necessary. We allhave such experiences: flash ideas often come out not from contemplating but fr

29、om relaxation. Archimedes found the Law of Flotation Force in his bahtub. Newton came up with his First Law under the apple tree. And Mendelyeev even came up with the Periodic Table of Elements in a dream!We neednt go for bathing like Archimedes. Half hour of badminton or anything else will be fine.

30、 The key is to relax. After our brains have enjoyed fresh air, we will have full energy to come back and focus on the homework.In Case 1, Id work with my team to conduct a quantitative analysis to solve the problem. First, we need to clarify and clearly record each opinion. Id ask my fellows to spea

31、k out their solutions in turn. Of course, it would have to be agreed that during that phase no one could criticize others. (Otherwise we will reach an impasse again.) When my fellows are talking, Id listen as actively as possible. Id ask questions to clarify the confusing parts, uncover the supporti

32、ve reasons, and take down all the points. In the end, all the ideas should be on paper and very clear.Next, we would define the criteria to select the most proper solution. Id draft an Excel Sheet called “Solution Evaluation Sheet,” as shown in Figure 1. And wed discuss and agree on every key area o

33、f the sheet. The following questinons should be answered: in order to fulfill the requirements of the assignment, what aspects should we consider? What scale should we use? From 1 to 5or from 1 to 10? What standard should we use to evaluate a solution in each aspec? Under which conditions will a sol

34、ution get, say, 3 points in Aspect 1? How will we weigh different aspects? How large a percentage would a specific aspect contribute to the total success of the assignment, 20% or 80%? After this discussion, wed be able to define all the aspects, standards, and weights listed in Figure 1.Finally, we

35、 would check all the opinions, one by one, according to the criteria that had been set up. Wed analyze the solutions, score them in every aspect according to the standard, and mark the scores on the Solution Evaluation Sheet. Of course, disputes may arise in this phase. However, if good standards ha

36、ve been set, the disputes could be solved easily. In case there was no good standard, we could just vote to end the dispute. Then, wed calculate the total points of each solution according to the following formula:Where Tpy is Total Point of the Solution y; x is the number of aspects; Pyx is the Sco

37、re of Solution y in Aspect x; and Wx is the weight of Aspect x.After we get the Total Point of each solution, it would be obvious which one is the best choice. Figure 1 Solution Evaluation SheetIn Case 2, we would use the “brain storming” method. First Id identify the theme for the brainstorming and

38、 write it on the white board. Actually it wouldnt be too difficult because the theme will just be the assignment we faced.Then Id ask my team members to agree on the rules of the brain storming: everyone speaks in turn; only one idea at a time; no explaining the idea at the time; no criticizing othe

39、rs at the time; though one may improve upon others ideas. With the rules, we could begin the process, until no one was able to give any more ideas. In the process, Id put every idea on a Post-It-Note and stick it on the white board.Next, we would sort the ideas into 5 to 10 related groups. Anyone co

40、uld move the tags, until everyone was comfortable with the grouping. In case, say, George wants an idea to be listed in group A but betty wants it in group B, we can just copy it and make both happy. After the grouping, we would allocate a heading note for every group.Finally, wed try to study the r

41、elationships between different groups, combine them, and propose bossible solutions. Wed try to pick up 3-4 solutions. If everyone could agree on which was the best, it would be fine. But if we were not so lucky, the method I desribed in Case 1 would be applicable.In my past experience, I have used

42、these methods dozens of times. Although they seem simple, they prove to be very useful. With them, I worked with my team in the mobile phone factory to solve the sharp increase in the defect rate. My team at (company name) Partner Management managed to choose the best two subcontractors when we had

43、ten options. And my team at (company name) Quality figured out the best strategy to improve the customer satisfaction leve. These tools enabled me to lead my teams to create new ideas, clarify thinking, and come up with solutions that integrated everyones wisdom. Of course, like all guidelines, thes

