1、Drop Test of a Container 學科學科: LS-DYNA 分析類型分析類型: 顯式動力學分析顯式動力學分析 使用的單元類型使用的單元類型: SHELL163 Problem Specification Problem Description Define Analysis Type Input Geometry Define Element Type, Real Constants, Material Model Properties Generate Mesh Apply Loads Obtain Solution Review Results 問題描述 這是一個鋁盒跌落
2、到鋼板平面的動力學分析,如下所述,盒子是一個五邊正方體,每邊為20inch長和0.1inch厚。它已在X,Y,Z的每個軸向轉動了450,板上部是邊長100inch,厚度為0.1inch的方鋼板。作用在盒子上的力僅為其只身重量。它從72inch 高處落下。這是一個典型的跌落試驗。問題的目的是驗證ANSYS/LS-DYNA的顯式動力學的能力為大變形和復雜接觸動力學問題?;緟等萜骱桶迳喜康某叽缛缟纤? 鋁合金容器的參數:鋁合金容器的參數: Youngs modulus of 10.3E6 psi, density of 2.5E-4 lbf-sec2/in4, Poissons ratio o
3、f 0.334, Yield Stress of 5,000 psi, Tangent modulus of 20,000 psi. 板是由碳鋼制成:板是由碳鋼制成: Youngs modulus of 30.0E6 psi, Density of 7.3E-4 lbf-sec2/in4, Poissons ratio of 0.292.方法和假設 (Approach and Assumptions) 在自由降落階段,容器由于重力作用進行簡單加速。為節(jié)省CPU時間,在板上方20inch處開始模擬分析,并施加200inch/s的初始速度以模擬最初52inch的自由降落. 200 inch/s的速
4、度大致由公式 Vf = SQRT (2*a*s) 推導而來,其中 Vf 是最終速度(final velocity), a 是重力加速度, 而 s 位移??諝獾哪Σ帘缓雎粤? 假定板上部具有剛性力學行為,而容器具有雙線性運動硬化Von mises塑性行為(bilinear kinematic hardening von Mises plasticity). 固體建模用于生成容器的3D模型, 然后對其劃分網格。節(jié)點和單元的直接生成(Direct generation)用于table top的建模。板上部為劃分成剛性單元,并僅用一個單元來表示.操作步驟 用問題描述中的信息和如下用問題描述中的信息和如
5、下劃線上劃線上的步驟自己來求解問題的步驟自己來求解問題.或者,通過或者,通過選擇選擇step1的連接用詳細的交互式單步求解完成的連接用詳細的交互式單步求解完成。定義分析類型定義分析類型 Define Analysis Type 1. Set preferences.輸入幾何模型輸入幾何模型 Input Geometry2. Read in geometry of the container.材料參數材料參數Define Element Type, Real Constants, Material Model Properties3. Define element type.4. Define
6、real constants.5. Specify material models.生成網格生成網格 Generate Mesh6. Mesh the container.7. Generate table top elements.8. Create container component.9. Create table top component.10. Specify contact parameters. 施加載荷施加載荷Apply Loads11. Apply initial Velocity to the container12. Apply acceleration to the
7、 container. 獲得解獲得解Obtain Solution13. Specify Output Controls14. Solve.查看結果查看結果Review Results15. Animate stress contours16. Animate deformed shape17. Exit the ANSYS program操作步驟 1. 定義preferences 首先設定Preferences in order to filter quantities that pertain to this discipline only.1. Main Menu Preferences
8、2, (check) “Individual discipline(s) to show in the GUI” = Structural3, (check) “Discipline options” = LS-DYNA Explicit4, OK(續(xù))1.4. 輸入幾何模型輸入幾何模型1.4.1. Step 2: 讀入容器的幾何結構讀入容器的幾何結構通過讀入包括容器模型的文件來開始模擬。1, Utility Menu File Read Input from .2, File name: container.inp UNIX version: /ansys_inc/v90/ansys/dat
9、a/models/container.inp PC version: Program FilesAnsys IncV90ANSYSdatamodelscontainer.inp3,OK2. 定義材料性能1.5. 定義單元類型,實常數和材料模型性能定義單元類型,實常數和材料模型性能1.5.1. Step 3: 定義單元類型定義單元類型 因為模型是具喲薄壁厚的容器撞擊板的,選用殼(shell)單元模擬物理模型。為更精確的結果,顯式的薄壁結構殼元SHELL163 用于選擇的單元。這種4節(jié)點單元用于平面和常規(guī)載荷。1,Main Menu Preprocessor Element Type Add/Ed
10、it/Delete2, Add.3, “LS-DYNA Explicit” (left column)4, “Thin Shell 163” (right column)5, OK現在, 設定 S/R corotational Hughes-Liu 單元公式以減少模型沙漏模型 (hourglass).6, Options.7, (drop down) “Element Formulation” = S/R corotation8, OK9, Close(續(xù))1.5.2. Step 4: 定義實常數定義實常數下一步下一步, 通過定義恰當的實常數來定義殼單元的厚度通過定義恰當的實常數來定義殼單元的
