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1、靈樞邪客:“肺心有邪,其氣留于兩肘;肝有邪,其氣留于兩腋;脾有邪,其氣留于兩髀;腎有邪,其氣留于兩腘?!?1) 靈樞根結(jié)說:“用針之要,在于知調(diào)陰與陽。” “The key in acupuncture treatment is to know how to regulate yin and yang.” - Chapter 5 in Miraculous Pivot2) 靈樞九針十二原說:“刺之要,氣至而有效”。 “In acupuncture, the arrival of qi is essential to obtaining therapeutic effects.” - Chapt

2、er 1 in Miraculous Pivot 絡(luò)脈則包括十五絡(luò)脈和無數(shù)的孫絡(luò)和浮絡(luò)。絡(luò)脈則包括十五絡(luò)脈和無數(shù)的孫絡(luò)和浮絡(luò)。經(jīng)脈中以十二經(jīng)脈為主體,又稱十二正經(jīng),經(jīng)脈中以十二經(jīng)脈為主體,又稱十二正經(jīng),還有奇經(jīng)八脈、十二經(jīng)別、十二經(jīng)筋和十二皮部。還有奇經(jīng)八脈、十二經(jīng)別、十二經(jīng)筋和十二皮部。手太陰 少陰 厥陰陽明 太陽 少陽足太陰 少陰 厥陰陽明 太陽 少陽任脈、督脈 沖脈、帶脈、陰蹺脈、陽蹺脈、陰維脈、陽維脈 十二經(jīng)別 十五絡(luò)脈 浮絡(luò)、孫絡(luò) 十二經(jīng)筋 十二皮部 handTaiyin shaoyin jueyinYangming taiyang shaoyangfootTaiyin shaoyi

3、n jueyinYangming taiyang shaoyangDu, RenChong, DaiYinqiao,Yangqiao,Yinwei,YangweiTwelve divergent meridians Fifteen collaterals Twelve muscle regionsTwelve cutaneous regionsThe Twelve MeridiansPoints of yang meridian Points of yin meridian陽經(jīng)輸穴陰經(jīng)輸穴二、奇經(jīng)八脈二、奇經(jīng)八脈 奇經(jīng)八脈,是指與十二經(jīng)脈不同的八條經(jīng)脈,簡稱“奇經(jīng)”。八脈名稱分別說明如下: T

4、he eight extra meridians, different from the twelve regular meridians, are called the extra meridians in short. Their nomenclature is explained as follows. Eight Extra Meridians Governor Vessel (Du)Conception Vessel (Ren)Thoroughfare Vessel (Chong)Belt Vessel (Dai)Yang Heel Vessel (Yangqiao)Yin Heel

5、 Vessel (Yinqiao)Yang Link Vessel (Yangwei)Yin Link Vessel (Yinwei)1、督脈、督脈 Du(Governor Vessel)Meridian “督”,有督率的意思,因這條經(jīng)脈循行于背部正中,督率諸陽經(jīng)。 Du means governing. Running along the midline of the back, the Du(Governor Vessel)Meridian governs all the yang meridians. 督脈督脈- -陽脈之海陽脈之海Governor Vessel (Du Meridian

6、)-the Sea of the yang meridians2、任脈、任脈 Ren Meridian (Conception Vessel) “任”,有妊養(yǎng)、擔任的意義,因這條經(jīng)脈循行于腹部正中,有總?cè)稳黻幗?jīng)的作用 。 Ren means fostering and responsibility. Going along the midline of the abdomen, the Ren(Conception Vessel)Meridian is responsible for all the yin meridians. 任脈-陰脈之海Conception Vessel (Ren M

7、eridian) -the Sea of the yin meridians3、沖脈、沖脈 Chong Meridian (Thoroughfare Vessel ) “沖”,意指要沖(交通要道),因這條經(jīng)脈主通行十二經(jīng)之氣血,稱為“十二經(jīng)脈之海” 。 Chong means a vital pass. At it regulates the flow of qi and blood in the twelve regular meridians, the Chong Meridian is called “the sea of the twelve primary meridians.” 4

8、、帶脈、帶脈 Dai Meridian (Belt Vessle) “帶”,意指腰帶,因這條經(jīng)脈橫于腰腹,主約束諸經(jīng) 。 Dai means a girdle. The Dai Meridian goes around the waist, binding up all the meridians. 5、陽蹺脈、陽蹺脈 Yangqiao Meridian 6、陰蹺脈、陰蹺脈 Yinqiao Meridian “蹺”,是足跟的意思,其起于外踝下者稱陽蹺,起于內(nèi)踝下者稱陰蹺。 Qiao means the heel. Yangqiao Meridian starts from below the

