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1、Slide 1 GMSBuilt-In Quality制造制造質質量量不不斷斷改改進進員員工工參與參與標標準化準化縮縮短制造周期短制造周期制造制造質質量量Slide 2 GMSManufacturingProcess ValidationProductQualityStandardsQualitySystemManagementIn-ProcessControl &VerificationQualityFeedback/Feed-forwardStandardizedWorkVisualManagementManagementby TAKT TimeWork-placeOrganiza

2、tionAndonConceptProblemSolvingEarly Mfg. and DesignIntegration (DFM / DFA)ContinuousImprovementProcessLean Design of Facilities, Equipment,Tooling and LayoutBusiness PlanDeploymentTotal ProductiveMaintenanceControlledExternal TransportationScheduledShipping /ReceivingLevel VehicleOrder SchedulesSupp

3、lyChainManagementInternal Pull /DeliverySimpleProcessFlowSmall LotPackagingTemporaryMaterialStorage Fixed Period Ordering System/ Order PartsHealth andSafety PriorityQualified PeopleTeam ConceptPeopleInvolvementOpenCommunicationProcessValuesVisionShop FloorManagementManufacturingProcess Validation制造

4、工制造工藝認證藝認證In-ProcessControl &Verification工工藝藝控制控制與與確確認認QualitySystemManagement質質量體系管理量體系管理QualityFeedback/Feed-forward質質量反量反饋饋/前前饋饋ProductQualityStandards產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品品質質量量標標準準Built-In Quality制造質量制造質量Slide 3 GMSBuilt-In-Quality制造制造質質量量uWhat Is Quality? 什什么么是是質質量?量?uGroup Discussion 小小組討論組討論Slide 4 GMSDefi

5、nitions 定定義義Quality is what the customer perceives to be acceptable to achieve his/her enthusiasm質質量是客量是客戶戶感感覺覺能能夠夠接受接受并滿并滿足其足其熱熱忱的忱的東東西西Slide 5 GMSMad Cow 瘋瘋牛牛(Diseased Meat 病牛肉病牛肉)Poor Quality Means Lost Sales質質量差意味著失去客量差意味著失去客戶戶Firestone燧石燧石(Unintended Accidents)意外意外事故事故uninstalled shift lock漏裝移位

6、漏裝移位鎖鎖定定(Sudden Acceleration)突然加速突然加速Slide 6 GMS3452121671331501471542322111762222042191922031751562512622671999200020012001 2Q2002 1QIndustryAverageDaewooHyundaiKiaPP100: Not Reported Due To Insufficient Sample 樣品不足不匯報樣品不足不匯報( ) J.D. Power IQS Trend By BrandSlide 7 GMS647669624.85056688073656.35466

7、677871647.75361NCSIDaewooHyundaiKia NCSI By Makers - 2002 2002 NCSI CustomerExpectationsPerceivedQualityPerceivedValueCustomerLoyaltyCustomerRetentionCustomerComplaints客戶期望值感知質量感知價值客戶埋怨客戶忠誠客戶保持力Slide 8 GMSSlide 9 GMS : : 1122334455667788991010Voice of Customer 客客戶戶意意見見Slide 10 GMSVoice of Customer客客

8、戶戶意意見見 1. 停車方便 (Convenience of parking)2. 外觀式樣 (Exterior styling)3. 內部空間(Interior roominess)4. 節(jié)能 (Fuel economy)5. 安全(Safety)1.外觀式樣 (Exterior styling)2.內部空間(Interior roominess)3. 噪音與靜音 (Noise and quietness)4. 節(jié)能 (Fuel economy)5. 空調性能 (Air conditioner performance)1.發(fā)動機性能 (Engine Performance)2. 發(fā)動機噪音(

9、Engine Noise) 3.外觀式樣 (Exterior styling)4. 噪音與靜音 (Noise and quietness)5. 坐騎 (Ride)L61. 節(jié)能(Fuel economy)2. 噪音與靜音 (Noise and quietness)3. 內部空間(Interior roominess)4. 坐騎(Ride)5.外觀式樣 (Exterior styling)1節(jié)能 (Fuel economy)2. 空調 (Air conditioner)3. 噪音 (Noise)4. 發(fā)動機噪音(Engine Noise)5. M/T轉換 (M/T Shift)1. 節(jié)能(Fue