11、厚度.1, Main Menu Preprocessor Real Constants2, Add.3, OK to define real constant set for SHELL163.注意注意: 因為沒有給定積分點的輸入位置因為沒有給定積分點的輸入位置(No. of integration pts), 使用的缺省值為使用的缺省值為2. 為本教程的驗證目的,缺省值為本教程的驗證目的,缺省值2已已經足夠。然而,對于大多數的非線性分析,經足夠。然而,對于大多數的非線性分析,NIP 值應當大值應當大于于2.4, 如果單元是均勻厚度,只需定義節(jié)點如果單元是均勻厚度,只需定義節(jié)點1處的厚度,在本
12、例中,處的厚度,在本例中,設定設定 “Thickness at node 1” = 0.1. 5, OK6, Close(續(xù))1.5.3. Step 5: 設定材料模型設定材料模型現在為接觸和目標表面設定材料模型現在為接觸和目標表面設定材料模型.1, Main Menu Preprocessor Material Props Material Models2, (雙擊雙擊) “LS-DYNA”, 然后然后 “Rigid Material” 來設定來設定Table Top, 并設為并設為 “Material Model Number 1”.3, “DENS” = 7.3e-44, “EX” =
13、30e65, “NUXY” = 0.2926, (下拉下拉) “Translational Constraint Parameter” = All disps.7, (下拉下拉) “Rotational Constraint Parameter” = All rotations8, OK9, Material New Model 來為容器設定材料模型, 并指定為 “Material Model Number 2”.10, “Define Material ID” = 211, OK12, (雙擊) “Nonlinear”, then “Inelastic”, then “Kinematic H
14、ardening”, then “Bilinear Kinematic”13, “DENS” = 2.5e-414, “EX” = 10.3e615, “NUXY” = 0.33416, “Yield Stress” = 500017, “Tangent Modulus” = 2000018,OK19, Material Exit20, Toolbar: SAVE_DB劃分網格1.6. 生成網格生成網格1.6.1. Step 6: Mesh the container.在顯式求解中,例如ANSYS LS-DYNA, 分析時間高度依賴于模型中的最小單元. 因此, 為得到精確的結果, 應采用均勻尺
15、寸的單元.在本例中,采用缺省的單元尺寸。這里在容器的每個面上給出3x3的網格。1, Main Menu Preprocessor Meshing Mesh Tool2, (drop down) “Element Attributes” = Global; then Set3, (drop down) “Material number” = 24, OK5, (drop down) “Mesh” = Areas6, (check) “Mapped”7, Mesh8, Pick All 9, Toolbar: SAVE_DB(續(xù)) 1.6.2. Step 7: 生成板面單元生成板面單元現在通過現在
16、通過“Direction Element Generation”劃分劃分table top 的網格的網格. table top被定義成剛性表面,因此在該表面僅需定義一個單元被定義成剛性表面,因此在該表面僅需定義一個單元. 通過定義其通過定義其四個角部節(jié)點生成該模型,然后從這些節(jié)點建立單元四個角部節(jié)點生成該模型,然后從這些節(jié)點建立單元.1, Utility Menu PlotCtrls Pan, Zoom, Rotate2, Obliq3, Close4, Utility Menu PlotCtrls Numbering5, (check) “Node numbers” = On6, OK 7,
17、 (drop down in MeshTool) “Element Attributes” = Global; then Set8, (drop down) “Material number” = 19, OK10, Close MeshTool( (續(xù)續(xù)) )11, Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Nodes In Active CS12, “Node number” = Leave blank so it defaults to the next available node number.13, “X Y Z Location in acti
18、ve CS” = -50, -20, -5014, Apply 生成遠方左角點的節(jié)點生成遠方左角點的節(jié)點.15, “X Y Z Location in active CS” = -50, -20, 5016, Apply生成近處左角點的節(jié)點生成近處左角點的節(jié)點.17, “X Y Z Location in active CS” = 50, -20, 5018, Apply生成遠方右角點的節(jié)點生成遠方右角點的節(jié)點.19, “X Y Z Location in active CS” = 50, -20, -5020, OK生成遠方右角點的節(jié)點生成遠方右角點的節(jié)點.現在生成單元現在生成單元.21,
19、Main Menu Preprocessor Modeling Create Elements Auto Numbered Thru Nodes22, 按反時針方向,點取剛剛生成的四個節(jié)點按反時針方向,點取剛剛生成的四個節(jié)點.23, OK24, Utility Menu Plot Elements 生成容器部件1.6.3. Step 8: Create container component.大多數的接觸算法要求接觸參數,它們可以是大多數的接觸算法要求接觸參數,它們可以是 components, part IDs, 或或 part assembly IDs. 在本例中,由容器的節(jié)點產生在本例中
20、,由容器的節(jié)點產生 component.1,Utility Menu Select Entities2,(first drop down) “Elements”3,(second drop down) “By Attributes”4,(check) “Material num”5,“Min,Max,Inc.” = 26,Apply7,(first drop down) “Nodes”8,(second drop down) “Attached to”9,(check) “Elements”10,OK定義部件定義部件11, Utility Menu Select Comp/Assembly C
