Chapter 7 數(shù)詞、倍數(shù)和百分?jǐn)?shù)的翻譯_第1頁
Chapter 7 數(shù)詞、倍數(shù)和百分?jǐn)?shù)的翻譯_第2頁
Chapter 7 數(shù)詞、倍數(shù)和百分?jǐn)?shù)的翻譯_第3頁
Chapter 7 數(shù)詞、倍數(shù)和百分?jǐn)?shù)的翻譯_第4頁
Chapter 7 數(shù)詞、倍數(shù)和百分?jǐn)?shù)的翻譯_第5頁
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1、EST Translation數(shù)詞、倍數(shù)、百分?jǐn)?shù)的譯法 n數(shù)詞作為信息的重要載體在科技類文章中有數(shù)詞作為信息的重要載體在科技類文章中有著具足輕重的作用。著具足輕重的作用。 n科技英語數(shù)詞使用較多。理解和翻譯一些表科技英語數(shù)詞使用較多。理解和翻譯一些表示數(shù)量概念的句型結(jié)構(gòu)時(shí)有時(shí)會(huì)出現(xiàn)誤解,示數(shù)量概念的句型結(jié)構(gòu)時(shí)有時(shí)會(huì)出現(xiàn)誤解,錯(cuò)譯等現(xiàn)象。錯(cuò)譯等現(xiàn)象。n準(zhǔn)確無誤地翻譯數(shù)詞是保證譯文質(zhì)量的重要準(zhǔn)確無誤地翻譯數(shù)詞是保證譯文質(zhì)量的重要前提。前提。數(shù)字的譯法n1. 直譯nTo begin with, 30-meter high steel scaffolding is to be placed aroun

2、d the tower.n首先,在塔的周圍搭起首先,在塔的周圍搭起3030米米高的鋼制腳手高的鋼制腳手架。架。2. 換算Light travels at the rate of 300,000 kilometers per second.光以每秒光以每秒30萬千米的速度傳播。萬千米的速度傳播。翻譯練習(xí):翻譯練習(xí):1. Move to the next operation after the voltage reaches 150V.2. Half-lives of different radioactive element vary from as much as 900 million ye

3、ars for one form of uranium, to a small fraction of a second for one form of polonium.Keys:1.等電壓到了等電壓到了150伏再開始下一個(gè)操作。伏再開始下一個(gè)操作。2. 不同的放射元素其半衰期也不同,有一不同的放射元素其半衰期也不同,有一種鈾元素的半衰期長達(dá)種鈾元素的半衰期長達(dá)9億年,但有一種億年,但有一種釙元素的半衰期卻短到幾分之一秒。釙元素的半衰期卻短到幾分之一秒。不定量數(shù)字的譯法:不定量數(shù)字的譯法:n dozens of 幾十,幾打幾十,幾打n hundreds of 幾百,成百上千幾百,成百上千n

4、thousands of 幾千,成千上萬幾千,成千上萬n millions of 千千萬萬,數(shù)以百萬計(jì)千千萬萬,數(shù)以百萬計(jì)n scores of 幾十,許多幾十,許多n numbers of 許多,若干許多,若干n teens of 十幾十幾 (13-19)n tens/decades of 數(shù)十,幾十?dāng)?shù)十,幾十n hundreds of thousands of 數(shù)十萬,幾十萬數(shù)十萬,幾十萬n tens of thousands of 數(shù)萬,成千上萬數(shù)萬,成千上萬n millions upon millions of 數(shù)億,無數(shù)數(shù)億,無數(shù)e.g. The number of known hy

5、drocarbons runs into tens of thousands. 已知的碳?xì)浠衔锒噙_(dá)幾萬種。已知的碳?xì)浠衔锒噙_(dá)幾萬種。 熟悉常與數(shù)字連用的詞組:熟悉常與數(shù)字連用的詞組:n超過,超過,多達(dá):多達(dá): above, more than, over, up to, asasn以下,不足:以下,不足: below, less than, undern大約,大約,左右,將近:左右,將近: about, around, close to, nearly, or so, some, toward(s)n從從到:到:fromto,betweenand倍數(shù)的譯法倍數(shù)的譯法n英漢語言表達(dá)倍數(shù)的方式

6、截然不同n翻譯時(shí)常發(fā)生理解和翻譯的錯(cuò)誤倍數(shù)增加的譯法倍數(shù)增加的譯法nincrease by n timesnincrease n timesnincrease by a factor of nnincrease to n times 增加了增加了n n-1-1倍或增加到倍或增加到n n倍倍1. The strength of the attraction increases by four times if the distance between the original charges is halved. 如果原電荷之間的距離縮短一半,引力就會(huì)增加三如果原電荷之間的距離縮短一半,引力就會(huì)

7、增加三倍(增大到原來的四倍)。倍(增大到原來的四倍)。2. The speed exceeds the average speed by a factor of 3.5. 該速度達(dá)到了平均速度的該速度達(dá)到了平均速度的3.5倍以上(超過平均速倍以上(超過平均速度兩倍半)。度兩倍半)。 n A is n times larger than B A是是B的的n倍(大倍(大n-1倍)倍)n A is larger than B by n times A是是B的的n倍倍n A is n times as large as B A是是B的的n倍倍練習(xí): 1. The proton has a weight

8、 about 1837 times as heavy as the electron. 質(zhì)子的重量相當(dāng)于電子的1837倍。 2. Sound travels nearly three times faster than in copper than in lead. 聲音在銅中傳播的速度幾乎是在鉛中的三倍。 3. The melting point of this metal is greater than that of copper by approximately 2.5 times. 這種金屬的熔點(diǎn)大約比銅高1.5倍。其他表示倍數(shù)增加的短語其他表示倍數(shù)增加的短語n (to) doubl

9、en (to) triple (treble)n (to) quadruple倍數(shù)減少的譯法n decrease (by) 3 timesn decrease by a factor of 3n reduce to 3 timesn 3 times less than減少了減少了2/32/3(減至(減至1/31/3)n A is 3 times smaller than B A A是是B B的的1/31/3或或A A 比比B B小小2/32/3練習(xí):1. Switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened by three times.

10、 新型晶體管的開關(guān)時(shí)間縮短了2/3。2. The length of the process was reduced to four times. 進(jìn)度縮短到了1/4.百分?jǐn)?shù)的譯法百分?jǐn)?shù)的譯法nincrease/decrease by n% 表示凈增減,百分?jǐn)?shù)照譯(增加/減少了n%)nn%+比較級(jí)+than(或名詞)表示凈增減,百分?jǐn)?shù)照譯ndecrease to / fall to n% 減少到n%練習(xí):1. New engines can increase the pay load by 50 percent. 新型發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)能使有效負(fù)載增加50%。2. By using the new process the reject was reduced to 3 percent. 采用新的工藝方法, 廢品率下降到3%。3. At the same time, the infant m


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