10、l economy)2. OSRVM手工控制 (Manual OSRVM control)3. 發(fā)動機噪音(Engine noise)4. 檢查發(fā)動機點火 (Check Engine light)5. 法人形象 (Corporate Image) 1. 節(jié)能 (Fuel economy)2. 制動性能 (Brake performance) 3. 喇叭性能 (Speaker performance)4. 內飾品質 (Interior quality)5. 噴涂質量差 (Poor paint quality)1. 3排坐椅相稱 (Seats comport : 3rd line)2. 節(jié)能 (F

11、uel economy)3. 發(fā)動機啟動(Poor engine start)4. 法人形象 (Corporate Image) 5. 級別 (Gradablity)Slide 11 GMSBuilt-in-Quality制造制造質質量量What is Built-In-Quality? 什什么么是制造是制造質質量?量? Group Discussion 小小組討論組討論Slide 12 GMSWhat is Built-In Quality?什什么么是制造是制造質質量?量?Definition 定定義義Method by which quality is built into the man

12、ufacturing process, so that defects are prevented, detected, and countermeasures are implemented to prevent reoccurrence.指指質質量在生量在生產(chǎn)過產(chǎn)過程中程中產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生,因此可以生,因此可以預預防、防、發(fā)現(xiàn)發(fā)現(xiàn)缺陷缺陷,以及采取措施防止,以及采取措施防止缺陷缺陷再再發(fā)發(fā)生的方法。生的方法。Purpose 意意圖圖 Ensures defects are not passed to the customer.確保不確保不傳遞傳遞缺陷。缺陷。Slide 13 GMSDesigners

13、設計師Suppliers 供應商Production生產(chǎn)人員Dealers經(jīng)銷商Buyers采購員Sales & Marketing銷售人員The Customer Chain. . . Company Perspective客客戶鏈戶鏈 公司公司遠遠景景Built-In-Quality制造質量制造質量Slide 14 GMSAssembly總裝Supplier供應商Paint涂裝Body車身The Customer Chain. . . Production Perspective客戶鏈客戶鏈 公司遠景公司遠景Each Process Has at Least One “Custom

14、er” and One “Supplier”每個階段至少有一個客戶和一個供應商每個階段至少有一個客戶和一個供應商Built-In-Quality制造質量制造質量Slide 15 GMSDo not不要不要Accept接受接受Build制造制造Ship傳遞傳遞a Defect!缺陷缺陷Solve Problems Through Teamwork!團隊團隊合作解合作解決問題決問題!Built-In-Quality Motto制造制造質質量口量口號號Satisfy Your Customer滿滿足足你你的客的客戶戶Slide 16 GMSQuality Through Teamwork Know

15、Your Customer!What water leaks?I dont see any water leaks什么漏雨?我沒發(fā)現(xiàn)漏雨。This car wasnt made on my shiftThe problem is Press Shop. The flange is too long.問題出自沖壓,邊緣過長I wont run any trial until I have an assembly method from Industrial Engineering and the manpower.The problem is that the pieces are bad fr

16、om the supplier. 問題在于供應商的材料不好。It is not from my area, maybe its the sealer這輛車不是我輪班造的。在沒有工業(yè)工程裝配方法及人力的情況下,我不做任何試驗。這不是我負責的地方,也許是粘膠負責Dont run away from the problem!不要逃避不要逃避問題問題!Slide 17 GMSLiving up to the Motto. . . 符合符合口號口號. . . - What Is a Defect? 什什么么是缺陷?是缺陷?- Group Discussion 小小組討論組討論 Defect 缺陷缺陷Sl

17、ide 18 GMSA defect is a product that does not meet the established quality standard.缺陷是不合缺陷是不合已已定定標標準的準的產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品。品。Measurement of a quality characteristic質質量性能量性能測測量量Vehicle #車輛車輛 號號Upper Specification Limit規(guī)規(guī)格上限格上限Lower Specification Limit規(guī)規(guī)格下限格下限Quality Standard質質量量標標準準Defect 缺陷缺陷Defect 缺陷缺陷xxSlide 19

18、GMSWhy are defects undesirable?為什么缺陷不受歡迎?為什么缺陷不受歡迎?lDefects may also result in 缺陷還可能導致L High warranty costs 過高保修成本L Lost customer sale 失去客戶Defects Require Correction = Correction is Waste 缺陷需要缺陷需要糾糾正正糾糾正就是浪正就是浪費費Slide 20 GMS QUALITY IS EVERYONES RESPONSIBILITY質質量是每量是每個個人的人的職責職責 Design, Engineering,