21、reate Component12, “Component name” = BOX13, (drop down) “Component is made of” = Nodes14, OK15, Utility Menu Plot Nodes 16, Utility Menu Select Everything 生成生成Table Top Table Top 組件組件1.6.4. Step 9: 生成生成table top component. 現在現在, 生成由生成由table top 的節(jié)點組成的組件的節(jié)點組成的組件.1, Utility Menu Select Entities2, (fi
22、rst drop down) “Elements”3, (second drop down) “By Attributes”4, (check) “Material num”5, “Min,Max,Inc” = 16, Apply7, (first drop down) “Nodes”8, (second drop down) “Attached to”9, (check) “Elements”10, OK(續(xù))11, Utility Menu Select Comp/Assembly Create Component12, “Component name” = TABLE13, (drop
23、down) “Component is made of” = Nodes14, OK15, Utility Menu Plot Nodes 16, Utility Menu Select Everything17, Toolbar: SAVE_DB定義接觸參數1.6.5. Step 10: Specify contact parameters.在已知接觸行為的分析中,為得到最好的結果應選擇恰當的接觸算法。然而這方面問題的本質,接觸條件可能是無法預測的。為此,通過選擇自動面-面接觸,程序能自動地調整以適應模擬中的變化。1, Main Menu Preprocessor LS-DYNA Optio
24、ns Contact Define Contact2, “Contact Type” = “Surface to Surf” (left column); “Automatic (ASTS)” (right column)3, OK4, (drop down) “Contact Component or Part no.” = BOX5, (drop down) “Target Component or Part no.” = TABLE6, OK7, Toolbar: SAVE_DB 施加載荷1.7. 施加載荷施加載荷1.7.1. Step 11: 在容器上給出初始速度在容器上給出初始速度1
25、, Main Menu Solution Initial Velocity On Nodes w/Nodal Rotate2, (drop down) “Input velocity on component” = BOX3, “Global Y-component” = -2004, OK 在瞬態(tài)動力學分析中,載荷必須定義為分析的過程( duration of the analysis),為此生成包括這個數據的列陣(Array)5, Utility Menu Parameters Array Parameters Define/Edit6, Add.7, “Parameter name” =
26、 TIME8, OK9, Edit.10, “1” = 011, “2” = 112, File Apply/Quit13,Add.14, “Parameter name” = ACCG15, OK16, (highlight) “ACCG”17, Edit.18, “1” = 386.419, “2” = 386.420, File Apply/Quit21, Close施加加速度于容器施加加速度于容器1.7.2. Step 12: Apply acceleration to the container.1, Main Menu Solution Loading Options Specif
27、y Loads2, “Load Labels” = ACLY3, (drop down) “Component name or PART number:” = BOX4, (drop down) “Parameter name for time values:” = TIME5, (drop down) “Parameter name for data values:” = ACCG6, OK 求解控制求解控制1.8. Obtain Solution1.8.1. Step 13: 設定輸出控制設定輸出控制.1,Main Menu Solution Time Controls Solution
28、Time2,“Terminate at Time:” = 1.03,OK4, Main Menu Solution Output Controls File Output Freq Number of Steps 5,“Specify Results File Output Interval” = 506,“Specify Time History Output Interval” = 507,OK8,Main Menu Solution Analysis Options Energy Options9,OK to turn on all energy options10,Toolbar: S
29、AVE_DB1.8.2. Step 14: Solve.1, Main Menu Solution Solve2,查看狀態(tài)窗口的信息,然后選擇: File Close (Windows) or Close (X11/Motif), to close the window. 3,OK 進行初始求解.注意: A verification window will appear to notify you of a warning message. This warning was generated due to constraining the table top by defining it a
30、s a rigid element rather than using degrees of freedom constraints. Therefore the warning can be ignored.4,Yes5,Close求解求解查看結果1.9. Review Results1.9.1. Step 15: Animate stress contours.1, Utility Menu Plot Elements2, Utility Menu PlotCtrls Pan, Zoom, Rotate3,Front4,Close5,Utility Menu PlotCtrls Numbering6,(check) “Node numbers” = Off7,OK8,Main Menu General Postproc Read Results First set9,Utility Menu PlotCtrls Animate Over Results10,(c
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