44、e methods re not suitable for allcases. Sometimes a flash idea of genius can just outperform all team efforts. But in my opinion, teamwork is always the most stable and reliable way of achieving great performance.I believe that with my learning team fellows at Wharton, who represet the most elite gr

45、oup in the world, we can use these methods to integrate the talents of everybody and come up with results from our imagination.Forests Self-EvaluationWhen General MacArthur made a speech at West Point, he repeatedly stressed three words: “Honor, duty, and the country.” I believe thats the dream for

46、all elite. My first essay reveals one of my long-lasting dreams, which is reflected by just these three words. I had put my greatest passion into identifying my dream. And once I saw that its right there, I felt deep happiness, because I then knew what I am going to do.The second essay is more struc

47、tured. Actually its nothing new for me: my daily work is to play with those metrics and decision-making models. I put it in there just because its my way of doing work, and I am sure its specific.So if you are yourself, and show your specific points, I am sure you will get in. Thats the way.The Non-

48、profit MBAJerry Yu, Georgetown MBA 2003Name YU, JerryGender MaleUndergraduate Foreign Affairs College, 1995Major English and Foreign AffairsLast employer CCPITScores GMAT 730, TOEFL 650Schools Applied Georgetown (McDonough)ThunderbirdVanderbilt (Owen)Virginia (Darden)Schools Admitted Georgetown (McD

49、onough)ThunderbirdVanderbilt (Owen)Georgetown EssaysWhat is the most significant change or improvement you have made to any organization with which you have recently been or are currently affiliated? Describe the process that you went through to identify the need for the change or improvement to the

50、 organization, how you managed the process of implementing the change, and describe the results.Last year I worked in Lisbon, Portugal for 7 months in the capacity of Director of Public Relations and Protocol of the China Pavilion at the 1998 Lisbon World Exposition (expo98). The job was really chal

51、lenging because the China pavilion was not only the biggest international pavilion at the EXPO, but also the most attended both by common visitors and by VIPs from all over the world.The most fascinating part of our pavilion was a 360-degree circle-vision chnema. Thanks to the advanced circle-vision

52、 technology, the film caused a great sensation at EXPo98 and was evaluated as a must-see program by journalists. During the first two months of the EXPO, due to the hard work of all staffs, everything with our pavilion was sound and perfect. As summer came, large effluence of visitors filled the EXP

53、O ground and pavilions to their full capacities, thus making visitors wait much longer than before to see the pavilions. The EXPO urged all the pavilions to take substantial measures to reduce the waiting time because some of the visitors were fainting from the hot summer sun while they were queuing

54、 outside.However, to reduce the waiting time was not easy for the pavilions. For instance, our pailion was originally designed for a full capacity of 50 people at one time. If the waiting time was to be reduced, we had to allow more people entering the pavilion. However, we could not guarantee the c

55、omfort and safety of the visitors and the security of the pavilion if more than 50 people were admitted at one time. I consulted with other pavilions and found that they all faced the same dilemma.I brought up the issue to the pavilion meeting we held every Monday morning. However, most of our admin

56、istrative officers believed that if the waiting time was to be reduced, we had to sacrifice safety, security and comfort, which were equally important to the visitors as the reduction of waiting time. Because no consensus was reached, our Commissioner General instructed me to follow the issue. Hopin

57、g to find a practical solution, I conducted a visitors survey by sending out questionnaires to those who were queuing outside our pavilion. While I went through the returned questionnaires, I surprisingly found that a large proportion of visitors were queuing for hours only to see the circle-vision

58、film! They complained that after waiting for 2 hours to enter the pavilion, they had to wait another 1 hour to see the film! I was a little bit excited because I knew that I had found where the problem was. Why not put up an extra entrance/exit especially for the cinema?! I wasted no time to report

59、this unexpected finding to our Commissioner General and presented him my proposal. Although it was extremely expensive for us to put up an extra entrance/exit, the Commissioner General ratified my proposal after learning that it would substantially reduce the waiting time while the safety of visitors and the security of the pavilion would b


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