19、Production, Quality, Support Departments and Suppliers. 設計,工程,生產(chǎn),質量,相關部門及供應商OUR Best Resources:我們最好的資源: PEOPLE 員員工工OUR Goal :我們的目標: Everyone is a Quality Inspector 人人都是人人都是質檢員質檢員 Everyone is a Problem Solver 人人都是人人都是問題問題解解決決者者Slide 21 GMSWHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR QUALITY? 誰對質量負責?誰對質量負責?Slide 22 GMSME!我

20、!我!Slide 23 GMSHealth andSafety PriorityQualified PeopleTeam ConceptPeopleInvolvementOpenCommunicationProcessControlledExternal TransportationManufacturingProcess ValidationIn-ProcessControl & VerificationQualitySystemManagementScheduledShipping /ReceivingLevel VehicleOrder SchedulesSupplyChainM

21、anagementValuesVision/MissionShop FloorManagementInternal Pull /DeliveryAndonConceptProblemSolvingSimpleProcessFlowProduct Quality StandardsStandardizedWorkSmall LotPackagingTemporaryMaterialStorageQualityFeedback/Feed-forwardVisualManagementManagementby TAKT TimeWork-placeOrganizationEarly Mfg. and

22、 DesignIntegration (DFM / DFA)ContinuousImprovementProcessLean Design of Facilities, Equipment,Tooling and LayoutBusiness PlanDeploymentTotal ProductiveMaintenance Fixed Period Ordering System/ Order PartsProductQualityStandards產(chǎn)品質量標準產(chǎn)品質量標準Slide 24 GMSReflect voice of the customer反映顧客的心聲反映顧客的心聲Simpl

23、e, clear & support user簡單、清晰,簡單、清晰,有利操作者有利操作者Clearly Measurable at point of use在使用上可明確測量在使用上可明確測量In users Std. Work & posted visual在操作者的標準化在操作者的標準化工作或張貼出來工作或張貼出來Standards Must Support the Operator, too Not only the Engineer!標準不僅有益于設計者,標準不僅有益于設計者,也有益于操作工人也有益于操作工人Slide 25 GMSNot tighter than t

24、hose applied at the previous process 不要比前道工序的更嚴格不要比前道工序的更嚴格Final Inspection Standard:Gap +/- 1mmFINAL INSPECTIONBODY SHOPBody ShopStandard:Gap +/- 2mmSlide 26 GMSUse master parts and boundary samples as required to make visual標準件與邊界樣件需要目視化標準件與邊界樣件需要目視化Boundary Samples should visually indicate OK Not

25、 OK condition to help operators make quick, good decisions邊界樣件應該標明好或不好,以便操作人員迅速且更好地下決定。Visually “describing” the defect is Not a Boundary Sample! 目視化標明缺陷不是邊界樣件!目視化標明缺陷不是邊界樣件!Crater more than this size is not acceptable不接受焊口大于此尺寸Example of a Boundary Sample邊界樣品的范例邊界樣品的范例Slide 27 GMSI wouldnt buy this

26、!Doesnt look good to me!My opinion isThis does not meet the standard.Talk in terms of The Standard, not opinions! 以標準為基點,而非觀點!以標準為基點,而非觀點!Slide 28 GMSManufacturingProcess ValidationQualitySystemManagementProduct Quality StandardsQualityFeedback/Feed-forwardStandardizedWorkVisualManagementManagementb

27、y TAKT TimeWork-placeOrganizationAndonConceptProblemSolvingEarly Mfg. and DesignIntegration (DFM / DFA)ContinuousImprovementProcessLean Design of Facilities, Equipment,Tooling and LayoutBusiness PlanDeploymentTotal ProductiveMaintenanceControlledExternal TransportationScheduledShipping /ReceivingLev

28、el VehicleOrder SchedulesSupplyChainManagementInternal Pull /DeliverySimpleProcessFlowSmall LotPackagingTemporaryMaterialStorage Fixed Period Ordering System/ Order PartsHealth andSafety PriorityQualified PeopleTeam ConceptPeopleInvolvementOpenCommunicationProcessValuesVision/MissionShop FloorManage