9、external malleolus; Yinqiao Meridian starts from below the internal malleolus. 7、陽維脈、陽維脈 Yangwei Meridian 8、陰維脈、陰維脈 Yinwei Meridian “維”,是網(wǎng)維和維系的意思,陽維主網(wǎng)維、聯(lián)絡(luò)一身在表之陽;陰維主維系、聯(lián)絡(luò)一身在里之陰。 Wei denotes connection and network. The Yangwei Meridian connects and networks the exterior yang of the whole body; the Yin

10、wei Meridian connects and networks the interior yin of the whole body. 三、十二經(jīng)別 The twelve divergent merdiains Branch out from the twelve regular meridians. Mainly distributed on the chest, abdomen and head. Function: connect internally-exterally related meridians strengthen their relation with the za

11、ng-fu organs serve as the extension of regular meridiansDistrivution:Derive from the regular meridians at the regions of four limbs;Enter the thoracic and abdominal cavities; The Yin and Yang divergent meridians run parallelly inside the body and emerge from the neck; In the head region, the Yin div

12、ergent meridians connect the Yang divergent meridians and then join the regular Yang meridians.Key: The twelve divergent meridians can be paired into six confluences according to their internal and external relationship. Mainly run deeper in the body, supplement the pathway that the regular meridian

13、s do not reach. There are no points located on them.四、十五絡(luò)脈四、十五絡(luò)脈 The fifteen collaterals The fifteen collaterals include:the twelve collaterals separating from the twelve regular meridians the collaterals of the Renthe collaterals of the Duthe major collateral of the spleen Function: Their function

14、is to connect the externally-internally related meridians and transport the local qi and blood so as to promote the free circulation of qi and blood of the meridians.Distribution: The fifteen collaterals distributed superficially over the four limbs and in the anterior, posterior and lateral aspects

15、 of the body. Each of the collaterals has a Luo-Connecting point, pertaining to the meridian where it derives. The collaterals on the four limbs not only run to the externally-internally related meridians but also possess other tributaries. collaterals on the trunk collateral of the Ren meridian col

16、lateral of the Du meridian the major collateral of the spleen disperse in the abdominal regiondisperses in the head and joints with the Bladder meridian on the backdisperses in the chest and hypochondriumMinute Collaterals and (浮絡(luò))Superficial Collaterals (孫絡(luò)) Besides the fifteen collaterals, there a

17、re many smaller branches and subbranches which are called Minute Collaterals and Superficial Collaterals respectively. They are distributed all over the body, possessing the function of transporting qi and blood to the body surface.五、十二經(jīng)筋 The twelve muscle regions The muscle regions are the sites wh

18、ere the qi and blood of the meridians nourish the muscles and tendons. Similar to the twelve regular meridians, they are also divided into three hand yin and three hand yang, three foot yin and three foot yang. They possess the function of connecting all the bones and joints of the body and maintain

19、ing the normal range of motion.Distribution ofthe muscle regions: Originating from the extremities of the limbs. Ascending to the head and trunk. Do not reach zang and fu organs. Muscle regionsDistributionConnectionThree yang of the footThe anterior, lateral and posterior aspects of the trunkeyesThr

20、ee yin of the footThe medial aspects of the lower limbsGenital regionThree yang of the handThe lateral aspects of the upper limbs and headAngle of the foreheadThree yin of the handThe medial aspects of the upper limbsThoracic cavityIndications (經(jīng)筋主病經(jīng)筋主病 ): In the treatment of diseases, the Muscle Re

21、gions are mainly indicated in muscular problems, such as the Bi syndrome, contracture, stiffness, spasm and muscular atrophy. In Chapter 13 of Miraculous Pivot, it says, “Where there is pain, there is an acupoint.” That means muscle problems can be treated by needling the local points. 經(jīng)筋主病主要有痹痛、拘攣、

22、強急、轉(zhuǎn)筋、痿軟等。 靈樞 “以痛為輸”,即筋病的治療是以就近取穴為主。六、十二皮部 The Twelve Cutaneous Regions The twelve cutaneous regions refer to the sites through which the qi and blood of the meridians are transferred to the body surface. In Chapter 56 of Plain Questions, it says,”The Cutaneous Regions are the part of meridian syste

23、m located in the superficial layer of the body. They are marked by the regular meridians.”十二皮部是經(jīng)絡(luò)氣血滲灌于體表的部位。素問 皮部論:“凡十二經(jīng)絡(luò)脈者,皮之部也;欲知皮部,以經(jīng)脈為紀?!?即皮部的分區(qū),以經(jīng)脈在體表的分布范圍為依據(jù)。 Since the cutaneous regions are the most superficial part of the body tissues, they bear the protective function of the organism. When

24、this function is lost, the exogenous pathogen may penetrate the skin to invade the collaterals and gain access to meridians and zang-fu organs. 由于皮部局與人體的最外層,是機體的衛(wèi)外屏障。當機體衛(wèi)外功能失常時,病邪可以通過皮部深入絡(luò)脈、經(jīng)脈以至臟腑。 In the Chapter 56 of Plain Questions, it says,”Skin is the place where the meridians are distributed. When the pathogen attacks t


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