29、mentIn-ProcessControl&VerificationManufacturingProcess Validation制造工序認證制造工序認證Slide 29 GMSWhat is a process?什么是工序?什么是工序?Inputs投入Outputs輸出A process is a set of inter-related resources and activities which transforms inputs into outputs.工序是集中相關的資源進行一系列活動,把投入轉換成輸出!工序是集中相關的資源進行一系列活動,把投入轉換成輸出!Environm

30、ent環(huán)境Process 工序工序 Man MachinesMethod MaterialsSlide 30 GMSWhere can Errors Occur?問題會出在哪?Defects缺陷缺陷Materials:材料材料Parts out of standard 不符標準的零件Wrong parts錯誤零件Poor design 設計不當 Method: 方法方法Poor std. Work 不好的標準工作Lack of Training 缺乏培訓 Machine/Process: 機機器器/工序工序No TPM 沒有TPMProcess not capable 工序不好Improper

31、 specification 規(guī)格不當 Man:人力人力Not follow std. Work 不遵循標準化工作Distractions, Forgetfulness 分心、遺忘Lack of Experience 缺乏經(jīng)驗Errors Result InSlide 31 GMSValidate the manufacturing process prior to Start of Production! 在生產(chǎn)啟在生產(chǎn)啟動前認證制造工藝!動前認證制造工藝!Do not切勿切勿Accept 接受接受Build 制造制造Ship 傳遞傳遞a Defect! 缺陷!缺陷!Living Up to

32、 the Motto達到口號達到口號“Eliminate the Need for Inspection on a Mass Basis by Building Quality into the Product in the First Place” - Dr. DemingPFMEAWorkstationReadiness工位準備Process ControlPlan 工藝控制計劃Error-proofing Plan防錯計劃Slide 32 GMSError Proofing Hierarchy 防錯層次Prevention 預防預防Detection 檢測檢測None無無Product

33、/ Process Design Change 產(chǎn)品/工藝設計改變 DFM/A & D/PFMEA Robust Designs & Capable Processes 機器設計及可行工藝 One-Way Assembly 同一裝配Process Controls 工藝控制Locating Pins & Stops 固定點及停點Sensors & Process Monitors 傳感器及工藝監(jiān)控Electro - Mechanical Devices 電子機械儀器Color Coding 顏色信號Visual Controls 直觀控制Andon System

34、s 暗燈系統(tǒng)Standardized Work 標準化工作Errors Cant Happen Small Improvement小改進Significant Improvement 重大改進Introduction to Error Proofing防錯介紹Slide 33 GMS0515100396OLHM510201501510124578101150515100396OLHM51020150151045781011512Original:Best:Visual Control Example0515100396OLHM51020150151012457810115Better:Slid

35、e 34 GMSABExample: Vehicle Identification車輛認證車輛認證 (Mutilation Cover Color)(蓋板顏色毀損蓋板顏色毀損)Visual Control ExampleSlide 35 GMSVertical Plate垂直板Battery Post電池接頭Process Control ExampleSlide 36 GMSXWork Piece 加工件Work Piece 加工件Fixture 夾具Fixture 夾具Process Control ExampleSlide 37 GMSProduct Design Example (Be

36、fore)OLDDESIGN老設計老設計Can be Installed Upside Down 可以反安裝 Application of Labels on Cassette Decks.門板標簽Slide 38 GMSNEWDESIGN新設計新設計Application of Labels on Cassette Decks.門板標簽Can Only Be Installed Correctly!Product Design Example (After)Slide 39 GMSLeft Hand Locator TabRight Hand Locator Tab Example - Pr

37、oduct Error Proofing (One Way to Install Seat Belt)防錯樣品防錯樣品只有一種安全帶安裝方法只有一種安全帶安裝方法Product Design Example 產(chǎn)品設計范例Slide 40 GMSSimple Everyday Examples1) Error Prevention Automatic shut-off自動斷電Slide 41 GMSError Proofing Exercise Think of an example at work or at home where error proofing can prevent an u

38、ndesirable thing from happening 想想工作想想工作或生活中使用防錯措施避免不好事情發(fā)生的例子或生活中使用防錯措施避免不好事情發(fā)生的例子 Discuss as a team and report Take 5 minutes 小組討論、匯報小組討論、匯報5分鐘分鐘Slide 42 GMSManufacturingProcess ValidationProductQualityStandardsQualitySystemManagementQualityFeedback/Feed-forwardStandardizedWorkVisualManagementManag

39、ementby TAKT TimeWork-placeOrganizationAndonConceptProblemSolvingEarly Mfg. and DesignIntegration (DFM / DFA)ContinuousImprovementProcessLean Design of Facilities, Equipment,Tooling and LayoutBusiness PlanDeploymentTotal ProductiveMaintenanceControlledExternal TransportationScheduledShipping /Receiv

40、ingLevel VehicleOrder SchedulesSupplyChainManagementInternal Pull /DeliverySimpleProcessFlowSmall LotPackagingTemporaryMaterialStorage Fixed Period Ordering System/ Order PartsHealth andSafety PriorityQualified PeopleTeam ConceptPeopleInvolvementOpenCommunicationProcessValuesVision/MissionShop Floor

41、ManagementIn-ProcessControl & Verification工序控制與認證工序控制與認證Product Quality StandardsSlide 43 GMS1. PreventionOutputs輸出Inputs投入NOK2. DetectionOKNext Process下道工序Feedback 反饋Do not不要不要Accept 接受接受Build 制造制造Ship 傳遞傳遞a Defect! 缺陷!缺陷!Living Up to the Motto符合標準符合標準3. Containment包容包容Slide 44 GMS1) Standardiz

42、edWork 標準化工作標準化工作Follow and Continuously Improve Standardized Work!遵守及不斷遵守及不斷改進標準化工作!改進標準化工作!In-Process Control & VerificationPreventionVehicle ManifestManual 2-DoorSunroofSlide 45 GMS2) Focus on Operation 集中精力生產(chǎn)集中精力生產(chǎn)Keep Your Concentration & Respect Standardized Work of Others!注意及尊重他人的注意及尊

43、重他人的標準化工作標準化工作In-Process Control & VerificationPreventionSlide 46 GMS3) Error Proofing Prevention & Operator Aids 防錯預防與操作者支持防錯預防與操作者支持The Best Process is One That Cannot Fail!最好工序就是不會失敗的!最好工序就是不會失敗的!In-Process Control & VerificationPreventionDAEWOOSlide 47 GMS4) Regular Checks of Systems

44、 & Processes定時檢查系統(tǒng)與工藝定時檢查系統(tǒng)與工藝Std. WorkChecks!檢查標準化工作檢查標準化工作In-Process Control & VerificationPreventionCHECKCHECK?CHECKProcess Control Checks!檢查工序控制!檢查工序控制!TPM Checks!檢查檢查TPMSafety/5SChecks!檢查安全檢查安全/5SSlide 48 GMS1)Self-Checks2)自檢自檢Include Quality Checksin Standardized Work!把質檢作為標準化工作把質檢作為標準

45、化工作的一部分的一部分DetectionCheck Methods:POINTTOUCHLISTENCOUNTSlide 49 GMS2) Error ProofingDetection 檢測防錯檢測防錯Use Visual and Audio Signals!使用視覺、使用視覺、聽覺信號!聽覺信號!DetectionStop the Line, or停線或停線或Use Alarms, or使用警報或使用警報或Combination of Both, depending on Criticality 根根據(jù)危險程度兼用據(jù)危險程度兼用兩種方法兩種方法Slide 50 GMS3) In-Proce

46、ssVerification 工序認證工序認證Inspectors are not there as a policeman, theysupport production byconfirming the process!檢察員不充當警察角色,檢察員不充當警察角色,而是作為確定工序的生產(chǎn)支持者而是作為確定工序的生產(chǎn)支持者DetectionVerification Stations Final LineC.A.R.E.Slide 51 GMS3a) Focus onCritical items 集中注意重大問題集中注意重大問題Frequency of checks to not allow C

47、ritical defects to leave the shop!經(jīng)常檢查,不讓重大缺陷經(jīng)常檢查,不讓重大缺陷走出車間!走出車間!DetectionSafety Items“Walk-Home” ItemsMajor Customer DissatisfierS/CF/FSlide 52 GMS4) Defect Escalation缺陷逐層匯報缺陷逐層匯報Escalate defects to leadership for support depending on frequency and criticality!根據(jù)缺陷出現(xiàn)頻率與嚴重程度根據(jù)缺陷出現(xiàn)頻率與嚴重程度逐層向領導匯報以尋求支

48、持!逐層向領導匯報以尋求支持!DetectionExample:Team LeaderSection LeaderGroup Leader2 defects/ 1 hour4 defects/ 1 hourSlide 53 GMS1) Use Andon (taught morelater) 使用暗燈使用暗燈Make problems visual & pull in support!問題直觀,問題直觀,拉線尋求幫助!拉線尋求幫助!Always Remember the Priorities:一定一定要牢記:要牢記:1) Safety安全安全2) Quality質量質量3) Respo

49、nsiveness (Throughput)響應響應Containment包容包容Slide 54 GMS2) Follow Containment Process 遵循包容程序遵循包容程序Extraordinary actionsto prevent defects frombeing passed!采取特別行動防止采取特別行動防止缺陷傳遞!缺陷傳遞!Some examples:1) Stop the line停線停線2) 100% checks100%檢查檢查3) On-line repair 線上維修線上維修4) Reworks返工返工5) Sorting 整理整理Containment

50、包容包容Slide 55 GMSDo not不要不要Accept 接受接受Build 制造制造Ship 傳遞傳遞a Defect! 缺陷!缺陷!It means empowered leaders make judgments how to control quality while trying to keep the line running!意味著領導有權作出決定:在盡量不停線的情況下,意味著領導有權作出決定:在盡量不停線的情況下,怎樣控制好質量!怎樣控制好質量!Does this mean we stop the line every time we have a problem?這是

51、不是意味著一有問題就停線呢?這是不是意味著一有問題就停線呢?Slide 56 GMSSometimes the best decision may be to let a defect pass to the next process, but有時最好的辦法是讓差錯有時最好的辦法是讓差錯轉到下工序,但是轉到下工序,但是1)It is a conscious decision made by the appropriate level 2)Action must be communicated to next “customer”3)Defect must be clearly identifi

52、ed on vehicle4)Containment must be in place to prevent further defects Examples of Some Andon Guidelines: 暗燈使用的指導暗燈使用的指導方針方針1) Will the problem affect the next process? 問題會不問題會不會影響下道工序?會影響下道工序?2) Can I effectively repair the defect out of station? 能不能在工位外有效解決問題?能不能在工位外有效解決問題?3) What is the status of

53、 my decouplers? 自己的切斷自己的切斷器是什么狀態(tài)?器是什么狀態(tài)?4) Others 其他其他Slide 57 GMSAndon Discussion Hoods Situation: At the Body Shop end-of-line Quality station it is discovered that there is a problem with cracked hoods. After working the line back we know that every car in the system has the condition all the way

54、 to Hood Install. After sorting the raw hoods, it is found that there are enough good hoods to keep producing cars, however there are not enough good hoods to repair the defective cars on-line. The suppler says new hoods will arrive in 6 hours. The operators at end of line have pulled the Andon and

55、the escalation process has pulled in the Body Shop Manager and Quality Manager. Considerations are: 1) The decoupler between Body and Paint is almost empty, 2) Hoods with cracked metal will not affect any of the subsequent processes, and 3) Hoods can be changed out of station relatively easily. Disc

56、ussion:You are the Plant Quality Manager what is your decision?Discuss as a group! Slide 58 GMSBackground: In this case, the decision is is shut down the line for (6) hours and wait for parts or run the line and make a containment plan. Since the decoupler between Body and Paint is almost empty, thi

57、s means all Body, Paint and GA will all eventually shut down. Potential Decision: In this case, Quality can still be achieved while maintaining our Responsiveness targets mostly because the hoods do not affect the next process. The Cost of stopping the line will not result in better Quality or Respo

58、nsiveness. Thus, a good decision would probably be to run the line and make a containment plan: All cars with bad hoods to be specially identified. Production and Quality in Paint and GA notified of the situation, know the vehicle numbers and identification method.100% check at Hood Install operatio

59、n until process capability is assured. Paint and Final Process notified that new hoods to be painted in Paint and will be swapped in Final Process area and have time to make a plan how to accommodate that.Andon Discussion - Hoods Slide 59 GMSSituation: At the Cockpit Load station in GA it is discove

60、red that there is a problem with one of the electrical harnesses within the cockpit. The cockpits are built as a module by an outside supplier. After working the line back we know that several cockpits in the system have the condition. The operators at Cockpit Load have pulled the Andon and the escalation process has pulled in the Trim Line Section Leader, who consults


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